Love of Steel [The Callens 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love of Steel [The Callens 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Melody Snow Monroe

  She must have hit a nerve because in two seconds flat she was on her back. “Enough of this nonsense. I want you. I need you. Translated, that means I’m gonna git you.” With a palm to her waist, he lifted her up and discarded her top. The bra came free with a pinch. “You are so special.”

  His mouth found her tits, and the suction created a need so strong that she barely was able to draw in a breath. He must have sensed how close she was to the edge for he leaned her back, fumbled for his jeans she’d tossed in the middle of the tent, and extracted a condom. Using his teeth, he ripped open the package and threaded it over his cock.

  She hoped he’d delve right in, but once more, he slipped between her thighs and went to work tormenting her. His tongue lashed out at her opening at a fevered pitch, sending volts of electricity rippling up her back. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as the waves of erotic desire blasted her.

  He drew open her lower lips and thrust and plunged his tongue in and out. When he set his sight higher on her clit, she almost came right there. Using a thick finger, he slipped it in to her pussy. As soon as he leaned back, his thumb went to work on her delicate nub. He strummed the pad of his finger over the top with tiny strokes, almost as if he wanted to brand each cell.

  Her back arched as he gently bit the hooded bundle of nerves. Heat pooled inside her and her pussy leaked her cream. “I need you.”

  “I’m not finished with you yet. Hold on.”

  Maybe she’d made a mistake teasing him. With every touch, her need rose. A second finger dipped in and sent streaks of pleasure sizzling up her body. His free hand crawled up her belly and latched on to her breast. He plucked the tip, and her groans turned louder.

  “I’m not sure I can hold out much longer.”


  He rubbed and caressed, pinched and pulled. The blissful pain took her higher. Her pussy clamped down on his fingers. As if that was the last straw, he withdrew his attention from between her thighs and pushed up to her lips. His mouth seized hers. The delirious kiss made her skin molten hot. Pulses of passion zipped through her. Just when she didn’t think she could take it much longer, his cock drove into her pussy.

  “Ahh.” Her chest expanded as pulsating shards of lust pricked her.

  Tilting her hips to allow him better access, her breaths came out faster and faster as he drove her to a new level of ecstasy.

  Her hands guided his hips, but then he’d slow. Every time he changed speed, she’d try to make him go back to taking her hard and fast. Today, she needed his cock to ravage her pussy and his mouth to take her captive.

  “Fuck me hard.” Her plea came out strangled.

  “God, I love when you talk like that.” He leaned over and drew her bottom lip into his mouth.

  She drew his body closer, and she kissed him hard. Her groans increased as the heat neared the boiling point. He finally seemed to understand her need, for he picked up speed. His eyes closed, and she and Parker pumped up and down until her orgasm whipped through her at the speed of a tornado. “Yes!”

  Parker made one more thrust and stopped at the back of her pussy. His cock exploded over and over again. Sweat beaded on his forehead as heat rolled off him. Her walls vibrated and expanded with each pulse. Having him inside her, joined together, completed her. Satisfaction settled in every part of her body as her muscles began to relax.

  He leaned to the side and took her with him, his cock still implanted inside her. Chest to chest, they lay there for a minute.

  “Oh, sugar. I can never get enough of you.”

  “Give me a minute and we can go for round two.” She was only kidding, but why spoil the illusion?

  He burst out laughing. “Have I told you I love you?” He kissed her quick.

  Judging from his light tone, he was joking. “Not today.”

  He patted her ass. When the sweat on her back cooled, she shivered.

  “I need to get you cleaned up and warm.”

  She liked the warm part, but her chest was toasty in comparison to her chilled back.

  When Parker withdrew from her, her pussy seemed to sag. She loved having Parker inside her.

  After he picked up his boxers, he rolled her off him and swiped her pussy. “We can clean up later.”

  “Okay, but no sex in the shower. There will be women and children around.”

  “Damn. Maybe we should find a watering hole to get clean there.”

  “Brrr.” She doubted there was any water around for miles, which was a good thing. The air temperature had already dipped too low. She could only imagine how cold the mountain stream would be.

  He grinned. “Only kidding.”

  His sense of humor thrilled her. Getting to see him away from all of his responsibilities did wonders for her. He quickly pulled the covering on top of her and drew her into his arms. His warmth made her want to stay there forever.

  She must have fallen asleep because a tapping on her nose woke her. Parker was leaning over her grinning.


  “I thought you might like to get up for a bit. It’ll get dark soon enough, and we’ll be snuggling before you know it.”

  Since she needed to use the facilities, fix dinner, and find wood for a fire, she sat up and pulled on her top. Out here, she didn’t need a bra, but her jacket was a must. Parker crawled out of their bed and threw on his jeans and shirt. In a heartbeat, his shoes were tied and his jacket zipped.

  “Come on, slowpoke.”

  “I’ll show you slow.”

  As fast as she could, she jumped into her jeans, zippered up, and shoved on her shoes. Socks were highly overrated. “Let’s go.”

  “We should check out what other facilities the campground has to offer.”

  From what she remembered when they checked in, the showers weren’t too far away, but she was uncertain about their condition.

  “Let’s drive. We can exercise later.”

  “I think I got all the exercise I need for the day.”

  He laughed, wrapped an arm around her waist, and helped her into the car.

  They found the country store first. There was quite a large supply of food given how small it was.

  “What are we going to do for food?” She’d spotted a stove and some pots in the gear he’d brought, so she assumed he had a plan.

  Parker winked and tapped his temple. “I thought ahead. I brought macaroni, summer sausage, and cheese.”

  Good, old-fashioned camp food. “That sounds wonderful.”

  Once they were convinced they didn’t need to buy anything, they used the bathrooms and jumped back in the car. Given how cold it was, she decided to skip the shower tonight. The open facility would be mighty chilly.

  When they got back, they scattered to look for wood. Within fifteen minutes, Parker returned carrying big pieces while she’d searched for the small and medium twigs and sticks.

  She placed the small pieces in the fire ring. “How about if I light the fire and you whip up dinner.”

  “You read my mind.”

  His easy manner made the trip so nice. The only slight negative was that Logan hadn’t been able to join them, but her time alone with Parker had been special.

  No sooner had she gotten the blaze going when he handed her a bowl of mac and cheese laced with summer sausage. The mixture looked a bit odd. “Have you had this combination before?”

  His mouth opened. “You questioning a veteran Boy Scout?”

  She was a Girl Scout and knew a thing or two. “Never.” Somehow, he didn’t seem the type to have joined an organized troop.

  He handed her a folding seat that rested on the ground. “Sit on this so you don’t get cold.”

  “You’ve thought of everything.”

  “Yup. I’m trying to keep you happy.”

  “You’re succeeding.” Scooping a spoonful into her mouth, her taste buds exploded with pleasure. “Mmm. This is really good.”

  He grinned. “Told ya.”

  He got out two b
ottles of water and they drank their fill. Once they finished, he placed the paper bowls in a trash bag, making cleanup easy. “Let me whittle a stick for the s’mores.”

  While he went in search of something to stab the marshmallow with, she opened the packages and got the graham crackers and chocolate ready. He returned a minute later and handed her the perfect prong.

  She pressed the white, gooey marshmallow onto her stick and roasted it over the fire. “You know, I’ve known you for years, but I really don’t know much about you.” He hadn’t grown up in Intrigue.

  “Not much to know.”

  That couldn’t be true. She decided to start with something simple. “How did you get into theater?” Given his good looks, she would have thought he’d be more into the acting side rather than the directing side.

  He held his marshmallow high above the fire. She guessed he wasn’t the type to set it on fire and eat the burned exterior like her.

  “I grew up in Florida. My father was in the service and we were stationed at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa for four years. In high school, I belonged to our service organization where one of the activities was working with a school for children who were autistic.”

  She was surprised that any high schooler would be mature or patient enough to work with a child who had that kind of handicap. “My service work involved planting trees at Arbor Day.”

  “That’s important, too, just as was beach cleanup. For some reason I really wanted to reach these kids on an emotional level.”

  “Were they difficult to deal with?”

  “Some would scream and others would just pace. Once I handed a piece of paper and crayons to a kid and it calmed him. I tried it with some others. They seemed pleased to have something to do. For the most part, I had no idea what they drew, but I bet they did.”

  “I’ve heard music can help.”

  “Yes. I would play the piano for them, and they seemed to love it.”

  She hadn’t known that he played, but she wasn’t surprised. She remembered two years ago he’d put on a musical. “Were any of them high functioning?”

  “Yes, quite a few in fact. I was really good at getting them to playact with me. Somehow, I succeeded at getting a few to open up.”

  Wow. “Did you go to college?” Perhaps he had the bug to teach.

  “Yes. I knew that I wanted to study theater.”

  “Do you ever act?”

  He pulled the light-brown marshmallow from the fire and squished it between the graham crackers and the chocolate bar. “Yes, but my passion was to help others reach their potential.”

  She wasn’t sure what that meant. “Explain.” Her marshmallow was nice and black—just the way she liked it. She made her s’more and bit into the end. The goo went everywhere.

  “When people play a role, they have to get inside the head of the person they are playing.”

  “Makes total sense.”

  He finished eating his first dessert then swiped a hand across his mouth. “Thing is, the characters might be motivated by different things than what the actor is motivated by. To paraphrase the cliché that says you won’t know a man until you walk a mile in his shoes, acting allows you to experiment with different belief systems. Sometimes it can change a person.”

  She instantly thought about her mom. Maybe she should put herself in her mom’s shoes to see how she would have reacted had she been madly in love with the handsomely rich rancher and gotten pregnant. “I’ll have to think about that.”

  “Thank you.”

  She’d stuffed the rest of the confection in her mouth, expecting him to go on for a bit. She chewed and swallowed. “For what?”

  “For considering the paradigm shift. Not everyone is willing to question their own motives.”

  “I think my head is still swimming from the idea that you were such a cool kid in high school. I wish I’d known you then.”

  He moved his chair closer to hers. “Oh, yeah? Would you have fallen madly in love with me?”

  She was already in love with him, but she wasn’t ready to say those words out loud. Her chuckle sounded a bit forced even to her ears. “I was total geek. You wouldn’t have given me a second glance.”

  He reached over and took her hands in his. “Yes, I would have. I would have seen the fire in your eyes that told me you wanted to be the best you could be. You have a need to achieve, which I find terribly attractive, but sometimes being so goal oriented comes at a cost.”

  She pulled her hands out of his. “What kind of cost?” Her throat turned scratchy.

  “The cost of getting close to someone.”

  “I’m close to you and Logan. I’m close to my family.”

  He cocked a brow. “I know you care about Dakota.”

  That implied he didn’t think she was close to the others he listed. “More than her.” Though, her friend was the only one who she shared all her secrets with.

  He leaned forward. “I haven’t been around you enough to see you interact with all your siblings, but it’s clear you don’t like your dad, and I don’t think you respect your mom.”

  Was that true? “Maybe.”

  “As for me and Logan, I don’t think you’re willing to admit how much you want us in your life.”

  She admitted it all right, but she wasn’t sure how much she was going to do about it.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jade stood under the hot, pulsating shower in her home, reliving the wonderful time she’d had with Parker. Day two was a bit too brisk to go riding, but they’d hiked and explored for miles. Perhaps the best part of the day was when they stretched out on their backs with their heads on their daypacks and watched the clouds float by. Somehow her images always formed pieces of steel, whereas his revolved about people doing things. Parker said she identified better with inanimate objects. While his tone had been light, she took what he said to heart—or at least she tried to.

  They might have stayed longer, but Parker seemed eager to get back to the theater. On the drive to the airport he’d been able to get a cell signal, and before they got off the ground, he’d fielded three phone calls from either cast members or the carpenter working on the new set.

  Shutting off the valve, she pulled the towel from the rack and dried off.

  His words about her inability to get close to people bothered her. No matter if she changed, she may never see eye to eye with her father. Her dad’s definition of women’s role in society did not match hers, nor would they ever. Before this trip, she’d looked down a bit at her mom because she’d never fathomed why a teenage girl hadn’t insisted on using a condom. Now, after experiencing the heat of the moment many times, she could see why her mom had given in.

  She ran a brush through her hair and was stepping into her underwear when the phone rang. She debated not answering it, but it could be Logan to find out how the weekend in the mountains had gone from her perspective. She trotted into her bedroom and picked up her cell. She deserved a psychic point. “Hi, Logan.”

  “Darlin’, I miss you.”

  What girl didn’t want to hear those words after being separated for only two days? “I thought about you, too.”

  He laughed. “How about showing me?”

  “Sure, when?”

  “Now? I’m barbecuing some ribs.”

  It was after 7:00 p.m., but she had put the furnace and anvil to bed. Her stomach grumbled, almost as if she could smell the food and smoke through the phone.

  “I’ll be right there. What’s the address?” She looked around for a pad and paper to get directions.

  He told her the fastest route.

  Her men were something else. Instead of spending a ton of time on her makeup, she just tossed on the rest of her clothes and only applied blush and lipstick. If the men wanted her, it would have to be for her and not for how she looked.

  Fifteen minutes after the call, she was at his door. She got out and stared at the mansion. He was a developer, but she never thought one man would li
ve in something this grand. Despite her years of living in Intrigue, she’d never driven to this part of town.

  She rang the bell, but when no one answered, she let herself in. Through the expansive living room that glimmered with elegance and comfort she spotted both men grilling in the back next to the pool. Her parents were wealthy and her Uncle Josh even more so, but this place put the Callen home to shame. Then again, kids had a way of destroying fine furniture.

  She stepped out to the back. The eight-foot wall along the side that contained the barbecue blocked the wind.

  Parker caught sight of her first and rushed over. The kiss was enthusiastic to say the least. “Long time no see.”

  “Just a few hours. I thought you had to go to the theater.”

  “Took care of business over the phone.” He cupped her ass and drew her near. “Ever since our little tent excursion, I can’t get you out of my mind.” He nabbed her lower lip with his teeth and tugged.


  They both broke apart laughing. Parker leaned in close. “I can see we need to set some ground rules.”

  She cupped her hand, pretending to tell a secret, but she made sure she spoke loud enough for Logan to hear. “He does seem a bit jealous.”

  Logan waved a meat fork. “What’s that?” He cupped his ear.

  Parker squeezed her waist. “Nothing.”

  They returned to the grill. “The meat looks almost done. Is there anything I can do?”

  “Nope. Everything’s set up in the kitchen. It’s cozier in there.”

  A second building sat in back. “What’s in there?” She nodded beyond the deck.

  “I live there,” Parker said. “If you’re good, I might give you a tour.”

  Logan cleared his throat. “Not without me you don’t.”

  Another round of laugher followed. The closeness of these two made her a bit jealous. She’d never really had many good friends, other than Dakota. Sure she loved her sisters, but the difference in ages made it difficult to hang out with them.

  Logan piled the ribs onto a plate. “Let’s eat.”

  They went inside. The kitchen was modern but warm. A cloth-covered booth sat by the front window. “It’s almost like being in a restaurant.”


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