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The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set

Page 18

by Patty Devlin

  She tried to speak, but despite his quiet words, he held her fast.

  “We’ll just go a bit farther into the trees. I only want what’s mine.”

  What could she possibly have that would be William’s? Finding an opening, she bit his hand, and he grunted and withdrew it momentarily.

  The first thing she did was scream as loud and for as long as she could before he clapped his hand on her mouth again. This time, she could taste blood where he’d rammed her lip into her teeth.

  “Foolish little bitch,” he said. “I might have to kill you before I take what I want. A mysterious assailant will have murdered you in your family’s own orchard. How very dramatic and frightening. All the little girlies will be shaking in their beds and looking to big, strong men to save them from the ghouls that roam the night.”

  His patter didn’t stop her from struggling, but she couldn’t draw a deep breath, with his hand over her mouth and her corset laced so tightly. Eventually, as he dragged her backwards, he stumbled over something on the ground and lost his hold on her waist for a brief moment. She slugged him as hard as she could with a fist to his groin and, grunting and bent over in pain, he freed her.

  Once again, Sunny screamed, but this time, she started to run back toward the house. She got about ten feet before she ran into a wall of muscle.


  It was Abel. Some of the other men were running up behind him, and Uncle Raymond had a shotgun.

  Still doubled over, William struggled to stand up and make some excuse for his being out here with Sunny. “She lured me out here, Armstrong. I thought it might be for a few pre-wedding kisses, but she was all over me. When she heard you coming, she kneed me in the groin and hurried back toward you.”

  “Liar!” Sunny shouted, tears forming in her eyes from a combination of relief and anger. “He had Lisa-Anne tell me there would be a moonlight stroll out here, and she said I was to meet you, Abel.” At the mention of his daughter’s name, Mr. Peebles gasped. Alan Peebles started to say something, but Abel held up a hand. His mouth was a grim line. “Let’s deal with this worm first. Stand up, Steinbocker.”

  “Now, now. You know how women can be, Armstrong. I mean, we all remember your previous wife, Lorelei. She was a liar, too. You have a knack for-”

  Abel didn’t need to hear more. He hauled off and punched William in the mouth. The smaller man was knocked back several paces, but Abel didn’t let him get far. He grabbed William by the shirtfront and hit him in the face again. “That’s for Sunny!” Abel told him. “And that,” he said and punched him in the stomach, “is for all the other young ladies you’ve manhandled over these last years.”

  Uncle Raymond cocked his shotgun and pointed it at William as Abel let him drop to the ground, where he moaned and rolled in the dirt. Raymond spoke to Alan Peebles and his father. “Grab him, fellas. I reckon he’s got a rendezvous with the sheriff comin’ up.”

  Abel backed up and got out of the way while the other men gathered up the groaning, stumbling William and drew him away. Sunny ran into Abel’s arms and wept.

  He held her tightly. “There, there, darlin’. It’s all over. Did he hurt you?”

  “I think I have a split lip, but that’s all. He said he was going to kill me!”

  “But you’re alright now. You were very brave. I saw that hit you gave him where it counted. Your split lip will mend, and he’s not going to kill you or anyone else. I believe he’s gone mad. He was a bad seed to begin with, and now he’s gone over the cliff. The sheriff will do what needs to be done. The town will be in an uproar over this. There will be gossip, but you stand tall, sweetheart. You didn’t do anything wrong, and you keep remindin’ yourself of that. I’ll remind anyone who says anything I can hear.” He opened and closed his fist. “If I have to remind them the hard way, I won’t hesitate.”

  “Oh, Abel, I’m sorry. I brought this on myself.”

  “No woman deserves to be raped, little girl. No matter what they do. And your sins were far too mild to bring on this kind of behavior from Steinbocker. You happened to be the latest, most convenient target.”

  Sunny just wanted to get it all behind her. She snuggled up against Abel’s big chest and sobbed for a few minutes more but soon got herself together and, giving him a thank-you kiss on the jaw, stood straight in his arms. “Let’s go back now. People will be leaving. I want to try to put a good face on this disastrous evening.”

  “That’s my girl,” Abel said. He took her hand, and they walked back to the house.

  * * *

  Saturday dawned, and with it came the oppressive Texas summer heat. Sunny took a long, cool bath before donning her best dress. She’d have liked to have a new one made just for the wedding, but that was impractical, not only because of the short time frame, but also because she now knew that she and her mother were barely making ends meet. So, her white cotton dress with small blue flowers and white eyelet trim was going to have to do. She looked in the peer glass as her mother fussed over her, and she thought she looked presentable enough. Color was high on her cheekbones, and her blue eyes sparkled. She put a jaunty white satin and net hat on her head at a cocked angle, adjusted the blue silk flower on the brim, and pronounced herself done.

  The ride to the church was fraught with Mother’s last minute instructions for comportment and good behavior as a wife. She might not have approved of Abel, but now that they were committed, she was happy to give advice on getting along.

  Abel was waiting for them when they got there. He stood outside the church door, a few of his friends milling around with him. Once they saw the hired buggy arrive, they patted Abel on the back and let him greet her on his own.

  Mother played with Sunny’s dress for another few seconds after they’d alighted from the buggy and then excused herself and went into the church. The choir sang a hymn as Abel walked Sunny down the aisle.

  Things went rather rapidly from that point on, but Sunny tried to breathe steadily and keep her eyes on her groom or the pastor. They repeated their vows diligently, and Abel added a sweet “I love you” to the end of his.

  Sunny didn’t know where he’d gotten it, but he had a ring for her. It was sized a bit big, but it didn’t fall off.

  At the end of the ceremony, the choir sang again, and Abel gave her a tender kiss that held a lot of promise.

  As they left the church, Sunny noted that her mother and Aunt Elizabeth were both teary. It almost made her cry as well, but she kept her tears of joy back rather than making Abel wonder what in Hades she was upset about.

  There was a wedding breakfast to attend, and many toasts were said to the happy couple. Eventually, however, Sunny and Abel were free to go back to his house alone. As they left the gathering, there was a bit of a shivaree to send them on their way. The loud noise and hoopla really cemented the change in status for Sunny. She snuck a glance at her bridegroom and found him smiling broadly. It made her smile, too.

  There hadn’t been time to plan a honeymoon, and Sunny wasn’t even sure Abel could afford one, but if it happened, it could happen later. Sunny was far more interested in Abel’s attentions than a trip anywhere.

  Abel’s house was large, with lathe and plaster walls inside, and comfortable-looking leather chairs and a piano in the parlor. She could see signs of a woman’s touch throughout the place, and realized that his ex-wife must have had a hand in helping him decorate, but he’d not done any redecorating since his divorce. Sunny would have to add touches of her own taste to the place over time.

  Although she’d want to get to know her new home better, there were more important things to do, and they started with Abel drawing her into his arms for a leisurely kiss.

  Sunny found his kisses tender at first, but they grew in ardor. Now that they were married, she wanted to try kissing back, and found that when she did, Abel’s enthusiasm increased. He caressed her back, and Sunny felt her nipples pucker and grow hard. The sensation reminded her strongly of their encounter in the sh

  Abel cupped her bottom and squeezed, and though it was padded by her thick skirt and bustle, his hands were powerful enough to make her shiver with anticipation.

  After giving her behind his attention, he began to unbutton her dress. One by one, he loosed the pearl buttons in the front until the dress was hanging off her shoulders and her chemise and corset were showing. Sunny watched Abel’s eyes throughout, seeing the love there, mixed with no small amount of lust. It made her blush. She had next to no idea what was going to happen between them; her mother, despite her yammering in the buggy, had not seen fit to explain marital relations to her. All Sunny knew was that they’d share their bed.

  Having shared a bed with her covers-stealing mother while they lived at the Taggarts’, Sunny hoped Abel would be more generous with the blankets. But she was incredibly curious about what these kisses led up to.

  Abel pushed the dress off Sunny and left her standing in her underclothes. His gaze traveled over her and made her warm wherever it went.

  “You are beautiful,” he said, reverence coloring his voice. “I feel as though I’m unwrappin’ the most precious gift. Turn so I can unlace your corset.”

  She did. Getting out of the corset was such a relief. But her excitement was growing. She wanted to see Abel, too. As he reached for the shoulders of her chemise, Sunny reached for his jacket. It was his Sunday-best, made of fine wool with mother-of-pearl buttons. Although his shoulders were crammed into the thing, Sunny got him out of it, and she fussed with his vest and collar and shirt until all were off. They threw the clothes into an untidy pile on a chair as they stood in the parlor. It was so titillating to be half-naked in the parlor with him, and as she exposed his broad chest, her heart skipped a beat. Oh, my, but he was handsome. His muscles were hard and thick, not at all disguised by the mat of hair on his chest. The hair made a straight line right into his trousers, and as her eyes followed that pathway, she saw the distinct bulge in the front. It was so intriguing, she stopped touching his chest and upper arms and slid her hands down his body to gingerly touch his masculinity.

  He let her explore, though his breath came faster as she touched him.

  “Can I…Can I see all of you?” she asked, suddenly feeling shy. Maybe it was something not done.

  Abel didn’t answer except to unbutton his trousers and kick off his shoes. As he peeled down his clothes, he bent, hiding the very thing she most wanted to see. But once his socks were removed, he stood up straight again

  Sunny gasped at the revelation. His manhood was thick, big, gently pulsing. Her eyes went to his face and found him grinning. “Your turn,” he said.

  Although it made her blush furiously, she wiggled out of her last clothes and tried not to be too embarrassed. She only hoped she was suitable. The look in his eyes made her suddenly more timid, and she put her hands over her chest and maidenly charms.

  “No, don’t cover up,” he told her, prying her hands loose. “I want to see you. It excites me to see you, Sunny.”


  Aggressively, he pulled her into his arms again and kissed her thoroughly. The feel of his skin against her nipples was exquisite. She roamed all over his chest and arms with trembling fingers, and then, feeling bold when he kissed her more forcefully, she reached between them and touched that mysterious part of him. Abel’s groan made her release him immediately.

  “It’s alright, darlin’. You can touch me. I like it,” he whispered into her ear.

  Tasting, teasing, Abel plied his mouth along her throat and down her chest until he was suckling on one of her nipples. The feeling was exquisite, and she threw back her head and moaned. He laved and teased both breasts for a while, until Sunny thought she’d burst with longing. Her tummy was tightening, and she was reminded of that wonderful feeling she’d had with Abel once before.

  “It’s happening again,” she murmured, her hands in his hair, pressing his face against her breast. “Oh, Abel!”

  Fingers slid down her belly and to her femininity, cupping her there and gently parting those folds. All she could do was moan and burn with desire. There was a place there, a place Abel discovered for her, a place where something magical happened. He touched her where her curls began to part, and Sunny came up to her tiptoes, the feeling was so incredible.

  “Oh, God,” she cried, her breathing harsh and heavy.

  “Let go,” he told her as he rubbed that very sensitive place. And, really, Sunny had no choice. She couldn’t have held her response back if she tried. She writhed against his seeking fingers and cried out his name as wave after wave of pleasure broke over her. Her body thrummed, her thighs got wet, and little incoherent noises stuttered from her throat. But, eventually, the feeling began to pass, and gasping, she relaxed as Abel withdrew his fingers.

  “Good girl.”

  “I love that feeling,” she said on a sigh.

  “I love makin’ you spend.” He took her hand and stood, pulling her toward the staircase. “Come with me. There’s more for us to do, but we need a proper bed.”

  “But, I’m not sleepy!”

  “That’s not all you can do in bed, little innocent.”

  He led her up the stairs. They entered a large room with heavy oak furniture and a neatly made bed covered with a handmade quilt that lent a bright splash of color—another of the other woman’s touches, Sunny thought.

  Abel pulled her onto him as he flopped backwards onto the thick cotton-filled mattress. “Now, we put him to use,” he said.


  He took her hand and led her down to that jutting manhood that so intrigued her. “Him.”

  Rolling her over, Abel covered her with his big, warm body, holding himself up on his elbows as he kissed her again. The rock hard evidence of his desire felt funny between her legs, but her natural inclination to let her legs fall open made Abel make a small, encouraging noise, so she relaxed a bit more.

  “Knees up. Let me in.”

  “Like this? Oh!” That rod slid over her wet center and touched the sensitive spot, sending a shiver over Sunny right from that place to her hard nipples and back again.

  Abel kissed her firmly and, balanced on one arm, reached down to guide himself to the throbbing core of her. He prodded there for a moment, and Sunny wondered at the stretch of her opening.

  “It may hurt this once, sweetheart,” he explained, “but only the one time.”

  “How bad will it hurt?”

  He kissed her nose quickly. “I don’t know. I’m not a woman. It will only be the once.”

  “We won’t do this again?”

  “Yes, we’ll do it many times. But, shh now. This feels good, doesn’t it?” He slid the cap of his manhood over the sensitive place again, and Sunny arched to encourage him.


  “Try to relax.”

  She tried, but her middle was all twisty, and her nerves were wound tight. Abel thrust his hips and forced himself deep into her core. “Ow! Stop!”

  He stilled. “I’m sorry,” he said, his mouth against her ear. “Trust me?”

  She nodded.

  Abel moved against her, withdrawing almost all the way, and then slowly sank back in. It felt full inside, somewhat intrusive, but it didn’t really hurt. He did it again, and soon again, and it actually began to feel good as she got used to the rhythm. After a minute, she felt that swirling sensation again, this time building from inside where he was lodged.

  He slowed and drew out the thrust a long time.

  “Oh, don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

  Chuckling, he increased his rhythm again, and it prompted Sunny to arch her hips, pulling him in tighter. His breath came fast, and the heavy muscles of his back got tight under her hands. Sunny reached down to grip his buttocks as he’d done to her in the parlor, and he groaned softly, his mouth taking hers.

  They rocked together, the feelings getting stronger, until Sunny could hardly stand it anymore. She wrapped her legs around him and yanke
d him, unable to force him deeper, closer, as he resisted. Finally taking the blunt hint, he slammed into her, pulling the breath from her lungs and sending her into a pleasure spiral that wrought a cry of joy from her.

  She hadn’t come down from that pinnacle yet when Abel groaned and stilled in her, his rod pulsing within.

  “Are you spending?” she whispered in wonder.

  He was breathing harshly, his eyes tightly closed, when he gave her a quick nod.

  “I like it.”

  That made him laugh. “Good.”

  He withdrew and Sunny suddenly missed the feel of him inside her, but he pulled her into his arms and rolled onto his back, cuddling her at his side as he caught his breath.

  “Can we do it again?”

  “In a minute.”

  Sunny snuggled against him, her head on his chest. They rested for a while, and Sunny was beginning to wonder whether Abel had fallen asleep when there was a knock on the door downstairs. Abel tensed beneath her.

  “Who could that be?”

  “I don’t know, but whoever it is had better have a damn good reason for callin’.” He got out of the bed and took a pair of pants and a work shirt off a peg, donning them quickly. Within a minute, he was out of the room.

  Sunny sat up and wondered whether she was supposed to get dressed and greet their caller. But she heard two voices downstairs, Abel and another man. They were far enough away that she couldn’t hear what they were saying.

  They talked down there for quite some time, including some moments of raised voices, and she’d decided that she’d best try to make herself presentable when she heard the front door slam and Abel run up the stairs. He burst into the room, a mighty frown on his face.

  “We need to get the rest of your things from your mother, Sunny. We have to go to Denver tomorrow.”

  Chapter 8


  Abel wouldn’t answer Sunny’s questions as they scurried around, preparing to travel as quickly as possible. He appeared to be mulling it over. Sunny was thinking maybe it was a surprise honeymoon, but that didn’t fit with the way everything had to be hurried and that person showing up at their door on their wedding day.


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