Love of Steel [The Callens 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love of Steel [The Callens 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “Any news from Jade?”

  “I forgot to tell you. She called in sick.”

  His gut soured. He wanted to rush to her place and see if she needed anything, but he understood he needed to fulfill his commitment here first. “How did she sound?”

  “She coughed a bit, but I didn’t detect a cold. Maybe it’s PMS time.”

  “I hope that’s all it is. I’m going to check on her right after rehearsal.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  Normally, he liked the two of them to stick together, but in this case, he didn’t want to overwhelm her. “I’d rather see her alone. I think she might be pissed at me.”

  “Ah. You might be right. Okay, but don’t do anything I might not do.”

  That lightened his mood.

  After the second act finished, he broke away from Marlene, who’d asked him to go out for a drink. He’d given her some lame excuse why he couldn’t stay. If he thought there wouldn’t be any backlash from her, he would have told her he was committed to Jade. Having two jealous women on the set wouldn’t help Parker have a successful run.

  Since it was only a few minutes after nine, he stopped at the Eatery and ordered a quart of chicken soup to go. His mom was notorious for giving him ginger ale if he had sore throat and chicken soup if he had a cold. The memory still brought a smile to his face.

  He rushed over to Jade’s house. If she didn’t answer, he’d assume she was asleep. He parked in back and knocked on the back door. No one answered, but he could hear banging. What the hell was going on? He tested the knob. It was unlocked and he pushed it open.

  There she was with a blowtorch in her hand leaning over a shovel. “Jade?”

  When she didn’t respond, he stepped closer, not wanting to disturb her concentration and make her jump.

  He got within two feet of the shovel when she looked up. She fumbled with the off switch. “What are you doing here?”

  He waved his mother’s medicine. “Parker said you were sick, and I came to comfort you.”

  She put down her gear and tore off her goggles. “Oh.”

  “You feeling better now?”

  Her mouth screwed to the side. “Maybe.”

  “Why don’t you go take a shower, and I’ll have some soup ready for you when you get out?”

  She stared at him for a bit. “Okay.”

  Together they went upstairs. The temperature difference from the workroom to her apartment was quite substantial. “You got any heat up here?”

  She shrugged. “I just leave the door open to let the heat rise. It works well for the second floor, but my bedroom on the third floor often gets chilly.”

  “I could help keep you warm.” Way to go, Logan. That’ll charm her.

  She turned her back before he could see her reaction, but he thought he caught a smile. As soon as she went upstairs to her bedroom, he listened carefully. Her boots dropped on the floor, and then her feet padded to the bathroom. When she turned on the water, he knew he had to do something.

  He glanced around the room. Seeing her work turned him on. He wanted her. Hell, he’d wanted her every day since her parents’ anniversary party and their divine excursion to New Orleans, but he didn’t want to pressure her. Waiting for her to come to him was like watching water freeze in the midday sun. It never was going to happen.

  He pictured her stripping then stepping into the shower. He bet she’d dunk her head under the water and then pour a handful of some fruity-smelling shampoo on her head.

  The image of the three of them together hit him hard. He dialed Parker, thinking he should be finished by now.

  “Hey. I’m over at Jade’s.”

  “She okay?”

  “She’s naked. Want to join us?”

  “Can a hammer drive in a nail?”

  Logan laughed. “I’ll make sure the downstairs door is open. Oh, and bring some lube, and if you wouldn’t mind, grab the package that’s on my kitchen counter.” If they were going to be together, he needed to start the indoctrination process soon.

  He double-checked he hadn’t locked the outside door, and then he returned. Taking the steps two at a time, he stood outside the closed bathroom door for a moment before getting naked. This little minx wasn’t going to push him out of her life any longer. He twisted the knob and walked into a wall of steam.

  The light humming stopped. Damn. He hadn’t meant to scare her. “It’s only me.” The opaque shower curtain prevented him from seeing her reaction.

  “What are you doing here?” Shit. There was a hitch to her voice.

  “Doing what I should have been doing ever since we got back from New Orleans.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Showing you how much I want you.”

  He pulled back the shower curtain, and his mostly hard cock got a hell of a lot stiffer. Seeing her all full of soap was a vision he’d never forget. He stepped in across from her.

  She planted a hand on her hips and raised her chin. “I’m not giving up my career.”

  That comment came out of left field. “I know. Who asked you to?”

  She lowered her hand. “You did, just not in so many words. You said if I wanted to have more time that I should marry a rich man. That implied that if I got married I would be giving up my job and settling down to have a ton of kids, which would—”

  “Whoa. Slow down, darlin’. You got this all wrong. Is that why you stormed out from rehearsal the other night?”

  Water cascaded over her shoulders, bouncing off her precious tits.

  She sucked in her bottom lip and his balls tightened. “Maybe.”

  Damn. He knew he should have cleared things up sooner. He was an idiot. “Come here.” He didn’t give her the chance to pull away. He drew her close and hugged her tight. “Don’t you know you mean everything to me?”

  She leaned back her head and looked up at him. Had her face not already been wet, he could have sworn a tear had trickled down her cheek. That cut him deeper than any comment she could sling at him. If she did yell and call him a jerk, he’d have to agree with her.

  He cupped her face and lightly kissed her adorable lips. “I’m sorry. I was an insensitive ass.”

  “So you want a woman who works?”

  “I want you. You can pound that anvil ten hours a day sweating in your shop, or you can lounge on a hammock. As long as we’re together, I’ll be happy.” He hoped that would satisfy her doubts. He dragged a thumb down her cheek. “Let’s not talk about those things. I’ve missed you too much to talk.”

  He devoured her lips and nothing tasted sweeter. Her perfect tits pressed deliciously into his chest. Slowly, she opened her mouth and teased his tongue. As if the wall between them crumbled, she clasped on to his shoulders and pressed her hips against his cock. That one move shot spikes of lust up his balls.

  She suddenly pulled away. Confused at first, he spotted the problem. Soap had dribbled down her face, and she wiped it away. “I need to rinse my hair.”

  He stepped back, in part to give her room and in part to catch his breath. “Go right ahead.” They didn’t need to be having unprotected sex in the shower anyway.

  She turned around and presented him with her very fine ass. His gaze remained on the smooth skin and perfect orbs. His resolve broke and he cupped her rear. As expected, she jumped a bit. “Shh. Just admiring your perfect body.”

  With her head under the water it was a bit hard to hear her, but he thought she said something about her having too many muscles.

  “Let me be the judge.” He begrudgingly moved his hands up her back, wanting to soothe her for all the perceived pain he thought he’d caused.

  She straightened, turned around, and did a final rinse. Seeing an opportunity to run his hands all over her body, he snagged the liquid soap and poured some in his palm. “I can see you need a thorough cleaning.”

  Her smile emerged and his heart sang. “Oh, yeah? Remember, all’s fair in the washing world.”

  He bur
st out laughing at her butchering of the usual cliché. Needing to touch her, he dragged his hands over her tits and rubbed his palms up and down.

  She squirmed. “That tickles.”

  His hand shot to between her legs and he palmed her pussy. “How about there?”

  From the twinkle in her eyes, she had caught on to the game. “No.”

  “The pussy it is.”

  She picked up the soap and doused her hand with the liquid. “Now it’s my turn.”

  “I’m very dirty.”

  Her gaze shot between his legs. Just her perusal made his body tighten with need.

  “Does your cock need washing?”

  She was such an amazing woman. “Absolutely.”

  She clasped her hand around his erection and slid her fingers up and down. He knew what her hands and mouth could do to him, and all the memories from New Orleans came flooding back. He wasn’t sure how long he could stay in the shower with her without claiming her again.

  “I need you to turn around.” Not only did he want to play with her perky tits, but he also wanted to get her used to idea of having something big and hard in her ass.

  She obeyed, and he immediately massaged her breasts. Leaning in close, he placed his lips on her ear. “I love being this close to you. Don’t ever forget it.”

  “Then why did you ignore me for so long after New Orleans?” She twisted around and their lips were within an inch of each other’s.

  He wanted to kiss right there, but the pain in her voice stopped him. “I was waiting for you to show me that you wanted to continue. I was giving you the power. I thought you could tell how much I wanted you.”

  Her brows furrowed. “Men are supposed to make the first move.”

  “Darlin’, we are so far past first base. I don’t want to have to make a move. I just want to be with you.”

  Her mouth formed a perfect O. “So, anytime I want, I can just drive to your house without calling and sashay up to the door and knock?”

  He cupped her face. “If you’re thinking that maybe you’ll interrupt me with another woman, you’d be wrong. You are my woman. What else can I say to convince you?” If he used the L word, he was damned sure she’d be running out of the shower faster than he could put a for sale sign on a house.

  Her grin started off slow then built to a boil. “Really?”

  “Really. Just so you know, Parker is part of the package.” He wanted to ease her into the idea of sharing. When she didn’t respond right away, his gut twisted. “You like Parker a lot, don’t you, darlin’?”


  He ran his fingers over her shoulders and leaned in. When she opened her mouth to accept his kiss, his body nearly exploded. If he didn’t sink his cock into her in the next few minutes, he’d never be able to breathe again.

  Chapter Nine

  Jade had been such a fool. Here she thought neither Logan nor Parker were really into her. She’d believed they truly didn’t get that she wasn’t looking for the easy way out. Now she understood Logan’s comment about marrying a rich man was probably a way to judge her willingness to be with them. Wow. I’m the one who’s an idiot.

  Logan leaned back. “Where did you go?”


  He kissed her nose. “You looked lost.”

  “Just thinking.”

  “How about we take those thoughts someplace else? Didn’t you say you needed a way to warm up your bed?”

  One thing she could say about Logan was that he had a way with words. “Can I lick you until you scream my name?” Did I just say that?

  “Remember what you said about what’s good for one is good for the other.”

  She had to laugh. “We’ll see about that.”

  After stepping from the shower, she pulled two towels from the rack. As soon as Logan emerged, looking glorious with water dripping over his sensuously delicious body, she tossed him a towel. She would have taken her time to dry him, but then he’d reciprocate. Her pussy was already throbbing with the need for his cock, and she didn’t want to wait any longer.

  With slow pats, she dried her chest, never taking her gaze off him. He didn’t appear all that concerned about removing the water on himself. One sweep over his back, another down each leg, across his face and along his chest and he seemed to call it quits. His arms beaded with water.

  “You missed a spot.” She’d gotten her arms half stretched to finish drying him when he picked her up.

  “We’ll bring the towel with us. I can’t wait any longer to have you.”

  In five strides he lowered her onto the bed. He took the towel from her, spread her legs, and wiped her pussy. Without a word, he picked up her foot and dried it with the towel then massaged her insole. Because she had been standing all day, the pleasure racing up her legs would have been almost as good as a first lick between her thighs. He repeated with the other leg.

  “I love foot massages.”

  “When I’m not so needy, I’ll spend more time erasing the aches from every muscle.”

  “Remind me to shower with you more often.” Had she not been so ass-backward in her thinking, she could have had ten showers with him already. Why did she have to be the daughter of a male chauvinist?

  “I’ll put it on my calendar.”

  His grin set her body on fire. He scooted off the bed, she guessed to grab a condom. He fumbled through his pants, and a small foil packet flew through the air and landed at the head of the bed. Like some feral creature, he pounced. On his hands and knees he loomed over her.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  His words helped soothe the aches and doubts of the last two weeks. “You aren’t so bad yourself.”

  Sliding his legs back until he was on top of her, their lips locked. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, implying he was thrilled with how their bodies meshed to perfection. His hard cock pressed between her legs, and her pussy creamed. Everything about Logan excited her. He drew both of her hands above her head and held them tight. The restriction made her feel wanton and desired. Their kiss ended, but his lips never left her body. He dragged his mouth over her chin and down to the hollow of her throat. Nibbling his way across to her ear, he traced a line around the entire edge.

  “I want you.” His breathy confession melted every bone in her body.

  “I want you, too.”

  His knees nudged her legs apart, and he teased her with his naked cock. For a moment, she wanted him to impale her in all his glory. The image of carrying his baby flitted across her mind her until reason intruded.

  “Did you forget something?”

  He lowered a hand, grabbed the condom, and waved it. “Not there yet.” He shifted his hips to show her he understood her concern.

  His mouth suctioned her shoulder as the fingers that had held the condom a second ago delved into her pussy. Her back arched as streaks of pleasure wrapped around her. One finger was no substitute for his big cock, but when he wiggled it around, her walls clamped down on him.

  “You like that?”

  “If you’d let me suck your cock, I could show you what that feels like.”

  “You get near me and I’ll blow.” His second finger put more pressure on her insides.

  As suddenly as the exquisite probing started, he stopped and slid down her body. He captured her tit in his mouth. With his teeth, he pulled the tip tight. Shards of erotic lust burst down her sides. The light pain sent her pussy into a tizzy. Every tug, every kiss, every lick brought her higher.

  “It’s been too long.”

  His response was to nab the other nipple in his mouth and suck hard. He palmed her first breast, and the combination of hard and soft confused her senses. She grabbed his shoulders and dug her nails into his flesh. The flexing and bunching of his muscles heated her fingers. The moment he wove his other hand through her hair, she went into tactile overload. He seemed to be tugging and pulling on every part of her body.

  “I need your cock.”

  The sucki
ng motion on her tit stopped as a smile claimed his lips. As if he was waiting for her permission, he lowered his body until his mouth was between her thighs. He lifted her hips like he was about to drink a bowl of soup and dove in. When his tongue clasped onto her clit, her breath whooshed out along with a groan. She wiggled her hips up and down for more touching and licking.

  “Easy there.”

  “See how easy you’d be if I could reach your cock.”

  His guttural response pleased her. At least he added two fingers into her wet opening. He plunged them in and swirled them around. Heat built as her pulse raced. His tongue went into rapid-fire mode, and her need turned wild. She wasn’t sure how long she’d last at this frenetic pace.

  Finally, he must not have been able to take it either, for he leaned back, ripped the foil, and donned the latex. He flattened her knees as if the angle of entry would tease her better.

  He dragged his body on top of her and nipped her tits again.

  “Hurry.” She was near to boiling over as it was. As slowly as he could, he widened her thighs and eased into her pussy. The heavens opened and bliss washed over her. “Ah, yes!”

  Pumping her hips to prime the movement, he edged his way to the end. Her slick channel welcomed him, but she needed the friction. Once he withdrew most of the way, she hooked her arms around his waist. She loved how the planes of his back flexed and rippled with each thrust.


  His groan almost sounded like he was in pain. “Don’t move. I’m so on the edge, and I want to please you first.”

  The sweetness of his sacrifice bolstered her ego. Trying not to lift her hips was near to impossible, but she fisted her hands, digging her nails into her palms to keep in control. He nuzzled her neck and pushed into her again.

  The added resistance heated her body hotter than any steel rod. Her resolve broke. “I’ve waited too long.”

  He must have understood that she was near to the end. His next few thrusts caught her body on fire. Electric pulses tripped up her spine as her pussy kept clamping down on him.

  Suddenly, another face appeared over her. “Parker?”

  “Uh-huh. I hope you don’t mind, sugar, but I couldn’t stay away.”


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