Book Read Free

Starlight Cowboy

Page 9

by Stephanie Beck

  Chapter Eighteen

  She woke with his lips on hers. Climbing into his bed the night before had seemed right, and the kisses confirmed her feeling. The cubical was meant for sleeping and not much else. Annalina reached for him, hit the low ceiling, and re-routed. This time she snuck her arm under his, reaching around and hugging him closer.

  His tongue swooped between her lips, lazy and sweet. When she’d crawled into his bed the night before, she had intended to wait up for him but drifted off sometime after midnight. He should have woken her when he came to bed, but a quick look at the clock said she’d slept all night. Had he slept at all?

  He pulled back, but only a breath away. “How are you feeling?”

  She rubbed her nose to his. “Fine. Really fine.”

  The standard-issue sheets held firm to the bed as he kicked out of his boxers and eased her panties down her legs. Space—so limited—didn’t matter when he was on his side beside her. Face to face, there was just enough room. He gripped her knee and brought it over his hip, snuggling his pelvis to hers. Shields dotted dry kisses along her shoulder, across her clavicle, and up her neck. She relaxed into her pillow as he shimmied toward the wall. The cushioned bulkhead gave a brace as he rocked into her.

  Kissing came so naturally like this, lip to lip with nothing to do but stare into his eyes. Had he brushed his teeth? He was usually so self-conscious about hygiene. Her heart thumped harder. He’d given into the moment without thought, and they were making it theirs. He blinked, his eyes so blue, so soft. She pressed kiss after to kiss to his mouth. He met each one, as they joined much closer below the sheets.

  The room temperature rose, and a droplet rolled down her cheek. It was sweat, of course. Nothing else. Annalina closed her eyes and rested her forehead on his chest, unable to fight the barrage of emotion sweeping through her. She held him tight as he pushed harder and faster, but nowhere near their usual tempo. Instead of fireworks and explosions, slow and steady waves of pleasure crested in her. A gentle smile instead of a victory fist pump.

  Shields followed her into the finish, quiet and without fanfare. Annalina braved a glance at his face, praying it held the same level of emotion as he was sure to see on hers. He looked so solemn, reverent even as he held her gaze. This was a new side of Shields, and in her gut, she knew it was for her.

  “I was afraid today,” she whispered, afraid anything louder would break their bubbled moment.

  “Me, too.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ve never been afraid like that.”

  Silence stretched, but his eyes spoke to her soul. She wished she had more words…better words. Something to convey what beat in her heart for him. Only for him. He rested against his pillow, still inside her and still holding her as close as they could get.

  “I don’t know what the next few months are going to bring,” he said. “Not knowing what is coming has never bothered me before. I like the challenge and surprise.”

  “You’re an adventurer.” She loved his spirit, and his lust for adventure was part of it.

  “I was…probably still am.” His smile barely kicked his lips up. “But I know it can’t be the same now. Not with you and a baby on the way. I’m okay with that kind of change. I might like the chase and the challenge, but the life I could have with you is…it’s what flashed before my eyes when I wasn’t sure we’d make it.”

  She swallowed, the hard knot growing in her throat as he laid bare his soul. This was the man she’d fallen in love with, even when she’d been trying not to. The truth in all of this would set them both free to belong to the one another.

  Shields’ fingertips circled the small of her back. “I need help. I don’t know what’s going on with the Mars colony. I don’t know what’s waiting for me, but I don’t want to do it alone. I can’t assume everything will be fine. Will you help me?”

  “Absolutely. We’ll contact Earth and make the best plan we can.” No other option would do.

  “Aaron already said he’d help, too. I don’t like having you involved, but at this point there’s no way to detangle.”

  She entwined their fingers. “Better to be tangled and on the same page, that’s what I say.”

  The alarm clock beeped with an incoming message from Aaron’s ship. Annalina squeezed Shields’ hand. Their stolen moment was over.

  “I kind of want to stay right here forever,” he said. “I didn’t even know this was a place I would ever want to be.”

  “Yeah.” She released his fingers and patted his chest. “I can understand. You’d think being in a spaceship millions of miles away from civilization would offer at least a bit of privacy.”

  The beeping continued, but Shields kept his place. “Let’s spend the next months like this. No more separate rooms or playing things down. I don’t want to pretend we’re anything but what we are.”

  He kept surprising her, but then, she was surprising herself these days.

  “I love that plan, only in my room, where it is cooler.”

  He kissed her nose and rolled out of bed, offering his hand when he hit his feet.


  Chapter Nineteen

  “Of course, Admiral Minnings. I’m also glad we’re in communications range—makes planning much easier. We are on course and will arrive as planned. Thanks so much.” Annalina hit the end button on the communicator and relaxed into her chair.

  Sitting for hours on end, seeing to communication and paperwork was brutal. Since Annalina’s feet liked to swell up, the ass in chair time gave results where not much else she did worked well. She’d rather be checking panels and cargo, but Shields conduct maintenance while she schmoozed Mars colony A-holes. Mars docking agents wanted copies of all of Shields’ records, but the Earth admirals had said no. Annalina had been playing innocent go-between ever since. Whatever waited for them on Mars was not pleasant, but as much as Annalina wanted to keep flying, they had to stop to fix their ship.

  “The thruster is out again,” Shields yelled from the rear right before the warning light turned red.

  She sighed and grabbed her tote bag. They needed parts. She’d already used their spares, Aaron’s spares, and they were on the last option—screws not made to withstand the force put against them. If they could keep the pin in place, they could avoid having to replace the entire mechanism. But their chances dwindled every time another broke.

  Shields shimmied out of the panel. He winced and held out his hand. “Oh babe, your stomach is huge. Pass me the parts and tell me what to do.”

  He lay down on his back and eased back into the small place. They’d done this more than once in the last week. Sometimes twice a day. They’d have already arrived on Mars, if not for the problem.

  “Is the pin broken again?” Annalina leaned against the wall, fighting fatigue that was more in her head than her body. Despite Shields’ assessment of her size, she was well within the pregnancy standards and rocked a modest, manageable bump.

  “Sure is.”

  “All we can do at this point is throw a fifty-five screw in its place.” She rubbed her belly as the podling—or stowaway, as Shields called the baby—kicked around.

  She could still do the mechanical work without much difficulty, but her balance wasn’t the same. Besides, Shields wanted to learn how to conduct more maintenance on the newer model ship.

  “All right, crap pin is replaced. How long do you think we have on this one?” He eased out and tossed the pliers and broken parts in the bag.

  “Ten percent less than with the last screw. I’m down to the smaller ones. It’s good we’ll be on Mars tomorrow. The shop I’ve been speaking with knows what we’re coming in with and swears they can have us in and out in two days.”

  He nodded and pushed to his feet. They didn’t even bother to close the panel anymore. One of them would be fussing under the thruster in a few hours anyway.

  “Okay, let’s go over the cargo area one more time. I want everything locked down. Mars techs are notor
ious thieves. You haven’t sent them anything have you?”

  “Nope.” She followed him, but after a few steps he slowed down. “You don’t have to wait for me.”

  “I like waiting for you.” He tangled his fingers with hers. “I’m ready to get this bullshit done with, but I don’t know if I’m ready to share you.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. The man she’d once referred to secretly—and not as secretly—as dumbass owned her heart. She hadn’t given it over easily, but he had it now. Sharing him rubbed her the wrong way. The last eleven months had been a gift, but the coming weeks would be the real test. What would happen after they ended their isolation?

  “We have to get through Mars first,” she said as they entered the cargo area. “I locked all the bay doors and added the tape like you told me to.”

  He looked around and nodded. “Sure did. Great work. Those fuckers will still find a way in, though.”

  “We could booby trap them,” she offered. “Condiment packet explosions?”

  He grinned. “Seriously? You know how to do those?”

  “Who made it through school without setting at least one rancid-mayo-packet bomb?” She dug around her tote for the wire and bands she needed. “Go get me some of the expired junk.”

  “Oh, I’m on this.” He slammed a peck on her lips before hurrying away. “You are the coolest chick ever.”

  There was value in being silly, and she had Shields to thank for reminding her. She set up the wires and rubber bands. They wouldn’t keep someone intent on theft away, but they would piss them off. The last time she’d set one of these…she couldn’t even remember. Those days were so long behind her, and yet, here she was, starting trouble. She paused. Would being among other people make her snooty again? Would things she now thought were cute return to being annoying? They’d be under the microscope.

  “You’re thinking too hard,” Shields said. “When planning pranks, especially for assholes, it should come from the impulse part of your brain.”

  “I’m…” She hated to be any more vulnerable. She already felt like her every emotion showed on her face, just like her actions showed on her body. She loved him, knew in her heart she did and felt the same from him even if they hadn’t talked about it in so many words. Would talking help or make things worse?

  “Everything is fine.” He wedged the packet in the launcher she’d set. “This will wreck some jerk’s day while you are getting spoiled at the Mars colony spa.”

  “And what are you going to be doing?”

  “Don’t worry. Aaron and I have this all planned out. There are supposed to be officials ready to raid James’ warehouses the moment we land with evidence. I’ll be in the clear and will join you for a pedicure.”

  “I don’t think it’ll happen that way. I don’t want to be lounging in some hotel when your ass is on the line.”

  He paused in sabotaging. “We’ve been over this. You said you were fine.”

  She had been, before she’d spent the last seven nights staring at the ceiling while he slept beside her. Everything had to go right for Shields’ plan to go well.

  How often did perfect happen?


  “Annalina, we’re set to go, and everything will be fine. By nightfall, I’ll be at the hotel, screwing your brains out in the hot tub.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Not in a hot tub. Not safe for the baby.”

  “Fine, then on a full-sized bed instead of a tiny single. Think about it. The two of us…in a bed meant to hold two or more. Magical, right?” He returned to carefully placing packets in rubber-band triggered launchers that would fire when the doors were opened. “Besides, it’s out of my control now. The second we brought Earth Command into it, they took over. Now we are following orders.”

  Orders could go to hell for all she cared. “So we land, I scream and insult you and storm off while you face the son of a bitch who tried to kill you. I turn tail and walk away… I can’t.”

  Her voice cracked, and Shields stopped. “Holy shit, you’re upset about this. I’m sorry. I thought you were just nervous. Let’s through the whole plot again. I’ll get you in contact with the guards and with Aaron—”

  “Let me be your backup instead of Aaron. The old guy can throw the hissy fit, and I’ll quietly watch your ass.”

  He reached out for her, but Annalina stepped away. He had to listen. “I’m serious, Shields. I can be your support team. I’ll wear one of your coats, so I don’t look pregnant. I’ll carry a giant blaster and tiny ones, too. No one will hurt you.”

  He nodded, but didn’t try to come closer. “I appreciate you. You have no idea what your offer means to me, but we have to trust Aaron. He’s going to do a good job. The Earth officials are going to do a good job. I’m not going in there to be a hero. I’ll be watching my own ass, too. You have to trust—”

  “I do not.” She slammed her foot to the ground. “I do not have to trust Aaron when there is someone else who would do a better job. Aaron is not as invested as I am. He’s not in love with you. He’s not carrying your baby. He’s not out anything if you die…where I’m out everything.”

  Her hands flew to her mouth, the last sentences revealing far too much. The stricken expression on Shields’ face told her he’d heard everything and understood it all. His mouth opened and closed. Once and then twice. Her cheeks heated. He knew how she felt and she couldn’t take it back. She shook her head and strode by him.

  He caught her arm. “I promise you, I will be fine. I’m nobody’s definition of a hero, and I have too much going for me to make a mistake. You might not trust Aaron and the others, but you have to trust me. Aaron will watch my back, and I will be in bed next to you before dark. That’s a promise.”

  “If you break it, I will never forgive you.” She shook her arm free. “Ever. I will never forgive you.”

  She strode away, heart racing and stomach heavy with dread—praying he could keep his word.

  Chapter Twenty

  Shields clutched the folder. As soon as the hatch opened, he needed deliver it to the official waiting to his right. Before anything else, physical evidence had to be in the correct hands. Annalina stood beside him, a bag hanging on her arm. She’d locked him out of her room the night before, and he couldn’t blame her. If he were that upset with her…he’d have done the same. They were similar in their hurt behavior—licking their wounds in private. He wasn’t going to change his mind. She wasn’t going to change hers. If they’d butted heads again, they’d have hurt each other’s feelings more than they already had.

  It stung enough that she wouldn’t look at him.

  “My room is booked at the Mars Colony Spa,” she said through tight lips. “I’ll expect you there by ten o’clock. According to their rules, the hotel closes down then.”

  “Then I’ll be there by curfew. With roses.” Mars roses cost a fucking fortune, but what good was the money sitting in his accounts when his woman fumed?

  “Sounds lovely.” Her low, flat tone didn’t indicate she thought roses were lovely. She sounded more pissed than anything else.

  “I’m sorry you don’t like this—”

  “Let’s get it over with.”

  The bay lights blinked green, finally stable from the pressure lock. Shields wanted to talk, to leave things at least friendly, but Annalina shook her head when he tried again. He hit the button to open the hatch. He’d make nice tonight before ten o’clock.

  Flashing lights from cameras and shouts of questions met them before the bay door hit its highest point. A non-descript man in a red shirt waited to the right of the dock, as promised. The tension Shields carried in his shoulders and neck evaporated. The plan would work and the bullshit would be over Shields handed over the envelope. The man disappeared into the crowd an instant later.

  James stepped through the pack. Just like last time, he was the best dressed in the crowd, in a too-formal black suit and vest. Unlike their last visit, James’ lips drooped on the left si
de. “Ah, cousin. Back for more Mars hospitality? And with company this time, I see.”

  “Mars. What an amazing place!” Aaron’s booming voice cut in before Shields could say something cutting to his cousin.. “Shields, I believe I owe you a bottle of champagne for dragging us along. Annalina? Ellen?”

  A young woman with bright red hair and a camera shot in front of James and shoved a microphone at Annalina. “Captain Wilson, are you pregnant? Are you carrying the love child of Captain Albright?”

  “I’m leaving. Now. Who can take me to the hotel?” Annalina lifted her bag to her shoulder. Her volleyball-sized stomach pressed out against the smallest shirt they had found, making her pregnancy obvious.

  James stepped forward and offered his arm. Shields froze. He hadn’t planned on his cousin being the one to offer. Shields and Aaron were supposed to keep James busy while his properties were searched. Then Shields was going to get him drunk.

  “Poor dear.” James took her bag with his right arm, favoring his left “I will see you to the spa. Shields has always been an embarrassment to the family. That he’d take advantage of his senior position is no surprise.”

  “You’re his family?” Annalina looked up at James’ face with her caramel eyes wide and innocent. “Maybe you can tell me about them. So I have something to share with the baby, other than his father is a conceited, immature, selfish idiot.”

  Razor blades couldn’t have cut him deeper, but Shields fortified himself. She was playing a part. James smirked and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. It was an arm Shields had every intention of ripping off as soon as he could.

  “Of course, dear. I will escort you, and we will talk. Shields, we’ll catch up another time.”

  Shields raised his middle finger. Annalina did the same. Flashbulbs lit the space.

  “Go to hell, Shields. You’re going to remember this as the worst mistake of your life.” Annalina turned her back on him and stayed huddled to James.


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