If She's Wicked

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If She's Wicked Page 32

by Amelia Hutchins

  “You brought me to my knees, Erie. Your brazen beauty and skills for war took down the Second Fomorian King. Only one other monster had ever brought them to heel and ruled them. Only one other man had ever ruled them before, and he had walked away from them to rule at the side of a Goddess. You though, you’d known I would fall to your beauty because all men who had come before me had done the same. You had no code, no honor, and the only thing you understood was war and how to win it. Men trembled before you, but I wouldn’t. You told me to beg for my life as you sat there, gazing into my eyes with no fear whatsoever, and I refused you. You kept me alive instead of murdering me, as was the custom back then. Instead of chaining me to the walls of your dungeon, you had me chained in your bedroom. To me, it was a fate worse than death, because you knew how to break me where countless others had failed before you.

  “There, you stripped bare and bathed as I watched you. Me, the King of an entire race, forced to watch the untouchable queen bathing. I’d have given anything to touch you, to taste your sweet cunt just once. The longer I hung there, the more I wanted to hurt you for forcing me to watch what I could never have. I wanted to drink your blood while I fucked you. I wanted you to scream my name as I took your life while you rode my cock, and I told you as much a million times. I asked you as you bathed before me in that room how many other men had been chained as I was, in your private chambers, and you replied with only one. Never before had a man even entered your room, let alone been blessed enough to watch the Goddess of War bathing, until me. I begged you to fuck me, to give me what no other man had tasted as I waited there, knowing you would give me death eventually. Yet you didn’t; you kept me chained there like I was some fucking pet. So there I stood, unable to do anything else as I watched you moving around your room, naked as the day you were created.

  “For months I stood there, watching you ponder what my fate would be. You still waged war, battling my people, who fought against you to free me from your cage. Day after day, you returned to me covered in the blood of my people, telling me in every little detail how they had died. On the fifth month of captivity, you slid a chair in front of me, watching me as I fought to free myself of the chains you’d placed me in. I was beyond hearing you, beyond feeling pain anymore, and you knew it. You knew I was going mad, and still, you made me listen to your pretty mouth when all I wanted to do was fuck it. You told me how lacking my armies were without their Heathen King to lead them in battle. You placed their inability to win against you on me. I wanted to slit that pretty throat to make you stop speaking, but worse, I wanted to feel it wrapped around my cock as you sucked me dry. You were my fantasy every night and day until I knew I was going mad from the need to be buried in your naked heat.

  “I’d wanted to hate you, and instead, I craved the sound of your voice and your endless stories. Then that day, when you moved that chair in front of me, and you bared that beautiful cunt to me, I knew nothing else, I wanted nothing else. I hated myself, and I hated you for making me betray my people—or what I had felt was a betrayal. So I hung there, watching the untouched Goddess of War as she spoke of murdering my people. I was lost in the sight of you, baring your untried cunt as you pushed your tiny, unskilled fingers through its slick arousal. You didn’t care that a captive Heathen King watched as those tiny fingers dipped into that sweet heaven. The smell of your arousal flooded the room, and you knew I responded to it, to you. It exhilarated you that my cock stood erect and took notice that your pink flesh was wet and ready for me. I don’t think I could have hated my weakness more as I listened to the sweet noises you made and came undone as I hung there, helpless to even cover the shame of my ejaculation from where you watched it. You stood up and moved towards me, touching it, lifting one arousal-covered finger through the mess I’d made watching you, and then as I watched you, you fucking tasted me and moaned. As if you’d enjoyed it.

  “You see, I knew what you were doing to me and that you wanted me to crave you. I knew you hunted my family with your armies, and even as you slept in the same room with me, others continued to hunt them. It was only a matter of time before you discovered where I had hidden them away from you. Days turned into weeks; weeks turned into months. Every day you would return covered in blood, you placed that chair in front of me, knowing I craved you. I dreamed of tasting you, of running my fingers through the thin patch of crimson curls that would be wet with arousal from my skilled fingers. You became my fantasy in that room. You were the one thing I craved even more than I craved freedom from those enchanted chains that held me. I didn’t dream of home anymore. I didn’t dream of my beautiful daughters or my wife who longed for the day I no longer mounted her flesh to breed a son that would become my heir. But you, you were the most beautiful creature in existence. You were meant to be savaged,” he said as he pushed me back, pulling my legs apart as he stared down at the thin patch of crimson curls. His fingers trailed through it as his eyes watched mine, continuing his tale as he absently played with me.

  “One day, months after your endless torture had begun,” he growled as his thumb found my clit, absently moving it in a circular pattern. “After what felt like an eternity of hanging there helplessly, forced to watch this sweetness with no chance of taking it, you returned with a wicked smile on those lips. The air around you crackled with your pleasure, and everything inside of me stilled because in your hand was a bloody bag. I was sure you’d found my family. I prayed that you hadn’t, but I knew better than to underestimate you. I knew what I had done would result in their deaths at your pretty little hands. Instead, you withdrew my brother’s head and held it in front of my face, watching the emotion play over it. You, the Goddess of War, watched the pain flicker in my eyes as if it was foreign to you. You couldn’t understand why I felt such a great loss for a man who had fallen to your blade. You demanded I tell you what I felt, and why I felt it. You left his head in the window, forcing me to watch as the birds tore it apart as they pecked him to nothing more than a rotted skull. You went silent for days afterward when I refused to give you what you wanted to know. Eventually, you got rid of it, and when you finally broke the silence, it was to talk to me of battles, strategies you’d used against my people. Then, as if you hadn’t just told me how you intended to murder the rest of my family, I watched the most beautiful creature ever created sleep peacefully. You looked so fucking innocent as you lay there, sleeping dreamlessly in the giant bed you’d built out of the skulls of your enemies.”

  “I don’t want to hear anymore,” I uttered hoarsely as he pushed his fingers into my body, watching as I arched my back, giving him more access to what he wanted.

  “I don’t care if you do or not. You will remember who you are so that when I fuck you, you look at me as you used to. When I kneel at your pretty feet, you will understand the gravity of it, but more so, you will understand that when I kneel beside you and redo the vows we took together, you will remember that you loved me enough to become my bride. That you loved both of us.”

  “And what if I don’t want to be her? What if I stay me, and we don’t do this. We don’t go down this path, because apparently, I was a horrible person. So how about I just stay me, and you be you?” I uttered as his fingers pushed deeper into me.

  “No, no, you don’t get to forget him or me.”

  “Him?” I asked.

  “You loved both of us, Erie.”

  “How is that even possible?”

  “You’ll see; we’re not even to the best part of how horrid you were before the dynamic of who we were changed. That’s not the point of this, wife. The point is to remind you of who you were, and who you have to become. Evil is here, and it is hunting you now. If you’re Erie, you’re dead. I didn’t come this far to lose you again. I don’t know if you can ever be brought back again, and you carry my child now. You carry the hope for our future, and I never stopped loving you or feeling your loss. I won’t lose you, do you understand that? I’ll fight for
you, even if I’m against you to save you. I’ve had to do bad things to you to get you back weak enough to survive.”

  “That doesn’t make sense. None of this makes any sense!”

  “It will when you remember us and who you are.”

  Chapter 40

  I watched him watching me, his words causing my heart to race against my ribcage. He leaned over, kissing my belly before he lifted those glowing eyes and smirked. His fingers moved up my waist, hooking around it as he pulled me up, placing me onto his lap. Straddling him, I studied him closely as his tattoos seemed to glow, studying me back as if there were other things within him, alive things. I knew how true that was.

  “You weren’t a nice person, but no one was back then. It was a different world, and we played by our own rules. If you held power, you could rule over anything you wanted to. If anyone challenged your reign upon a throne, you struck them down fast and hard. You did; you held me in your room for over an entire year torturing me. You knew that I would never cave from pain, so you used the one thing I desired most against me: you. You were the one thing I couldn’t have no matter how much power I had or obtained. You had to be given of your own free will. So day after day, night after night, I watched you touching your sweet flesh with those clumsy little unskilled fingers. I knew I was going mad with how much I craved you. I craved you because you made me, driving me insane as you touched that sweetness, and made damn sure I knew that I wasn’t good enough to touch it.

  “You spread that flesh as I watched you pushing your tiny little fingers through it. You asked me if I wanted it one day, and if I’d give you my soul to taste it. I told you that one day, I’d wreck it as you pleaded for mercy, but that I would grant you none. You laughed and told me that you would beg for mercy from no man,” he growled huskily as he pushed me onto the couch, ripping the shirt from my body. “I watched you come from your clumsy fucking touches. The noises you made, fuck, those noises drove me mad. I refused to get hard that day, and it pissed you off that my body wouldn’t react to yours. It became so repetitive that I knew the moment you would enter that room, and the moment you would leave it again. Night after night, I feared you would bring a man back to your room, forcing me to watch as he took what I wanted, but it never happened.

  “It was then I knew that the rumors of you being a virgin weren’t myths, it was true. You fucked that innocent cunt with such unskilled fingers and got off so easily that it pissed me off. No man had ever tasted or fucked you, and you were ancient, timeless. You were a fucking Goddess who had claimed countless lives and had never tasted real pleasure. I craved to be the first, but I knew, I fucking knew that you merely did it to drive me to madness. Then we changed, and every time you’d get closer to me, you’d get angrier at me.

  “You once asked me if I’d murder my own son for a mere taste of your nectar, and I told you that I would never murder our son. I remember the fury that shone from your eyes as you informed me that something like you would never breed with a heathen like me. You cut me that night, slicing through my flesh until I died as I hung in your bedroom. Somehow, you brought me back from death changed. I remember awakening different than what I had been, to watch as you lowered yourself down onto my chained body, which laid upon your bed. I watched you exploring my body, touching and tasting it as I was forced to lay there, unable to take what I craved from you,” he uttered as his fingers pushed into my body and I arched into the heat of his mouth as his tongue flicked my nipple. “I begged you to ride my mouth, and you laughed, saying that my heathen tongue would never taste this sweetness,” he growled as his head lowered, as his tongue slipped through the wetness that craved him. He lifted his head, smirking coldly as he watched me shiver with the need to find release. “You eventually pushed those tiny fingers into that virgin cunt and rubbed this sweetness over my lips, watching in rapture as I licked them clean for you. My cock rose, and those tiny fingers of yours wrapped around it, stroking it until I came for you. I remember your eyes burning with curiosity at how my body reacted to your touch. My sweet virgin queen who murdered men for fun was using me to learn their weaknesses, and I didn’t fucking care. After that, you sucked me off with that hot mouth, swallowing everything as you licked those lips clean, knowing how much I wanted to destroy you.

  “You used me, every night there was something new you did until one morning I awoke to that cunt rubbing against my hungry mouth. I’d never tasted anything so fucking sweet in my entire life. Not until you showed me what heaven tasted like as you came over my mouth, dripping down my chin with your first orgasm that wasn’t self-given.

  “You came for me, crying out as I let my tongue fuck that tight, naughty cunt. The next night you rubbed it over my cock, staring into my eyes as I watched your nipples harden while your pleasure blossomed. You killed me after that, ashamed that you’d allowed me to taste and pleasure you, but again, you brought me back because you weren’t finished with me yet. The mighty Queen of War was weakening against the man she hated most. You were ashamed that you enjoyed me, using me, letting me do what no other man had ever done before. After that, you stopped for a while,” he murmured as his fingers continued to drive into my body and his eyes burned into mine. “You needed to remind yourself of who you were, who I was. I was the opposing King in an endless war. I’d trespassed against you, rising from the sea to destroy you and your mighty people. I felt you pulling away, the confusion that drove you during that time.

  “You feared me and what we did together. You told me it had to end because you were the conquering Goddess of War, and you had to finish it. I thought you meant me, idiot, that I was. You left me there that day, in your bed as you dressed for war, painting your face in woad as I had watched you many times before. That day though, something in you had changed, and it wasn’t for the better. You didn’t return that night, or the next, or the next one, even.

  “A few days later, you came into the room with another head, one that ripped a piece of my soul out because of what it meant you had achieved. You had wanted me to feel it, to feel your strength over me. You wanted to punish me because I made you crave things you didn’t understand. You’d found my wife, the queen of my court, and you had murdered her. You placed her head on my stomach and watched as I came undone. Watched me as I shed tears for the woman I’d taken as my wife, and you fucking enjoyed it. You enjoyed my pain, knew I had cared for her at one time, and you had taken that away from me. That night you tried to arouse my passion, and I wouldn’t let you,” he snapped as he withdrew his fingers, slowly licking them clean as he moved up to sit between my legs on the couch. “I knew you’d killed my children as well, but not even you were that heartless to bring me their heads.”

  “I don’t want to hear this anymore,” I whispered as the images played out in my mind.

  “No, you wouldn’t want to hear what a murderous, heartless bitch you were back then, but I wasn’t much better, either. It was a different time; we played by different rules. If you conquered a monarchy, you killed the entire bloodline. You made sure no one rose up to oppose you, and I’d invaded your lands. I knew what you would do, even as I wanted you, I knew their fate would be to die at the end of your blade. You were the Goddess of War, Erie. You thrived on death and war,” he muttered as he pushed the tip of his cock against the slick folds of my flesh and I moaned loudly as he watched me with an evil grin curving his lips.

  “You left her there, in the bed we slept in together, until the stink of her rotting flesh became too much for you to bear. You threw her away and then when you returned again, you were covered in fresh blood from battle. You’d killed thousands of my warriors and told me of your victories as I tried to block you out. Your name was earned in the blood of my people. I remember watching you strip down to your flesh and straddle my hips as you rocked that needy cunt over my cock, telling me how you’d enjoyed slaughtering the weak ones the most, that those who couldn’t survive war had no place being in o
ne, you said. You pushed this flesh against my cock, taunting me as you laughed in my face at my defeat at your hands,” he hissed as he pushed into my body only far enough for the head to be clenched by the tightening walls of it. “You fucked up though; just one little slip-up and I took it from you. You were there, just like this, hovering over my cock as you told me that you’d finally murdered my entire court. And then I did this while you were distracted, telling me of your victories,” he snapped as he pushed into my body fast and hard, enjoying the scream that tore from my throat as he invaded me. “And that is what it sounded like when I took the untouchable Goddess’s maidenhead from her. Your sweet flesh pulsed around me, and I took everything. I hurt you, and you fucking loved it. You could have gotten away from me, but you didn’t even fucking try. Instead, you rode me, throwing your pretty fucking head back as you came around my cock with my name on your lips like a fucking benediction that you cried to the other Gods. We were enemies, born to hate each other and yet we craved each other like star-crossed lovers. We were created to destroy one another, but in your body, I found sanctuary.

  “You, the queen who had murdered my family and taken everything from me, became my home. We went to war against one another, and you won, but what I won was so much fucking better than anyone could ever understand. I lay there, buried in heaven as you told me that you gave my wife to your men to rape, and how they had murdered her before you took her head to present to me. My unwed daughters, chained to poles and used as target practice by your archers, and all I could think about was how tight your needy cunt was, and how perfectly I fit into it. I hated myself, I hated you, and I couldn’t stop fucking you. It was like whatever magic you had used to bring me back from death had changed everything inside of me. You cursed me, and then you blessed me in the same fucking breath. You could have gotten away from me, for I was chained to your bed.” He started to thrust into my body painfully, driving his rage into me as I whimpered and pleaded for mercy, mercy that he wouldn’t give as he retold his tale.


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