Dutch: (Lucifer's Breed MC Book 4)

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Dutch: (Lucifer's Breed MC Book 4) Page 3

by Ryder Dane

  He knew that she was going to ask him to take her to Billy. If he had really been her brother, she wouldn’t have been dropped off like this. The Bastards were assholes, but they were assholes with honor, and allies with Lucifer’s breed. Depending what chapter the man was in, he might enjoy the show when the Prez of the Bastards found out what that brother was up to.

  She had his attention and decided to ask him. “Look, as you saw, I really don’t have a lot of options, so I’m asking for help. Will you take me to Juanita, Missouri? You can drop me off there if you like. I realize that I’m asking a lot, you being from a different group and all, but I can pay you. Since I don’t belong to any club, I won’t break any rules for you will I?” She bit her trembling lip, because she was feeling like crying again, if he refused, she would offer him sex to take her with him tomorrow.

  Chapter 3

  What she didn’t know is that the Bastards were situated in Prindale Missouri. The Breed had a chapter in Juanita, but for the life of him he couldn’t remember a brother named Billy. Will Grubb was the closest thing to Billy that he knew of, and he was seventy if he was a day. He knew that he was going to take her out of this place when he left in the morning. Rain or shine, he was leaving, and it looked like he would have a passenger for the long ride home.

  “Let’s get something straight right now. Your Billy isn’t in Juanita, and if he is, I have doubts that he would have left his sister in a dump like this.” She was looking at him with her jaw clenched tight and a look of surprise in her eyes.

  “I’m not being an asshole to try to hurt you. The truth is that Juanita is Lucifer’s Breed territory.” He pointed to his cut and watched the way she shrugged at his conclusion about Billy not living where the checks came from.

  “You said he was a Burning Bastard, but they are in Prindale. I know it’s hard for you to understand the protocol of Club life, but trust me, if Billy is actually from Juanita and lives there, he’s got balls as big as your fist.” His curiosity got the better of him and he wanted to know more about her and her brother.

  “So tell me about him, I know a lot of bikers from different clubs. What does he look like, and what’s his last name? I don’t recall anyone by the tag of Moon, but if I’m gonna help you find him, I need more than he’s your brother , his name is Billy, and he’s the type of fucker that would dump his little sister off in a hole like this with people like your Job and Naomi.”

  Kylie didn’t know what to think about what Dutch was telling her. If only she could remember the days before the funeral for her parents. She had blocked everything before that day and the long ride from the cemetery to the farm. Why did he leave her and never come back to at least make sure she was fine, or happy or anything? Nothing made sense about Billy. If Juanita was considered a territory, that meant that a rival gang wouldn’t be welcome, even if it was just one member. She had no idea how far Juanita was from her destination, and she shook her head.

  “Billy is tall and thinner than you. He has brown eyes, long brown hair, and he was wearing a leather vest with a skeleton on the back. He talks with an accent. I had a hard time understanding him, and didn’t believe that he was my brother when he pulled me from the gravesite. He said that my mother had him and she gave him to her sister when she married my father. That was why he talked different than me.

  “His bike was a dark green, and Job kept saying that he’d give his left nut to be back in the wind on a bike like that. It’s been so many years since he left me here.” She kept wagging her head back and forth, trying to remember what that day had been like.

  “I had just seen my parents’ coffins being lowered into the ground, and was on my knees crying my eyes out. The social worker was talking to someone when Billy showed up next to me. He pulled me up and just started carrying me. He told me that he was my brother and I could trust him, but I had to keep quiet until we got away from the cemetery. He said it was the only way to keep me from going into a state run home.

  “I hated the ride here. It seemed to take days to get here, and he didn’t bother even waiting to make sure things went well. Naomi was showing me the room I was given and I heard his motorcycle rumbling down the road. I couldn’t believe it.”

  She tried to smile but didn’t succeed. “I’ve learned a lot since I’ve been here. I can make moonshine, and even meth if I have no other choice. I won’t do it unless my life depends on it, that shit kills brain cells and ruins peoples’ lives, but a person does what they have to do to make a living.”

  She stood up and took the empty mug to the sink and poured a small amount of water from a pitcher next to the sink into the mug to rinse it out. “As far as the name Moon, it is Job and Naomi’s last name. My last name is Willard. If Billy is my brother, his name will be different from mine since he isn’t my father’s child.”

  Kylie yawned. She wanted to be alone to try to figure out what she should do. This biker had put a wrench in her plans to confront Billy. Why would a stranger not only kidnap her from her former life, but would pay the people that housed her even after so many years. Something wasn’t right. More than something, but she couldn’t do a thing about anything until she was away from this place. Maybe she should ask Dutch to take her to Kentucky where she’d started. Maybe she could find out what was going on from there.

  Dutch watched her facial expressions and fought the inclination to order her to hit her knees and suck him off. She wasn’t a club whore or a pass around. He pointed to the chair and she sat. So far so good, he liked people that did what he told them to do when he wanted them to do it.

  “There’s the little problem of the cost of my help. I’m not the kind of man that you might consider a gentleman, don’t ever mistake it. I will put the moves on you and while I can and will take no for an answer, that won’t stop me from trying as many times as it takes. I don’t let any pussy lead me around by my dick, so don’t try to manipulate me with sex. I’ll take what you have to offer and walk away at the end of the ride.”

  Kylie couldn’t believe that this asshole just told her that he would use her if she let him. She wondered what he’d say if she knocked him out and gutted him like a catfish. She’d done it before, and if he became abusive, he wouldn’t live to brag to his brothers in the clubhouse. Use him? Ha. She didn’t give a rat’s ass about leading him by his dick. She’d never met a man that was worth thinking about twice once they were out of her sight. She didn’t answer in words, just held out her hand to shake his big paw.

  She liked men, but not enough to give them more than a few hours of her time. Looking at Dutch, she knew that eventually she would satisfy her curiosity about enjoying a round or two of good old fashioned sex. After all, she’d seen him nude for a few seconds and she liked what was visible at the time. But that would be the extent of any involvement with the arrogant fuck.


  Dutch would have liked to ask the little woman what she had in mind when she gave him that last calculating look. Instead, he’d looked out of the window and saw that the sun was setting, and as far out in the country that they were, he knew the overcast sky would block out almost any light soon. He decided to put his bike in the barn to let it dry off before they left in the morning. He slid his bare feet into his boots, took his keys off of the belt loop from his jeans, and left the house with a nod in her direction. She was still wearing that strange look as she watched him, and it made him wonder if he should sleep tonight. Not that he was afraid, but he’d been targeted before, and caution about things as innocent as an odd look had kept him alive.

  The wind was still gusting and the rain was coming down hard. He couldn’t get a running start with the bike because the skinny front tire kept getting buried in the mud of the apron into the barn. He pushed and pulled the bike until his muscles were screaming at him from the abuse of physical labor. He was soaked, muddy and in a bad temper by the time he got the bike inside of the building and sitting on dry wooden planks.

p; He pulled the door shut as he exited the barn, and the rainwater pouring off of the barn roof drenched him even more as the water gushed straight down on his head. The only thing that accomplished was that the mud that he’d been splattered with earlier was now rinsed off, but the water standing in his boots sloshed as he walked to the house.

  He stood outside of the door and slid down on his ass as he tried to toe off the heavy boots. He ended up pulling the boots from his feet and dumping the water out of each one before standing up and walking into the house. He stripped the shorts and t-shirt just inside the doorway and tossed the soaked material straight into the sink. He shivered as he walked over to the wood stove to check on the progress of the drying of his pants. They were still wet, and he placed his boots as close to the heater as possible without roasting the leather. Kylie was nowhere to be seen when he turned around, but he didn’t care, all he wanted was to find a spot to lie down and sleep off the headache that was splitting his skull at the moment.

  He opened the door to a dimly lit room and saw that the bed was made up, but it was obvious that the room belonged to the absent owners, some flowery scent hung in the air of the room, and the place was piled high with boxes and other junk. He opened a drawer and wanted to laugh. There was a kinky little toy designed to reach hard to reach places, and a standard dildo in the drawer. The drawer under the top one yielded packages of condoms and little plastic pouches of flavored lube. He grinned and made a mental note to make sure he grabbed some of the drawer’s contents before they left the place tomorrow.

  He shut the bedroom door and was glad that the scarred up door had a sliding deadbolt to keep intruders out. He slid the bolt home and sat down on the foot of the bed. Too bad the place was so isolated, the location being way out of the Breed’s reach bugged him. He was not afraid of the little bitchling, but he was dead tired and needed to know that he could sleep without worrying about being stabbed in the throat while he slept.

  Kylie heard him enter the back door, and listened to his progress throughout the downstairs rooms, and knew when he bolted the door to Job and Naomi’s room. She smiled. She wondered if he would feel so safe if he knew that that room was filled with sex toys and stolen property from several businesses that had flooded the last time the river got backed up. She had some of the better jewelry in her pack. The gold rings and necklaces had been in a shoebox under the bed, but she found them, and almost burned the house down when she tried to melt the gold and silvery colored metal. The silver stuff were a messy looking blob, but the gold was in a pancake shape and covered with cloth in the bottom of her bag. The blob was inside a sock, and would make a good club if she needed one. From the way this arrogant fool Dutch appeared to be, she would be testing it out on his thick skull.

  She had the jewels stowed in another sock, but they were small and wouldn’t be effective. Her best hope would be that this guy would take the stones for payment. With tomorrow’s money order, she would have just over a thousand dollars in cash to make her break from this place. Knowing that Billy wasn’t what he said he was made her sad and worried at the same time. If it was all a lie, why was she here, why was he paying for her keep after all of this time? There were too many questions and no answers. Naomi told her that she needed to forget about Billy and her family. “You’ve got us, and it’s better than being homeless with no one to care if you eat or have a roof over your head.”

  Maybe she should take that advice. She had to take care of herself and once she got established, she could start looking for the answers about why she was here. She barely remembered her parents. That made her sad that she only had a vague recollection of her mother’s face and her father’s smile. She didn’t have as much as a picture of her parents to help her remember what they looked like. Thinking of the many nights that she’d cried tears of self-pity, made her shake her head. Over the years there had been flashes of memory, but most of those flashes hadn’t offered any insights into her former life, at least not much. Riding on her father’s bike, holding on tight as he swung the big machine between the centerlines of the road, weaving back and forth, making her laugh out loud. The memory of being held tight to her mother as they danced around the room. Her mother smelled like White Shoulders perfume, and Kylie had stolen a small bottle of the stuff when she went with Job to ransack the flooded stores and homes in the middle of the night. She still had the bottle, but most of the liquid had evaporated over the years from the many times she’d opened the cap, just to enjoy the comfort of her mother’s scent.

  No matter what it took, she would find out what the reason for her kidnapping was. That is what she was going to look at it like from now on. She didn’t have a brother.

  The questions continued to keep sleep at bay until her tired brain shut down, and she slept.

  Chapter 4

  The sound of bikes pulling up next to the house woke him and he sat on the side of the bed for a few seconds to get his bearings before he walked into the living room to grab his pants. Kylie was peeking around the doorframe that led to the upper story, and he stared at the one eye that was visible before he nodded and turned to answer the pounding fist on the rickety door.

  He was pissed that he’d left his pistol in the bike’s saddlebags, but figured at the time that the gun would be better off there instead of within her reach in case she got ideas that he didn’t agree with. Fuck it. He yanked the door open wide and grabbed the shirt front of the scruffy looking fucker that still had his fist raised to hit the door again.

  He pulled the man up onto his tiptoes and shook him slightly before shoving his smelly ass away.

  “I don’t know who you are and I don’t plan on making a lifelong friendship here. You fucking woke me up and I don’t like to be woke before I’m ready.” Dutch stood with his hands on his hips and a scowl on his face as he stared down the guy wearing Swamp Kings colors. There was an embroidered patch on the left breast that stated the wearer was “Groaner.” The man standing by the bikes was wearing a different logo, and Dutch didn’t ask who the man was affiliated with. He didn’t want to give them any opening to extend their visit.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  The ugly motherfucker stopped smiling when he focused on the Lucifer’s Breed tat that sat over Dutch’s heart, and shook his head. “I was just lookin’ for Job or his old lady. They usually have something for sale if a man has the cash to pay for it. That’s all. We’re not lookin’ for trouble. Hell man, I didn’t know that the Breed was exploring our territory. Kinda’ surprised that you are here and that’s a fact.”

  The small man stepped up behind his friend and stepped sideways to say something to Dutch and Dutch rolled his head around cracking his neck before standing a little straighter, ready to snatch the fucker and break his neck. Hearing the high pitched whine in the man’s voice grated on his already hyper senses. When the fucker asked about Kylie, he stopped bothering to be polite.

  The fucker had a dumb streak a mile wide. “I ain’t here for the dope, no man, I want the girl. Job done told my brother Hugo that she was here and might welcome some company. So here we are. I didn’t hear that she already had a man around. Job wouldn’t have sent word out to the men if she wasn’t ready to be more cooperative than she has been before he went to the pen.”

  That grin was the dumbest thing that the fuck could have shown or done. The idea of these dirty bastards laying hands on Kylie’s smooth flesh made his skin crawl.

  “Well, you can see that she isn’t crawling from the window to get to you, so let’s just say that I made her happy and plan to keep her that way. You boys need to leave, and forget about the girl.”

  Groaner tried to step around Dutch to enter the house, and that was the end of Dutch’s patience. He snatched the small guy in front of him and shoved him into the Swamp Rat. He kept his hold on the dirty yellow tee shirt, and felt it start to rip as he slung the unbalanced body out of his way so he could use both hands on the Swamp fuck. He grabbed t
he swinging fist coming towards his head and grinned.

  “So, you boys want to play footsies this morning. Damn shame that I’m gonna have to hurt both of you, but that’s what you get when you don’t respect a man’s words. Now, I’ll give you one last chance to leave before I kick your asses.”

  Dutch let go of his intended target and stepped back one step. He stayed strung tight, waiting for the men to make up their minds. Sometimes he hated his ability to read body language. Sure enough they came at him and he grinned.

  For country boys they weren’t very good at scrapping it out. What they didn’t understand or grasp was the idea that Dutch was a trained hand to hand combat instructor. He actually told them that he was a dangerous man, and the idiots laughed at him. “Look boys, get back on your scooters and leave in one piece, or you are going to ruin my morning even more than you already have.”

  He turned his back on them, knowing that if they had any intention of attacking, the time would be then. After all, how else would two dirty fuckers like these guys fight? They knew that they wouldn’t win in a fair fight, so his back was their best target. He heard the shuffle of boots and felt the swing of a fist before ducking and whipping around to face them with a grin.

  “I hoped that you’d think that you are tougher than you really are. I haven’t had a good fight in months, and I haven’t killed a dumb motherfucker in weeks. Come on boys, show me what you’ve got.”

  The fight lasted maybe eight minutes tops, and Dutch was breathing a little harder than normal, but not by much. They were sneaky fuckers that worked together like they’d been practicing each move for years. He was lucky that he’d been ready for them to come at him like the cowards that they were. His elbow took out the little man’s front teeth when he drew back to punch the larger one in the face.


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