Moonlight War- Act I (The Realmers Book 2)

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Moonlight War- Act I (The Realmers Book 2) Page 2

by William Collins

  If he’d been shaken up by being targeted by a Dread Lord, it was nothing compared to learning his girlfriend was working for the demon. It had all been a lie. Cera had been in league with Kurrlan. She’d no doubt been told to seduce Evan.

  Is that what it was? The flirting, the kiss? All so she could lead me to Kurrlan.

  She had been so kind, so… genuine. How could she have been playing me the whole time? He should've known a girl as beautiful as Cera would never have been attracted to him. He should've expected it.

  Kurrlan had gone to great effort to capture him. The Dread Lord must’ve known he was risking Vanderain’s wrath when his army invaded the Fortress. Was Kurrlan working for Akirandon, the demon queen of Velkarath? Who happens to be my mother.

  Had Kurrlan wanted to control him? Or had Kurrlan been planning on taking Evan’s demon magic for himself?

  He'd been in too much pain to remember all that Kurrlan said, but Evan remembered Kurrlan had craved power, and planned on using Evan to get it.

  And then there was the demon magic he'd used on the demons that invaded the Fortress. He was sickened, but also exhilarated by what he’d done. He had felt such immense power inside of him. He didn’t know whether the magic was good or evil. It certainly felt evil; it had ripped out the souls of the demons mercilessly, worse than killing them. But the dark sorcery had also saved his life, and his friends’ lives.

  Evan wondered how his friends had reacted to his disappearance. Do they think I'm dead?

  Only Brooke knew what had happened to him since the battle. And she was a child of a demon Disciple, too. This was too crazy. Not one, but both of them possessed demon magic.

  Vanderain believed that Evan’s mother wasn't aware of his existence, and he planned on keeping it that way. The only one who knew about Evan, other than Vanderain, Tarensen and Brooke, was Kurrlan. But now he was dead hopefully his secret died with him. Evan sure as hell didn’t want other Dread Lords to start hunting him.

  As he walked down the empty stone corridors, Evan thought about where best to find his friends. He could try Ethanc’s, or one of the recreation rooms. It was late morning already. Time must've passed half a day faster on Veneseron than in Kurrlan's realm, although Evan didn't know how long he'd been unconscious.

  He could hear the voices of other Venators as always, and the distant bangs and whooshes of sorcery that were ever present, but he didn't encounter anyone.

  Usually the castle corridors were crammed full of teens, rushing to and fro. When Evan peered out the window he did see several Venators in the courtyards below, but not anyone he knew. He wondered how everyone would react when they saw him.

  Evan passed a mirror set into the wall and flinched at his reflection. The tall, slimly muscled boy that looked back at him barely resembled the boy he'd been months ago. His brown hair had lightened from the two suns here, and skin that had once been sickly pale was now nicely tanned. The misty grey eyes were the same, encaged by his too-long eyelashes and framed by thin brows. His Novice clothes were ripped and covered in dirt-stains, mingling with splashes of his own blood. The wounds he’d sustained throughout the battle had been healed by Vanderain.

  As he inspected his blood, he realised why it had always been darker than everyone else's. Demon's blood was black; Evan's was only a shade lighter. His stomach churned. Was Sintian right? Am I a monster?

  He moved on, anxious now to change out of his ruined clothes before reuniting with his friends. He went through a side door that opened high above onto a white bridge.

  Veneseron’s five colossal castles were all connected by a spider web of bridges. Evan began navigating his way to Castle-Coterie. This high up, he could see many other Venators now, but they resembled miniature figures. He took a moment to gaze at the view all around him. The suns blazed above the multicoloured treetops of the vast forest on one side whilst the city gleamed in its giant bowl-shaped valley on the other. The sea sparkled tantalisingly further away still.

  He'd missed this feeling. Alongside Veneseron’s enthralling beauty was the very air around him. It tingled and pulsed with sorcery.

  Before long, he'd entered the Novice castle. As he reached his bedroom door he opened it hastily, wanting to change before tracking down his friends. As Evan entered, however, he was met with an explosion of sound.

  Screams of joy and roars of happiness washed over him as he was pulled into his friends’ arms. A blur of faces and limbs assaulted him, hugging him until it was hard to breathe.

  At long last, the press subsided, and Jed’s jubilant face swam into view.

  “Dude, you look a right state,” he hooted, before hugging him again.

  Evan was overwhelmed with all the attention. A chant of “EVAN UMBRA,” started up.

  “Seriously, we were so worried, I was about to come get you myself,” Jed shouted over the noise, unable to wipe the ear to ear grin off his face.

  It was Evan’s turn to laugh. “Oh yeah? And how would you have done that?”

  “Magic.” Jed winked.

  Before he could say another thing, Elijah flung himself forward, sobbing hysterically. “I thought we’d lost you forever,” he shouted between tears.

  “It’s all right, Elijah. I’m back now.”

  As Elijah composed himself Emillia came forward, hugging Evan tightly and kissing him on both cheeks.

  Zeke hefted him onto his shoulders as Jed proclaimed, “Onward to Ethanc’s,” and began leading the procession.

  To date, it was the happiest few hours of Evan’s life.

  Zeke carried him all the way to the tower where Ethanc’s bar was situated, their number ever growing as Venators Evan knew, and many he didn’t, joined the gregarious group. Even the lanky Master Padrake joined the festivities when Jed and Xavier almost bowled him over in their excitement.

  Soon they were in the entirely glass-made bar of Ethanc’s. The ginger Halfling bellowed in mirth as they entered, and commenced giving Evan free drinks for the day. Xavier and Zeke snuck behind the bar and procured a beverage named Teslik troll ale. Ethanc tried to stop the rebellious pair, but soon relented, just this once.

  Another cheer rose up when Brooke arrived. Evan smiled at her when their eyes met, but his happiness was dimmed by what they both knew. They’d agreed that their friends should know what they’d both learned, but Evan had no idea how to go about it.

  “Where the hell have you been, Brooke?” Jed cried. “Wait, you weren’t captured too, were you?”

  “No, I’m fine.” Brooke waved off all questions, smiling at everyone and pretending nothing was out of the ordinary.

  Evan tried to speak to her several times, but kept getting interrupted by people wanting to welcome him back. His insides squirmed when people started asking one another where Cera was.

  An endless array of Venators turned up throughout the day, shaking Evan’s hand exuberantly and patting his back so hard he almost fell. The orcish Master Urkzal showed up too; when he patted Evan on the back he really did fall over.

  Evan was most thrilled to see the whiskered Master Gettelung. He had a bandage around his midriff, but considering that the last time Evan saw Gettelung he was close to death, Evan was delighted to see him.

  After the shock of the battle and the misery in its aftermath, it seemed the whole Fortress wanted to rejoice that they'd won and that Evan had returned.

  The troll ale was a hit. None of them managed to get too drunk however as Gettelung drank most of it, downing pint after pint as if it was water.

  “To Evan Umbra, mighty slayer of foul Demons,” Jed announced. He stood, swaying atop one of the tables.

  Evan tried to wave him down, but stumbled himself. He’d never drunk alcohol before and was already tipsy.

  “Yeeeeeh,” Xavier agreed with Jed, jumping onto the table and almost knocking them both off.

  Evan grinned stupidly. He felt light-headed and very merry.

  “To Evan Umbra!” Many Venators raised their glasses and echoed
Jed’s statement.

  As the day wore on, the food, supplied by the Gnomish chef Sniglog, quickly diminished, as did the entire Teslik supply.

  “I’m guna sneeeek back and grab s’more,” Xavier slurred, staggering toward the door.

  “I think you’ve had enough,” said Zeke, propping Xavier on a chair.

  Xavier was as skinny as Zeke was muscled. Xavier had a pale face surrounded by a mop of dark hair which was usually spiked up with liberal amounts of product. As a Yorud alien, Zeke’s skin was a faint shade of grey, and his forehead bore three silver nodules above each eyebrow. Evan thought they made a good couple, despite being polar opposites.

  “Nonssssense,” Xavier protested. “Shuddup, you nefarious Troglodyte.”

  Evan moved over to Elijah and Emillia. Emi was giggling happily, but Elijah kept stealing glances to the corner of the room.

  Evan followed his gaze and saw Brooke deep in conversation with a handsome blond boy. Evan heard Elijah mutter that the Arch-Realmer, Lok, was standing far too close.

  “Brooke hasn’t drunk much, has she?” Elijah asked Evan.

  “No,” Evan laughed. “I think Jed and Xavier drank most of it.”

  “Good.” Elijah nodded. “I wouldn’t want Lok to take advantage. Knowing him, that’s exactly what he’d do.”

  Evan looked back at Brooke and Lok. He was being rather friendly.

  “Hmm, Brooke can look after herself though,” he said.

  “I hope so,” Elijah said darkly, before turning away and blending into the crowd beyond.

  Jed came bounding up again, draping an arm over Evan’s shoulder.

  “Thought we'd lost you for a minute there, mate,” he slurred. “I just can't believe it. We live in this fantastic Fortress full of sorcery and weird creatures, but it never felt as real as when the demons got hold of you. I'm so glad you’re back safe and sound.”

  “You’re handling alcohol well, I see,” Evan chuckled, “but thanks.”

  “Not my first drink, Evan, my boy.” Jed gave a lopsided smile. “Now, I'm going to try and find myself a lady friend. A few have been eyeing me up all night.”

  “Ah, Jed, don’t embarrass yourself,” Evan snorted.

  “I never do,” Jed said smugly. “Oi, Jennifer, how about it, me and you?”

  “Uh, Jed, I’m taken; Chris, remember?” She looked awkwardly to the boy beside her.

  “Oops.” Jed shot an embarrassed glance Evan’s way, then turned to focus on a new girl. “Arianna, woohoo.” He waved his arms stupidly. “I’ve always felt me and you have a connection, you know.”

  Smirking, Evan left his best friend in his quest of wooing a female. He weaved his way through the crowd until he found Brooke.

  She sat next to the aquarium which housed a multitude of alien creatures. A smiling Lok had just departed.

  “You all right?” Evan asked as he sat down.

  “I’m good,” Brooke said. “What about you? I know you probably don’t want to talk about it, but it must've been horrible what happened… in the demon realm, that is.”

  Evan nodded. So far he’d avoided answering people’s questions, like what Kurrlan had done to him, or why he wanted him. Everyone was so happy to have him back that they weren’t pressing the issue.

  “It was terrible. If it wasn’t for Vanderain, I-I don’t know…” He trailed off, unable to finish.

  Brooke leaned over the table. “No one has any idea that I’m in the same boat as you. Lok was the only one who asked what happened to me. I just said I managed to kill the demon after it knocked him out. That’s the last time I saw him.”

  “Where were you earlier?” Evan asked. “Did you manage to find Arantay?”

  “No,” she murmured, “he’s still missing.”

  “I’m sure he’s okay,” Evan said. “He’s a far better fighter than me, and I came back in one piece.”

  “I hope so.” Brooke nodded. “I feel so weird, like you and I aren’t the same as the other Venators now. I know I shouldn’t, and I don’t want to, but…”

  Evan sighed. Exhaustion weighed on him, dulling the fear he knew could easily take hold of him if he dwelled on having a demon for a mother too long.

  “It doesn’t feel real, you know,” he said. “Demons and magic—they feel normal now. But the fact we’re half demon… I mean, look at us. We don’t have horns or tails, or anything.”

  Brooke nodded. “Exactly. I’ve never had the urge to eat someone either. That’s what most demons do, right?”

  “Will anyone understand?” Evan asked hesitantly. “I mean, we need to tell them, right?”

  “Can…” Brooke paused, looking terrified and close to tears. “Can we even tell our closest friends? We can confide in them, right? They won’t try to kill us for being half demons? Not like other Venators might.”

  Evan understood her fears perfectly; he had them himself. He was terrified that everyone in Veneseron would cast them out if they knew the truth. Or worse, kill them for being monsters.

  “Yes,” he said firmly, trying to cast aside his worry. “All of you stood by me after you learned the demons were targeting me. None of you acted like I was a freak, or hated me. We owe it to our friends to tell them the truth.”

  Brooke nodded slowly. “You’re right. I think they’ll understand. But there’s a reason Vanderain doesn’t want the whole Fortress to find out.”

  “Yeah,” Evan agreed. “If our secret got out… the Venators who wouldn’t hunt us down and kill us would be scared of us instead. Some might still accept us, but most…”

  “Don’t say that, Evan. We aren’t demons, okay?” Brooke took his hand in hers. “You’re right about people being scared, and yeah, some may go as far as to hurt us, but some would understand, too. We didn’t ask for this, and we didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Okay, but let’s keep today at least another day without us being demons,” Evan said.

  He knew they’d have to tell their closest friends everything Vanderain had revealed to them at some point, but now wasn't the time.

  “Evan, Evan!”

  They both looked up as Elijah and Emillia rushed over.

  “Are the rumours true, about Cera?” Elijah asked desperately. “People are saying the most horrendous things about her.”

  “We knew she was missing, but Tarensen told us not to worry,” said Emillia.

  Evan sighed. “Tarensen probably wanted to make sure she was a traitor.”

  “So it’s true?” Elijah was dumbstruck. “But I knew her for years. How…How could this happen?”

  “Are you serious?” Brooke gasped. “That bitch.”

  Evan realised not even Brooke knew about Cera’s betrayal. He was the only one who’d seen Cera by Kurrlan’s side. Would anyone believe his word? It seemed too ludicrous. Evan was struggling to believe it himself.

  “I feel sick,” Emi said weakly.

  “Cera’s father must’ve had something to do with it,” Evan said. “He should've accepted she’d never be able to do sorcery, not go to a damn demon for help. I mean, Cera’s responsible too. She must’ve wanted sorcery bad to go along with it, but Mr Sangel would’ve contacted Kurrlan.”

  “So she led you to Kurrlan?” Brooke asked, her amber eyes bright with anger. “Was it all a lie? Her… liking you and stuff?”

  “Yeah,” Evan mumbled.

  Elijah sat down, shocked into silence.

  “What did Lok want?” Evan asked Brooke, partly to change the subject.

  “Oh, he was telling me about Arantay.” Brooke’s voice sounded strained. “The rumours are that he went after his brother. That Falawn helped let Kurrlan’s army in. I can’t imagine what Tay’s going through. I heard about his family…”

  “Oh.” Evan struggled with what to say as Brooke fell silent. He didn't know Arantay well, but he felt there was something going on between him and Brooke.

  “Sorry, I just can’t help thinking whether he’ll come back too.”

  “It’s al
l right,” Evan assured her. “Vanderain said he’s gone to look for Arantay. He’ll be back, I swear.”

  Brooke nodded gratefully and smiled again, but the smile failed to touch her eyes.

  “I'm sure he's fine,” said Evan. “Arantay’s probably on his way back now.”

  Chapter 2- Out of the Oven, Into the Inferno

  Arantay soared from the world of Veneseron to land into another.

  It was a hellish mockery of a realm, with a sky of crimson clouds veined by black forks of lightning which smote the grey earth with ear-splitting roars. Beyond the acidic green river, bedecked by a bridge of bones, sat a colossal black castle. The dark keep crouched like a behemoth awaiting its prey, complete with razor-tipped turrets and littered with bones and monstrous remains.

  A scream of raw emotion erupted from Arantay as he raced after his brother. The brother who’d murdered their family.

  A black sun brooded in the sky, momentarily swathed in a ruby cloak as cirrus clouds sailed past it. It appeared that black stars gleamed alongside the sun, until the stars increased in size and shape, sprouting hideous wings.

  Before he could reach his brother, Arantay was assailed by the gigantic bats, screeching as they clawed his face. He heard Falawn’s cold laughter up ahead.

  But Arantay was beyond fear, beyond rage, beyond control.

  He rolled beneath the first bat, scraping a chunk out of its leathery wings as he went. Brackish blood spilled to the floor, and Arantay's fangs itched at the sight. He'd given his vampiric side more control than ever before. The insatiable need for warm, sweet blood clung to his every fibre of being.


  He couldn’t let him get away.

  He seized the bats blocking his path by their wings and ripped them in half, oblivious to the sonic screeches of the creatures converging around him.

  Barely six metres ahead, Falawn flew across the ruined earth, kicking up rubble as he fled. Arantay was almost upon him, when one of the bats snagged his hair. His head jerked back, but Arantay whirled and sunk his fangs into the bat instead, relishing the sensation of hot blood seeping down his throat.


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