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If She's Wicked

Page 9

by Amelia Hutchins

“How long will it take?”

  “Hours, days, years, who knows? It’s larger than Spokane and the smaller cities that surround it. It’s bigger than I heard it was.”

  “How long?”

  “I don’t fucking know!” I growled as I turned around to face him. “That isn’t a hole anymore, it’s a fucking crater. I can’t tell you how long, not even if you demand it, because honestly, I have no idea how long it will take. It could take years if you keep demanding answers for shit I don’t know. Now leave me be so I can figure out what to do, Paladin!”

  He stared at me as the tick in his jaw hammered, his body tensed, and I shook my head. He could demand all he wanted; it would be the last one he ever got. I moved my fingers, testing the air around me. It pulled back, and I stalled, throwing a curious glance to the Fae who watched me.

  “You said you tried before, and it grew larger?”

  “It did,” the blonde agreed softly as her eyes bored into mine cautiously. “It’s too much for you to do alone, we can help.” Synthia was her name if what they’d called her at the bar was correct.

  “You can’t, you’re connected to it. You touch it, it expands. It’s triggered to run from you. It’s not from the gates opening; it’s unnatural. Someone created the fracture,” I explained as I bent down, running my fingers through the dirt that divided our world from theirs. “These,” I said, pulling out glass fragments, “are something placed in the ground to sever the walls that kept our worlds separated,” I finished, standing to drop the shards into her palm.

  Her violet eyes scanned the fragments before she groaned. “Relics; someone used one of the relics to sever the veil between our worlds. It’s the Stone of Destiny,” she uttered as she turned to the golden-eyed man who was never far from her side. “They used our own relics to open the world to the outside, to create chaos.”

  “Stone or no stone, my ward will not stop it from growing. Only prevent them from leaving it in its current state. If it grows, that part which gets larger will not be warded.”

  “Then you can come back and ward it,” Callaghan announced beside me.

  I smiled as I lifted my eyes to Synthia. “I will do what I can, but I make no promises.”

  “According to Grandmaster Kreseley, you’re the only one with enough skill to do wards of this magnitude. Start; we’re wasting time, and you and I have unfinished business to attend to.”

  I faced away from him to do as he bid. My power roiled through the atmosphere, pulling from everything around me until my hair electrified and power raced through the marks that graced my flesh. Unlike the Fae’s, mine was unnatural, as unnatural as the stones that had been used to tear the fabric of Faery and undo the veil that divided the worlds. The air crackled with it, and lightning exploded above our heads, thunder clapping loudly directly above us.

  My fingers danced as I became lost in the pleasure of warding the worlds, one against exit and the other against entry. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to add any consequences for those who sought to hurt humans.

  Hours passed, and those behind me came and went as I worked tirelessly to magically ward the gaping hole that allowed monsters into my world. I heard voices, felt their presence, and yet I noticed nothing. If I was going out, at least I was making a difference before I did, not that anyone would care. Well, Callaghan would be upset about my womb, but not me.

  I felt the exhaustion, nausea swirling inside my stomach as more time passed. My body sagged as I neared the end, and I felt his hands supporting my weight as my hands dropped, yet my fingers still moved with the magic that pulsed through me. Well, it did, until my ears popped, then my nose, and when I opened my eyes to see, red covered my vision.

  I laughed soundlessly as I tried to gain focus, to clear my vision. My hands stopped without warning, leaving the invisible strings of magical protection wards attached. My knees buckled, and Callaghan whispered my name. He sounded far away. He shook me, muttering something too softly for me to hear.

  Trying to speak ached, and something warm and wet covered my face as it bathed my body in it. I felt my body falling faster than it ever should as blackness descended, stealing away all of my senses.

  “You will not die, Erie, do you fucking hear me? You will not die; I order it!”

  Chapter 9

  Bright lights flashed above my head, blinding me. Machines beeped somewhere close as I brought my hands up, covering my eyes as I struggled against the nausea that violently hit me. I moved over the edge of the bed, retching until nothing remained in my stomach. I stared down at the expensive loafers I’d just thrown up on and lifted my heavy-lidded stare up to Callaghan’s angry face.

  “You should have fucking warned me,” he seethed as anger burned in his gaze.

  “I tried,” I uttered as I laid back down and hung my forearm over my eyes. “I tried, asshole. You didn’t let me answer. Magic has to have a consequence. I cannot cast a two-way door, not without it taking its pound of flesh from something. You forced the outcome. It is on you, not me. Maybe next time you ask for my magic, you’ll think before you demand something. Don’t place my magic into your rulebook, because it sure as hell doesn’t fit there, nor with the druids,” I whispered through cracked lips.

  “You could have warned me,” he uttered as he bent down and flicked his wrist, saving his loafers. I eyed his expensive suit and winced. I gazed around the room we were in; the sterile scent itched against my senses. Christmas lights covered the walls while creatures milled through the hallway that led into my room. “An entire day, Erie. You’ve been asleep for an entire day without any sign of waking the fuck up.” He answered my question without me having to ask it.

  “Did you miss me?” I whispered as my eyes grew heavy.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “For one single person in any world to miss me?” I mumbled as I peered up at him. “Maybe, maybe not,” I shrugged and my tone grew stronger. “It’s almost easier alone.”

  “You don’t know the difference,” he growled. “You’ve never been alone, ever. You’ve always had a Knight protecting you, even when you thought you were alone.”

  “I don’t buy that,” I scratched out through the sandpaper of my mouth.

  “Sit up, we’re leaving,” he ordered, and on cue, I did, even though it was a bit slow. My legs draped over the edge as I faced him, noting my lack of dress as I did so. He grabbed a gown, helping me into it before he placed a bathrobe around my shoulders and then cradled me in his arms as he headed towards the door. Footsteps sounded down the hallway and then Synthia was there, halting our clumsy escape.

  “She isn’t well enough to travel,” she pointed out. “We have rooms here, upstairs. You may use one if you wish,” she offered as her eyes traveled over my disheveled appearance. “Eliran, my healer, will be close if she has need of him as well if you remain here. She’s still healing, and in no condition to travel, Callaghan.”

  “I didn’t finish your wards,” I mumbled. I hadn’t finished, and she wasn’t letting me leave until I had, which just fucking figured.

  “They’re working and rather well at that. What little that wasn’t finished is easy enough for the guards to patrol. I do not need you to finish, but I’d rather you stay to regain your strength than wade through Faery and its potholes in your current condition.”

  I blinked and then stared up at Callaghan, who considered her offer. He nodded but then paused. “She needs a bath and clothes to wear tonight,” he said gently, and I felt a strange sensation in my chest as he spoke softly to her.

  “She can use some of mine, and the room I had made for you is accommodated with a pool in it. It’s larger than a condo in most large cities. It can soothe her aches as well, as it does have water from the Fairy Pools. Now, we can stand here all day talking, or you can follow me, and I will show you to it. Which option would you prefer, Erie?”

sp; I lifted a brow and almost swallowed my tongue when she directed her question to me instead of Callaghan. “Here,” I admitted, hating being closer to him than I had to be.

  “If you will please follow me; and Callaghan, put her down. Her feet work just fine, you oaf,” she threw over her shoulder as he started after her. He set me down, and I swayed on my feet, holding on to him to remain upright but noting she slowed as I started forward. I could have kissed her for giving me the respite from his touch, along with the name she’d called him. Maybe I did need a friend?

  I followed her until she stopped in front of a set of doors and stepped to the side, allowing him to proceed as her eyes locked with mine. One moment I was dressed in a gaudy hospital gown and the next the sensation of butterfly wings fluttered beneath the robe as my hair rose with the awareness of magic being cast while she dressed me with her magic.

  “A girl’s outfit is her first and best defense against a man,” she shrugged as I narrowed my eyes at her in uncertainty. “Use what the Gods gave you, and the bathing suit, as well, which will fit your curves perfectly. Men are unable to think beyond a woman’s body on a good day, but dressed in a suit that shows its best features, and they’re left one step up from a brainless caveman.”

  I frowned at her words as I smoothed my hands over the robe and suit I felt beneath it. I turned towards the room, watching as Callaghan did an inspection of the room and the setup before I turned and glared back at Synthia. “I’m not with him willingly. I don’t think my outfit will help out much,” I pointed out with a shrug. “I will kill him eventually.”

  She waved a single hand in the air, and everything around us froze. I gawked at the magic that vibrated around us, sizzling as it singed and popped. I struggled to close my jaw and get it up off of the floor, where it was trying to become a permanent fixture.

  “Tell me what you see when you look at me, Erie,” she demanded as she crossed her arms, which pulsed with brands that vibrated with magic.

  “A rich, spoiled bitch who has everything handed to her on a silver platter,” I chuckled, unafraid of flirting with death because I was very aware she was so much more than she was allowing me to see. “Someone who is loved,” I added, hating the heaviness in my chest as the words left my lips.

  She silently raised a dainty brow and then slowly nodded. “What you see is what I allow you to see, so your assessment is fair. It’s easy to judge a book by a cover, but what lies beneath the cover isn’t always as pretty. I was like you are now,” she said as she held her other hand up when my mouth opened to argue our differences. “I was thrown away by my parents, but under very different circumstances. Mine was actually trying to protect me; yours are just soulless assholes who could use a blade through their hearts. But what happened to us is a lot alike. I was trained within the Guild to kill, to be the best at enforcing the laws. I was used, mistreated, and yet I am stronger because of it. I had little control over my destiny since others mapped out my life before I was ever conceived. You feel as if you don’t belong to anything because you’re a mix of two races, two races that don’t want you, and yet their fate lies within you. That’s your greatest leverage, Erie. You hold the fate of their world in the palm of your hand; use it. We’re off point here, and he will not remain frozen for much longer. I run a sanctuary for the unwanted. I now run the Spokane Guild, a place where lost and unwanted things can find acceptance for their unique gifts. You’re lost, and right now you think I’m insane, which is legit fine with me. Life isn’t fair, but sometimes you have to take control of it yourself. You think the necklace holds you prisoner, but does it really?”

  “I am unable to do anything other than what he tells me to with it on,” I growled.

  “Anything he tells you to,” she nodded carefully. “But unless he tells you not to specifically do something, you’re not unable to. Down this flight of steps is a garden that leads to a portal, Erie. That garden is sacred and very important to me.” I blinked at her rapidly as the crease on my forehead furrowed. “Do not harm any of mine on your way out. And do not disturb the garden, either. Think my offer over and let me know when you come to a decision. And, Erie, Merry Christmas.” She smiled sadly before she waved her hand, unfreezing time before I could ask her what the hell she’d meant.

  “This will work,” Callaghan said as he turned to look at us, narrowing his eyes while taking in our positions. “Come to me, Erie,” he said, and my feet moved even though I wanted to run in the opposite direction. Once I was flush against his muscled chest, I stopped. His arms draped around me, pulling me closer. “We will remain here until dawn. Thank you for your hospitality, Synthia.”

  “I’ll leave you to it,” she said, turning those purplish-blue eyes to me long enough that I worried my bottom lip between my teeth.

  Chapter 10

  The room was sheer elegance. My gaze slipped from the large four-poster bed that was swathed in a wispy cloth which held a thousand tiny crystals that reflected the candlelight to the circle pool in the middle of the floor. White carpet covered that same floor, soothing against my aching feet as I eyed the indoor pool longingly.

  “Strip, then get into the water, Erie,” he ordered. “You have blood and debris in your hair still.”

  My hands moved to the robe, pushing it from my shoulders as a quick intake of breath sounded from Callaghan. Peeking up at him, I stalled or tried to as my hands lifted to the silver strings that held the bathing suit up around my neck.

  “Leave it on,” he amended as he grabbed my hand and walked me towards the water. I was wearing a skimpy bathing suit which did little to hide my body. It hugged my waist, crisscrossing over my chest to cover my breasts, but they were hardly considered covered. The bottom was a thong which exposed the gentle swell of my ass cheeks. “Gods,” he growled as he released my hand to allow me to slip beneath the water. I dug the pieces of gore from my hair and bathed quickly, ignoring his looming presence.

  I stared up at him as I sank into the soothing, warm, rose-scented water. It was infused with healing powers that delved into my aching body. A gasp which unraveled as a moan escaped my lips, and then the sound of clothes hitting the floor made me look up to find him stripping.

  “There’s not enough room for you in here,” I grumbled.

  “Then you can sit on my lap.”

  There was plenty of room in the round pool, but Callaghan had a way of eating space with his full frame. My vision swam with lust as he slowly stripped and stepped into the pool of heated water. I swallowed hard, hating that I was stuck here with him.

  “Like what you see?” he asked, and I bit into my tongue until I tasted blood.

  “Yes.” the reply stole from my throat, filled with anguish at being unable to not answer him.

  “Do you want to fuck me?” he asked with a smirk, his sexy, heavy stare made my body react in ways it shouldn’t have. It ached for him, even though I hated him.

  “Uh-huh,” came out as a moan as I closed my eyes against the heat that mixed with hunger in his oceanic depths.

  “Come to me,” he said thickly, running his tongue over his lips which caught my hungry gaze. I moved towards him, settling between his legs as his fingers found my chin and forced my head up until our eyes locked in silent battle. “Are you fully healed, Erie?” he asked, his other hand slipping beneath the water to rub his fingers against my heated core.

  “I am,” I uttered before my mouth lifted to capture his, shutting up his stupid line of questions that I didn’t want to answer. His hands released me, raising to my hips as he rose, carrying me from the water with him. It splashed over the pristine carpet, sloshing everywhere as he took us to the bed.

  The swimsuit top was removed, exposing my naked breasts as he lowered me onto the soft bed, never ending the soul-sucking, toe-curling kiss that both took my breath away and left me boneless. His arm pushed between us, ripping the swimsuit bottoms off while st
ealing a pain-filled yelp from my lungs.

  I felt him pushing against my opening, and for a split-second, my brain came hurtling back from space and I placed my palms against his chest, testing his weight and sheer strength as he pulled back, staring down at me.

  “Tell me you don’t want this,” he urged.

  “I don’t want this,” I replied instantly as his eyes narrowed and dropped to the necklace as he glared at it.

  “Tell me what you want, Erie,” he changed tactics.

  “I want you to fuck me like you hate me, bitch,” I snarled as I lifted my legs, winding them around his slim hips and pushing him inside as a scream of pain ripped from my lungs. “Now,” I pleaded as I rocked and twisted to accommodate him.

  “Like I hate you?” he laughed huskily as he rolled us, gripping my hips as he lifted me and pushed me down further on his thick, vibrating cock. His magic pulsed through the air, thick and hot as it slid over my body. His hands continued to use my hips to guide my lithe form down on his rigid cock. “Ride me,” he demanded. “Don’t stop until you come for me.”

  My hands landed on his broad chest, my hips moving as my feet rested against the bed, and it took seconds to combust and shatter. I whimpered as my eyes closed while his hands came up to knead and pinch my nipples before he spun us over, trading our positions. His hands gripped behind my knees, pushing my legs up until I groaned with how full he made me feel.

  He rested between my legs, rocking slowly at first, and then faster. “You want it rough, don’t you, sweet girl?” he questioned, and I agreed, watching his eyes darken to a dangerous hue of blue. “Jesus, you’re a hot fucking mess,” he groaned as he pulled out, only to thrust forward with more momentum. I whimpered at the deliciousness of pain and eroticism his movements caused. “You want me to hate-fuck you, don’t you? Because it will make it easier for you to hate me when the sun rises in the morning,” he purred thickly while his hands moved from my legs, slowly up my body as he leaned over.


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