Missy's First Mission

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Missy's First Mission Page 21

by P. G. Allison

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Feb 24, 2019

  Sally was trying to explain things to the huge crowd gathered both inside and outside her room. She and Missy had managed to sleep late, having been given permission to do exactly that, but by early afternoon the word had gone out. The news was too big not to leak and, with what apparently was a huge investigation going on, it hadn’t taken long before it became known that Missy and Sally were somehow involved.

  Several upperclass cadets, all in their third year, had already resigned. Several more were being put on probation. And, the FBI was there. Although the academy was certain to do everything possible to minimize media coverage of the scandal, the rumor was that criminal charges might be brought against one or more cadets and that definitely meant the story would be out there.

  “We can’t talk about it … we promised. Please stop asking us for details. All we can say is we’re okay. At least, we think we’re okay.” Sally laughed nervously. “We’ll be meeting later this afternoon in the Superintendent’s office. But, we probably won’t be able to talk about it even after that. There’s an ongoing investigation … you know how it is.” After several minutes more, the room finally cleared and Sally was able to close the door.

  Missy looked at her and smiled. “Thanks, Sally. You handled them all just right. We really are going to have to keep quiet about all this. I’m sure that’s what we’ll find out at this afternoon’s meeting. That, and hopefully … as you said … that we’re really okay. I mean … was I maybe a bit unbecoming in anything I said on that tape?”

  “That video is amazing, Missy. Watching it last night? I mean … when everything was going on, things happened so fast and all … but, when I saw the video on the TV like that?”

  Missy giggled. “Yeah, I’m in my damn underwear. Jeeeezzzz! If that video ever gets out, it’ll go viral for sure! Maybe I should have destroyed it.”

  “Don’t be silly! That’s our evidence. It proves we did nothing wrong. I definitely wouldn’t want to be trying to explain things without that. Those fuckers would all be lying their asses off, blaming everything on us. And the sex toys? Ewwww … we would probably have been accused of who knows what.” Sally paused and then she laughed. “Besides, you look great in your underwear, Missy!” More laughter.

  “Have your fun, Sally. Maybe I should have waited until you were a bit more exposed. Just to make it really clear what those assholes were going to do to us. I’m sure their lawyers are already spinning the story a whole different way. The boys thought we were willing participants, yadda-yadda-yadda.”

  “Very funny. There’s not much chance of that. You heard what Bernard said he was going to do to me and then to you. Right before you somehow snapped our collars off and everything. How did you manage that, Missy? I’m sure everyone will be asking that. I mean … how’d you do that?”

  Missy said, “You mean, how’d I get those defective collars to come off?” She stared at Sally for several seconds. “That’s our story, right? There really isn’t any other explanation. Lucky for us they were defective.”

  Sally just stared back at her. Finally, she said, “Yeah, that’s our story. There’s no other explanation. Only, I don’t for one minute think there was any luck involved. Missy, you saved me from a fate worse than death and I can never thank you enough. I’ll never ever forget how you did that. I’ll never ever understand how you did that, but I guess I don’t have to. Just so you know how much I appreciate what you did.”

  “Soooo … does this mean I’m forgiven? For being such a toxic roommate?” Missy really did feel a small twinge of guilt. “If I hadn’t gone around, putting everyone on notice, making us targets …”

  “Please! You couldn’t know they’d go after me as well as after you. Everyone knows you put a complete stop to all the sexual harassment by interfering and making yourself the target. And, even though we can’t talk about it to anyone? I’m pretty sure they’ll find out anyway. You saved all of us, Missy. And, everyone will know that.”


  When they reported in for their scheduled meeting, wearing their dress grey uniforms, there was a large group of high ranking officers and a few civilians already waiting. They approached the Superintendent’s desk, then stopped four feet away from it and saluted. Missy said, “Cadets McCrea and Navarro reporting as ordered.”

  After he returned their salute, the three star general told them to be “at ease”. Then, he asked them if they’d be more comfortable sitting down and gestured towards his conference table. It was obvious that the general wanted them to be seated there, probably so he could keep the meeting as informal as possible. Missy and Sally went over and took two of the seats, near one end of the table. The general sat at the other end and several others also took seats, although no one sat next to either Missy or Sally.

  The general said, “I’ve watched the video recording showing what went on here last night. Twice. I want to apologize to the both of you for what obviously was a terrible ordeal. You were drugged, here at one of our dances and by cadets attending our academy. What might have been done to you, had Miss McCrea here not somehow stopped them, is beyond words. Unspeakable acts by some very sick, depraved individuals. I’m sorry you were attacked like that and saying it should never have happened just isn’t good enough. This is West Point and such horrendous evil should not be allowed here, ever, under any circumstances.”

  Missy and Sally sat there. It didn’t seem as though any response was needed or appropriate, so they continued to merely sit and wait.

  After a moment, the general asked, “Can you accept not just my apology, but the apology from the entire academy? This is a very bad day for West Point. One that I doubt has ever been quite as bad before and I certainly hope will never be as bad again.” He looked at them with a very sincere expression.

  They both answered in unison, “Yes, Sir!”

  “Okay, then. Thank you. Now, I would like to say that this matter is now closed but, as you know, there will be an investigation that will take quite a bit of time to complete. The seven individuals who held you in that room have been discharged. For now, those departures are being reported as resignations. I am already being told there will be some further resignations. I’ve also been advised that some criminal charges will definitely be brought, eventually. Are you both okay with that?”

  Again, they both answered in unison, “Yes, Sir!”

  “The criminal charges will be processed by the military and you may need to testify at a court martial at some future date. Again, this is all very preliminary. But, I wanted to meet with you today. This is much too important a matter and I don’t want you to think for one moment that anything is being ignored. You might not hear about things for a few weeks, or perhaps even a few months, and I would like to ask that you continue to keep all of this confidential. Our public relations department will of course be putting out some information but that will be very minimal for now, since the investigation will remain open, as I’ve explained. Can I rely on your cooperation?”

  Once again, they both answered, “Yes, Sir!”

  “Thank you. This has been a most unfortunate incident and I do hope it won’t in any way detract from your continued progress here at West Point. My staff tells me you both are exceptional cadets here and, from what I saw on that video, you handled yourselves very well indeed. Miss McCrea, I understand you have some mixed martial arts experience in your background. You won an Amateur Women’s Middleweight first place trophy at the World Expo in New York two years ago?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  “I guess that explains some of what I saw you doing on that video. Very impressive. You were both confident and competent in facing up to those individuals and I commend you. You and Miss Navarro both.”

  “Thank you, Sir!”

  “I do have one question, Miss McCrea. In the video, it shows you removing those collars that were on your neck and on Miss Navarro’s neck. You snapped them into two separate pi
eces, almost as though you were breaking apart pretzels. First yours and then Miss Navarro’s. And, from the way you handled yourself and spoke to those men? You somehow knew you were capable of doing that. Didn’t you?”

  Missy waited for a few seconds. Finally, she said, “Are you asking me if I knew those defective collars would come apart that easily, Sir?” She really emphasized the word defective. Then, she waited for him to respond. She noticed there was a great deal of interest by the others in the room concerning this question. She looked directly at the general and allowed some of her cat to affect her deep green eyes, which slowly filled with more and more golden specs.

  The general stared at her and it was obvious that several things were going through his mind. Then, he smiled and looked over at one of the officers still standing at the side of the room before looking back at Missy. “Very good. Defective collars. Yes, we’ll make certain that any future references to this subject will all include that.” Looking once again at the same officer as earlier, he said, “How very fortunate that these two female cadets were able to escape from their tormentors and call security.”

  After Missy and Sally were dismissed and had left the room, the general turned and looked at the others still standing there and said, “Why do I get the feeling this isn’t the last time I’ll be hearing things about Cadet Missy McCrea?”


  Feb 25, 2019

  The Superintendent called a special session for the entire Corps of Cadets, so after the evening meal they all gathered in Eisenhower Hall. He explained it was necessary that he personally address them to comment on some recent events, which unfortunately, were bringing to light some very scandalous behavior that certain individuals had been involved with. He explained how there was a continuing investigation into the matter and that, in addition to the thirteen resignations that had already been announced, it was very likely there would be more. Several more.

  He talked for a few minutes about how important their Honor Code was and how the Army’s policy against all forms of sexual harassment would continue to be enforced at West Point to the fullest extent possible. He personally would look into any reported incidents and there would be zero tolerance for any inappropriate behavior.

  When the lecture was over, and everyone was marched back outside and released to their barracks, Missy and Sally were approached again and again by not only their classmates but by upperclass cadets as well. While their names had not been mentioned by the general, enough of the circumstances had leaked out so that it was already well known they were the cadets who had been taken advantage of. The ongoing investigation, both by the academy’s security forces and the FBI, along with the added resignations and some very obvious scrambling by various others, had resulted in quite a turmoil. Keeping the identities of the “two female cadets who escaped from their tormentors” a secret was not possible. Too many had heard how Missy and Sally had mysteriously disappeared the night of the dance and some even remembered seeing them leaving. Since the cadets they were seen leaving the dance with were also cadets that had now resigned, the story quickly got around. Yes, it had been Missy and Sally.

  While details were not being told, it was generally known that something had happened. Something that had prompted the Superintendent to reinforce how sexual harassment was not to be tolerated. Since it had not been a secret how Missy had been going around putting folks on notice, connecting the dots had been very easy. Without knowing what or how she had done it, it was nonetheless now accepted by everyone that Missy had prevailed. She was a hero.

  While there were a few upperclass cadets who were not happy about the way things had evolved, even they could not blame Missy very much. The Caesar Club Seven had brought disgrace to their academy and no one was accusing Missy of having done anything wrong. She merely had exposed them and, when all was said and done, all agreed that West Point was far better off without the cancerous corruption which having a secret sex club such as that had represented.

  For what her victory meant to all the women at the academy … not just the plebes but the female cadets in all four years … there were not enough words for that or for what Missy had done. Everyone kept coming up and congratulating her and thanking her, not bothering to ask any questions but merely yelling out their appreciation, while she and Sally slowly made their way back to their barracks.

  When they were finally inside their room and Sally closed the door, Missy sighed. “All that attention is really getting to be embarrassing. You know I’m not looking for any of that, right?”

  “Hey, Missy, you know how special you are to me. Relax. And, yeah … I know. You probably are the one person I’d name as least looking for any attention. Even though you deserve so much of it. Please don’t let me get silly or serious, now, okay? It’s a lot easier when we can joke about how toxic you are than for me to talk about … oh, damn!” Sally started crying. “You know ... I love you like the sister I wish I had, Missy.”

  That brought tears to Missy’s eyes and she went over and hugged Sally. “I love you too, Sally. Best buds for life!” When she stepped back, her eyes were once again filled with sparkles and glowing yellow gold.


  Feb 28, 2019

  “Hey, Vince! I brought it. The tape. My buddy over in security burned a copy for me but you have to promise you’ll never tell anyone you’ve seen this. And, just wait until you see what my girl does on this tape. You are not gonna fucking believe it.” Frele had already watched it three times and couldn’t wait to share it with his buddy Vince.

  Chasen backed up so Frele could come in and waved him on into the living room. “Can I get you a beer, Kirk?” He’d been expecting this visit, ever since Frele had mentioned how close he was with his friend, who had briefly outlined for him what was on the tape. The whole academy had been going crazy all week with the scandal. The resignations were now up to nineteen.

  Forty minutes later, after watching it twice, Chasen went into the kitchen and grabbed two more beers. As he returned and handed one to Frele, he said, “Your girl is way more than anything you ever told me about before. Way, way more. How’d she snap those collars, anyway? What’s your buddy saying about that?”

  “Well, the official word is they were defective collars. But, that’s just bullshit. My buddy says those were stainless-fucking-steel collars, and no way were there any defects. No fucking way. And, did ya see how she took down those guys? I almost wish they’d tried to see how good she was with a knife. I bet she’d ‘ve skewered any bastard who tried anything and I’d ‘ve loved seeing that.”

  Chasen said, “Seven guys. And, her in her panties. Kirk, I doubt we’ll ever see anything else that’s quite as good as what you’ve got right there on that tape. Let’s play it again, okay? Or, am I being too lecherous, wanting to ogle her spectacular body while she makes mincemeat out of those assholes?”

  Two hours later, after Frele had enjoyed several more beers, Chasen drove his friend home and helped him get inside. After saying goodnight, he drove back to his own place. He had already managed to make a copy earlier without Frele noticing, thanks to all the beer he’d kept giving him. He wasn’t sure whether or not he wanted to send a copy to Marchitto, but he figured it could only help in proving his own worth to the mobster. And, he couldn’t really see how it could hurt Missy in any way. No harm, no foul, right?

  He was now rather certain that Missy McCrea was more than capable of handling whatever might come along her way, even if it came from the New York mob. Wow. No wonder Marchitto had told him to stay out of her way and not mess with her. He’d admitted to knowing a lot more about her. And, Chasen was now thinking there was more than just her being in bed with the government that was behind all the concern. Having seen her in action? Just maybe the mob really did need to watch their step around her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Mar 19, 2019

  Missy and her parents, along with Granddad McCrea, were all in Texas for spring break, visiting with
Tracy and her parents. They had all enjoyed the Plebe-Parent Weekend at West Point which had been really wonderful. Tracy’s Granddad McGonagle had also been at the academy for that weekend, as had Mike and John. Everyone had actively participated in all the fun and excitement.

  Not only had there been special activities, including a formal banquet and Ball on Saturday, but the visitors had been able to actually see Missy and Tracy’s rooms, their classrooms, meet their instructors and mentors, talk to some of the TAC officers and NCO’s, and get the grand tour. That tour had even included the Mess Hall which, not surprisingly, Missy had declared as one of her favorite places.

  For Missy’s parents, it had been a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience the environment and appreciate all the facilities. For Tracy’s Dad and Granddad, there was also all the nostalgia factor since they both had graduated from West Point. So many things had changed and yet so many others had stayed the same.

  For Mike and John, spending time with their girlfriends was always special, especially since -- for them -- there was just never enough time for doing that. While the girls had been required to return to their rooms in the barracks each night while at West Point, now that they were in Texas and finally away from the academy, the guys had them booked into a nice hotel where, as John had explained, they could freely frolic.

  Missy’s parents and grandfather were staying at a different hotel, something Missy had insisted on ahead of time. Yes, she loved having them vacationing nearby but she was just a lot more comfortable with separate hotels. Her brother John felt the same way.

  Tracy, of course, had explained to her parents that she and John were in a committed relationship now and they preferred the hotel. While there would still be frequent visits at the house, she and John wanted freedom to be on their own. Spending spring break in Texas was partly to visit them and partly so Missy could get to meet Millie and her coven.


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