Billionaire's Auction: Uncovering the BBW

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Billionaire's Auction: Uncovering the BBW Page 2

by Lara Stern

  She set her eyes on his.

  “And performed admirably I might add.” He was leaning in now, all his attention on her.

  “There’s the interview, which—“ she waved her hand “seems to be going well.”

  He nodded. “A little confident, but yea.”

  She leaned in even closer. The café table was so small her hands were almost touching his.

  “But there’s still the physical portion. You were very specific about that, you know.”

  “Was I?” he said.

  “Very.” She glanced at the mirror on the wall. After staring at the cookie cutter blondes all day she felt remarkable out of place. She took a lot of pride in her appearance but there was no way around it: She was different. Her cheeks were a little fuller. Her breasts voluptuous and beautiful, but a little too big for some. She didn’t notice it, but she also carried herself with a unique dignity. She had an air of something special… like some TV star she seemed to stick out against the background.

  “And I have to say, I don’t exactly fit in with the other girls you chose.” She said.

  “Shouldn’t I be the judge of that?”

  She shrugged, and sat back, the devilish smile returning to her face. He pulled a pile of stickers from a pocket and handed one to her. It was a white square with the bold, black letters “42” on it. The girls had been assigned numbers to make the sorting an organization easier.

  “Nuh, uh.” She said, not taking the speaker. “Like I said, I never applied. I’m not parading around for anyone today!”

  He seemed confused so she snapped the sticker from his fingers, peeled off the label and leaned back in.

  “I have an idea…” she whispered.

  He leaned in conspiratorially and she slapped the sticker onto his shoulder.

  “There.” She said.

  She stood and he followed her, a little confused.

  “Well, my work day is over and I have a hell of a drive ahead of me.” She said, turning to leave.

  “Hey wait!” he called after her as she made her way down the hallway “that’s not fair!”

  “What?” she said.

  “You never gave me a rating!” he pointed at his shoulder.

  “If I ever want you to hire me again, I think that’s a terrible idea.”

  “Go to dinner with me.”

  “Fine, you’re a six!” she said.

  “You’re the most interesting person I’ve met in as long as I can remember.”

  “Okay a 7.”

  “Come on!” he nearly shouted “That has to get me higher than a seven.”

  “This is strictly physical, remember!” then she sighed, realizing the joke may have gone too far. “Alright, fine.” She said, walking back to him.

  She looked him over and bit her tongue. He was stunning, truly. The way his blue eyes seemed to dig into her – there was an understanding in those eyes that almost seemed supernatural. His face, a little narrow, was perfect in an imperfect way and his body… even through the casual business wear she could see the outline of tight muscles. Any girl would have labelled him a 10, but something felt so dirty about the idea. How could a man who has everything have that, too. It was unfair.

  She clicked her tongue.

  “I just don’t know. I think I’m going to need to see the swimsuit portion.”

  He laughed at that.

  “What? All the girls did!” she said sternly.

  He coughed.

  “I don’t have a swimsuit!”

  She shrugged and turned to walk away.

  “Wait!” he said, and when she turned back he was already unbuttoning his shirt.

  Not a word was said, and by the time the last button was free she started to feel bad.

  “Fine.” She conceded in a whisper “Nine.” She said.

  His eyes held hers. He was so close she could feel his soft breathe on her face.

  “Okay 10.” She added, almost silently.

  “Your turn.”

  She could feel her cheeks flush. Neither of them were smiling now. A long moment passed as her eyes darted across his face, searching for a clue to his plans but there was none to be found. His muscled chest rose and fell and she could see goosebumps coursing up the soft, white skin of his neck.

  “I’m sorry.” He said, finally breaking the tension “That was inappropriate, we should—“ he trailed off, leaning down to pick up his shirt.

  But she couldn’t move.

  He stood back up, concerned now.

  Her heart raced. This was the moment. She saw it. She remembered every choice in her life she had failed to make… that feeling of destiny, and then the sickening rush when you knew it had passed you by. This was one of those moments. Another rush shot through her and her vision blurred for a moment as her hand made its way to her shoulder strap. She pulled it free and the cool night air bit into her naked shoulder. Then, without thinking, she lowered the second strap and felt her blouse fall loosely down her body, crumpling around her feet. Not knowing what else to do she smiled and stepped forward, kicking the blouse free.

  They were inches apart now. He couldn’t see her body if he wanted to from that distance, but he didn’t step back. His eyes never left hers.

  “Come to dinner with me.”

  “Nah.” She whispered.

  He took her cheek in his hand and kissed her.

  They slammed into the wall, and a framed poster fell crooked with a rattle. Suddenly her passions were coming to a head. The job was forgotten, her fears and disillusion gone. She didn’t care if she never made another penny off this fantastic and strange man.

  Work could wait.

  He lifted her up and slammed her onto a foldout table sending a heap of tablets and paperwork skittering across the floor. Her skirt got caught underneath, and she could feel his smooth skin on her legs as the fabric pulled higher.

  She looked into his blue eyes and a wave of fear shot through her, sending butterflies tumbling around her stomach. It seemed to mix with the uncontrollable desire to be touched, felt, and desired. She kissed him back, and her arms wrapped themselves around his powerful back.

  “Why?” She said. “Why me?”


  She nodded.

  He moved closer. The dresser shuttered.

  His breath went heavy, and his hand found its way to her spot. It was wet, she knew that, and she knew that he knew too. His touch was electrifying, and emotions she had been craving but never recognized started to pour forth. The tension of the day relieved like a hard to scotch itch.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  He took her hand again and led her into another of the tiny interview rooms. This one was oddly western themed and when she saw it her eyes went wide and it was all she could do not to burst out laughing.

  “Okay, the next one!” he said with a smile of his own.

  They crashed into the next room – a beautiful bar scene flickering with dim, golden light. He lifted her again, dropping her gently onto the low rise bar top, fiddling with the button of her skirt. She reached down and helped him, sliding out of the thin fabric with a smile. He kissed her neck, and his light stubble tickled her. She let out a little laugh, pushed him back and ran a cool finger down his muscled chest.

  Soon his belt was off. Then his pants… then the underwear.

  His cock sprung out from the elastic waistband of his boxers and her hand found it. Every other memory of the night had vanished in an instant – every memory she ever had vanished when she felt it. It was huge, thick. Throbbing. She traced it upwards and it seemed to go on for miles. He unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the ground between then, and her nipples hardened as they touched the cool night air.

  He started to kiss his way down her neck. His lips found her breasts, her nipples, and his hands caressed ever part of her. He kissed lower, and lower, until she grabbed his hair in a playful tuft and pulled him back up for another deep kiss.

  “I don’t hav
e time for that.”

  Instead she pulled him closer, finding his cock with one hand and pulling it to her wet pussy. She felt it on her lips, and she knew she would have him. Nothing could stop her now; she needed him inside of her with every fiber of her conscious being. She couldn’t have stopped if she wanted to. The desire to be filled was too huge, the desire to feel their bodies intertwined as one intoxicating. He plunged his cock inside of her. She felt it stop, resisting for a moment of pain and pressure before pushing deeply into her.

  She let out a moan, and suddenly all she knew was pleasure, waves of it. He pushed himself into her again and again. The fake bar rocked underneath her, but his powerful arms held her steady as her back arched at the new sensations. She could feel the wet juices dripping down her leg; she could feel his breath on her neck. She held his back, and felt his muscles move as he fucked her.

  His cock reached her deepest parts, filling her up. She let out great moans, and when she began to scream with pleasure he placed a finger in her mouth, cutting her off. Now she was really full. Breathing through her nose she felt like a conduit ready to explode with energy.

  They kissed again and their tongues met, wrestling for advantage before they separated in a cacophony of deep, pleasured breaths. She looked up into his blue eyes, her mouth open in a constant moan.

  Slowly waves of warmth began to echo outwards from her glowing pussy. Her toes curled. Her back started to arch and her legs trembled as he pounded into her with thrust after thrust of his beautiful cock.

  It was too much. The orgasm hit her like a train. Sweat dripped off her and she spasmed with primal pleasure – but he didn’t stop. He pounded away, his cock gliding in and out of her, stretching her to her very limits. She never imagined she could fit something so big inside of her and as the orgasm reached its crescendo and began to recede she looked at him.

  His eyes were closed and his breathe heavy. She dug fingernails into his back, clinging on for dear life.

  He moaned, ever so slightly.

  His cock slid out of her, and he took it in his hand and began to stroke. Her hand darted out to help him as she lowered herself down onto her knees.

  “Can I?”

  Her eyes were wide, struggling to understand. Her hands pulled at his hips, desperately trying to fill the now empty void inside of her.

  “Can I come inside of you?” he said.

  Understanding flashed across her face and she nodded vigorously, like wanderer offered water after a journey across the desert. He returned to her, happily. His now shaking hands guided his cock back to her spot and they both moaned in symphony as he plunged back inside of her.

  He stroked faster and faster and she felt the tell-tale tingles and zaps of another orgasm begin to course up her toes and down the ridge of her spine as his breathing grew in her ear.

  “I’m-“ he tried to say through the pleasure.

  She understood.

  She squeezed him tighter, pulling him even closer with her legs. She rocked her hips back and forth, gliding across him as he struggled to maintain control. He moaned once more, loudly and she bit his lip… adding her own luscious moan.

  It barely cracked her lips when she felt him explode inside of her. His warm cum filling her up as his cock squirmed and bucked inside of her. His back tensed up and his fingernails dug into her as she held him tightly through his pleasure. After a long moment, or was it an hour, he relaxed a little and she felt his cock slowly slide out of her.

  They collapsed onto the fake bar and she rolled onto his chest, looking up into those blue eyes.

  “So what now?” she said, blowing an errant strand of hair out of her eyes.

  “Come to dinner with me.” He said.

  “Fine.” She said, smiling.


  Buying the BBW

  “Please! You have to do it! You’ll be great!”

  “I really don’t think so. Why on Earth would someone pay for a date with me.”

  “It’s for charity! They’re rich, they don’t think about money like we do!”

  “And all I have to do is have dinner with them?”


  “No kiss, no sex. Just dinner. And they bid on that?”

  “They love it! It lets them show off to their friends, they get a tax write-off for the charitable contribution! It’s pure innocent fun, I promise!”

  “It’s probably all skinny white girls trying to hook up with some billionaire! Last time I checked I wasn’t a super model!”

  “You’re beautiful! Everyone always tell you that! Please! My boss is driving me nuts; we still need 3 more girls!”

  “You’re doing it?”

  “Yup, I’ll be right there with you!”

  “Any other…uh.” She scratched her neck “curvy girls?”

  Her friend Karen dodged that question, and took a sip of coffee. She worked at one of those big organizations downtown and they were trying to raise money for children overseas. She had breathing down Jamie’s neck all morning, trying to get her to be a part of some auction they were doing for the rich and famous.

  “It’ll be fun!” her friend said. “We’ll dress up, drink free wine, and stand around while men fight over us! What could possibly be bad about that?”

  She had Jamie with that one.

  “What do I wear?”

  “Whatever you want! I’ll come over and we can pick out a dress, or maybe I can get my bosses card to buy you one!”

  Jamie let out a long sigh, sipped her coffee, then nodded her head.

  “Alright fine!” she said “But I ain’t sleeping any crusty old millionaires. Dinner is it, and then I’m going home. I’ll do it for you.”

  Karen was beaming “for the kids!” she added.

  “Yea. Whatever.”

  “And it’s not all crusty old millionaires’ – I mean there’s a fair share of those, too – but there are plenty of handsome young playboys. Perfect bodies, nice cars, private jet rides to Europe…” she trailed off, temping Jamie.

  “Yea for some reason I don’t see them taking a nerdy office assistant from Brooklyn to Paris for the weekend.”

  “Never know.” Karen said with a smile, standing up and gathering her things “Anyways, I have to get back to work. Seeya tonight? We’ll pick out dresses.”

  “Sure.” Jamie said, less enthusiastic.

  “You’re going to love it. Bye!” she said, pushing the door open with her butt and disappearing into the shuffle of busy Manhattan commuters.

  Chapter 2

  They picked out dresses that night. Jamie had found a beautiful white outfit buried deep in the back of the closet, and after a trip to the cleaners it shined like a million bucks. It was elegant, yet tight in all the right places, bring attention to her big curves and voluptuous features.

  Karen, who found a flowing red number, gave her two thumbs up – and the upbeat Midwest girl actually made her feel better. Her genuine personality was always a breath of fresh air, and when she called Jamie beautiful the bigger girl let herself believe it.

  The pair spent the next night putting on make-up and doing their hair for the real event. They gossiped and Jamie actually allowed herself to get excited about the prospect of meeting one of these rich playboys Karen went on and on about. She was nearly giddy, a glass of white wine swirling in her hand, when the car came for them.

  It a simple, black Sedan but it still surprised Jamie. She hadn’t grown up in the type of neighborhood where fancy black Sedan’s picked you up for dinner – a man with a bowtie there to hold the door.

  “You have got to be kidding me!” she said.

  “One of the perks! Tonight is going to be a blast!”

  Jamie believed her for the whole drive over. It wasn’t until they arrived that she felt her stomach tighten and roll. They stepped out of the car onto a makeshift red carpet. There were cameras, shouting men in bespoke suits… and most of all there were girls. Beautiful,
thin girls in dresses that must have been custom made. They all looked the same, and as Jamie took her first steps down that carpet all she could notice was how different she was.

  They all looked 19. Their teeth pearly white, their hair almost identical in fashion and color… it was like the dress uniform was hot, young, white model. Karen was behind her, beaming – she clearly didn’t feel the same way. She was shaking hands and waving at girls, making casual introductions and soaking up the attention.

  Jamie made her way inside as quick as she could. A kind woman at the door gave her a name tag, and escorted her back to the room where the girls would wait for the auction. There was food and wine, and she nervously chewed on a cracker as the room filled up.

  “There you are!” Karen called from across the room, “How are you feeling?”

  “A little nervous, I’m not sure I should be here.”

  “Don’t be silly, you look great! One of the guys outside even asked about you!”

  “Really?” she asked, her heart slowing a bit.

  “Really. Says he’s going to bid on you.”

  “Good lookin’?

  Karen sucked her teeth and did her best to smile “Well… At least he’ll drive your price up!”

  “Yea…” Jamie nodded.

  A few minutes later a frantic little man came in and briefed them on the auction protocol. They would stand by the door when they were next, and when they heard their name over the sound system they would walk out, wave, and stand next to the presenter – who would ask them a few casual questions and start the bidding. After the auction they would wait in back for someone to give them the date info. Simple really.


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