If She's Wicked

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If She's Wicked Page 14

by Amelia Hutchins

  “Morning, beautiful,” he uttered thickly as he bent over, kissing the inside of my thigh, while I took in the gown I now wore. “You were starting to worry me. I feared you wouldn’t wake up,” he admitted as his fingers trailed over my thigh, following the same path his mouth was taking. His tongue snaked out, working closer to my sex, his eyes burning with naked desire as he watched my reaction to his heated kisses.

  “Unfortunately, no. I fear after I slit my wrist the first time, the druids made sure to steal death away from me. I’m spelled to never be able to die, but then you know that already.” I frowned, watching as he lifted the gown and ran his fingers through my naked flesh. His tongue created a fire of need, and I stifled the shiver that rushed through me as he continued to leisurely explore my body. “So what’s your plan now, rape me? Keep me here, tied to this bed as your whore? How knightly of you, bastard,” I hissed as I watched his mouth curve into a dangerous smirk and he lifted up, pulling a metal medical tray closer to the bed. I yanked on the chains, ignoring the bite against my flesh that burned as it chaffed my skin.

  “I don’t rape defenseless women, Erie,” he uttered as he retrieved a syringe and bit off the orange cap. Those burning blue eyes slowly moved from the syringe to me as he smiled sadly. “Trust me, when I fuck you, you will want it. When I use this wrecking ball penis, as you so lovingly referred to it, it will be because you want it. That tight pussy craves it, doesn’t it? Your wetness gives your need away.”

  “How, by drugging me?” I demanded as I stared at the needle he held. My heart raced, pounding in my ears as I watched him with a fear that consumed me.

  “This isn’t to make you want me. It’s to make that womb of yours more acceptable to carry my child. It’s merely a fertility drug.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare,” I seethed as I increased the fight to get unchained, to be able to fight back against him. I twisted, crying out as pain ripped through my arms and legs, as angry tears threatened to leak from my eyes. “Don’t do this.”

  “It wasn’t my idea,” he admitted in a low, pain-filled tone. “You’re unwilling to hear reason or help me solve the problem. I can’t let my people die, Erie. I’m not asking you to like it, I’m asking you to help me save the children of my race. Those who had no part in the past crimes, who will be among the first to die when the curse begins to play out,” he whispered thickly as he stared down at me. “I can’t watch them die without doing anything to save them. Not when the cure is right here, within my grasp.”

  “They don’t deserve to live!” I snapped as tears slipped free and ran down my face. I closed my eyes against the pain I saw swimming in his Nordic depths.

  “They are as innocent as you are, woman. They are babies, children, and women that will all perish if I fail them. Would you have me sit by and watch them die? They’ve not even begun to live and yet they’re already growing sick as the curse begins. I can’t do nothing and allow it to play out, I won’t watch them die,” he growled as he studied me. “If it were just my men or me, I’d help you escape. That isn’t the case here. Innocent lives hang in the balance. You do not see the bigger picture. You’re only thinking about yourself and what you will have to endure, but you won’t be alone. I’ll be with you.”

  “No, I’m not selfish! I don’t want any of you to live! You don’t deserve to use me after what you guys did to me. I don’t deserve this. I didn’t get a choice in any of this. No one even cared about me until my womb was ready to be filled. No one has ever loved me or even treated me like I was a person. I am nothing to you people, nothing but a womb for your salvation to be born from.”

  “No one has ever loved you, Erie? No one?” he asked softly, turning his turquoise blue eyes to hold mine with a sadness I didn’t understand. Those eyes stared straight to my soul, and I looked away, unable to meet them.

  “I don’t need or want love anymore. You and your kind taught me how unworthy and unnatural I am. The druids taught me how ugly and how wrong I am. Now you want to tell me that I am beautiful, for what? So you can plant your child in my belly and do the same to him when he is born? I’ll never let him take root inside of me, Callaghan. I will cut him from my womb before he is ever put through what I was. I’ll never let you do this to me, do you hear me? I will cut your son from my womb!” I sobbed as I turned my eyes back to his, watching as the tick in his jaw began to thrum wildly while his anger ignited.

  “When you conceive, not if, Erie, I will keep you locked up until our son is born. I won’t stand by and watch innocent people die because you can’t see the bigger picture. This is bigger than you or me, and children do not deserve to pay for shit that was done in the past. I wish there were another way, but there isn’t one. I’m sorry, but this is how it has to be,” he growled as he watched me shaking my head. I looked away from him again, shielding the unease I felt from him.

  He pushed me over, turning me onto my side without warning as he pushed the needle through my flesh. I whimpered as the syringe was emptied and then another was pushed into the same place. I bit into my lip, feeling his hand as he rubbed the tissue before he turned me over, staring down at me as he pushed the last one into my stomach, never tearing his eyes from where he emptied it.

  “I hate you,” I whispered through teeth that chattered as the drugs rushed through me. He pulled the needle out and set it onto the tray, pushing it away from the bed.

  “No, you don’t. You just don’t realize it yet,” he said as he stood up, moving to sit in the one chair the room had to offer. “One day you will remember everything, and we will decide where we go from there,” he replied as he sat down, resting his arms on his knees as he folded his hands out in front of him, staring at me.

  My body shivered violently as heat washed through me. I whimpered as it became too much, sweat beaded on my brow and my back arched off of the bed. I yanked on the chains, moaning. Everything seemed to spin around me as the drugs rushed through my system. The tattoo on my wrist began to pulse, glowing brightly in the dimly lit room, and I groaned as my eyes rolled back in my head. In the silence of the room, I cursed him to hell as everything began to burn my skin. The gown was too heavy against my sweltering flesh, and I whimpered as my skin grew flushed and sweat caked it to me.

  Time passed as he watched me, never leaving the chair as I suffered before him. His eyes seemed to glow from within as if he, too, was affected by the drugs that coursed through me. Hours passed as I suffered in silence, never screaming or begging him to end it, not until he moved, settling his weight on the bed beside me. I turned towards the heat of his body, long since having grown cold from the chilled air and my slick flesh. His hand snaked out, slowly drawing a pattern on my belly as he stared into my eyes.

  “I know you didn’t have an easy life, and that the druids treated you harshly,” he whispered, and I snorted in response. That was putting it mildly. I dismissed him, turning to stare at the wall as I ignored what his touch was doing to me. “It isn’t them I am trying to save here, Erie. I’m trying to save innocent lives that have never done wrong before.” His hand continued to draw the pattern above my womb as if it was a bulls-eye to mark what he needed from me. “I don’t want this for you, for any woman. I searched the world for another way out of this. I wish there was more time, but it isn’t a luxury we have.”

  “Let me go,” I whispered thickly, heat pooling between my thighs as his fingers continued to dance over my belly. I exhaled a growl as he bent over, kissing the hip he had exposed, watching me respond to his touch. He didn’t stop; his hand lifted the gown until it was bunched up against my stomach, exposing my wet, needy flesh to his eyes. He stopped his kiss to slip between my legs, watching me as he towered above me, his fingers lowering to slide through the mess he discovered there. His dark blond head lowered, his tongue slipped through the trail his fingers had just taken, and a scream slipped past my lips as pleasure ripped through me. “What are you doing?” I d
emanded as I lifted my head, watching his mouth as he sucked my clitoris between his lips before he let his tongue flick against it to a steady beat that sent pleasure coursing through me.

  He laughed against my sex, and I moaned as he increased the speed of his tongue, flicking the ball of nerves until I was trembling with need. My throat expelled noises that sounded more animalistic than human as he pushed a finger into my pussy, and then another as he watched every reaction to what he did play out on my face. I felt my body clenching around them, sucking him deeper as he worked me into a need that painfully grew out of control. His tongue danced around his fingers as he released my clit. The noises his mouth made alone forced the white ball of pleasure to begin dancing its way towards the surface. I rode what he offered, rocking my core against him as it continued to throb and the impending orgasm built.

  His mouth lowered, sucking against the nub as his teeth slid over it. That sucking motion combined with his tongue brought out the scream bubbling from within as the orgasm exploded, forcing my spine to lift from the bed, and I begged him for more. It didn’t stop; he somehow kept me suspended there, in the throes of that orgasm as my body sang and buzzed with a pleasure so hot that I feared I would melt into a useless pile of flesh when he finally released me. His eyes burned into mine with a knowledge that both excited and terrified me as he smiled around the flesh he held with his teeth.

  My head dropped to the pillow as I wiggled against him, needing more, needing what he had yet to give me. I didn’t care if it was the opposite of what I needed or wanted. I needed his cock so I could have the sense of fulfillment he created when he fucked me. I needed to be stretched and filled, and I only wanted him to do it.

  “Callaghan,” I moaned. I held my legs open, rocking my body against his fingers that continued to tease me as they slowly wiggled against my entrance.

  “Beg me to fuck this pretty pussy,” he uttered as he sat up, pushing his jeans down while his other hand pushed up my gown. The moment he’d finished, he pinched one nipple as he watched the pain that filled my eyes. “Come on, little one; show me how dirty you are. I know you want to be fucked. Can you feel how wet this pussy is for me? It’s wet because it wants to be filled until it aches from it. You want my cock, admit it. You want it to stretch your tight cunt wide, to plunder its depths until you come around it. Tell me to fuck you, Erie, to write my name so deeply inside of you that you no longer understand what your fucking name is, and never forget mine. You can do it, show me how fucking dirty that sweet mouth of yours can be for me. Tell me to fuck this cunt until I destroy who you were before you knew what it felt like to be claimed by me.”

  “You need to wash that mouth of yours out with soap. You’re so dirty, Callaghan,” I whimpered as I watched the smile spread over his generous lips. “Stop smiling, asshole, I’m serious; it is very, very dirty, boy. I think you have Tourette’s.”

  “You have no fucking idea how dirty I am, little girl. I’ve had to watch you grow into a woman without touching you. I waited for you to be ready for me, to be woman enough to need me in the way I need you,” he smirked as he leaned over, letting his heavy cock slide over my opening while he sucked a nipple between his teeth, nipping the bud. I lifted my needy pussy against the heaviness of his cock, craving the friction. “I have dreamed of taking you since the first time those blue eyes locked with me in a crowded room, and you bit that fucking lip. I wanted to taste it, to see if you were as sweet as you promised to be. I stood there, watching the men as they flirted with you, and you watched me long into the witching hours. As if you wanted me as much as I wanted you.”

  “Callaghan,” I whimpered as he continued to hit against my clitoris, his cock brushing against it over and over again. I spread my legs further, and he smiled, lifting up as he reached back, producing a key to release my feet from the chains before pushing my knees up against my chest. I watched as he braced against them, using them to spread my core as his thick cock pushed against my opening.

  “You’re so beautiful, little one,” he uttered thickly.

  “Don’t lie to me,” I growled as I looked away from his heavy stare.

  “I’m not fucking lying to you. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You think that woad takes away from your beauty? It doesn’t, it just adds to who you are, and made me crave you a long time ago. They painted you for war, and make no mistake, sweet girl; you are war to the very marrow of your being. You’re an ageless beauty, as wild and untamable as the land you were named after. You’re more than a womb to me, Erie. To me, you’re everything,” he uttered as he pushed into my body, only to pull out partially and watch as I wiggled against his thickness.

  “Move, Callaghan. This is an entirely new type of torture,” I moaned as I wished for his words to be true, but I knew they weren’t. They were pretty lies meant to lower my guard, to make me think other than what I’d been taught. I knew better than to reach for things that could never be. I’d had that lesson beaten into me repeatedly until I’d known it by heart.

  His hips rocked as he pushed into my needy flesh, and I moaned as my mouth opened to let it escape. He stretched me full, muscles burned from his entrance, and he watched the emotions dancing over my face as the orgasm threatened to take hold. He thrust his hips against me, fucking in hard, slow thrusts that took me towards the edge of oblivion—and fuck, did I want to reach it with him.

  He leaned over, capturing my lip between his teeth as he hissed and pushed into my body deeper than before. I felt my sex tightening around him as it ached from fullness, and his tongue pushed into my mouth, following the beat his hips took while he plundered and dominated me effortlessly. I was seconds away from the rapture when something exploded into the room.

  My ears rang, and I blinked to clear my gaze as dust thickened around us. Callaghan peered back, over his shoulder, and then he growled, moving his hand as an energy ball of magic exploded from it, sailing towards the doorway while his hips rocked against me. He started to pull away, and I whimpered, still writhing beneath him as pleasure consumed me. Boards splintered and broke apart to rain down against us as he shielded me from the debris with his body.

  His hand lifted up, pushing his large cock deeper into my body as he spoke above me. His mouth moved, but nothing registered as my body clenched against his. Something splattered over my face as my hand came free of the chains and I looked up, staring at him as blood dripped from his mouth, splattering over me. He struggled with the other hand, working the lock as he sputtered, coughing up blood that sprayed over my face.

  “Callaghan,” I mumbled as my sex-driven thoughts turned to what was happening.

  “Run, Erie,” he uttered as he peered down, looking through his stomach where a giant hole the size of a softball had been made. I looked through him, staring at the demon that lifted from the floor. I hid beneath his body, still impaled by his cock as I tried to figure out where to go. His head turned, and energy slammed into the demon as he rolled off of me, turning to look towards the doorway, where two more loomed, waiting for the invisible wall to fail.

  I sprung from the bed and grabbed my bag. I slipped my arms through it as I righted the nightgown. My eyes dropped to stare one last time at Callaghan, who now stared sightlessly back at me. My gaze swung to the doorway as I ruffled through the pocket of my bag, and, producing the kerosene and torch that I held up, flicking it to life as I walked towards them. The wall gave out, and one shot towards me.

  Pain erupted as the demon reached me, tearing at my arms. I held the flame up, burning him and me as I tried to inflict the most damage I could. My magic flickered to life, and I hissed as his nails tore through my arms, knocking me down as he followed me to the floor. I rolled against the floor, trying to escape the fire and fluid that covered him and me. I stood up, trying to pass over him as he grabbed my ankle, slowly crawling on top of me as the fire burned us both.

  Screams ripped from my lungs as his
molten hot hands slid over my arms, burning the flesh from them while I sent my magic like a missile aimed right at him. He exploded, but the other demon took his place, grabbing my burned arm, taking the seared flesh off the bone as I screamed and let the magic within me loose. The demon stepped back, tilting his head, and then it popped. I watched his body drop to the floor, and I started forward, red-hot pain filling me with every step I took. He reached for me, grabbing my leg as I kicked away from his claw-covered hand.

  He gave in, and I moved from the room, swaying as I rushed to the window and jumped from the second story onto the concrete. Bones broke as I landed against the pavement, pain ripping through me as I struggled to get back up, staring around to find my position and then held on to the building as I limped towards the Guild. Almost to it, hands grabbed me, and I screamed as I turned around, swinging wildly and lashing out. I whimpered as I took in the sapphire eyes that watched me with uncertainty. I sagged with relief, and a whimper escaped as I trembled and shook forcefully from the pain.

  “Erie, fucking hell, girl, what the fuck happened to you?” Zahruk’s deep growl sounded as he backed up, raking his gaze over my damaged body as I swayed on my feet with the last of my strength. He was one of the few people I trusted, one of the people from the Guild. “I got you, you’re safe,” he said gently as he held his hands up in a non-threatening way. “I’m going to pick you up, and it’s going to fucking hurt like hell. I’m going to need you to try not to scream, because there are demons all around us, which I’m guessing from the looks of it, already found you once. Let’s not give those evil fucks a second go at ya, yeah?”


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