The Pentagon: A History

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The Pentagon: A History Page 70

by Steve Vogel

  By late February Evey briefing, 7 Mar. 2002, DoD; Pino-Marina, “Indiana Plant Makes its Mark on History” Riley, author interview; “Limestone on Way to Pentagon,” The (Bloomington, Indiana) Herald Times, 20 Dec. 2001.

  On February 25 Ruane et al, “Inch by Inch” Evey briefing, 11 June 2002, DoD; Evey, author interview, 2002.

  The countdown clock

  Evey changed the schedule Evey briefing, 7 Mar. 2002, DoD; Vogel, “Pentagon Halfway Back in Countdown From Inferno” WP, 12 Mar. 2002.

  On April 5, the last Armed Forces Information Service, 5 Apr. 2002.

  On June 11 Evey briefing, 11 June 2002, DoD; Steve Vogel, “Final Stone Placed in Pentagon’s Exterior,” WP, 12 June 2002; The Renovator, summer 2002.

  People needed to remember

  Peter Murphy’s knees Peter Murphy, author interview, 15 Aug. 2002; Vogel, “Retaking a Lost Position.”

  Earlier, Evey overheard Evey, author interview, 2002.

  Murphy had been astonished Murphy, author interview, 15 Aug. 2002; Vogel, “Retaking a Lost Position.”

  “They felt they had” Evey, remarks on fifth anniversary of 9/11, posted on, Sept. 2006.


  September 11, 2001

  Except for the wind Steve Vogel and Fredrick Kunkle, “Day of Remembrance and Celebration,” WP, 12 Sept. 2002.

  When Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld John Tierney, “Honoring Those Lost and Celebrating a New Symbol of Resistance,” NYT, 12 Sept. 2002; Andrea Stone, “Mourners Shaky but Present Strong Face,” USA Today, 12 Sept. 2002; Rumsfeld remarks at Pentagon memorial ceremony, 11 Sept. 2002,

  “As long as terrorists” Bush remarks at the Pentagon, White House Web site,; Stone, “Mourners Shaky but Present Strong Face.”

  Doc Cooke was conspicuous WP, 27 June 2002; WP, 18 July 2002; AP, 12 July 2002; Powell, author interview.

  Lee Evey would retire Evey, author interview, 2002; Evey, remarks to PENREN program, 9 Oct. 2003, author’s notes; WP, 16 Oct. 2003.

  Allyn Kilsheimer Kilsheimer, author interview.

  The Pentagon ceremony Vogel and Kunkle, “Day of Remembrance and Celebration” Armed Forces Information Service, 11 Sept. 2002; The Renovator, Fall/Winter 2002; Wolfowitz remarks at ceremony honoring Pentagon builders, 11 Sept. 2002,

  A $5 billion affair

  The work Catlow, author interview.

  Upon the official completion Ibid.; Vogel, “Workers Push to Fortify Military Headquarters” OSD, “A Status Report to Congress on the Renovation of the Pentagon,” 1 Mar. 2005, PENREN; Douglas Johnson, Defense Facilities Directorate program manager, tour of roof, 10 Nov. 2005.

  Further adding to the tally Catlow, author interview; PENREN “Command Communications Survivability Program” briefing, July 2002, Evey papers.

  the Pentagon command centers Sullivan, e-mail to Charles T. Horner about accelerated renovation, 30 Oct. 2001, Evey papers; Evey, author interview 30 Mar. 2006; Catlow, author interview; Vogel, “Workers Push to Fortify Military Headquarters” author’s tour of basement work, September 2003.

  Rumsfeld had seized Rumsfeld, author interview; Vogel, “Workers Push to Fortify Military Headquarters” Sullivan, author interview; Catlow, author interview; Defense Daily, 23 Oct. 2003; Defense Daily, 3 Dec. 2003; Lt. Col. T. V. Johnson, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, e-mail to author, 7 July 2006; Navy News Service, 11 Sept. 2002.

  Various extras were thrown author’s tours of athletic center and conference center site, Nov. 2005; The Renovator, Mar. 2004, Oct. 2005, Oct. 2006.

  By 2007 Catlow, author interview; Bill Hopper, PENREN, e-mail to author 30 June 2006; The Renovator, November 2005. Catlow retired in September 2006 and was replaced as director by Sajeel Ahmed.

  In November 2005 Rumsfeld, author interview; Michael B. Donley memo to Rumsfeld, 10 Nov. 2005, OSD; Evey, author interview.

  Ironically, despite the billions Catlow, author interview; “Population of the Pentagon, 1942–1990,” OSD HO.

  Despite the safety author interviews with Pentagon employees; Hamre, author interview.

  We claim this ground

  The project moved swiftly U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District, press release, 20 May 2002; Steve Vogel, “For Pentagon, A Memorial ‘Like No Other,’” WP, 4 Mar. 2003.

  When the design Ibid.; Timothy Dwyer, “Something Personal in Stainless Steel,” WP, 8 Mar. 2005; Donley memo to Rumsfeld, 10 Nov. 2005; Jim Laychak, author interview, 15 June 2006; Julie Beckman, author interview, 15 June 2006; Pentagon Memorial Web site, Information about donations for the memorial is available at the Web site.

  On June 15, 2006 Pentagon Memorial groundbreaking, author’s notes, 15 June 2006; Lisa Dolan, author interview, 15 June 2006; Tom Heidenberger, author interview, 15 June 2006; Laychak, author interview; Rumsfeld, author interview.

  Yet when Rumsfeld spoke Kris Fisher, author interview, 15 June 2006; Rumsfeld remarks, Pentagon groundbreaking ceremony, 15 June 2006,; WP, 16 June 2006.

  Nearby, Abraham Scott Abraham Scott, author interview, 15 June 2006.

  For the ages

  On January 23,2003 Mlakar,authorinterview;JamesGlanz, “LessonsDrawnfrom Attack on Pentagon May Stay Secret,” NYT, 5 Nov. 2002; Jester, author interview.

  The report affirmed ASCE Building Performance Report, 1–2, 23, 44; Mlakar, author interview; NYT, 23 Jan. 2003; Glatz, author interview.

  The building’s structural redundancy ASCE Building Performance Report, 58–9; Mlakar, author interview.

  Moreover, the Pentagon had Ibid.; ASCE Building Performance Report, 9–10, 41, 49, 58–9.

  “It makes a strong column” Walker, author interview, 5 Dec. 2005; ASCE Building Performance Report, 58.

  Two columns in particular Ibid., 49.


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