If She's Wicked

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If She's Wicked Page 35

by Amelia Hutchins

  Exhaling as I pushed the blood-red hair from my face, my eyes settled on the heathen king who fought valiantly. He was darker than the others; his aura alone created a black haze that drew my curiosity to him. The arctic eyes that held mine over the field of death pulled a gasp from my lips. Three men attacked him, and he effortlessly swiped at them. Muscles covered in the tattoos of a warrior’s ink bunched beneath the sun’s blinding rays as more and more men approached him. Sensing the battle was dying down and that their king was within our grasp, his men tried to prevent the inevitable. It was a valiant attempt, but useless since I’d never lost a battle yet, and I’d waged countless wars.

  “Do not let them kill him.” It was an order that none would disobey. “I want him chained in my room, and I want the skulls collected from this field and added to my walls.”

  “He is a monster, one that won’t go willingly,” my second in command growled, and I turned, smiling into his Nordic blue eyes that watched me with hunger.

  “Adonis wasn’t either, but I have three of his skulls hanging in my collection. I will distract him; you capture him. Unless, of course, you’re unable to, and your skull shall be the next I place onto my wall?”

  “As you wish, my Queen,” Lugh said, striding away as I frowned after him. Lugh was pleasing to look at, and yet he hungered after me in the same way the others did. He wanted what I could make him and what I could give him. It was unnerving how incompetent some of these beings were, and I almost understood why Danu had left them to create the Fae.

  I loathed them all; every single mortal that looked at me as if I’d hung the fucking moon for them. No one refused, no one disobeyed, and I was so sick of watching their dove eyes go gooey for my flesh. As if I’d allow any of them to touch me. I pushed my hair away from my shoulder, exposing the globes of my breasts as I started towards the creature that fought his way through the masses as if he’d face me head-on. As if he thought he would make it to me, but I’d trained these creatures how to battle the correct way since Danu hadn’t bothered and then had whined about them being weak. Warriors were made, not born.

  His eyes lowered to my breasts as the wind rushed over me, and he paused, lifting glowing blue eyes to mine. He wasn’t man; he was other? He was a beast among mortals. My thighs slipped from the skirt as I paused, lowering to the ground to push a soul from a corpse and send it to Hades. The heat of his gaze lingered on my exposed thigh as their club found its mark against his head, taking him down to his knees.

  Too easy, I mused as I lifted back up from the ground and slowly walked through the bloody battlefield while he watched me with a look that I actually enjoyed. Strange, that he was a beast in a land of mortals and timid creatures. Chained, he looked almost human except for those glowing eyes that watched me with a hunger I didn’t understand. He either wanted my head, or to fuck me, or fuck me as he took my head. It was really a higher chance on the one which ended with my head off while we did the other, with the way he watched me.

  “You’re mine now,” I said as I knelt before him, where he had been kicked to his knees. His heated gaze lowered to the woad on my chest that was embellished and flowering scroll that twirled around my waist and arms, until it reached up to dance upon my cheeks. “You have been dethroned, and are now my prisoner, heathen from the sea.”

  “You’re nothing but a whore who sits on an empty throne of lies,” he hissed.

  “Such flattery from a heathen king? Tell me, do you want to fuck me? I can sense your need, the bloodlust slipping from you as something else replaces it. Do you think I’d let something like you touch something like me?” I uttered thickly, hating that my body clenched at the mere idea. For as long as I could remember, my body hadn’t responded to man, woman, or beast.

  I stood up, staring at him while he watched me. His nostrils flared, as if he could scent my arousal. Men were such dogs, always thinking with their cocks. I, on the other hand, wanted to push the beast down and ride him in the blood of his people. I wanted him to know that I’d conquered him; me, a mere Goddess, even though he was three times my size.

  “I will kill you, bitch.”

  “You will try, as many others have, and fail as they did. I wish you luck though, as this life is tediously boring already, and I’m surrounded by lovesick idiots, so do try soon.”

  “Release me and fight me, whore.”

  “Mmm, I can think of many other things to do with you, which you will not enjoy. Why would I face you when you would just lose? I am created for war, born of the kings of this land. You, you are of the sea and nothing more than a heathen who tried to reach for what was not his to take. You challenged me, and you lost,” I said softly. I studied his heady stare as it lowered to the exposed thighs that the skirt didn’t cover. My gaze lifted to Lugh, who stared into my eyes, unwilling to gape at my nakedness as the other men were doing. Maybe they weren’t all worthless. “Take him to my room, and then collect the skulls of his people. Maybe I’ll let him eat out of them so that he knows he has been defeated.”

  I watched as they dragged him off, the hair on my neck prickling as I turned, staring at Lugh, who watched me with something akin to hunger burning in his eyes. I smiled at him as he nodded and started away from me. He was different from the others as well. I’d considered killing him a few times already, but the bloodlust he offered on the battlefield with his skills kept me sated, and I didn’t need his death to feel whole. He alone defied my orders or thought to touch my flesh without permission, and I found him charming because of it. He knew I could end his life, and yet he thought the price worth it to brush against me in battle where everyone else stayed far, far away from me to avoid contact.

  I dismissed him as he moved through the line of those who watched as we took their king away. The smile that graced my face was anything but kind. To drag Balor off in chains was a mockery to their race as they watched their brave king being carted from the field of battle. I turned, moving towards the warrior king, who held my gaze. Sleek muscles were covered in blood, bathed in his men’s and mine. His shoulders were erect, not bowed as were the other kings I’d defeated. This one was proud, strong. He’d be fun to break into pieces.

  “What about the other prisoners, my Queen?” a soldier asked.

  My eyes locked with their king’s, and I smiled as I walked towards him. “Kill them all so that the next man who thinks to conquer me is warned of what happens when men reach for what isn’t theirs to take.”

  Inside my chambers, with him hanging in chains, I stripped naked, watching his eyes take in the sight of my flesh. It was a sight men never lived to speak of once they’d gazed upon it, not that many had. Those eyes though, the way his pupils dilated and constricted, made me want to show him more. He didn’t seem impressed, nor taken with my beauty as he should have been. He should have at least been screaming or fighting, something other than staring at my naked flesh as I bathed the blood of his men from my skin.

  “You don’t think I’m beautiful bathed in the blood of your people?” I asked as my hands cupped my heavy breasts while I moved closer, enjoying the taut muscles of his stomach, and my hand lifted to explore them. He recoiled as if my hand offended him. I laughed, and my tongue slid between my teeth as my power slid through the room.

  “Your fucking magic doesn’t work on me, whore.”

  “Always with the whore,” I mused. “I’ll tell you a secret, heathen king. No cock has ever entered me. No God, no man, no one has ever pushed their useless thing between my legs. You are not worthy of it, either.”

  “Ever consider that maybe you’re not worthy of them?” he asked, and my eyes dropped to his cock, which hadn’t reacted to my body.

  His words pushed through my mind as I lifted my eyes to his. The blue glow of them ignited in his eyes, and I smiled, unwilling to show him that he’d found blood with his words. Men wanted me, but they wanted me for what I was, not who I was, and the fa
ct that at my side, they would be untouchable. No one cared that even those born of Gods craved a connection in some way or another. I wanted one man, a warrior who wanted me for who I was, not what I was. I had been used, tossed around by men since the dawn of time as nothing more than a way to win their wars. Wars I had never craved, nor wanted. Did they care? No, not even my own father had heard my pleas, and when I’d found a warrior worthy of my soul, he’d slaughtered him before my very eyes, showing me that love was a weakness.

  Days passed, and yet he didn’t cave, but those eyes, those eyes betrayed him every time I stripped down and showed him a little more of myself. I told him of his people, which I had figured would cheer him up, or should have. They were fighting to save him, dying, but fighting their best against a Goddess of War, which didn’t bode well for them in the first place. I watched him for hours some days, letting him assume I slept as I stood in front of him with my ability to pass through the veil and watch the living without them knowing I had. He spent those hours hard, and this man had the nicest cock I’d ever seen. He grew larger than anyone else could dream to achieve, and yet he’d shrink it with ease if my body so much as twitched, which was how I knew what to do to break the proud beast who watched me from within his host body.

  The next day, I bathed slowly before moving the chair in front of him, staring at him as he watched me. If my father could see me now, sense the immense power I contained, would he still be disappointed in what I’d become? Would it matter? I’d killed him too because he’d hurt me, told me that I was weak, so I showed him I wasn’t. I studied the beast who peered out at me, sensing his need. His thick cock rose to alertness as I spread my thighs and smiled with victory. I reached out, stroking his stomach as he sucked it in, shrinking away from my touch. My lips lifted into a cold smile as I sat back, staring at him, and I imagined his kiss, the way he would taste against my mouth if I took his cock into it.

  Fingers explored my cunt, feeling his eyes on it as I closed mine. The bloodlust pushed me to find a release, and this was how I did it. Alone, away from men who wanted to use me. Moans filled the room as I opened my lips, gasping as the pleasure built. His eyes were locked on my hand, watching the movement of my fingers as I gasped, starting to unravel. Blue eyes studied mine as if he sensed what others only dared whisper into the night.

  The Virgin Queen, the Warrior Goddess of Battles and Chaos, untried by man; untouchable, feared by all. I screamed out my release as his mouth opened and closed. I stood up, rolling my neck as I moved to the other side of the room, uncaring that my arousal slipped down my leg, or that he was inhaling it. Pouring a drink, I slowly walked back to him, my eyes noting that his own arousal had grown, spewing his seed while he’d watched me do what no man had ever done to me. My gaze lingered on his flesh as I lifted one arousal-covered finger and slid it across the tip of his cock, collecting some of the mess that he made. Our eyes locked in silent battle as he watched me lift my finger to my tongue and slowly tasted his salty release. His groan forced a smile to curve my mouth.

  “You are evil.”

  “Most definitely,” I agreed, stepping back while I pulled the chair up closer to him and once again spread my legs, watching the muscles in his jaw as they clenched and feathered. “You will never leave this room alive or tell another of what I do here, so enjoy it. No other man has watched me come before you. Did you enjoy it? You are hard for me again, yes?” I asked as his eyes burned. “You don’t want to be hard because of what I did? Most men want to fuck me, but only to own me. I am the totem they wish to collect to win their wars. You though, you want to murder me. Is it because I murdered your armies, or because all it took was me exposing my cunt to bring you down?”

  “You’re beautiful, but you know that. I want to murder you and drink your flesh as the life slips from your veins while I destroy that cunt. You thrive on war and destroying worlds. You are a monster, and not even that slick flesh between those thighs would change that. I loathe you and wish to destroy you in the most pleasurable way, among other things.”

  I smiled, hiding the pain his words brought. This strange beast hated me? Maybe he wasn’t right in the head. Or perhaps the club had knocked him senseless, literally. I was the one Goddess men went to war over, their puny minds unable to process that I pushed them into it—albeit unwillingly and not on purpose, never on purpose. I craved chaos, unable to ignore the call of it, but that was just who I was. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy a bloody war; it was that I couldn’t stop them. I both hated and loved it. I lifted up, kissing his stomach as my eyes gazed down at his cock that twitched.

  “You respond to me though,” I uttered.

  “I’m male, I respond to anything with a wet cunt between its thighs.”

  I laughed as my tongue traced my lips. Moving to the bed, I let the bottle of wine float in the air, watching the blood-red liquid as it filled the goblet while I lounged naked. Once it finished, I leaned back, uncaring that he watched me while I relaxed against the mountain of pillows, sipping the liquid.

  “Do you have family?” I asked, creasing my brow as I turned to watch his reaction. “You do? That’s almost sad, isn’t it?”

  “You touch them, and I will kill everything you love.”

  “I’d have to actually love something for that threat to work,” I whispered as I swirled the wine in my glass. What asshole brought war against another kingdom with a family? That was just shitty parenting. Now I had to murder them or appear weak and watch as countless other assholes tried me to see if I would fall to their blades.

  “Your people, your kingdom, I will slaughter every single one of them.”

  “Okay,” I laughed soundlessly. “Start with me.”

  I dropped my gaze to the strength of his legs, sending the glass floating as I stared at the muscles of them. His cock was larger than any other man I’d tortured, even limp; I wondered if it would hurt and almost craved to feel it. I was such a slutty virgin Goddess because I craved to feel that thing beneath my fingers. Hell, I wanted to taste it and explore every inch of him, and I wanted to feel his strength and see if he could challenge mine in bed. Maybe I should have taken Lucian up on his offer to sleep with him, no strings attached. He loved war, and I’d done him a few favors, he owed me. Plus, he was fucking seriously twisted and a monster in his own right. He probably fucked like a beast, and if he didn’t, well, I could call in a favor and force him to keep it a secret. The chained beast in my room brought my attention back to him, and I lifted a brow as he spoke.

  “You want to die, woman, release me. I will help you end your miserable existence.” His tone was truthful, and again, the words stung.

  “You can’t kill me; no one can. Not unless I tell them how to do it. Sleep, creature. I tire,” I muttered as I lay my head against the pillows, staring at him.

  What would it be like to have someone that would murder others to keep you safe? To be loved like that seemed unattainable, and yet I’d felt it once. Briefly, I’d been loved by a warrior, but he’d been slaughtered as I’d stood there, still as marble as my father ripped him apart, giving him a permanent death because I’d become weak. Love was a weakness, one I’d been taught to exploit.

  “You don’t control me, bitch,” he growled, and I sat up, staring at him through glowing eyes as my hair rose from the power that exploded in the room. He showed no fear, not a trace of it as I approached him. “Do your worst, whore.”

  “I’ve been called so much worse than that. We must work your slanderous tongue to teach it new words. Try untouched murderer of my wife and children, see how that rolls off that smooth tongue of yours. Tell me, has your wife heard that dirty, dirty mouth saying such filth? Do you taste her flesh with such words on it? Or do you cherish her, lavishing her with your false flattery? Or does she shrink away from the monster that is hidden within this meat suit you wear?”

  “I will find a way to end you, Goddess,” he snapped

  My hand touched over his cock, and he hissed as I lifted my eyes to his. He tried to move away, and yet I held him in place with my magic. As I stroked it, he extended as my eyes grew large with surprise. I moaned against the soft silk that turned to steel in my hand, lifting my eyes to hold his as he watched me with a look I didn’t know or understand. In all my years of living, I’d never touched one; never even the lover I’d lost had allowed it. I’d killed that part of me, burying it to prevent it from ever being awoken again, and yet this king brought it clawing back to the surface.

  “Release me,” he demanded huskily.

  “You’re not immune,” I frowned as I did as he asked.

  “No man is immune to a woman’s touch. Not when she is beautiful and naked as you are. I’d have to be dead to be immune to you.” His honesty surprised me, and my frown deepened.

  “And your wife, what about her? If I fucked you, would it be she who you wished this magical cock was buried in?” I asked, hating that I read the answer in his eyes. “You love her.”

  “She is my Queen, of course, I love her,” he hissed as he watched me walking towards the bed. “That isn’t your question though; you want to know if I would lower myself to rut with you. You want to be fucked, don’t you, creature?”

  “Would you fuck me, knowing I’m going to destroy everything you love? Tell me, would you sell your soul and everything you love to taste me?” I asked, knowing that his answer could seal his fate.

  “I’d rather twist your fucking head from your shoulders.”

  “I guess if you’re into that kind of thing, it might be hot.”

  “Sit on my face, let me taste you. You wish to be fucked. I will destroy your cunt, Goddess. I will sate your every desire, and then I will take your life. Now, release me.”

  I lifted my eyes to his, finding them studying me. He wanted to murder me, not fuck me. It was hot, and yeah, so what if his dirty mouth made my cunt peer up and notice? It wasn’t wrong to want him; I’d conquered him. He was mine now. “In time, you will come to understand that here, I am your Queen. You are no longer the King, nor do you have a queen. She is being hunted as we speak. Not even your precious ocean will protect her from me.”


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