Loving You (Remembrance Series, Book 2)

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Loving You (Remembrance Series, Book 2) Page 10

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  He looked over at me like I had lost my mind, given our current work schedules. When he glanced in his hand and saw the white feather, his eyes bolted to mine. I mouthed the word, “Ray,” and he changed his tone. “We can’t wait, Mom. I’ll make sure I’m done with work early. Will Dad be joining us?”

  “Your father and grandfather will be meeting us for dinner afterward.”

  Lorraine excused herself to the ladies room, leaving Gregory and I to talk.

  “When did Ray visit?” Gregory asked.

  “Right as your mom was talking about us joining her on Friday. One minute I was listening to her and the next I was looking at Ray. He told me that the answers we seek are hiding in treasures of the past. He wants us to go to the exhibit. Apparently, the final pieces to help us search for our past life are held within the exhibit.” I wanted to explain further, but his mom rejoined us.

  When he dropped me back at the office, I whispered, “I’ll let you know what else he said when we get home, tonight.”

  He gave me a chaste kiss on the lips before we parted ways and I entered the elevator. When I got off on my floor, I was surprised to be greeted with a flurry of questions, “Hey, Jordan. Did you enjoy your lunch? Your future mother in-law seems so sweet. Where do Gregory’s parents live? What did you all do over the weekend? We heard something about party planning?”

  I was surprised by the 180 degree shift in the attitudes of everyone. One minute I was being called a traitor and a snitch, the next I’m being asked questions about my fiancé and his family. Wow, this office was changing moods so fast it was making my head spin.

  I noticed Pamela’s coupe was hovering around the corner, so I made my remarks quickly, yet audible. “They live in a very nice, gated subdivision on a lake. My mother joined all of us for the weekend and we spent it relaxing and planning the Engagement Party my mother in-law is throwing in our honor. To our surprise, Gregory’s brother and his wife flew into town for a conference and we were able to meet up with them. It was an amazing weekend.”

  Sydney and Eleanor seemed to sulk a bit as they moved back toward their cubicles. I excused myself from the front, citing a need to handle some priority items.

  The rest of the afternoon went smoothly, allowing me to open my door without the threat of sarcastic remarks aimed in my direction. It was approaching seven when I decided to call it a day and head back to Gregory’s.

  “How did the rest of your day go at the office?” Gregory bombarded me as soon as I walked in the door.

  I had to smile. “You purposefully planned on stopping by to put some of the assumptions to rest, didn’t you?”

  He held his hands up in surrender, smiling like a person in love. “Guilty, as charged. I hadn’t planned on my mom being able to make it, but when I told her what was going on she insisted on helping. Did it work?”

  “It worked like a charm. Thank you.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his face down to my lips, kissing him firmly, hoping he could feel how much I loved him.

  One of his hands reached around my shoulders, while the other arm extended down to my lower back, pressing me firmly against his body, molding me to him. He angled his head to deepen the kiss as his teeth scrapped over my lower lip, nipping on it until I opened my mouth for his tongue to press forward, seeking to devour every inch.

  I felt myself relax in his arms, for the first time in days. Feeling lightheaded, I broke the kiss and just leaned into his chest for comfort.

  I spoke just above a whisper. “Pamela’s biggest followers had been giving me the hardest time, trying to turn the office against me since she left.”

  “Did they treat you any differently, today?” His arms rubbed up and down my spine in a circular motion to comfort me.

  “Well, there are no more crude innuendos.” I paused to look up into his eyes. “You know you are my knight in shining armor,” I teased.

  “Happy to be of service, my lady,” he said jokingly back, before kissing me on my temple. “How about we get some food and watch some TV before turning in for the night?”

  I nodded in agreement and then offered to cook, but he insisted I rest on the sofa while he prepared dinner.

  I couldn’t stand not doing anything, so I whipped out my laptop, sat with my back to the kitchen and, leaning against the arm of the sofa, I began to update my journal with what Ray had told me earlier, today:

  August 3, 20- -

  Our dreams seem to be more intense and focused on two potential threats, rather than one. I question whether the dreams of the past are just that or if they are warning us of the future.

  To date we know that our names from the past are:

  Victorian Era:

  Angeline Olivia Carlson

  Daniel Anthony Whitfield

  Colonial Era:

  Hannah _____ Clark

  Aaron _______ Williams

  Present Era:

  Jordan Olivia Carlisle

  Gregory Anthony Riley (Worthington)

  Our names, both first and last, seem to be popular during the Revolutionary period. There are several locations, throughout the thirteen colonies, where we could have existed. The names Franklin, Jefferson and Washington have come up in some of the dream dialogue; but, we couldn’t possibly have associated with the likes of our nation’s Founding Fathers. Could we?

  I wish we could figure out what our middle names were. Although, now that I look at the listing, I’m beginning to wonder if the answer hasn’t been staring us in the face all along. Could it really be that simple, that our middle names are always the same throughout history?

  Ray popped in on me today to let me know that some of the answers we seek would be found in the Revolutionary Exhibit at the History Center. Lorraine and the curator are going to give us a private tour of the items on display this Friday. I hope that something there either belonged to one of us or will at least trigger our memories. We need to be further along in discovering our past, if we are to have a future together.

  The other thing Ray mentioned, which gives me alarm, is that my limits will be tested and to not fall for tricks, deception and lies. If Gregory and I stand strong together, we will get through it all. But, I don’t understand his comment about how if someone has the ability to hate within their heart; they have the ability to let in evil. What does that mean?

  Gregory has been searching for a linguistics expert to help decipher the prophecy. He had copied a couple of the lines and faxed to some different people. To date, we haven’t had anyone respond who could read the ancient dialect. The language seems to pre-date all other forms of language. So, we are left wondering what the prophecy fully predicts.

  I can hear Gregory moving around and know that he will not be happy seeing me on the computer, instead of resting. I need to wrap….

  My computer was lifted out of my lap. Gregory had somehow snuck up behind me. “You’re supposed to be resting. You look like you’re ready to pass out.”

  He quickly scanned the contents of the journal entry, getting the full jest of what Ray had stated, along with my thoughts. “I hope he isn’t going to test you much further. I don’t know how much more you can take.”

  I was a little furious and raised my voice at his comment. “I’m stronger than you think!”

  “I’m not saying you aren’t, love. I just don’t like to see you pushed. I’m sorry if I am a bit overprotective. But, I’ve loved you for a lifetime and I’m determined that I. Will. Not. Lose. You. This Time!” He made sure to enunciate each word loud and clear. “My heart and my mind couldn’t take it, again. You are everything to me; I only half exist without you.”

  He leaned down, giving me a chaste kiss on the lips, before powering down my laptop and letting me know dinner was ready. I followed him into the kitchen to see the food on the plates and candles lit on the table. “How did I ever luck out in finding the most romantic man on Earth?”

  His quirky half-smile crept across his face. “You bring out the romantic side
of me. I want to be everything you’ll ever need.”

  “You are everything I need and then some.” I reached up to stroke the side of his face. He leaned into my touch. “I love you for all that you do and are for me; but sometimes you can be a little overwhelming with your devotion.” I saw his eyes widen and his face begin to frown. “Gregory, you are an amazing protector; however, if we are to defeat the darkness this time, I need to learn to stand on my own two feet, as well. Besides, who will look after you?”

  He laughed. “Sorry, Jordan. When I’m around you, I let my heart speak for itself, rather than my mind. I agree; you should learn how to stand up to the darkness, too. Maybe that’s part of the problem in our past. I always tried to protect you, rather than letting you stand for yourself. I’ll try to not be so controlling; but only if you promise we stand together, as one.”

  “Always, babe.” I said, smiling, as we sat down to eat.

  As we were clearing the table, Gregory began talking about what he had read in the journal, “I want to see what Friday brings, but I think you might be onto something about our middle names. It seems odd that twice, now, we have had the same middle name. But, I am also concerned about some of the things Ray said. I want to know what he meant about your limits being tested and exactly what that entails.”

  The rest of the night was spent enjoying one another’s company. We didn’t talk of the past or the future; we only paid attention to the present, wrapped up in each other’s arms.

  I was so happy that the attitudes in the office have finally shifted. Sydney and Eleanor still steered clear of me, but at least the negativity and hateful words had ceased. Most of my other co-workers seemed to have a pleasant attitude and it returned to a somewhat enjoyable working environment.

  At the end of the day Friday, we finally had time to focus on learning more about our lives as Hannah and Aaron.

  Lorraine had given us specific instructions on where to park, so we wouldn’t have to walk far. I got to the Center first and Gregory texted that he was only about ten minutes away. I parked where we were told and decided to wait for him by my car.

  “Are you Jordan?” I heard a weak voice ask.

  I turned toward the voice to discover Angela standing there with her arms crossed. Her body was completely surrounded with a red aura and her eyes had a tinge of glowing red in the centers.

  My mind quickly told me I was in a dangerous situation. I tried taking a couple of steps toward the entrance, but Angela quickly blocked me. She started yelling in a hateful tone, “You aren’t going anywhere.”

  “What do you want, Angela?” I countered.

  A treacherous smile spread across her face, as she stepped toward me. “So you know who I am; that’s good. It should make this conversation go rather quickly.” Her eyes glared at me. “You will NEVER marry Gregory! He belongs to me and I’ll let no one else claim him.”

  Normally, I would have flinched and maybe run away from a confrontation like this. But something inside me told me to stand my ground.

  “Gregory is a grown man capable of deciding who he wants to be married to. I’m not going to run after him, chase him down or force him into a farce of a marriage, against his will. Frankly, I could care less that he comes from money and what his last name is. But, I do love him with all my heart and that will never go away.” I insisted.

  Angela’s hands fisted at her side as her aura grew a deeper red. “Fine, have it your way, Jordan. However, this is not the last time you will deal with me. If I were you, I would begin to watch my back.” She saw Gregory’s car pull into the parking lot and she turned to leave, glancing back for a moment. “Consider yourself warned.” She slipped into the shadows and out of sight.

  “Was that Angela I just saw talking to you?” Gregory asked, getting out of his car.

  I nodded and took in a deep breath that I hadn’t realized I was holding.

  He was quickly by my side, wrapping me tightly in his arms. “What did she want? Did she threaten you?”

  “Yes, she did. She told me that I will never marry you because you’re hers and she won’t let anyone else have you.” I laughed a bit and his brows furrowed in question to my response. “I don’t think she expected me to stand up to her.” I told him what I had stated and before I knew it, he was kissing me firmly on the lips and stroking my back.

  “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I am in awe of you, Jordan!” He gave me another hug and kiss, before taking my hand and leading me to the front door.

  We rang the buzzer designated for after hour’s visitors. We were quickly ushered in by Lorraine and noticed someone in one of the side rooms, apparently working on one of the displays.

  Loraine quickly hugged both of us. “Lawrence, the curator, is just finishing up one of the displays. Come on; let me introduce you to him.”

  “Lawrence, I would like you to meet my son, Gregory, and my future daughter in-law, Jordan.” She boasted.

  Lawrence turned around and we were face-to-face with Ray, dressed in his signature white attire, but this time in a suit. My eyes grew wide as he put his hand out to shake mine. Then, he turned to Gregory and shook his hand, as well. “It is a pleasure to finally meet both of you. Lorraine has told me so much about the two of you that I feel I already know you.” He gave a wink at me.

  “I understand the two of you recently received some period artifacts. A neckerchief and a three pointed hat, was that correct?”

  We both nodded in agreement.

  I wondered if Gregory could see the same thing as me. When Ray turned his back, Gregory leaned in and whispered, “Am I seeing things or is that Ray?”

  I was so dumbstruck by everything that I just nodded in response.

  Ray continued. “How lovely. I would love to see them, sometime. Those are rare items, indeed. Why don’t we start our tour at the beginning of the Revolutionary period, right before the war started, and work our way up to the end of the war, and end with an authentic copy of the Treaty of Paris from 1783?”

  We followed as Ray began to walk to a room on the opposite end of the Center. As we passed a mirror in the hallway, I noted Ray’s reflection was of a man much shorter, slightly balding and wearing a dark gray suit with a white shirt and blue tie. Gregory caught site of what I was seeing and we both kept looking back and forth between the two different visions of what was before us.

  Lorraine moved on ahead, as Ray leaned in to whisper. “Remember that things are not always what they appear to be. I’m here to help advance you on your journey, tonight. Remember to trust your instincts; your subconscious will be your guide.”

  The first room was arrayed with various clothing, fitting for a variety of events, furniture, tools, everyday household items typical of the Colonial, Pre-Revolutionary era. The clothes were comparable to the ones in our dreams. The room was very standard, and nothing spectacular stood out.

  Lawrence, or Ray, led us through to another room, which advanced to the time period through the beginning of the war. There were British military uniforms, Minutemen attire, a replica of Paul Revere on his horse representing his famous ride, along with a variety of military uniforms representing the various militias involved in the war, weaponry, and typical early-American military memorabilia. The room’s displays were enticing and somewhat familiar, but still, nothing called to either one of us.

  Lorraine took the lead toward the next room. “This room is filled with delightful treasures from a full span of society from the poor to the elite. There are dress fashions for every stage from child to adult.” There was a weaving loom, several types of traveling luggage, a few flintlock pistols, some furniture typically found in the houses and so on.

  What surprised me was that we were both drawn to one of the pistols. Gregory asked, “Would it be okay to touch a couple of the items to see what they feel like?”

  Both Lorraine and Lawrence/Ray, nodded.

  We both laid a hand on the pistol that interested us. I instantly had a vision o
f my hands in the air with Lucinda pointing it at me. “Please put the pistol away, Lucinda. What good will come to you if you shoot me? Neither of us will have Aaron if that happens.”

  “You will not tell me what to do, Hannah. No one is about on the street right now, save a few red coats lurking about. People will likely assume you got caught in a crossfire between the colonists and them.” She seemed rather sure of herself.

  “Are you positive you will be able to live with yourself if you shoot me? How will you be able to look Aaron in the eyes, knowing that he mourns for me; the one he truly loves?”

  Her face filled with hatred, “He will grow to love me. Rebecca assured me of that. I only need to kill you so that…”

  “Please continue, Lucinda. I would like to know why my demise is necessary.” I could feel Gregory looking on in horror, but my mind worked as Hannah, hoping to buy time for Aaron to get there, as he had promised to meet up with me in the alley behind my father’s medical office.

  Darkness seemed to surround her and small whispers of evil intent could be heard by my overly sensitive ears. One minute she seemed to lower the gun and shake her head. The next she would raise the firearm, seeming more determined, as if under a spell. If it was a spell, was the witch doing this?

  She finally stared me in the eyes, looking soulful. “I am so sorry, Hannah.” In the next breath, her eyes began to glow a deep crimson red and she spoke in an almost unfamiliar voice, “You have delayed enough, it is time to die.”

  My heart raced as I watched, in slow motion, her finger against the trigger before pulling hard to fire the weapon. “NOOOOO!” I felt pain as I was thrown to the ground and the ability to breathe became difficult. I must have been shot.

  I could feel Gregory’s presence surround me, so I looked up and found myself gazing into Aaron’s eyes. He had pushed me out of the way of the bullet, but he was bleeding from his arm. I looked over where Lucinda had been. She had dropped the gun and took off running.


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