Cranberry Glazed & Murder

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by Susan Gillard

  Cranberry Glazed & Murder

  An Oceanside Cozy Mystery Book 10

  Susan Gillard


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  Cranberry Glazed & Murder

  1. Grand Opening on Wheels

  2. Parked in the Park

  3. A Surprise Guest

  4. Lost Owner

  5. Crime Scene Among the Palm Trees

  6. Going to the Dogs

  7. Any Answers from Architects

  8. Office Notes

  9. Barks and Backgrounds

  10. A Visit to the Vet

  11. Coworker Gossip

  12. Scratch

  13. Doggie Dinner Discussion

  14. Back to the Office

  15. An Office Romance?

  16. Biting Accusations

  17. Facing the Killer

  18. Dog Decisions

  Also by Susan Gillard

  About the Author

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  Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright 2017 by Guardian Publishing Group - All rights reserved.

  All rights Reserved. No part of this publication or the information in it may be quoted from or reproduced in any form by means such as printing, scanning, photocopying or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder.

  Cranberry Glazed & Murder

  Grand Opening on Wheels

  “How are you today?” Heather asked her assistants as they crowded into the Donut Delights – Key West kitchen to help make the new flavor of the week.

  “If anyone says berry good I’m going to groan so loud it deafens everyone here,” her best friend Amy said.

  The assistants laughed. Janae responded, “I was going to say that I was hungry today, but that’s because I was saving room for the new donuts.”

  “Always a wise idea,” Luz agreed.

  “And that berry pun sounds like one of your old jokes anyway,” Digby said, teasing Amy.

  She ran with the setup and said, “It might have been a pun I used to make, but now I know I cran do better.”

  “What’s the new flavor?” Nina asked.

  “As you might have guessed from this silly wordplay,” Heather said. “Our new flavor is the Cranberry Glazed Donut.”

  Her four assistants and her bestie licked their lips in anticipation, and Heather revealed a baker's sheet of the red donuts. She let them each take a sample, and she explained how she came to create it.

  “I was having a lot of trouble cooking sides for Thanksgiving this year.”

  “Her potatoes were pota-noes,” Amy said.

  The others were too busy eating their Cranberry Glazed snacks to sigh or groan at the jest.

  “And so, I ended up sticking to what I was good with and making festive donuts for the meal, but it also inspired me to want to try other recipes with cranberries as well,” Heather said. “I know that cranberries can be somewhat tart.”

  “But it’s balanced so nicely here,” Luz said. “It doesn’t taste tart at all.”

  “The cake base is cranberry flavored, and then it’s surrounded by a sweet glaze,” Heather said. “And I made sure it was a vibrant red color to look appealing.”

  “It’s funny because a red light means stop,” said Amy. “But I don’t think I can stop eating these delicious things.”

  “We’re going to have to stop eating long enough to make some more,” Heather said.

  “I can get behind that,” said Digby.

  “And we need to move quickly,” Heather said. “It’s a busy day.”

  "That's right," said Amy, stopping her snacking long enough to explain. "It's the grand opening of the Mobile Groom Room.”

  Amy's boyfriend Jamie had been trying to start his own pet grooming business and was finally able to do so with the help of Heather's shop's investor: Rudolph Rodney. He had helped Jamie get his business situated, and today he would be taking his mobile grooming business on the road – or at least around some roads of Key West.

  "Jamie promised to bring the van by this morning so we can wish it well," Heather said. "But he has to come by early so he can start his workday."

  "And I want to have some of these donuts ready so that I can give them to him," Amy said. "He deserves them on his first day."

  They all set to work and were able to create enough donuts to fill their display cases before Jamie drove by. Rudolph Rodney arrived as soon as the shop opened and he waited with them to greet the van, happily enjoying a donut.

  The large Mobile Groom Room parked on the street and Jamie came out to greet them. He had a huge smile on his face and was practically skipping.

  “I know I should be nervous,” Jamie said. “But I’m just too excited to be.”

  “You have nothing to be nervous about, my boy,” Rudolph Rodney said. “I believe we’ve taken care of everything that you need to get started. You’ve worked very hard to get to this point, and I’m proud.”

  “Me too,” Amy said, squeezing his hand.

  “I’m also proud of myself,” Rudolph Rodney admitted. “Investing in both you and Donut Delights. I must be a genius.”

  He chuckled to himself and then went in search of another celebratory donut, allowing Jamie to have a moment with his significant other and his friend.

  “We prepared some donuts for you,” Amy said. “And I didn’t steal any either. I figured you needed all the energy you could get on a busy first day.”

  “It is going to be busy,” Jamie said. “I have three bookings this morning where I’m going to customer’s homes. I’ll park on the street in front of their house and give their pets a bath. And then I’m permitted to park by the dog park this afternoon, and I think I’ll get some customers there.”

  “I’m sure you will,” Heather said. “Dave and Cupcake can get dirty at the park. Especially if it rained the day before like it did here.”

  "I had an idea," Jamie said. "I know it's late notice. But I was thinking that maybe I should get some donuts to have in the van while I'm at the park. I could let customers have something to snack on while they're waiting for their dog to finish their bath."

  “That does seem like a nice idea,” Amy said. “I should have thought of it before.”

  "It won't be a problem," Heather said. "We'd just have to wrap them individually, so there's no chance of any soap getting on them. But we could make them.”

  “It seems silly because you’re the one in the van,” Amy said. “But we could deliver them to you at the park.”

  "It'll be perfect," Heather said. "Because I've thought that Dave and Cupcake could use a bath too. We'll exchange donuts for grooming."

  “It’s a deal,” Jamie said. “Well, I better get going.”

  They wished him good luck. Amy gave him a kiss, and then Jamie drove off to his first appointment.

  Amy turned to her friend who had a thoughtful look on her face.

  “What’s going on?” Amy asked. “Don’t tell me that you’re having one of your bad feelings and that something terrible is going to happen. I don’t want any crime to interfere with Jamie’s grand opening.”

  Heather laughed. “No. I wasn’t thinking anything like that. I was thinking whether I could make some donuts that are just for dogs and cats. I know Dave is crazy about all of my donuts.”

  “And his
waistline still shows it,” Amy said.

  "Luckily, a dog on the beach he doesn't have to worry about a bikini figure," Heather said. "But I might still be able to make some specifically doggie donuts."

  “Let’s focus on the human ones first,” Amy said. “I want to eat some more, and then see the new van in action.”

  Parked in the Park

  “It looks like he’s doing well,” Amy said, proudly.

  * * *

  “Based on those tail wags, I’d agree,” said Heather.

  * * *

  They had arrived at the dog park and saw the van in the nearby parking lot. A clean and happy golden retriever was walking away from it with his owner.

  * * *

  The van was metallic gray but had been decorated to make it more festive. Amy had helped with the artwork, and it now had adorable cartoon pictures of sudsy puppies frolicking around the side of the van. The doors to the vehicle were open, and it was surprisingly roomy and functional.

  * * *

  There were two bath areas. One was on the ground for large dogs, and one was at a counter level for smaller pets. There were cabinets and baskets that were filled with supplies. There was also a small waiting area where a pet could sit behind a gate and stay clean. There was one dog with long white hair in that area.

  * * *

  Jamie looked up from cleaning the tub that the golden retriever had splashed in and waved at his friends.

  * * *

  Amy's arms were filled with boxes of donuts, and Heather's hands were holding leashes, so they hurried over to say hello instead of waving back. Dave, the dog, was happy to see Jamie and jumped right into the van greet him and get his tummy rubbed. The kitten Cupcake was more dubious about all the water in the room.

  * * *

  Amy deposited the donuts in the front of the van. She moved closer to hug her boyfriend, but then paused when she saw how damp his clothes were. Instead, she kissed him on the cheek.

  * * *

  “Good first day?” Heather asked.

  * * *

  "It's been great," Jamie said. "All my morning appointments promised to recommend me to their friends. One cat was a little tricky, but otherwise, the grooming was smooth. And I had few people visit me at the park already."

  * * *

  “We saw one happy customer,” Heather said.

  * * *

  “I think the artwork on the side of the van entices people to come see what I offer. Thanks, Ames,” Jamie said, grinning at his girlfriend.

  * * *

  “Well, you know, I do what I can,” Amy said nonchalantly.

  * * *

  “We brought the Cranberry Glazed Donuts. They’re all wrapped up tight and ready to give out,” Heather said.

  * * *

  “Thanks,” Jamie said. “And are you here for grooming as well?”

  * * *

  Cupcake seemed to realize what was being asked and hid behind Heather. She bent down and picked the grumpy kitten up.

  * * *

  “We are if you’re not too busy,” Heather said. “It looks like you have a client in the corner.”

  * * *

  “That is Miss Marshmallow,” Jamie said. “Her owner must be running late. She asked if it was all right to leave her here while she ran an errand, but she was very specific about the grooming. She said her dog was her best friend.”

  * * *

  Dave realized that they were talking about someone other than him and went over to investigate. He sniffed at the gate and wagged his tail. Miss Marshmallow seemed unimpressed. She looked away.

  * * *

  Dave put his paw on the gate and made a playful little noise. Miss Marshmallow laid down and ignored him. Her silky hair blocked him from her view.

  * * *

  Dave looked up at Heather, and she shrugged. Sometimes she and her dog understood each other perfectly. Usually, this was because Dave was asking for donuts, but she sensed what he was feeling now. He was confused why the lady dog didn't want to be his friend.

  * * *

  Cupcake’s feelings were even more clear, and it was evident that she did not want to take a bath. However, Jamie eventually calmed her down. He soothed her and gave her a bath that she didn’t completely hate.

  * * *

  Dave spent the whole time trying to impress the unimpressed Miss Marshmallow, and not getting so much as a tail wag or sniff in response. Dave enjoyed his soapy bath though, and both of Heather's pets enjoyed a donut treat at the end of it for good behavior.

  * * *

  When Heather’s pets were all groomed, Miss Marshmallow’s owner had still not returned.

  * * *

  “She must be running really late,” Heather said. “I guess that happens sometimes though. When we investigate leads, it sometimes takes much longer than we expect.”

  * * *

  “Especially if we’re running and hiding for our lives,” Amy commented.

  * * *

  “I’m sure she’ll be back soon,” Jamie said. “It didn’t seem like she wanted to be away from her dog for very long.”

  * * *

  “Just as long as this isn’t some kind of ploy to get us to adopt a dog right now,” Amy said. “We’re not planning on getting for a while. Not until things settle down.”

  * * *

  “It’s no ploy,” Jamie said.

  * * *

  “You might say that even if it were a ploy,” Amy said suspiciously.

  * * *

  “I don’t think Miss Marshmallow is exactly the sort of dog that we’d pick as our best friend,” Jamie said. “She’d be high maintenance and might not like the lifestyle we lead.”

  * * *

  “You mean running off to bakeries and crime scenes?” Amy asked.

  * * *

  “Exactly,” said Jamie.

  * * *

  “I’m not sure how well she’d get along with the other animals either,” Heather said. “Dave seems taken with her, but she’s not giving him the time of day. And relationships between dogs and cats can be strained as it is.”

  * * *

  “Luckily, it’s not a ploy,” Amy said, giving Jamie a hard look.

  * * *

  He held up his hands. “It’s not. Miss Marshmallow’s owner should be any minute to pick up her best friend.”

  * * *

  They were all satisfied with this response, but that night proved what he said to be wildly untrue.

  A Surprise Guest

  Dave jumped to attention.

  “The movie isn’t over yet, buddy,” Heather said.

  After a busy day, Heather and her family were relaxing at home. Cupcake was cuddling with her daughter Lilly, and Dave was in between Heather and her husband, Ryan. He was a detective with the Key West Police Force, but luckily, because he wasn't currently investigating a case, he was able to come home in time to watch a movie. Amy had joined them because Ryan wasn't home yet and because there were sure to be more donuts at Heather's gatherings.

  Amy looked up from her half-eaten donut at the direction Dave was pointing. He was facing the door.

  “Do you think Jamie is home?” Amy asked. They lived in an adjoining house above the Shepherd’s place, so he would be nearby when he arrived home.

  Lilly jumped up and brought Cupcake to the window with her.

  "His van is here," she said. "It looks so cool! I want to visit it when it's open sometime too."

  “We’ll visit again when you’re not in school,” Heather promised. “Our pets have never looked better than after that bath.”

  At hearing the word bath, Cupcake jumped out of Lilly’s arms and found a safe space to hide.

  “He’s getting something from the back of the van,” Lilly said. “Uh oh.”

  “Uh on?” asked Amy.

  “He’s not alone,” Lilly said.

  The adults barely had time to ask who would be arriving at this time of night, when Jamie entered. In his arms was Miss Ma

  “It was a ploy!” Amy said.

  “No,” Jamie said. “I wasn’t trying to sneak another dog into our lives. I just didn’t know what to do. Her owner never came to pick her up.”

  Dave ran over to greet Jamie and Miss Marshmallow. Jamie set her own the ground, and she pawed at his leg. She looked unhappy with her new surroundings.

  Lilly held her hand out for the new dog to smell her, and she grudgingly let the girl pet her fur. She must have found it comforting because she kept close to Lilly’s side.

  “What happened?” Heather asked.

  “I’ve been by the park all this time,” Jamie said. “I was waiting for her owner to come, but it got so dark and was so late, I figured it was time to come home. I had water and a few treats, but I didn’t have dog food for a meal in the van. I thought she might be getting hungry.”


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