Cruising -Book 2 in the Men in Motion Series

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Cruising -Book 2 in the Men in Motion Series Page 21

by GA Hauser

  “How is Melanie? Are you enjoying it?”

  “Look, Mom, I know I should probably wait to talk to you when I get home, but I can’t.”

  “What? What’s wrong? Is it good news or bad news, and should I get your father on the line?”

  Brodie could hear his father’s voice in the background asking what was going on. “I don’t care if Dad hears.”

  “Get on the line, Keith,” his mother shouted.

  A moment later, Brodie heard his dad’s voice. “What’s going on, son?”

  “Look, I just told Mom I know I should wait to talk to you when I get home, but I can’t wait anymore.”

  “Are you and Melanie getting married?” his mother blurted.

  Brodie died. “No. She ditched me.”

  “Ditched you?” his mother responded flatly.

  “What do you mean?” his father added.

  “Right before the boat took off, she ran away. She left me here on my own.”

  “Oh no.” His mother gasped loudly. “I am so sorry, Brodie. How have you managed on your own? Did you meet any nice people?”

  “Yes. I did.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Mom, Dad…” Brodie braced himself. “I met a guy.”

  It was quiet until his mother asked, “A man? Was he on his own as well?”

  “Brodie?” his father asked with more suspicion.

  “Yes, Dad?”

  “The way you said that, am I getting some other message here?”

  “What, Keith?” his mother asked. “What message?”

  “Yes, Dad.”

  As Brodie’s mother questioned his father on the line, Brodie’s dad said in an even tone, “He’s telling us he’s gay, Lucy.”

  “What?” she choked. “No. That can’t be what he’s saying.”

  “It is, Mom. I met a guy.”

  “And this couldn’t wait for you to get home first?” his mom asked.

  “No. I needed to tell you. I’m going crazy here wondering what you’ll think.”

  “Is he local? Will you continue to see him?” his father questioned.

  “Yes. He lives in downtown Seattle. He’s a financial adviser at one of the big banks.”

  “How old is he?”

  “Only twenty-seven. Look, I know this is completely insane, but when you meet him, you’ll love him. He’s the most incredible person I have ever met.”

  The line was silent.

  “Hello?” Brodie wondered if they’d been disconnected.

  “We’re here, son.”

  “Dad? I know it’s upsetting.”

  “Are you sure you’ll feel this way once you’re off the ship? Maybe it’s just the loneliness.”

  “No. I’m sure. I have to go. I just wanted to tell you because it’s been driving me crazy.”

  “As long as you’re happy, Brodie,” his mother whispered.

  “I am. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

  “Okay, son.”

  “Let me go. I have to run.”

  “Goodbye. Call us when you get home.”

  “I will.” He disconnected the line, felt slightly exhilarated, but not too much. It was as if a weight had been lifted from him. There had been some trepidation in their voices, but no anger. He hurried to the bar.


  Julian walked into the dim lounge, looking for Brodie. Surprised he was just getting their drinks, expecting him to be sitting, finishing the first round, Julian met him at the table.


  “Hiya.” Brodie thanked the waitress.

  “Is the service slow tonight?” Julian relaxed next to him, raising the cup to his lips.

  “No. Why?”

  “I’m just surprised you are only getting the drinks now. I assumed you’d be on your second scotch by the time I showed up.”

  “I called my parents.”

  Julian removed the coffee from his mouth. “What? Just now?”

  “Yes. I couldn’t stand it anymore.”

  “What did they do?”

  Brodie shrugged. “I think they were okay. I know it was a lot to dump on them that way, but at least now they’ll have some time to ruminate over it before I get home.”


  “Yeah, wow.” Brodie took a gulp of his scotch.

  “But how did they sound?”

  “Good. Honest. Mom said something like as long as I’m happy. I don’t think they’ll be that bad.”

  “Did you tell them we’re moving in together?”

  “No. I didn’t think I should go that far. I know how it would sound to them. Sometimes I wonder if they’ll think I’m behaving like an impulsive child.”

  Julian smiled and was about to reply when Amelia showed up. “Great. Time for another showdown.”

  “Let me just tell her to fuck off.” Brodie set his drink on the table.

  “Don’t worry.” Julian reached to stop him from getting up.

  “Hello, Julian,” she sang.

  “What now, Amelia? You want to go back to our vacant old room? Had a fight with big-head-Harry?”

  “No. Why do you call him that? I don’t get it. I like sleeping with him. He’s good in bed, not like you.”

  Brodie made a sarcastic choking sound in reply.

  “Is that all you came to tell me?” Julian asked. “That you’re enjoying sex with the fisherman from California?”

  “No. That’s not all. I spoke to your mom.”

  Julian felt pale as Brodie jerked his head in his direction.

  “You’re bluffing.”

  “Am I?” she laughed.

  “You wicked bitch!” Brodie growled. “If you weren’t a girl, I’d beat the crap out of you.”

  “Save the macho act, fag.” She flipped him off.

  As Brodie prepared for the attack, Julian grabbed his arm again to stop him. “Did you really call my mother, Amelia?”



  “To tell her, duh.” She rolled her eyes.

  “I can’t believe you did that. I never pegged you as being that cruel.”

  “And I never pegged you as a fag. So we’re even. Gotta go, just wanted to tell you.” She spun around and left.

  “Let me choke her.” Brodie stood, clenching his fists.

  “Forget it, Brodie.” Julian finished his coffee. “See? Now both our families know.”

  Brodie dropped down on the chair again. “I’m so sorry, Julian.”

  “I should have listened to you and called her myself. My fault.”

  “No, it’s my fault. If you hadn’t cut off the credit card, Amelia wouldn’t have done it.”

  Waving his hand to act as if it wasn’t terrifying, Julian replied, “Forget it.”


  “Forget it, Brodie. It’s done.”

  “Maybe they’ll think she’s full of shit.”

  “In a way, I hope not. At least the ice has been broken.”

  Brodie checked his watch. “It’s after six. You want to eat?”

  “Yes.” Julian set his empty mug down.

  Reaching out his hand, Brodie offered to haul Julian to his feet. Once they were both walking to the dining room, Julian had the urge to call home. He had to know what his family thought.


  At dinner the three couples exchanged emails, promising to keep in touch. It was melancholy for all of them, getting closer to the end of the cruise and the last supper. With tomorrow being the last day, entirely at sea, Julian was glad it was ending. It felt controlled and artificial. They needed a dose of reality. One more day to go and they’d be there.

  After dinner as they walked along the interior promenade deck, Julian removed his mobile phone from his pocket.

  Brodie stopped his progress down the corridor, looking back at him. “Uh oh.”

  “How did you make a call? I’m not showing a signal here.”



  “Yes, it
was cold. You want to go out and try?”

  “I feel obligated. But I don’t want to know.”

  “I understand.”

  Julian stared at the tiny cell phone. “What should I do?”

  Shrugging, Brodie replied, “You know what I’d do.”

  “Shit. Come with me.”

  Putting his arm around his waist, Brodie walked with Julian to the outer deck. The cold wind slapped him the moment they opened the heavy metal door. “Let’s move to the back of the ship.”

  Brodie nodded, bracing himself against the constant gust.

  Once they huddled against the side of the ship, Julian checked his phone.

  “You getting a signal?”


  “Want me to give you some privacy?”

  “No. Stay here.” Julian hit some buttons, putting the phone to his ear.



  “Julian? Are you home?”

  “No. I’ll be home the day after tomorrow. Is Mom around?”

  “Yes. You know Amelia called here?”

  “I know.” Julian frowned looking at Brodie’s expression of concern. “How’s Mom taking it?”

  “You mean it’s true?” Karen choked.

  “Yes. Karen, put Mom or Dad on the phone.” Julian rolled his eyes, whispering to Brodie, “My kid sister.”

  Brodie nodded.


  “Hi, Dad.”

  “Where are you, Julian?”

  “I’m still on the boat. I’m standing outside freezing my nuts off, but it’s the only way to use my damn cell phone.”

  “You know, Amelia called here.”

  “Yes, both she and Karen informed me.”

  “She made some allegations about you, Julian.”

  Cringing, Julian grabbed onto Brodie for strength. “I know. It’s true, Dad.”

  “How can it be true? I don’t understand? You and Amelia went on that trip as a couple. You’ve never shown an interest in men. What’s going on?”

  “Christ, I wish I was having this conversation with you in person. It sucks that she did this to me.” Julian started to shiver from the cold. He pressed against Brodie tightly.

  “I wish you were here as well. Your mother and I assumed it was some kind of prank.”

  “No. No, Dad. It isn’t.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Neither do I. Look, I just wanted to contact you after I heard what that witch did. When I get back to Seattle I’ll call you and we can get together. Is that okay?”


  “Good. I love you, Dad.”

  “I love you too, son. I just hope you know what the hell you’re doing.”

  “Probably not, but that’s life. See ya soon.” He disconnected, jumped up and down and shouted, “I’m freezing!”

  Brodie cuddled against him, running with him to the door. Once they were inside, Julian shivered and rubbed his arms.

  “Come here.” Brodie embraced him, wrapping around him tightly, rocking side to side. “So? Are you dead?”

  “I don’t think so.”


  “I still can’t believe she did that to me.”

  “Maybe she did us a favor. At least it’s out of the bag.”

  Julian noticed some prying eyes passing them. Nudging Brodie slightly, he broke their hug. “I need another coffee. I’m frozen.”

  Clasping his hand, Brodie smiled, leading the way back to the lounge.


  Waking up early the next morning, getting in their run, Julian led the way back to the cabin, feeling the sweat dripping from every pore. Brodie opened the lock, pushing back the door.

  “Last full day on this stupid boat and we’re home free.” Julian took off his shirt to use to wipe his face.

  “We’re at sea all day as well. I’m getting really bored.” Brodie began undressing. “There’s nothing to do but sit around and eat.”

  “I’d go to the gym, but the run is enough. It’s taking it out of me. I don’t know if it’s the rocking this boat is doing, or what. I feel light-headed all the time.”

  “Too much sex.”

  Julian caught Brodie’s wicked smirk. “Seriously, Brodie, what the hell are we going to do all day?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t really like the gambling, or hanging around by the lido pool.”

  Julian followed him into the bathroom. “This sucks.”

  “We could just get naked and lie in bed all day. I wouldn’t mind a little time to snuggle, nap, lick you up and down.”

  “All day?” Julian stared at Brodie’s ass as he leaned in to turn on the shower.

  “You got a better suggestion?”

  Stepping in behind him into the spraying water, Julian didn’t. “What would you do at home?”

  “I’d probably do something active. You know, take the bicycle out and ride the Burke Gilman Trail.”

  “Sounds nice.”

  “You own a bike?”

  “Yes. I have a mountain bike, but I rarely use it.” Julian changed places with Brodie so he could wash his hair.

  “We should go one day.”

  “Yes. I’d like that.”

  Rinsing in silence, Julian indicated he was done, so Brodie shut the water. Rubbing towels through their hair, climbing out of the shower, Brodie sighed, “Still leaves the problem of killing the day.”

  “Forget it. Let’s just laze around and eat. Everyone else does, and it is a vacation, right?”

  “Okay.” Brodie hung up the towel and leaned on the sink to shave.

  Getting his razor out to do the same, Julian was ready to get on with his life. The waiting was becoming the hardest part.


  The last night in the dining room was somber and uneventful. It was as if a feeling of melancholy had pervaded everyone’s mood.

  It wasn’t until almost midnight that they wandered back to the cabin. They had bumped into Marlene and Glenda and chatted in the lounge together about keeping up an email correspondence.

  Brodie yawned as he took of his shoes and trousers. “I’m beat.”

  “Me too. No run in the morning? I assume we need to pack.”

  “I don’t think we have to be out early. We don’t get to Vancouver until afternoon, and we still have to get to Seattle after that.”

  “Yes, you’re right.” Julian hung up his slacks in the closet. “But I still want to pass on the run.”

  “Okay.” Brodie was about to hang up his shirt when he noticed Melanie’s floral suitcase. Picking it up, he shook his head sadly. “I’ve been trying to get them to toss it. I even put the garbage pail in it. No use.”

  “Did you get rid of the newspapers?”

  “Yes. They took those.” Brodie threw it back where it was, against the wall near the door.

  “Maybe I should donate it to Amelia. My guess is she bought so much shit, she’ll need an extra bag.”

  Pausing, Brodie replied, “Leave it by her room.”

  “I don’t want to give her anything. No way. I was just being sarcastic.”

  “What the fuck am I supposed to do with it?”

  “Just leave it behind.”

  Brodie continued to undress, trying not to stare at the annoying thing. Once he had washed up, he waited for Julian to do the same, and joined him in bed. They cuddled warmly together. Brodie petted Julian’s hair lazily. “So, both our folks know. I suppose that’s a good thing.”

  “I suppose.”

  “And the housing market is still strong there, or it would take a while to sell my place.”

  “You have a house?” Julian leaned his chin on his fist as he rested on Brodie’s chest.



  “Oh what?”

  “You’re swapping a house for a condo.”


  “You sure you want to do that?”

  “Yeah, I’m sick of mowing the damn lawn.”
  “It is a neat place. The view is something special.”

  “I bet you paid the same for that condo as I did for my house.”

  “Maybe more.”

  “No!” Brodie cringed. “I don’t want to know.”


  “What are your mortgage payments?”

  “I thought you didn’t want to know,” Julian laughed.

  “Well, I intend to pay half.”

  “Oh!” Julian leaned up on his elbows.


  “I didn’t expect that. How much equity do you have in your house?”

  “Good point. I could give you a lump sum to take a chunk out of your principle.”

  “Wait. Let’s not talk about that now. We’ll work something out. I just don’t want you to lose in this transaction.”

  “If I get to keep you, I can’t lose.” Brodie wrapped around him.

  “You’re such a romantic!” Julian chuckled.

  “Mm, you smell good.” Brodie sniffed his hair.

  “Get out the rubbers,” Julian hissed seductively.

  Sitting up, Brodie dug into the drawer by the bed, setting out the strip of condoms and the lube. “Good thing we’re almost home. That tube isn’t going to last much longer, and you’re buying the next one!”

  “Yeah, yeah. Shut up and get over here.”

  Lowering to Julian’s level on the bed, Brodie closed his eyes and went for his lips. Whenever they touched sexually it reinforced his determination to keep them together. It was as if the contact reminded him of what he had. Yes, it was more than sex with Julian, but the uniting of their bodies communicated the strength of their bond.

  Brodie loved that tongue as it spun around his own, licked at his teeth, and explored his mouth. As if it wasn’t interested before they kissed, his cock went solid, poking Julian as it rose. Julian obviously felt it throbbing against his hip because he reached for it, smoothing his palm against it. Brodie whimpered at the caress as well as the thought of the coming sex. His body seemed to have a life of its own. His legs wrapped around Julian’s, drawing him nearer. Beginning at Julian’s dark hair, savoring its thickness and softness, he moved his hands down Julian’s neck to his broad muscular back, narrow waist, and ultimately his ass cheeks. Gripping one in each hand, Brodie ground his cock against Julian, trapping Julian’s hand between them. As if Julian needed the total cock on cock contact as well, he removed his hand, rolling on top of Brodie, in an effort to grind back.

  Needing more air, his pulse rising, his chest expanding, Brodie knew he should break the kiss to gasp for breath. But the kissing was so hot he didn’t want to. Easing up just enough to lap at Julian’s lips, inhale a few long breaths to calm his demand, Brodie cupped the back of Julian’s head and dug deeper into his wet mouth with his tongue. As he did his cock twitched and throbbed against Julian’s pelvis. He wanted to fuck his mouth with his tongue. or with his dick. He needed to be inside this man, somehow. Now. Pulling back again, needing to breathe as the passion sizzled and sparked, Brodie stared down at Julian’s face as he continued to pivot his hips, getting some hot, strong friction. Their eyes connected, unblinking, telling each other how incredible it was without words. Brodie knew his jaw was twitching just like Julian’s. That cheek muscle contracting like a pulsing vein. Showing his teeth in a snarl as the grinding got rougher, Brodie gripped his fist into Julian’s hair, growling deep and low, “I want to fuck you, fuck you,” and with every repetition, Brodie jammed his hips upwards into Julian’s body.


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