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The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set

Page 46

by Patty Devlin

  Her mind immediately replayed the evening when he had taken her wet from the tub, spanked her, and then had her lustfully on the desk in their hotel room. He’d said at home they’d start with… her eyes shot to the wood rail and spindles behind him.

  “The balustrade,” she breathed as the fiery heat of arousal raced through her.

  “She remembers.” He turned her and walked her forward until her soft belly rested against the railing.


  He brushed wet kisses across her shoulders. “Baby?”

  “Is this sturdy enough to hold us?”

  “As stout as a redwood, my love. I won’t let anything happen to you. Now bend over.”

  Hesitant, her eyes swept the marble floor of the foyer fifteen feet below. Pausing too long for his liking, he wrapped his hand around her middle as his other hand pushed firmly against her upper back until her upper body leaned over the balustrade. As he had foretold, her hair and breasts hung free while he prepared to take her from behind.

  She maintained a death grip on the rail, her knuckles and fingers white from the strain, as she felt him stoop behind her and spread kisses along her bare bottom. When he licked her, his tongue lapped upward between her cleft and cheeks. Emmalee squealed, shooting up on her toes. She halfway stood up.

  “Clint, I don’t know if I like this.”

  “Which don’t you like, my tongue or the height?”

  “The height, of course.” She didn’t say that his tongue was exquisitely erotic, and she wanted more of it, although she’d much rather have it safely in their bed.

  “Baby, trust me. I won’t let you fall.”

  He hadn’t let go of his grip on her, that was true, and she did trust him. She tried to relax as he slowly rose behind her, his very active mouth teasing along her spine as he went.

  “Spread your legs wider.”

  She did as he asked, and when she was spread to his satisfaction, he pushed her forward again.

  “Stay where I put you, Emmalee.”

  Her mind spun out of control as his deep, husky voice commanded her. Stay where I put you. Was this one of his educational moments? Knowing her husband, it surely was.

  “Is this a lesson, honey?”

  He surged into her from behind as he asked, “Hm, are you learning something?”

  “Heavens yes, I’m learning that you are very creative.”

  A hard swat landed on each cheek. Bent as she was, her bottom upraised, high and taut, she was in the perfect position for a spanking as well as what she thought he had originally intended.

  “Answer my question, sweetheart. Have you learned anything from your ordeal, from the train wreck, or the trail ride, or that bastard Homer Barton?”

  As he asked his probing questions, he peppered her bottom with blistering hard swats until she let go of the rail with one hand. It flew back protectively, instinctively spread wide across her stinging hot skin. He paused, capturing her wrist in his large hand; then reaching around, he secured the other so that both hands were pinned to her lower back with one of his own. He then continued, right where he’d left off.

  After about ten hard smacks had been delivered, he asked again. “What have you learned, Em?”

  “That I can’t go haring off willy-nilly, disregarding my safety.”

  His hand rewarded that answer, brushing soothingly over her warm, inflamed sin.

  “That’s a start. Go on.”

  “That the end doesn’t justify the means.”

  “Excellent,” he murmured, further rewarding her with the soft glide of his fingers over the dampness between her legs. “Anything else?”

  “Yes,” she exhaled breathlessly, her voice quivering and unsteady from his teasing fingers. “I’ve learned that I trust you. That you want what’s best for me and that even though sometimes, I might not like what you’ve decided, that you always have my best interest at heart, and like our wedding vows said, I should honor and obey you.”

  His arm wrapped around her waist, supporting her, then he released her wrists. The next instant he had enfolded her tight as he surged into her from behind. Pulling her up until she stood with her back to his chest, his head dipped down, brushing his lips against her ear. “Baby, that was a perfect response. I love you, Emmalee.”

  Lifting her arms, she entwined them around his neck, holding on, balancing against the steady thrust of his hips. The other hand threaded through his soft hair. She clung to him, turning her head, her mouth searching for his. When his head turned and his lips met hers, she whispered, “I love you, too, Clint.”

  He kissed her then, deeply, the balustrade forgotten. They didn’t need its support any longer. It wasn’t long before Em’s cries carried throughout the hall, bouncing off the foyer below them. Her breathy moans and sighs resonated beautifully, rising at a pace parallel to her need. Her voice was joined in a moment by Clint’s lower, raspier tones as they both cried out in a splendid, ecstatic release.

  Afterward, she stood in the circle of his arms, the only thing keeping her on her feet. Her legs felt like jelly, arms having fallen limply to her sides, her head lolling back against his shoulder.

  “How was that? Boring?”

  “Oh no, remember that word has been purged from my vocabulary in regard to you. Except—”

  “Except what?” he asked with mock indignation. “Are you critiquing already? Never let it be said that I don’t aim to please. So tell me, was it the venue or the technique?”

  Giggling, she opened her mouth to comment, but he cut her off.

  “I know. It was the accessories; we lacked a mirror. I must admit to liking that too. Seeing your beautiful face as you find your pleasure is heady stuff.” He nuzzled her neck as he spoke teasingly. “Oh, to have been an onlooker in the foyer, looking up just now.”

  “You are incorrigible, Clint Ryan. What am I going to do with you?”

  “Love me forever and…” He grinned down at her, his brilliant blue eyes twinkling happily. When he left his statement hanging teasingly, she took the bait.

  “Forever, without a doubt, my love, but you didn’t finish. And what?”

  “I’ll answer my ‘and’ then you’ll have to answer your ‘except.’”


  “Look down, to the left of the door.”

  Her eyes swept to the foyer below. To the left of the door stood a stunning three-drawer chest, hand painted down the front with floral garlands on a buttery ochre background and cabriole legs. Above, affixed securely to the wall, was a gleaming beveled mirror.

  She smiled wickedly. The man really was incorrigible, and luckily, she got to reap the rewards.

  “I see you like that idea, sweetheart. Now it’s your turn.”

  “Mm, yes, mine except…” Turning in the circle of his arms, she grinned up at him, feeling as incorrigible as he was. “You see, dear husband, I remember a promise you made that you seemed to have forgotten.”

  “What promise?” His grin widened, a dimple appearing in one cheek to match the one in his chin.

  She’d never noticed it before. Fascinated, she lifted a hand and traced it with her fingers as she continued to tease. “Oh, I hate to complain…”


  “All right, you see, you were out of order. The balustrade was supposed to come after we’ve thoroughly explored your bed.”

  A low, deep laugh rumbled exultantly from his chest. He scooped her up securely in his arms, and as he carried her down the hall, promised enthusiastically, “That omission, my love, can be easily rectified.”

  The End

  Maddie Taylor

  An author of erotic romance, Maddie is also a voracious reader. A fan of all genres of romance, some of her favorite authors include Kristen Ashley, Cherise Sinclair and Jennifer Crusie. Maddie likes to write edgy erotic romances with sexy dominant heroes and spirited real women with a twist.

  An interview with Maddie Taylor

  Visit her webpage here:

  Visit her Facebook page here:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Maddie Taylor and Blushing Books:

  Captain, My Captain, Club Decadence Book 1

  You Said Forever, Club Decadence Book 2

  Little Light of Mine, Club Decadence Book 3

  Surrender Your Grace

  Faithfully, Club Decadence prequel

  The Gift

  Everything Christmas

  Master My Love, Club Decadence Book 4

  The Juniper Bride

  To Have and to Scold


  Mary Wehr

  ©2014 by Blushing Books® and Mary Wehr

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

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  Wehr, Mary

  To Have and to Scold

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-4249

  Cover Design by ABCD Graphics and Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


  Mason County, Texas, 1870

  "Cut the act, little girl, those fake tears don't fool me. When I get my hands on you, you won't be sitting for a month of Sundays."

  A surge of panic made her heart pound in her chest, but Annie Dobbs stood her ground and turned up her nose at the angry man limping toward her wearing one boot while holding the other at arm's length. She could say she didn't know what he was talking about, but that would be a lie. Her latest act of mischief had been a doozy and she deserved whatever punishment Matt decided to dish out. But, if she admitted her mistake, he'd no doubt spend the next fifty years rubbing it in her face, if he didn't kill her first. "For heaven's sake, I said I was sorry, what more do you want?"

  "The skin off your hide would be a damn good place to start," he snapped, "besides, you're only sorry 'cause you got caught." His blue eyes narrowed into slits. "And don't go telling me this latest prank wasn't your idea. I know you better than anyone else, bratty Annie, and this one had your name written all over it."

  There he went again, calling her that childish name and sending her temper to a boil. "You have no sense of humor, you know that, Matthew Caine?" Now why'd she have to go and say that? If someone would've dumped horse dung in her boots she wouldn't have thought it hilarious either. It also came as no surprise that he hadn't fallen for the crocodile tears, but it was against her stubborn nature not to give it a shot.

  Annie tossed a quick glance over her shoulder and suppressed a shudder. She could dash across the wide stream just a few feet away. Her two boots to his one would be to her advantage, but the current appeared to be too swift and unpredictable today to take the chance. Drat!

  "No sense of humor?" Matt's loud bark drew her attention back to the matter at hand. The twitch below his left eye, the one he got when he was at the end of his rope, sealed her fate. She was in for it now. "Sticking my foot in a boot filled with horse shit isn't my idea of a good laugh." He shook the offending boot under her nose before flinging it to the ground. "Cripes, I stink so bad I can't stand myself." His hands went to his belt buckle and her eyes widened in shock. Would he really take his belt to her? If he did, it'd be a first. Jeepers, the man had changed her diapers and watched over her like a sister. The Caines and the Dobbs had been neighbors forever.

  "Now, lookee here, I spanked your butt plenty before, but this time I'm going to blister it good." He dropped his hands to his sides and Annie expelled a breath. Phew, that was close.

  Despite the ominous threat to her backside, the corners of her mouth lifted into a smirk. He did stink and it grew worse as he drew closer. She opened her mouth only to shut it again. What could she say? She enjoyed being the center of his attention even though her bottom suffered for it. Maybe it would've been better if she hadn't accepted Rose Caines' invitation to lunch, but the woman was the closest thing to a mother figure she had, ever since her own mother had passed away when she was only five years old. Regardless, she had gone to lunch and when the chance had presented itself, she filled Matt's one boot with horse dung.

  It couldn't have been more than an hour or so ago that she was helping Matt's Aunt Rose clear the table while he and his pa, Jeb, scarfed down a piece of apple pie. Both men then left the kitchen and went out on the porch to retrieve their boots. Matt never entered the house with his dirty boots on. Neither did Jeb. Rose was formidable with a broom when it came to a clean house.

  Instead of paying attention to that little voice inside her head telling her she'd better take a hike, Annie had excused herself and followed them. She kept one hand over her mouth to quell the spurts of giggles threatening to give her away and hid inside the doorway, waiting anxiously for Matt's bellow. She hadn't been disappointed.

  Matt's roar practically shook the house. With a yelp, Annie had taken off through the kitchen and out the back door only to skid to a halt when Matt stood there waiting for her. In a last futile effort to save herself, she bolted over the low banister and hightailed it down to the creek behind the house and now she was trapped. There was no other choice but to face her comeuppance.

  Annie raised her chin a notch. At fifteen, she was way past the age to be treated like a child. "I'm too old for a spanking," she declared with much more bravado than she felt.

  Matt threw back his head and laughed. "Not in my book, you ain't. I doubt you'll ever outgrow a spanking, Annie. The poor bloke who takes you to wife will no doubt wear out his hand on your backside." He bent down to her level and sneered. "Believe me when I say I don't envy the man, but for now your Pa is responsible for your behavior and I must say he's doing a piss poor job. He may put up with your shenanigans, but I won't and don't intend to."

  Annie bristled with renewed anger. Her Pa had never laid a hand on her the way Matt was prone to do on occasion, and unfortunately he considered this latest prank as one of those occasions. "Only my Pa has the right to discipline me, not you," she snapped hotly, jumping back when Matt lunged toward her. She turned to make a run for it, but he tackled her to the ground. Momentarily winded, she lay there with a face full of grass.

  "Are you okay, brat?"

  She angled her head and poked out her tongue. "Go to hell."

  "Yep, you're back to your old sassy self. Let's go." He yanked her up by the collar of her shirt and marched her unceremoniously over to a fallen log. The next thing she knew she was face down over his knees and kissing the ground once again.


  "Ouch! Dammit, Matt," she hollered.

  "Mind that mouth or by damn, I'll shove a piece of soap in it." Whack, whack. "After all the childish stunts you've pulled on me over the years, this one was the last straw. You ruined a nice pair of boots, little girl. Your Pa should've paddled you the very first time you stepped out of line." Whack. Whack. "I ought to yank these blasted boy britches down to your ankles and bare your bottom, but the material is so worn I think you'll be feeling the sting of this spanking soon enough." Whack. "As a matter of fact, I guaran-dam-tee it."

  Annie kicked and shrieked, but to no avail. Matt continued to scold her while his hand landed
in firm precision again and again on her vulnerable backside. She was certain her bottom would burst into flames any minute. "It's high time you started acting like a lady and not some dirty faced brat."

  "I'm not a brat," she cried between smacks, then sank her teeth into his denim-clad leg for good measure.

  "Eeyow, you hoyden! The more you fight, the more you'll get. I've had enough of your pranks, Annie Dobbs. I'll tan you so hard you'll think twice before pestering me again. I'm at the end of my rope with you. You're nothing but a nuisance." He had punctuated each word with a hearty smack as the lecture went on and on, not realizing that his harsh words had cut into her very soul.

  Annie willed herself not to cry even though her heart was breaking in two. "Fine, I'll never bother you again!"

  "Works for me, little girl. Just make sure you keep that promise."

  Matt continued to spank away, but Annie didn't care. Why oh why did she feel the need to irritate him to the point where she ended up in this embarrassing position? It infuriated her that he saw her only as a little girl instead of a woman. He never, ever paid her any attention when she was on her best behavior. She had even gone so far as to wear a stupid frilly dress one time and brushed her hair until it shone and still he had ignored her. The only way she knew how to get him to notice her was to play jokes, but getting paddled wasn't the kind of attention she craved. Trouble was, she couldn't figure out what exactly she wanted from Matt.

  Genuine tears spilled from her eyes and fell to the ground as Annie's immature contradictory heart wished Matthew Caine far far away.

  Chapter One

  Three years later.

  From her perch on top of an old rotted tree stump behind the barn, Annie peered through the window and watched as Jeb Caine fed the two horses inside. He was a sweet old man and she loved him dearly, but his hem-hawing around frayed on her last nerve. Circumstances beyond her control had left her with no other choice. She couldn't stay at her home, the Lazy D any longer and she desperately needed a place to hide until morning. The only refuge she could think of was the Circle C only she couldn't let her neighbors in the house know she was running away. They'd insist on helping and she couldn't take the chance of them getting killed.


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