The Labyrinth King (The Labyrinth Series Book 1)

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The Labyrinth King (The Labyrinth Series Book 1) Page 12

by L. J. Serafin

  A few stood outside the citadel, bringing in a basket of gathered crops. They greeted me with a clap on the back. Of course, they all knew who I was and of my mission. I was the chosen one in the Brotherhood. The man handpicked by destiny to stop the Labyrinth King.

  I walked through the large, ornate doors of the citadel. The inside was dark, lit only by candles in the corners. A skylight illuminated the large dragon statue in the middle of the room. I approached the statue of His Holiness and knelt before him to show my respect.

  I stood and approached the Priest who was lighting candles at the altar in the back. I knelt before him again.

  “Rise my son. What news do you bring?” he asked, his speech stoic and ancient, like him. I stood.

  “Father, I have led the girl to His Blessed’s Lair. She has made the bargain with him as planned,” I said, keeping my head bowed.

  “Then why are you not with her now?” he asked, emphasizing now with a sharp click of his tongue, irritation ringing in his voice.

  “I am sorry Father, when I was recovering from the stone poison, two women appeared and took her. They took her to a boat and disappeared down the Tenebris river. I tried to reach them but I was not fast enough, the stone poison was still in me and it slowed me,” I replied, keeping my head low.

  The Father didn’t say anything as he turned and walked to the wall next to him, which had several whips and canes hung in straight rows. He grabbed the cat of nine tails from its hold, a piece of broken glass embedded on each tip. The leather handle worn from use. He walked back and handed me the whip.

  “His Blessed Holiness commands twelve lashings to purify yourself of your failure. Then you are to report to the Archpriest for further commands,” he said flatly, his eyes dark, large pupils from constant darkness.

  I nodded. I kept my head down as was required as I walked to the corner of penance. It was a triangle with stone floors. It sloped down to a drain in the middle. A bucket below the floor to catch the blood offering.

  I knelt on the hard stone floor and removed my shirt. This was not my first penance, nor would it be my last. If not for the healing tincture that was applied after, my back would be covered in thousands of scars. Most of the brothers were not allowed to use the healing tincture, but for my part in this, I needed to remain unscarred. Needed Valeria to ask as few questions as possible.

  The Father stood behind me to observe and ensure I applied the required amount of devotion and pressure. If you failed to whip yourself hard enough, the Father would do it. And would add ten for lack of piety, each one ripping more flesh from the bone than the last.

  I said my penance prayer, one hand holding the whip, the other clutching the dragon sigil on my neck.

  Thou Holy Dark Father, forgive me for I have failed you, take this blood given willingly from my body and use it to strengthen your power. As you will, let it be done. I will not fail you again.

  I gripped the whip tightly in my hand, squeezing till my knuckles turned white. Valeria’s green eyes flashed through my head. She would never understand how much I had sacrificed for her. Never understand the pain I went through for her.

  I slung the whip back with my full force, the slapping sound of leather and glass ripping my flesh echoed through the chamber.

  Chapter 21

  Alder was furious, but not with me. He seemed furious with himself.

  “Why didn’t you stop us?” I asked.

  “I wasn’t watching, I was dealing with something else,” he said, not elaborating.

  “Then why didn’t you at least warn us?”

  “The path to him is hidden, it’s covered so well, for you to have just stumbled upon it…” He was pacing the ship. He had been ranting for almost the entire night. I couldn’t even get a nap in. I was over it.

  “Alder. It happened, it’s done. Can we move on, please?” I said, pleading with him. I was sitting with my back against the ship’s edge, holding my head up with my hand, trying to stay awake. Jinx laid next to me, snoring, as usual.

  He stopped pacing and looked down at me, his eyes full of angst, his glow a deep red.

  He sighed. “Yes, we will just have to figure out a way to deal with that later, one thing at a time,” he said quietly, as if trying to convince himself.

  He came over and sat down next to me. He looked off into the distance, and I could tell his mind was still racing.

  I placed my hand on his, wishing I could say something to calm him. A strange feeling went through me as I touched him and thought those words. I felt a rush of calm come over me and flood through my hand and into him. He didn’t seem to notice the power flowing from me, but his eyes were suddenly heavy and his breathing slowed. I could feel the calm in me soothing him, chasing away his anxieties. His eyes drifted close.

  I removed my hand. He was asleep.

  I was astonished. It was as easy as breathing. I had only thought the words and my power had listened. Even though I did not even know the extent of these powers, of what all I could do, my body and soul just knew.

  It was nothing like the uncontrollable surge of power when we had kissed. I wondered what made this time easier? Was it as simple as controlling my own emotions?

  My thoughts bounced around in my head violently. I closed my eyes and tried to shut them out. To get just a few minutes of sleep would be so heavenly.

  I thought of Leo. I hoped he was okay, wherever he was. I hoped he knew I didn’t abandon him, that I would never have abandoned him. I would find him again, I would.

  It was only a few hours later when Minka shook me awake. The sun was rising and casting a warm, pink glow on our boat. I felt a mild headache. It was either from the liquor I had consumed or from the sheer lack of sleep. I couldn’t tell.

  Alder was already up. He seemed fresh and focused, despite his own minimal hours of sleep. I wondered if my power had anything to do with that. If so, could I use my power to refresh myself as well….

  “Good morning, darling,” Alder said to me with a sweet smile, handing me a canister of water. I took it and drank it in deeply, its cool liquid soothing my parched throat.

  I sat up more. The water relaxed the slight throb in my head.

  Minka and Jubilee were in their usual positions at the ship’s wheel. Minka was sitting, her feet dangling off the edge while she soaked in the morning sun. Jubilee looked even more radiant, as if the moonlight had recharged her. She was braiding Minka’s long hair into her same neat braid. Jubilee was positively glowing in her own way, not physically like Alder, but the glow of a woman so happy and content. Looking at her and Minka warmed my heart. Would I ever find a love so pure?

  As if on queue, Alder stepped in my line of vision, his lips pursed. He looked like he wanted to ask me a question.

  “What?” I asked him, my eyebrows raised in anticipation.

  “Let’s train,” he said simply and stepped to the flat middle part of the boat. I stood and joined him. I noticed my legs were a bit sore, perhaps from balancing myself on the constant sway of the boat.

  “First, let’s see your raw talent,” he said with that devious smirk.

  Then suddenly his arm came slamming towards me, I threw up my left arm in defense, blocking his blow. I swung my right arm up, creating a momentum that turned me and allowed me to retaliate with my left elbow.

  He was ready for me, dodging my elbow and causing me to lose my balance. I felt myself about to face-plant, frantically reaching my arms out to stop my fall.

  Alder caught me, his broad arms delicately scooping me to his chest. I shot him a frustrated look as he tightened me to him. He smiled down, amused. The power inside leapt at being so close to him, to being so close to his power. I felt heat rise in my cheeks and covering my chest.

  “I’m not used to the boat yet,” I hissed, pulling back from him. I wanted to stay focused, but he was so distracting.

  “Again,” I said.

  We went at it again and again, each time I got closer to catching him. Each
time he caught me when I almost tipped off the boat. I was starting to think this was just an excuse to touch me, but it was helping.

  It felt great to have a training partner after years of practicing with myself. It revealed weaknesses I had been missing, things I couldn’t possibly had known until I had another person to practice them with.

  And watching his muscles glisten in the morning sun as they tensed with each movement… I couldn’t even put words to how exquisite an experience that was.

  An hour later, we were both dripping in sweat. My muscles ached, but my heart was full of adrenaline and pride. I had put up a good fight. That last round I had almost knocked him off his feet.

  Tomorrow I would. I narrowed my eyes at him and smirked at the thought.

  Alder gave me a wild look and signaled for Minka to anchor the boat. I noticed the water had slowed in these parts, the current barely ebbing by. We had been relying on the sails more. Jubilee steered us to a pleasant part, the water almost still and gorgeous blue. Minka cast the anchor.

  Alder pulled off his shirt slowly, teasing me on purpose as the sweat on him catching the sunlight made my mouth water. His perfect tan abs and broad shoulders awakening the inner enchantress.

  Then he took off his pants.

  I almost went into cardiac arrest.

  But then he jumped into the water, thankfully in time for my heart to not completely give out on me.

  I watched over the side as he emerged a few seconds later. The water droplets in his hair glistened like diamonds, his face exuberant as he splashed around, taunting me to join him.

  Minka threw a rope ladder over the side and in a flash she was also undressing and jumping in, Jubilee right behind her. They emerged, smiling up at me. Jinx sat at the edge of the boat, her paws hanging off the edge as she watched her parents swim.

  “What are you waiting for?” Alder said, curiosity dripping from his voice. I realized I now had three spectators for my undressing. They swam in place, their eyes taunting me, waiting for me to join them.

  For a millisecond I felt fear, but that was quickly replaced by confidence. My new powers flooded up and filled me.

  Bitch, I am an enchantress. I thought, a seductive smile coming to my face.

  I figured now was the perfect time to practice… and I really needed to get one of them to tell me where we were going anyway…

  I turned, leaving my back to them, and dragged my shirt up slowly, skimming my waist just right, pulling my hair through and tossing it just so, dropping my shirt with a long extension of my arm. I knew exactly how I looked, how effortless and innocent I made it look, but the pink seductive power pulsed through me.

  My glow returned oh so subtly, just the faintest of warm pink to soften my edges. I went to take off my pants, leaning back to show off my taught stomach (from years of being under-fed) and curve of my hips. I shimmied them off just so, stepping out of them.

  I looked over my shoulder at Alder, the slightest hint of the side of my breast showing.

  His eyes were glued to me, his glow turning that crimson red from last night. I shifted my gaze innocently to Minka and Jubilee, and was happy to see they were also in a trance, staring at my every move. Good to know my powers worked on anyone, not just straight men.

  I shielded my nudity ever so slightly as I turned and jumped straight in, a beautiful swan dive that I somehow knew how to do now despite having never done one before.

  The water was cool and refreshing. I was so relieved to be finally washing off the dirt from days of travel. I surfaced right in front of Alder, leaning my head back and using my hands to clear the water from my face.

  Alder’s face held that same gaze as I swam closer. I did not look at Minka or Jubilee. Instead, I became aware of my hold on them and released it, as simple as thinking it and it was done. I felt their energies leave mine. I focused everything on Alder.

  I reached for him and placed both hands on his shoulder. His hands found their way to my back, pulling me close to him. I was weightless in his arms. I let my legs wrap around his body, feeling his hard torso against my nakedness.

  I did not break eye contact as I leaned into him, my lips hovering by his mouth.

  “Tell me where we are going,” I said, letting my power wash over him.

  “I just want to show you my home,” he whispered back, his breath hot on my lips and full of ecstasy. I leaned back to look at him. I felt his power shudder against mine, pushing off the blanket I had covered him with. He had shrugged it off in an instant, smiling the entire time.

  I frowned.

  “You don’t need to use your powers on me, Valeria. I will tell you most anything you want to know now,” he said, his hands running up my waist. “But I do love it when you do…” his voice filled with lust.

  I huffed and pulled my power back in. It felt like a ball in my chest, leaving me hot and uncomfortable. I released myself from his grip and turned, moving my arms through the water, pulling the bright pink power out of my chest and into the water where it disintegrated. I felt immediately better.

  “You’re a quick learner.”

  I sighed and leaned back in the water for a moment, letting myself float as the waves rocked me back and forth. I took a breathe, inhaling the moment and relishing the cooling sensations on my skin. Alder reached his arm under my waist, pulling me back to him. I sat back up in the water, letting my legs wrap around his torso again.

  “Now where were we?” he said. “Ah yes, I’m taking you to my home. I want you to see it, I think you will find it… important. Then we will continue to the center,” he said, grinning at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer.

  “If I agree to see your home, will you help me find Leo?” I asked, my eyes looking into his. A flash of pain crossed his eyes. I pulled back slightly.

  “He can’t come with us to the center.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s too dangerous for him there. Hence why I told you to come alone.”

  “Ok, but I still need to find him. I can’t just let him sit out there worried about me.”

  “How about I send someone to find him instead? We would backtrack too much if we went, we don’t have that much time. They can bring him to my home, he can stay there until we return,” he said, implying the if in returning.

  “Why would Leo go with a stranger? It has to be me.” I said back sternly. It didn’t matter if he thought Leo wasn’t strong enough for the center. I couldn’t just give up on him.

  “How about you write a letter we send with my men, they will find him, give him your letter, and bring him to meet us?”

  I considered it was probably the best offer I was going to get… and I couldn’t very well trek off on my own at this point, as I had no idea where we were.

  “Fine, but I want to see the men, I want to meet them, to make sure they won’t hurt him.”

  “Of course. We will be at my home the day after tomorrow,” he replied, satisfaction oozing from him.

  “How will they be able to find him, though?” I asked. It seemed impossible to find anyone in this labyrinth. And yet there were towns here, and Minka had found me by somehow tracking Jinx.

  He chuckled. “Those who were born here know how this labyrinth works. They know how to track a person. We know where he was last. I can whirl them back to that spot and they can track him from there. When they find him, they will send me a signal and I can whirl them back,” he said with a shrug, as if it would be the simplest thing he had ever done.

  I raised an eyebrow. He hadn’t given me any real reason to not trust him so far. I suppose if he said he would help find Leo, he meant it. My heart pulled towards him, as if stressing the sentiment. I sighed. Fine.

  His eyes locked on mine, and I realized just how close we were. Just how naked we were. How tight his hands were against my waist. And how close certain beloved parts were.

  Alder’s faced twitched up into a smile that made my heart skip a beat, his emera
ld eyes gazing into mine. My breath caught in my throat as he looked at me like that. Like I was the only other person in the world.

  His grip tightened around me, pulling me even closer to him in the cool water. His hand ran down my back and lingered a second on my ass before reaching my thigh. Our position in the water had our faces close now, my lips just above his. I felt his breath against me, an intoxicating warmth of vanilla musk.

  His power reached up and caressed mine, teasing me. My heart raced, my core tightening in anticipation again. I hoped Minka and Jubilee were swimming far away by now, but I didn’t look to check. The tension between us was too strong to pull away from.

  I leaned down, and our lips met. Our powers sang in harmony, thrilled to be reunited. The heat in my chest rose up as his mouth started to move against mine. His tongue teased me and left me gasping. Shockwaves lit my nerves on fire. My grip around his neck tightened, pulling me closer to him as we kissed.

  His hands were warm against the cold water as he wrapped them around my back. Our powers surged, bright tendrils dancing with each other and exploding like internal fireworks as I pressed against him harder. Our mouths grew hungrier, his soft lips urgent and lustful.

  The tension grew and his hand trailed between my legs as we kissed, our powers heightening and driving me mad. I felt the pink glow rise to my skin as he found that sensitive spot. I throbbed against him, the tension of the past week begging for release.

  My breath became labored against his lips as he moved in circles, his thumb expertly sending ecstasy through me. I tried to focus on the sensations, the whirling pleasure breaking through the euphoria of our kiss and powers.

  “Do you like that?” he whispered against me.

  I could only answer in moans, my nails clawing against him as he continued. His other hand came up to my breast. His thumb rubbing against my peaked nipple as he kissed me harder.


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