Missy's First Mission

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Missy's First Mission Page 6

by P. G. Allison

  “Well, honey, I am going to trust your judgment about this. Just don’t let yourself be influenced … I mean, I know you really like Missy and she seems to have a special relationship with her boyfriend, Mike …”

  Tracy interrupted her, laughing. “A special relationship? Mom, she’s constantly in his head, sending him mental messages. And, she can feel him all the time. She knows where he is, how far away he is, what he’s feeling. Missy is unique, Mom, and so is her relationship. I don’t expect that. But, I do know that John and I have this connection, this resonance. This something. And, I’m going to go with that.”

  Now her Mom started laughing. “Okay. It is what it is. Yep, another cliché! Poor John. You’re going to be having things your way with him, aren’t you?”

  Tracy giggled. “Oh, yes! No rushing anything, of course. But, soon. Yes, I intend to have my way with John very soon indeed!”


  “So, did my Dad have much to say?” Tracy looked over at John, sitting in the passenger seat next to her, and then she looked back at the road ahead. They were on their way to dinner and a movie, in her Mom’s car, and finally alone. While they had shared a lot of their innermost thoughts and feelings over the past several months, this was almost like going out on a first date. They were free from all their friends and family, free from the academy and free to just be together. And, they’d never actually done this before. Dinner and a movie. A normal date.

  John said, “Oh, yes. He was very nice and everything, easy to talk to. Lots of stories about his life in the Army. And, lots of questions about my life at school, my plan to get a law degree, stuff like that. But, I got the message. He didn’t actually come out and say ‘touch my daughter and you die’ but I could sense that’s what he was probably thinking.”

  “He was not!” exclaimed Tracy, laughing. “You are exaggerating!”

  John laughed, enjoying her reaction and how pretty she looked. “Well, it’s pretty obvious how much he loves you and how proud he is about you following in his footsteps, going to West Point. And, he’s also proud of you having such a special gift, being a powerful witch and all. I sort of read between the lines … there’ll never be anyone good enough …”

  Tracy interrupted him, again exclaiming in mock horror, “Not true! That’s so not true!”

  John smiled and said, “Actually, he just wanted to be sure I made you happy. Of course, it’s obvious if I don’t, I die.” Teasing her was such fun.

  Tracy headed the car into the parking lot and waited until she had parked before saying anything. Then, she looked at him and said, “Well, then … you better start making me happy! Give me a kiss!” She felt tremors of excitement at being so forward with him, but at the same time, she’d been dreaming of kissing him again for weeks. Somehow, while they’d enjoyed being together during those days at Thanksgiving break and again when he’d visited her two weeks later at the academy, she just really had not been able to kiss him the way she wanted to.

  Tracy’s experience with boys and dating was rather limited. She had never been comfortable with going beyond mild petting and the guys she had dated had all broken up with her, calling her a prude. Or, worse yet, frigid. But, she had such a great example with her own parents of what true love could be like -- and she had not wanted to explain to anyone that she was a witch -- so she just had never gotten at all serious with anyone. Then, she had met John in August when he had visited Missy at the academy, and everything had really changed for her.

  Now, she wanted to experience all those things that she’d heard about but had only dreamed would happen for her someday off in her future. She was convinced that John was her soulmate and that her future had just arrived. She also was determined to not allow her opportunity for true love to pass her by. Carpe diem. She was an Army brat and fully embraced taking action when it was indeed time to “seize the day”.

  John didn’t need to be told twice and he pulled Tracy into his arms and began kissing her. She reached up and slipped both her arms around his neck, opening her mouth to receive his probing tongue, and then she boldly pushed her tongue into his mouth. Each time they had kissed before had been wonderful, but this time Tracy was feeling things with far greater abandon. She wanted John to touch her and her body was on fire with anticipation and desire. She wished she knew what to do, how to be, and hoped John would take charge. No rush. But, she wanted him to take charge and do more and more things, now.

  John sensed how passionate Tracy was getting this time and he knew she was ready for him, waiting for him. He moved his hand to cover her right breast and she sucked in her breath, gasping. He squeezed, gently at first, but then with an increased pressure that she responded to by moaning with pleasure. She began kissing him even harder, her lips and tongue more insistent, her arms squeezing him as she hugged him with obvious enthusiasm. He pulled her blouse up, outside of her skirt and then he reached his hand underneath to touch her smooth skin.

  Tracy was glad she had parked at the end of the row of cars, a good distance away from the entrance to the restaurant. They had some privacy as it was dusk and the sun was setting. But, as John began moving his hand under her blouse, slowly creeping up towards her bra, she stopped caring about the outside world and could only notice all the exciting things that were happening where his fingers were touching her. He again covered her breast, squeezing her nipple through her bra, and her taut peak sent sensations to other parts of her body that were even more sensitive.

  Suddenly, she was very wet between her thighs, and felt a throbbing, aching down there that made her squirm. John pushed her bra up and began fondling her breast and giving it even greater attention. Before she realized it, she felt his other hand slide under her blouse … then he was tweaking both her nipples with her bra pushed completely upward. Being so exposed was such a thrill. His lips and tongue had continued their wonderful assault on her mouth and she cried out. “Oh, John! That feels so good! Don’t stop!”

  He shifted position, momentarily pulling back, and then he shoved her blouse upward and began licking her nipples with his tongue, first on one breast and then the other. Now she was really exposed. Wow! She buried her hands in his thick hair and rode along as wave after wave of delicious pleasure washed over her. She was not only experiencing all these new sensations but was also reacting to how it felt to let go emotionally. Letting her guard down and opening herself up to John was overwhelming.

  John had never been with anyone who displayed as much passion and desire as what Tracy was revealing to him. Her abandonment of all restraints was complete and total and he realized she would continue to yield to whatever he did, go in whatever direction he might take her. She was expressing a willingness for him to continue that clearly was knowing no bounds. And, they were sitting in the front seat of her Mom’s car. Damn! That was much too limiting and he knew this really couldn’t continue. He slowly sat back, grabbed her hands in his and sighed. “Tracy, don’t you think we’re getting a bit carried away, here?”

  “What? Why? What do you mean?” Tracy’s breath was racing and it took her a moment before her breathing slowed back down to normal. “John, I want this. You make me feel so wonderful … and, I know you want this too. You aren’t taking advantage of me at all. Not when it feels this good! I just know this is right …”

  “Yes, but we really can’t fully enjoy ourselves the way we want to. And, we haven’t talked about this. Not really. Do you want the first time you have sex to be in the front seat of a car?” John knew how inexperienced she was; they had indeed shared intimate details like that with one another. But, he hadn’t yet approached her on the subject of her actually having sex with him.

  They both had kidded and joked with one another about sex, several times, mostly in emails. They had found it somehow easier to be open and boldly express things in the messages they’d sent back and forth; things which they hadn’t yet verbalized in person. Now, Tracy was blindly rushing into having sex without any preliminaries
, communicating with her body. And, John was concerned she’d later maybe have some regrets. So, as much as he was enjoying this lovemaking, he knew he needed to carefully guide her. They needed to talk.

  Tracy said, “Well, tell me how we can fully enjoy ourselves, John. Because, I really want this. And, I’m pretty sure you do also. What we feel when we’re together just seems so right. I don’t want to go back to the academy and still be wondering. We only have these two weeks before I go back and I want to make the most of them.”

  John studied her for a few seconds and then he grinned. Okay -- Tracy was obviously determined and she was making it very clear -- evidently, they had just now had that talk. “Our date night, having dinner and a movie? That’s going to have to wait, isn’t it?”

  When he saw the way she was looking at him, he chuckled and said, “Let’s go check into a nice hotel. We can have room service send us up some dinner. Afterwards.”

  Chapter Eight

  Dec 23, 2018

  Missy and Mike had made their phone calls home. Their families were very disappointed, both at the sudden change of plans and about all the secrecy concerning whatever this new plan was. Christmas would not be the same without them. But, at least the two of them would be together, right?

  Missy had always kept some secrets about her werecat activities, which her family had adjusted to living with. And, they knew she had government friends who had helped her with those activities. So, it was a little easier for them to accept that Missy and Mike would now disappear for two weeks.

  Mike’s family knew how devoted he was to Missy and if she needed to go away, they understood he’d go with her if he could. Since she was now in the Army, maybe secret government assignments had to be accepted.

  The military flight to Kabul provided time for further briefings as well as a chance to look over their passports containing their false identities. Michael Jones and Melissa Smith. Alias Smith and Jones. Missy thought that was funny, since her brother John had liked watching an old TV series from the early ‘70’s, a western, named that. He had the whole three seasons on DVD. She suspected someone at “P” Branch maybe had a sense of humor; the series was about two cowboy criminals working for the government, hoping for amnesty someday, keeping their true identities a secret.

  Mike was given several shots, appropriate for travel to the area. Missy was already immune to just about everything. Her system was even resistant to drugs and poisons, although those could affect her initially and knock her out. On those rare occasions when she’d ever tried any alcohol, that also had quickly worn off with very little affect. She was glad about that since she always wanted to be in full control. She'd worked very hard at that, ever since her first Shift five years earlier over which she’d had no control.

  Missy loved being a werecat. The only other werecat she’d ever met had actually considered it a curse, an affliction that he’d inherited, and he’d never been very comfortable during those periods he’d spent as a cat. But, Missy embraced her dual nature, which she’d melded into one, and while that certainly posed many challenges for her, she was grateful. Her special abilities enabled her to do things. She wanted to continue developing those abilities and doing good things with them. Her instincts guided her and she’d worked very hard learning how to control those instincts.

  Extreme activities helped with dampening down many of her driving needs. And, now that she’d bonded with Mike, she was having no problem with her insatiable sex drive; she was satisfied and fulfilled, and that carried over to both her natures. She now felt really complete and balanced.

  Having enhanced senses allowed her to experience things in ways that went far beyond what any human or cat might experience, but she now could go places in her mind and deal with all of them. Pain? She could ignore it. All her wild, predatory instincts? She could control them as well. She’d long ago learned how to compartmentalize things in her mind and considered this to be just one more of her special abilities.

  Now, as she crossed the Atlantic Ocean and was about to test herself once again, her mind focused on the new challenges ahead. Mike? I want you to express your feelings in a way that I can interpret as a yes answer. Then, find a way to express a no answer. Maybe even a maybe answer. Think about this for a minute, and then we’ll try and test ourselves. I’m thinking I may need to ask you simple yes-no-maybe questions over the next several days.

  Missy looked at Mike and he looked back at her and nodded. He understood. She had explained to him several times how she always felt his emotions when she focused on doing so. No, she couldn’t read his mind. But, just as she could push her words into his mind, she could experience his feelings. With the recon assignment she’d now be performing, she had a real need to clarify their communications and she felt certain this would work. When she saw -- and felt -- that he indeed was ready, she got up and walked forward, entered the lavatory and closed the door.

  Rather than ask him to say yes, which he probably was expecting, she instead asked him to try and send her what he’d feel for a no answer. Almost immediately, she felt him expressing what could only be described as anguish … probably either pain or great loss. Great! That was certainly clear. Then she asked him for a yes. Again, she immediately felt him reacting, only now it was clearly with warmth and happiness.

  They practiced for several minutes. She even knew when he was being interrupted, which indeed she later learned was because Les had started asking him some questions. Les had noticed how focused Mike was getting about something and had been curious. Finally, Missy came back and took her seat next to Mike again.

  Mike said, “That was interesting! Yes and no answers were easy. I thought of holding you in my arms for yes. Then, for my no answer, I thought about losing you, never seeing you again.”

  “I was guessing that’s probably what you were doing,” said Missy with a big smile. “Your maybe’s were sort of metza metz, but I can always ask a follow up question to confirm your answer was really a maybe, so I’m good. Any time I need to have a real conversation with you, all I need to do is play twenty questions and I’m sure we’ll manage well enough.”

  Marsha showed her the special GPS collar she’d be wearing and Missy agreed that should work fine. Anything not actually attached to her would not be affected by her Shifting and she had Changed while wearing backpacks a few times, no problem. However, anything that actually was attached to her body, such as pierced earrings, would disappear in that burst of energy when she Changed. She was pretty sure any sort of implant would also disappear. She always removed her earrings, if possible, and she had no other body piercings.

  Marsha said, “Once you’ve Changed, we’ll verify the GPS signals are still coming through okay … we’ll have another collar with us, if this collar somehow gets damaged … just in case.”

  “Okay, great. I’m sure your high tech toys will all work. That’ll be good.” Missy then said, “Poor Mike will have to dictate all my messages. I’ll always have him confirm he’s been able to get it all clearly on tape before going on to anything else. And, we’ve just worked out how he can give me yes and no answers.”

  “Really? That’s wonderful, Missy!” Marsha thought about that a moment. “Wow! Two way communication back and forth … that really helps. Les just learned our request for possible backup has been approved. The Army will have one of their Special Forces A-Teams and two Black Hawk helicopters standing by for us, right here in Kabul. So, if you think there’s any rescue operation possible, at minimal risk …?”

  “Yes, I was hoping for that. Good. If there’s any situation where landing a helicopter with some of our guys might make sense? I can ask Mike and he can then confirm whether or not the Army wants to try doing that. I’ll also be identifying possible landing sites during my recon. I’ll name each of them so Mike can tell me which one the Army might want to use. That way, I can scout ahead to be absolutely certain there won’t be any surprises … no bad guys will be waiting for them.”


  Dec 24, 2018

  After landing in Kabul, they were quickly cleared through customs and immigration thanks to their Army liaison officer, Major Flament. They’d dressed themselves in Army fatigue uniforms and jackets while on the plane so they didn’t present any sort of unusual appearance. Soon, they were whisked away and driven to the Army’s Camp Eggars nearby where a special office had been established for them, along with living quarters. This was all inside the base and about as safe and secure as possible; Major Flament had orders to take care of them for their entire stay.

  Their office was fitted with all the telecommunications equipment they’d need, including computers and radios and the latest encryption devices. Major Flament was the only one who had any idea at all as to the purpose of their being there. And, what he knew was very limited as he didn’t have any need to know all the details. All of the actual recon info they’d be getting from Missy would be going back to “P” Branch in Washington D.C., who would then process it and forward Intel reports on to the CIA and the Pentagon.

  The Special Forces A-Team standing by in Kabul would have no idea where their Intel info might be coming from. They were at a different location in Kabul, Camp Phoenix, and would be further processing whatever was sent to them by the Pentagon.

  As arranged ahead of time, there were three vehicles standing by for a trip to Asadabad that first day. Marsha stayed behind at the office while Les, Mike and Missy went out and climbed into one of these vehicles. Les was driving and the three of them were the only occupants of this vehicle. The other two vehicles were to escort them and had been advised there would be frequent stops along the way between Jalalabad and Asadabad.


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