Moonlight War- Act I (The Realmers Book 2)

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Moonlight War- Act I (The Realmers Book 2) Page 10

by William Collins

  Emi clapped a hand over her mouth and other people in the room gasped, swore or screamed.

  Evan felt like he was going to throw up.

  “Those at Veneseron who monitor magic throughout the realms were alerted to the sudden increase in the Chicago area. When a team of Venators descended upon the college the Rakarn had already fled, leaving a trail of bodies in their wake. One or two supernatural students at the college are still unaccounted for. We believe the Dark-Realmers may have taken them to Velkarath to torture, imprison, or convert them into their ranks.”

  “This is sick,” said Xavier, his hands trembling. Izekiel put a comforting arm around him, his own face a mask of rage.

  “Many of the Realmer Grand-Masters have been informed of this latest Rakarn attack and their representatives have sworn that there will be justice,” Tizzlewig finished his report.

  The screen blinked again and returned to showing the Arena Battle game.

  It felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room. The laughter and casual chatter had been obliterated. It was easy to forget the very real dangers rife throughout the realms when at the Fortress. Even Evan, who knew the threats were real, considering his up close and personal experience with Kurrlan, had pushed the reality from his mind. He’d been so happy to be back at Veneseron, he’d actively wanted to forget, to pretend all the horrors and violence didn’t exist.

  “What does that mean?” Evan asked. “The Grand-Masters?”

  “The leaders of the other strongholds,” Elijah said, “similar to what Vanderain is to Veneseron.”

  “It sounds like a declaration of war,” Jed said.

  “We’ve been at war with them for years,” Joelle interjected. “But lately the Dark-Venators have been causing more chaos then before. They’re planning something big.”

  “Then Veneseron will have to make sure they’re there to stop them,” Brooke muttered.


  “Hold his head up,” Rath giggled.

  Ragul raised the halberd with the goblin head on the end.

  “Goblin marshmallow anyone?” Rath shouted. The Dark-Venators jeered.

  Selina’s companions played football with the other goblin heads from the group they’d slaughtered. She watched them play, bored now the killing was over.

  The twins, Rath and Ragul, had now set their goblin head on fire and ran around in circles, waving their ghastly trophy in the air.

  She’d forgotten which world they were on now. There’d been so many worlds since they last left Velkarath. Akirandon herself would be happy with Selina’s results however. She and her team had gathered many valuable prisoners. Some of them at least had a chance at being carved into Rakarn one day. The other hostages could be put to work in the Velkarath camps, or used as bait.

  Selina sat amongst the ruins of a city destroyed long ago. The city’s residents had turned to skeletons, scattered amongst the rusty red stone the city was built from. Not a tower stood high now; they lay on the ground, bent and broken, as a sickly yellow sky watched over them all. She seized one of the skulls by her feet. It was twice the size of a human head, and looked vaguely canine too. She grimaced and tossed the skull at a Rakarn near her, smiling as it hit the back of his head. He scowled at her, but dare not say anything to his superior.

  She conjured a tiny fireball on the tip of her finger, using it to light up her cigarette as the wagons pulled up.

  Mikhail stomped ahead of the wagons. He’d taken off his breastplate and horned helmet, revealing the work Velkarath’s experiments had done to him. He was eighteen years old and still had his purple Mohawk. His giant body had been deformed however, his bones too big for him and some of his veins were black. He had the eyes of a rabid dog.

  “Any of them die?” Selina asked.

  Mikhail peered into the tiny windows on each of the wagons. “Can’t tell,” he grunted. “Many of them could be sleeping. Want me to wake ‘em?”

  “No,” said Selina, blowing out a trail of smoke. “If they die on the way, they aren’t strong enough to serve Velkarath.”

  “Too right,” said Nick as he approached, jumping to sit on a rock next to her. Nick grinned through his long, greasy hair. “Can I use my knives again before we return; see how strong our prisoners really are?”

  Selina simply nodded. She didn’t much like any of her fellow Rakarn, but if she had to choose; she could withstand Nick the best. He was an ugly lout, but a boy of simple, cruel pleasures. Best of all, he followed her orders with enthusiasm.

  “Oi, Venny.” Rath ambled over, carrying the goblin head by its hair now. “Can we feed the prisoners the goblins? Come on, how funny would that be?”

  “Yes, yes.” Ragul nodded enthusiastically. “They’ll be starving now. I bet some of ‘em eat goblin.”

  Rath giggled like a child. “I bet they throw up too. It’ll be nasty green goo. Please Venny, please.”

  “Go on then.” Selina sighed. She tolerated the twins, in all their glorious depravity. She’d also like to yank their fingernails off one by one every time they called her Venny. It was their stupid nickname for her, because she was first trained at Veneseron. What wit they’d used to come with that name. Selina would’ve loved to punish them for their insolence, or ensure their ‘accidental’ deaths on a mission, but she couldn’t. Princess Kaelyn found the twins fascinating and they were one of her favourite playthings. Even though Selina was lieutenant, Kaelyn would punish her severely if anything happened to the twins when Selina was in charge.

  But the twins still had to obey her. It hadn't taken someone like Selina long to ascend through Velkarath’s ranks, stamping on those weaker on the way up.

  She was interrupted from her thoughts by the screams of pain.

  “Shut him up, will you.”

  Nick sprang to obey, bounding to one of caged wagons and banging on the side.

  “Heh, it’s a young boy, wailing for his mommy.” Nick sniggered. “I think he’s one of our potential Rakarn though, so we can’t just kill him.”

  “He’ll need his fingers for spells,” said Selina. “So cut off a little toe, and tell him we’ll keep taking toes until he's quiet.”

  As Nick happily set about his business, Kady moved out of the crowd of Dark-Venators and sauntered toward her.

  Selina felt her nose wrinkle in a sneer of disgust. Kady used to be a quiet girl, but lately she’d been overreaching in her lust for power. She was plain-featured, and in an effort to stand out she’d turned her hair pink and wore it in pigtails. Selina had never seen a hairstyle more ridiculous.

  Kady had risen through the ranks of Velkarath recently and was letting it go to her head. She’s going to try and take my position as lieutenant. Let her try!

  “Good news,” Kady simpered. “I have been told to join the others on Earth.” She bared her teeth in what Selina supposed was a smile. “Don’t get jealous now.”

  “Why would I?” Selina replied lazily. “I’m the one leading the attack, you bloody idiot.”

  Kady pursed her lips. “Hopefully you don’t screw up like you did the last time you went to Earth. I believe the demon pack you set loose did more damage than you. Didn’t Venators appear and kick your ass?”

  “They got lucky,” Selina snarled. “Besides, that wasn’t the last time I was on Earth. Didn’t you hear what I did in that American college? I slaughtered two Venators that night. This time, if any Realmers try to stop me, I’ll kill em’ all.”

  “Make sure you do,” said Kady, “or you’ll lose your stellar reputation.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” Selina smiled back at her. “Kaelyn told me how proud she was of my accomplishments. It won’t be long before I’m in Akirandon’s inner circle.”

  “Yes,” said Kady. “You’ll certainly draw Akirandon’s attention if you fail another mission. Did you hear what everyone’s saying in Velkarath? Many believe I’ll be getting a promotion. I’ll have authority over you soon.”

  Selina had encountered many overcon
fident Rakarn like Kady. Most of them died, killed by their own peers. Selina would love to slay Kady right now, before she found Kady’s dagger at her own back. But she’d been reprimanded twice already for killing her mission companions.

  Abruptly, the air several feet away crackled as a portal took shape. Selina leaped off her rock, gathering magic to strike. The other Dark-Venators cried out excitedly and rushed toward the swirling portal.

  Selina expected a group of Realmers who’d tracked them down, not a lone elf. He tumbled out of the portal and to the ground in a heap. His bronze skin was filthy and his long green hair was covered in dirt. Yet his expression was jubilant as he looked at them all, his eyes filled with determination. In his hand he gripped a Rambrace, a Realmer tool.

  Selina conjured a fireball, but let it sit on her hand before throwing it. She’d question the elf before killing him.

  “Don’t attack,” she ordered the exhilarated Rakarn behind her. “You can have your fun with him once I’m done.”

  The elf surprised her again by laughing joyfully.

  “Yes, I found you at last. You are Dark-Realmers? I’m Falawn, and I demand an audience with your queen Akiranda, or whatever.”

  “You dare besmirch her name.” Kady hissed and made for the elf, but Selina shoved her back in line.

  “We are Dark-Realmers, yes,” Selina told Falawn. “But you do not have the right to commune with our queen, Akirandon. You have one minute to tell me why you’re looking for us, and why I shouldn’t let my underlings slaughter you.”

  Falawn’s smile wilted, yet his eyes remained fierce. “I was a loyal servant to the Dread Lord Kurrlan. I alone helped Kurrlan’s forces invade Veneseron itself.”

  Interesting, Selina hadn’t heard of any attack on Veneseron. But she’d immediately assumed this elf was lying. If Velkarath’s forces hadn’t managed to invade Veneseron, she doubted anyone else could.

  “Kurrlan.” Selina didn’t recognise the name, and she’d memorised all of the Dread Lords allied with Velkarath. “No Lord by that name serves our Queen.”

  “He may not have, but Kurrlan wanted one Venator in particular from Veneseron, wanted him bad,” said Falawn.


  “I don't know, but I'm sure Akirandon will be interested to find out everything I know of Kurrlan. And everything I know of Veneseron, where I've lived for hundreds of years. I will be a great asset to Akirandon and her Dark-Venators.”

  Selina hesitated. She had the urge to burn this filthy elf alive. He was likely insane, but if there was any truth to his words the Velkarath masters would indeed desire his information.

  “That'll be for our queen to decide.” Selina's lip curled. “Come then, we'll take you to Velkarath.”

  “You can’t be serious,” Nick cried. “I say we kill this fool right now. Who wants to see me slit his throat?” Nick turned to shout to the crowd, who whooped and cheered.

  Selina replied by throwing her fireball at Nick’s stomach.

  “Aaaah, what the hell.” Nick dropped to the ground, rolling around desperately to put the flames out.

  “Anyone else want to disobey me?” Selina said.

  There was a chorus of ‘No’ from her soldiers. Apart from Kady who glared at her and Rath and Ragul, who nodded enthusiastically, grinning like hyenas.

  “Mikhail, shove the elf in the wagon with the other slaves,” said Selina.

  “What? No, didn’t you hear what I said?” Falawn cried, struggling against Mikhail’s grip. The giant soon overpowered him however and threw him inside one of the wagons.

  “Everyone listen up,” Selina shouted. “I received fresh orders from the masters this morning and you all have new jobs to do. Mikhail, the masters want you on a solo mission. Your strength will come in handy here. You need to travel to a realm named Sarume. The masters have detected someone using powerful magic there. Whoever this magic-user is, you’re on strict orders to bring them to Velkarath. And try not to kill too many people on the way. I know you enjoy it, but if too many questions get asked they'll give you the lash again.”

  Mikhail grumbled, “I'll rip the arms off anyone who tries that…”

  “Not if it's a Master you won't,” Selina interrupted him.

  She paused before talking again, relishing the moment. “Kady, you can take that elf to Velkarath before you go on your next mission.”

  “No!” Kady growled, “I-”

  “I don’t care,” Selina spoke over her. “You’ll do what you’re told. If the elf does know about Venators, maybe I can use him on my mission. I’m sure our enemies will try and put a stop to our latest plan.”

  Kady pouted, yet she didn’t argue any further. Selina was almost sorry Kady hadn’t challenged her to a duel, so she could kill her now.

  “The rest of you will come with me to Earth now. Maybe Kady can join us later. If the Masters aren’t displeased with her, that is.”

  She suspected Falawn was insane, and the Masters would consider it a waste of time bringing the elf to them. Hopefully they’d punish Kady for it.

  “But before we go, let’s release our wagon of demons on the nearest town. They haven’t eaten in days.”

  Selina grinned as her soldiers set to work.

  Chapter 8- Problem Solving

  The Fortress had spent day and night discussing the Dark-Venator attack, so much so that Evan had been late to bed. As he woke up, blearily, he noticed the new scroll across his room.

  The scroll materialised above his desk every day to reveal his training sessions, including new classes, and talk was of nothing but their new training during breakfast in the Banquet chamber.

  Joelle leaned across the table and spoke in hushed tones. “Listen, being an Apprentice is fantastic, way better than being a Novice. Master Magoris is the one bad thing though.”

  “What do you mean?” Jed asked.

  “Just, try not to get on his bad side,” Joelle said.

  “Yeah, no mouthing off Jed,” Elijah agreed as he and Brooke joined them at their bench.

  “Uh,” said Jed, “I never mouth off. I…mouth on. Wait, that makes no sense.”

  “Haven’t you lowly Apprentices had your new lessons yet?” Elijah asked.

  “Oi, you were an Apprentice yesterday,” Evan said.

  “Yep, and you guys were all measly Novices.” Elijah laughed.

  The rest of breakfast consisted with Evan and the others asking Brooke about her new Mid-Realmer classes. Elijah kept responding with long rambles, however, so Evan and Jed kept cutting him off with another question for Brooke, much to Elijah’s annoyance.

  “… but I think Mid-Realmer weaponry classes are beneficial for-”

  Evan interrupted Elijah, “So Brooke, what’re you planning on watching on TV tonight?”

  “Yeah, I heard Esmeraka is gonna’ be revealed to be Asruka’s long lost daughter in ‘Goblins Like Us’ tonight,” Jed chortled.

  “Will you guys let me finish?” Elijah roared.

  “Okay sorry,” said Evan, “carry on.”

  “As I was saying,” Elijah said. “Being a Mid-Realmer is-”

  “I’ve been watching Venator sports recently.” Brooke had a turn cutting Elijah off. “I love Jewelball and-” She broke off, giggling at Elijah’s expression.

  They laughed loudly as they departed the Banquet chamber, all of them except Elijah that was.

  Jed had an Earth element lesson, whilst Brooke and Elijah had healing, so Evan was alone as he walked across the Veneseron fields.

  “Look out!”

  Evan looked up in time to see a bright green object spinning incredibly fast right toward his head. Before the ball smashed into his face, a figure leaped in front of him, plucking the ball from the air with expert speed. The girl laughed as she hit the ground and promptly rolled to her feet.

  “Whoa, that was close. You okay, Mashok?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Evan took a second to register what just happened.

  He didn't fail to notice that t
he girl before him was very attractive. She was short but athletic, with coppery blonde hair and unnatural gold skin. She was a Yurod alien, Evan realised with shock. Zeke had told him how the females of his species looked the same except they had golden skin, and this girl had the telltale silver nodules above each eyebrow.

  “Ello.” She held out a callused hand. “I'm Nova. Sorry about this. I’m more used to Arena Battle than Twinsphere.”

  Evan took it, noticing her hand was far rougher than his own. Her clothes were baggy and covered in dirt. Evan reckoned she’d probably take him in a fistfight.

  “Oi, Nova!”

  They both turned to see the guy shouting. He was one of many Mid-Realmers playing Twinsphere in an area of the field.

  “Have you forgotten we're in the middle of a game, you Bikla.”

  “Hold your seahorses,” Nova shouted back. “You almost knocked this guy's head off.”

  Evan raised an eyebrow as he observed Nova's apparent teammate.

  “Why is his skin green? Is he half troll, or orc?”

  “Oh no,” Nova replied. “Rudy just ate a Yoleesha by accident. The side-effects last for three days,” she chuckled.


  “An insect, like a green moth. Someone stole one from the alchemy ingredients supply and ground it in his soup.” Nova grinned brilliantly. “Shh, don't tell anyone.”

  With that she was off, throwing the ball that almost hit his face high into the air. Evan grinned and shook his head as he continued on to Ethanc’s.

  He ordered one of Ethanc’s eternally-hot coffees and sat in the corner of the bar, going over their latest Archives assignment (recording the varied diet of mountain-wyrms).

  Before long it was time for his Extended Sorcery lesson.

  As a Novice a wizened orc named Balzabar had been his Instructor, but Gettelung had said that a Master named Magoris would be teaching them at Apprentice rank.

  With so many Venators, all training areas had around three different Masters on hand. Weaponry had five instructors (two Evan hadn’t even seen yet). Fortunately Extended Sorcery was the only instructor change in Evan’s schedule, although Jed had mentioned he’d been assigned a different Earth element Master too.


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