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His Perfect Lady

Page 6

by Jenn Langston

  Despite her previous objections, she threw herself into the kiss, encouraging him further. Her hands dove into his hair, ensuring he couldn’t move. His body throbbed as he backed her up against a tree. The need to possess her and end his obsession clouded his mind.

  Sliding his hand up her back to her shoulders, he gripped the delicate material. On the verge of ripping the fabric off her, he stopped and took a few steps away from her tempting body. Looking at her parted swollen lips nearly sent him back to her.

  His breath came in gasps as he surveyed her passion—filled face. Desire suited her well and made him wonder what she’d look like in the throes of passion. Thinking of how her husbands had been privy to the sight denied to him forced him to swallow down a lump of anger. She’d chosen those other men over him.

  “I’m sorry,” he said when he found his voice. “I took that too far.”

  She patted her hair and cleared her voice before responding. “Yes, but I didn’t exactly do anything to discourage you.”

  “Well, I am irresistible.” He shot her his cockiest grin before offering his arm.

  Her laughter washed over him as she accepted his escort. They didn’t speak further as they ventured back to the path and continued on their stroll. All the while her body taunted him with each slight brush against him. The day quickly lost some of its luster as Jonathan could only wish for the night. And Catherine in his bed.

  When they arrived back into a more populated area, he turned to her. Although he hated to leave her, taking her home would cause too much talk.

  “Save me a dance at the next ball,” he whispered as he took her hand and brushed his mouth across the back of her glove.

  She bit her lip and nodded.

  Having what he sought, Jonathan inclined his head and then exited the park without looking back. He’d successfully worn down her resolve, and before long, he’d reap the rewards of his pursuit.

  Catherine sat in the library reading the same page over and over. She couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything other than the kiss she shared with Jonathan yesterday. His purpose of inviting her to Hyde Park still remained unclear, but she couldn’t bring herself to regret her decision to answer his summons.

  Remembering the warmth of his lips on hers, she brought her fingers up to her mouth. He awakened feelings inside of her she thought long dormant.

  “What are you doing here?” Kenneth’s muffled voice demanded.

  Her head shot up, and she glanced around looking for her cousin. He wasn’t in the room, therefore he wasn’t speaking to her.

  “I told you never to contact me here.” Kenneth’s voice cut with anger.

  The response came much too quietly for her to hear.

  “He won’t do it. I tried. Wait, I can’t talk right now. I’ll meet you tonight at the usual place.”

  After a few more barely audible sounds, Catherine heard footsteps. She shook her head at her cousin. Kenneth seemed incapable of keeping himself out of trouble. However this sounded like something worse than a gambling debt. She debated telling her uncle, but she couldn’t approach him without more information.

  “Ah, cousin, I didn’t know you were here.”

  Catherine jumped at Kenneth’s voice. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  Her heart hammered in her chest. Would he know she heard his whispered conversation? Would he care?

  Kenneth laughed, his face appearing at ease as he sank into a chair, propping his feet up on the center table. “Thinking of what you will wear to Lady Laramie’s ball tonight?”

  “No . . . Well, actually I was.” Her blush came naturally. She hated lying, but he gave her a perfect excuse, and she had no intention of refusing it.

  “Women.” He shook his head. “Are you planning on dressing with the theme? I heard she wanted all the ladies in yellows or golds with the men in matching waistcoats.”

  “Yes. I will be wearing gold.”

  Catherine couldn’t keep the excitement from her voice. From what everyone claimed, Lady Laramie hosted extravagant events centered around her travels. She heard the lady never had a guest leave her ball less than satisfied. The theme this evening was to be the desert.

  “I’ve attended her gatherings for years, and I’m always surprised by the amount of money she spends on this one night.” His eyes took on a faraway quality. “When I amass my fortune, I would never waste it on silly parties.”

  Unsure of how to respond, Catherine smiled and nodded. She couldn’t be sure if he referred to gambling or if the conversation in the hallway was his next scheme to acquire funds. Either way, she didn’t want to have anything to do with it.

  “Well, I should probably begin preparing myself for the ball.”

  He nodded, and his laughter followed her out of the room. Thinking about his odd conversation made her uncomfortable, but she refused to allow thoughts of her cousin to ruin her enjoyment tonight. Her uncle had paid handsomely for her costume, and she couldn’t wait to wear it. The delicate gold material had shimmered in the light and flowed behind her as she walked. In addition, strips of the same material would be woven in with her golden ringlets.

  Everyone would be attired similarly, but she hoped Jonathan would still notice her. The thought stopped her halfway up the stairs, then she stomped the remainder of the way to her bedchamber. Jonathan could never be anything to her, so she needed to stop thinking of him as if he had a place in her life.

  As her maid set about fixing her hair, Catherine’s enthusiasm for the evening wore off. She could lie to everyone else, but she couldn’t lie to herself. She still wanted Jonathan Alastair, even after all these years. Every fiber of her being screamed the simple fact.

  With the curse upon her, she could never marry him, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy his company. Besides, as she thought over his life, he never married or made any indication his intentions leaned in that direction. That is, after she rejected his suit. If neither of them wanted marriage from each other, she didn’t see any harm in stolen kisses.

  By the time she and her uncle arrived at Lady Laramie’s, her spirits had brightened. Excitement bubbled inside of her, not only from the event but also from the possibility of dancing with Jonathan. Uncle Toban didn’t question her overly exuberant self, for which she felt grateful.

  Entering the ballroom took her breath away. The sea of gold women moving across the dance floor with their partners emulated sand blowing across the ground. In addition, the shimmering gold fabric covering the walls and the tables seemed to have a life of its own as it danced along with the music. Exotic animals also decorated the space. The effect was incredible.

  After they greeted Lady Laramie and merged further in the crowd, the heat enveloped her. Judging by the amount of candles placed around the space, Catherine imagined Lady Laramie attempted to recreate the temperature as well as the look.

  The first notes of a waltz filled the air, bringing the glittering couples together. Turning from the dancers, Catherine began to look for a place to situate herself when goose bumps ran up her arms. Twirling around, she saw Jonathan coming toward her. Heart hammering in her chest, she stood immobile, waiting for him.

  “You look incredible.”

  His voice was sensual, bringing as much heat to her as the desert air. As his gaze flowed down to her toes, her breath caught. His dark eyes devoured her as they ascended back up her body.

  “I believe this is my dance.”

  Without a word, she allowed him to sweep her into his arms. Although she’d danced the waltz many times before, with Jonathan the dance became something more. It felt indecent to move with him in such a sensual manner in front of so many people.

  Her back burned where his arm rested and each movement shot tremors through her body. Halfway through the dance, her legs became so numb with desire she wasn’t sure she’d be able to finish waltzing. Luckily Jonathan’s skill enabled her to continue along with his guidance.

  “How can you be tired already? You�
�ve only just arrived,” he asked, obviously noticing her dwindling ability.

  His words helped to clear up some of the lust throbbing through her veins.

  “I’m simply testing your skills at leading a less-than-proficient partner.” Her voice came out breathless.

  “Ah, I see. So, do I pass?”

  Watching his twitching lips proved to be a mistake. Joy seemed to be an inherent part of him. She was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Those bugs flew to their deaths, and she hoped she’d be wiser than they.

  “I . . . I don’t know.”

  “Stop it.” His whisper only served to ignite her already sensitive body. “Your face, although enchanting, proclaims to all around that our relationship has escalated beyond what is proper.”

  She dropped her gaze but was unable to answer. His gentle laughter washed over her and did nothing to cool her ardor.

  “Come on, just a few more bars then I can whisk you away to wherever you wish.”

  Although his demeanor portrayed to everyone how unaffected he was, she felt the truth in his body. He held himself rigid, making her want to rub the tight muscles she felt under her fingertips. His hand at her back moved faster than the music. Knowing she could affect him gave her a heady feeling. When the last note sounded, she nearly sagged in relief.

  “Allow me to take you into the oasis.” Jonathan’s raspy voice made her shiver despite the heat.

  Anxious to be alone with him, oasis or not, she nodded and allowed him to escort her off the dance floor. As they passed the dancers, she caught Evelyn’s eye. She shot Catherine a smug look then peered up at Lord Dudgery with an openly flirtatious smile. Then Catherine saw her push her chest further out, allowing him a view of her overabundant cleavage. Shocked, Catherine turned away.

  Evelyn had obviously hoped to make Catherine jealous of Lord Dudgery’s attention, but the plan didn’t work. Part of Catherine wanted to point out that on Jonathan’s arm, she clearly had the better catch, but she resisted the urge. Lord Dudgery was a marrying man, while Jonathan didn’t fall anywhere near that category.

  “Are you enjoying the décor?” Jonathan’s voice pulled her from her thoughts of Evelyn.

  “Yes. Lady Laramie is quite skilled to be able to put together such an extravagant event.”

  “Wait until you see this.” With that, he swept her onto the terrace.

  Her eyes widened as her hand flew to her chest. Before her was a large waterfall constructed out of various shades of blue material. An array of cloths and ribbons ran down the length of it in strips. The gentle blowing of the wind gave off the effect that water actually flowed down the rocks. Never in her life had she seen such a glorious spectacle.

  “It’s breathtaking,” she breathed, clutching Jonathan’s arm with her free hand. Something about witnessing this with him made the moment more special.

  “On its own, but it pales in comparison to you. I’ve been remiss in my worship of your beauty tonight. You are absolutely ravishing.”

  Catherine ducked her head as heat crawled up her cheeks. “Thank you.”

  “Why do you hide your face? It needs to be seen. To be enjoyed.”

  Her skin burned hotter, but she lifted her head regardless. Jonathan chuckled and then led her around the waterfall and into the gardens. More spectacular sights awaited her as she inspected the exotic plants and flowers surrounding the pathways and integrated throughout the lawns. Statues of monkeys and various other wildlife she’d never encountered greeted them through their walk.

  Everything was green and bright. She sucked in a breath, loving the fresh scent of the plants and a floral bouquet she’d never enjoyed before. When coming upon a more private path, Jonathan stopped and sat her on a bench surrounded by flowers. She felt like a queen upon her throne.

  “So do you approve of the desert decorations?” Jonathan asked in a conversational tone.

  She tilted her head to the side. “Do you believe anyone could answer that question in the negative?”

  “I suppose not.” He remained standing across the path from her.

  She wanted to tell him to sit beside her or to demand he kiss her again, but she bit her tongue.

  “Is it always like this?”

  “A different theme, but yes. Lady Laramie is known for taking an aspect of one of her travels and sensationalizing it. I attend every year and am never disappointed.”

  “I hope I will be able to return next year.”

  She looked down at the flowers as she thought about next year. By that time she probably would have married her third husband and possibly buried him just as quickly. Perhaps then, her uncle would turn her funds over to her, and she could live in London. Then she wouldn’t have to worry about husbands or being cursed.

  Jonathan watched her with intensity in his eyes. “I could—”

  “There you are,” Lord Dudgery said, huffing and puffing, most likely from the exertion. “I saw the two of you come out here but lost you.”

  “Mrs. Gates expressed an interest in viewing the oasis, so I obliged,” Jonathan smoothly inserted.

  Catherine nodded with a small smile. She had no desire to upset Lord Dudgery if he wanted to take a chance with the curse and marry her, but she wished him anywhere but here. Frustration crept over her, making her tightly clasp her hands in her lap to stop them from giving away her thoughts.

  “Wonderful. Now, Mrs. Gates, you owe me a dance. Please allow me to escort you back onto the dance floor.” The earl extended his arm and offered her a sweet smile.

  One glance at Jonathan’s face told her he didn’t intend to intercede. Without a choice, she allowed Lord Dudgery to take her further away from Jonathan. It took every ounce of willpower she had to keep from glancing back to see if he followed them. Did he even care that the earl took her from him?

  The remainder of the night she had no opportunity to speak with Jonathan. He didn’t approach her for another dance or for any other purpose, but she noticed who received his attention. He divided his time on the dance floor between two stunning women. One had hair as dark as midnight and the other as red as the sunset. Two different women who looked nothing like her.

  Unjustified jealousy burned within her, and she could do nothing but swallow it down. She didn’t own him and couldn’t expect him to act differently now than he did before she arrived.

  Regardless of the other women, she wanted to spend more time with him, and perhaps share another kiss or two. Thinking of his lips on hers brought back the burning within her body. She couldn’t wait to see him alone again.

  Over the years, she could only think of one possible way to remove the curse from herself. As her eyes followed Jonathan as he spun the redhead around the room, she realized he’d be perfect. With any luck, he could help her remove her curse before anyone else died.

  Chapter 5

  “It feels different to be back at the old place,” Richard commented.

  Jonathan sat with Richard and Greyson at a table in the back of Ravenhurst. Sitting here reminded him of the carefree days before his two friends married, and before he inherited Linwood.

  Greyson shrugged. “I don’t see why. The club hasn’t changed.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Jonathan observed. “When you both sold your portions to me, you didn’t set any stipulations for me to follow. Therefore any issues you have are irrelevant.”

  Richard laughed but Greyson merely looked around with his typical emotionless, albeit slightly disdainful, face. Marriage had only marginally altered his friends. Although Jonathan had no intention of following them into a wedded state, a pang of jealousy struck him. He had a cold bed awaiting him while his friends had a warm woman.

  Images of Catherine filled his mind. Last night, she’d been so sensitive to the slightest touch. After the dance he’d almost led her somewhere private to take what she would have willingly given. However, the magic of the night had stopped him. Lady Laramie’s ball had seduced her, not him. He refused to
do anything she’d regret the next day.

  “Has any more trouble arisen at Ravenhurst?” Richard’s question pulled him from his fixation with Catherine.

  “Not since the two of you left. Just a little more proof that everyone likes me best.” Jonathan grinned as he leaned back and put his hands behind his head.

  “I’m sure that was the problem,” Greyson murmured in a dry tone.

  “Why don’t you tell me—the happy unattached bachelor—how your leg-shackling is going. You both look miserable.”

  To his surprise, both Richard and Greyson smiled. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Greyson show such a joyous face. Relief engulfed Jonathan to see both his friends so pleased. The three of them had become so close over the years that Jonathan was content to share in their happiness.

  “Brianna is still as calm and obedient as ever. She simply sits at hand all day awaiting my beck and call,” Richard boasted with a straight face, sending Jonathan and Greyson into a round of laughter.

  Richard’s wife was the most wild and unpredictable woman Jonathan had ever met. Although he liked Brianna, he preferred his women more tame, someone with Catherine’s temperament.

  “And you?” Jonathan turned to Greyson. “How are you treating my dear, sweet Abigail?”

  “She’s keeping me in line. I never should have taught her how to play cards. When she wants something I’m not too keen on, we settle it with a game. Typically it ends with . . . Well, she gets her way.”

  Jonathan smiled, glad to hear Abigail had come out of her shell. When Greyson had been recovering from a bullet wound, Jonathan had gotten close to her and witnessed the woman she hid on the inside. Luckily Greyson possessed the patience to coax her to be herself. Catherine would never need to be cajoled to act naturally, and he appreciated that about her.


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