Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1) Page 13

by Rachael Tonks

  I’m in the middle of flipping the pancakes when I hear the light patter of her feet heading towards the kitchen. I turn to look at her and my whole body freezes. God damn, she looks hot in my football jersey.

  “Ken, seriously girl, you are killing me. Wow… I mean wow… you look amazing in my jersey. In fact, I think you should wear it every day so everyone at school knows you’re mine,” I say teasingly.

  “Don't be silly Cole,” she giggles. “I think everyone already knows I’m yours and have been since day one. Don't go all caveman on me now.”

  I place the pancakes in front of her and lean down to bow at her feet.

  “Breakfast my lady.”

  “This looks great. You should have woken me; I would have helped.”

  “I wanted to do this for you, nothing is too much trouble for you baby. Plus, I wanted to treat you like a princess today.”

  She smiles at me shyly and starts to dig in. As soon as she puts the food in her mouth she groans with pleasure and, to be honest, it turns me on. To be fair though, anything this girl does turns me on. I wonder if she would be up for a little play time in the shower with me this morning before we head out. I don't want to push her but Jesus, she’s turned me into a horny teenager, when I’m around her. I just can’t help myself!

  She finishes her pancakes and grabs both of our plates, carrying them to the sink. The jersey she wears only just covers her round peachy ass and as she sways towards the sink, I see the bottom of her lace panties peeking out. My cock stirs. I like to say I have some restraint, but honestly, I have zero with her, and I can’t stand not touching her any longer. I stride towards her as she reaches the sink. Just as she turns, I grab her around the waist and place her on the kitchen counter. She automatically opens her legs and I nestle in and kiss her beautiful lips. She doesn’t push me away; instead embracing me and pulling me closer. She pulls on the back of my hair and I let out a groan. This only seems to spur her on and she kisses me with more ferocity. It seems I have awoken the fire in Kennedy this morning. She moves her lips along my jaw and up to my ear, biting down. I guess she is taking control this morning.

  “I want to taste you, Cole,” she whispers in my ear. The words sound so sexy leaving her lips, and I know when she wraps them around me I won't last long. I almost come in my pants just thinking about it.

  With a sexy look in her eye, she slowly slides off the counter, pushing me back. She touches the top of my pajama bottoms and casually lowers them. My rock hard shaft springs free. It's always hard when she is around. She gradually lowers to the floor and kneels right in front of me; I think it’s the sexiest thing I have ever seen. My cock twitches and I let out a loud moan as she takes the tip in her mouth. Fucking hell, it feels amazing already and she has barely begun. She starts to lower her mouth, taking me in further and further before slowly drawing back up; the sensation is unbearable. She starts to pick up pace, bobbing up and down, controlling my dick with her hand and her mouth as she licks and sucks. Glancing up, she meets my eye, looking at me with a wickedly erotic gaze.

  She runs her tongue over my balls, placing them in her mouth and sucking gently while fisting my cock. She moves back up and works her tongue expertly around the head; licking and tasting. I can feel my cock begin to bead as the she is licking, sucking and teasing me over and over. She works relentlessly; taking me deeper and deeper. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold on. I grab her head, frantically moving her harder as I work towards my release. I hear the moans escape my mouth. “Keep going… I'm nearly there!” I shout. I thrust hard one last time, hitting the back of her throat. Kennedy lets out a hum and it’s all I needed to throw me over the edge. My cock pulsates rapidly as I release into her mouth. She continues to suck, a little more gently now, working the end with her tongue. I grab under her arms and pull her into an embrace.

  “Thank you baby, that was totally amazing, without a doubt the best start to the day I’ve ever had.”

  I glance at the time and realize we need to get a move on. We arranged to meet the guys at the bowling alley at 12 and it's already nearly 11 now.

  “We need to make a move baby; you want to shower together to save time?” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively. Ken just swats my arm and dashes up the stairs. I lose track of her as I reach the top. I hear the faint sound of water running so head in that direction.

  The bathroom door is slightly ajar and steam seeps through the door. I feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins; the prickle of excitement at the back of my neck and the base of my spine as I think about Kennedy's naked, wet body. My arousal becomes obvious by the time I reach the bathroom; I’m seriously ready to go again. Steam hits me as I step through the door. I see my jersey on the floor and Kennedy's silhouette behind the frosted shower screen. I race to remove the few items of clothing keeping me from ravaging this little beauty.

  As I step in, I see Ken's body covered in droplets of water as it cascades over her head and down her body. Her tits look full and her nipples are erect, as if waiting for me latch on and pleasure her until she is screaming my god damn name. I throw her arms above her head, holding them in place with one hand gripping her wrists tightly. My gaze locks onto her beautiful blue eyes; god damn I want her so bad, I want to taste her. Our lips crash together and she stifles a gasp as I work my fingers into her pussy; damn she is so wet for me. We kiss passionately, consuming each other. I want to devour her. Breaking our kiss, I move down her neck; kissing and sucking my way towards her plush breasts. I feel her breathing speed up as I work my tongue over her full bosom. The tip of my cock is rested at her entrance and she pushes towards me, working up and down as the head of my cock rubs her clit. She groans at the friction.

  “Please Cole, I need to feel you. I need to feel all of you.”

  With one swift movement, I roughly thrust into her; I’m eager and drive deep with each movement. Her moans are like music to my ears as I drive relentlessly into her. I feel her sex grabbing my cock tighter with each powerful thrust. We are both close, riding the wave together. Fuck she feels amazing. I drive harder and harder. Long strokes sending me closer and closer to the end. I let out a deep moan as I plummet over the edge, taking her with me. I feel her become tighter, complimenting my pulsating cock.

  Through panting breathes she whispers, “So good, Cole.” Our heads touch as we both lean in.

  “You are amazing, damn that was so fucking good.”


  We arrive fashionably late to meet the guys; their response was a lot of hollering and hooting as we entered, as if they knew the reason why. I spot Abbey sitting very closely to Jake; her face plastered with a smile that reaches from ear to ear. I wonder what that’s about.

  We each grab a drink before heading over to the bowling alley. This is my first time bowling and I know I'm going to suck. Cole gets close, leaning into me as he shows me how to position and roll the ball. I feel his breath against my ear which causes the flutter in my stomach to re-appear. He has this crazy effect on me which is second to none. I notice that Abbey also claims to not be very good at bowling. I think she secretly hopes to have the same effect on Jake. They are clearly getting along well, but I'm not sure whether they have reached the same point as we have in our relationship. Watching them, they seem a bit awkward; you can practically see the sexual tension between them though. Cole, Ash and I bowl together while Jake, Pete and Abbey are in the lane next to ours. Ash is extremely good, better than Cole and Jake.

  “Yes dude! Another strike,” Cole exclaims, high fiving Ash. “Man you're really good at this; you are wiping the floor with everyone else.”

  He gives me a sideways glance and lets out a little chuckle as I scowl at him. Cole can be so playful at times, and I can't help but love it when he teases me.

  “Twenty on me getting the highest score,” Pete bellows over at Ash.

  Ash contemplates his words, nodding to accept the challenge.

  “Only twenty Pete? You scared of losing, huh

  “No fucking way am I losing punk! Let’s raise the stakes then, say fifty? Yeah, or are you too much of a pussy?”

  Ash grimaces back at Pete. “You’re on dick head, winner takes fifty!”

  As the boys continue their ego match, the rest of us just sit back and watch to see who the winner will be. My money is on Ash; he seems to have a natural flair at this bowling game.

  “And the scores are in guys,” Jake announces. “The winner is...” with a long suspense filled pause, we hear a sudden unwanted, yet familiar voice.

  “Well… well… well, look who it is? The Motherfucking misfits!” I feel the color in my face drain.

  Pete turns to meet the face of the voice. I don't need to; I already know who it is. “Fuck Dennis, good to see you man, how are you? Didn’t know you were out of the hospital. You’re looking better than you did, it has to be said.”

  “Yeah, I’m back and in full form; not that any of you fuckers showed any concern while I was left for dead and laid up in the hospital. Fucking Caitlin’s been my rock you know, that chick is awesome. She fucked me into recovery,” he laughs with a droll echo to his voice.

  Abbey barges past me and points her skinny finger inches away from Dennis’ face.

  “Just fuck off Dennis, we all know what you’ve done and quite frankly nobody wants you here; go spread your poison somewhere else.”

  “Back up pixie bitch, no one gives a fuck what you’ve gotta say,” Dennis growls with his nostrils flared and chest puffing out. Jake jumps between the two of them; Abbey is a total firecracker but no match for Dennis.

  “Hey back up man, don’t you think you’ve pissed enough people off?” Jake lightly pushes back on his chest trying to diffuse the situation.

  I can see Cole’s entire body straining, literally using every inch of will power to stop himself from losing it completely. His fists are balled and I can see his breathing has turned rapid. I turn to him and put my hand on his face, directing his attention to me. I bite my lip and lean to whisper in his ear, “Please don’t lose it baby, I want you in bed with me tonight, not in a cell. Don’t let him spoil things.”

  His emerald green eyes meet mine as we gaze at each other. His lips start to move, mouthing the words ‘I love you baby’. I close my eyes and slowly reach in to kiss him tenderly. For the time being my tactic has worked.

  We whip our heads at the sound of screeching.

  “Get a fucking room you two; nobody wants to see you eating each other’s face off!”

  Cole glares at the owner of the voice.

  “Shut the fuck up and get back under the rock you came from Caitlin, you two fucking deserve each other,” he growls, pointing between her and Dennis.

  “Let’s get back to the game guys,” Cole shouts to the rest of the group.

  Needless to say, as I predicted, Ash beat Pete by just one point. Pete refused to accept defeat and was adamant that the scores had been fixed; which they totally hadn’t. Talk about sore loser. Cole has been quiet and a little moody since Caitlin and Dennis showed up. The two of them hung around for a bit, but eventually took off when they realized we weren't going to take their bait. I think even Pete and Jake were starting to see what a dick Dennis is. Abbey had gone all gooey eyed since Jake had stepped in to stop Dennis and his impending tirade, and she was adamant this was his ultimate declaration of love for her. That girl was a hopeless romantic; I truly hoped that Jake did in fact like her, or she was going to be one hell of a disappointed pixie!


  I can’t believe that those fuckers turned up last night at bowling, which ultimately means, without a shadow of a doubt, they were going to be giving us shit this week at school. I didn’t sleep well at all last night for two reasons really, the first being Kennedy. She was so restless again; thrashing and crying out in her sleep. But this whole thing with Dennis was also weighing heavily on my mind. Jake said that the police had been to visit him and they were struggling to find evidence of who had hit him. The whole incident has fucked with my head, knowing what I did was wrong, but also knowing that the fucker deserved it, doesn’t make the guilt any easier to live with. I can’t believe I let the bastard get under my skin. I’m pretty sure he’s doing all he can to piss me off and I have to say it’s working. We have practice tonight after school. I’m not sure whether Dennis will be deemed fit to practice but I’m sure he’ll be there to stir the pot.

  I’ve been up since the crack of dawn, so I get dressed and make breakfast for Ken. As she makes her way down the staircase, my breath catches in my throat. I am mesmerized by her beauty. Her hair is wavy and tumbles loosely down her back and her face is lit up like a Christmas tree as she shoots me a smile. I already cannot imagine my life without her; I feel like she was brought to me for a reason and I want to be her man, her savior, her everything. I know at some point we need to sit down and discuss the whole nightmare thing. If we are going to work at our relationship she really needs to open up to me. Damn… Why won’t she tell me about herself?

  “Hey baby.” I pull her in for a kiss, flicking her hair to the side as I work down her neck to her collarbone. “Hmm, you smell delicious, good enough to eat!”

  “Down boy, the only thing you’ll be eating is this scrumptious looking breakfast. A girl could get used to this treatment. Thanks Cole.” She grabs a slice of toast, biting into it, and bounces out of the kitchen in to the living room.

  After another long ass day at school, I kiss Kennedy as she leaves to study with Ash and Abbey then head to the changing rooms to get prepped for practice. All the guys are there as we set up, with thankfully no sign of Dennis. Yet.

  We are on the field during our preseason practice when I hear the unwanted drone of his voice.

  “Cole, you tackle like a fucking pussy, you totally lost it since you starting screwing that fucking weirdo!” I glare at Dennis, itching to kick that motherfucker’s ass.

  Jake is by my side in seconds. “Just ignore him bro, punk ass has gone crazy.”

  “Yeah I know man, but I can’t stand to hear him bad mouth Ken. She has done jack shit wrong, unlike that sicko!”

  “I don’t know what’s going on in his head, that guy has really changed.”

  “He’s just showing his true colors now; some have just been blind to it that’s all.” I glance over at him. He’s clearly taunting me but I can’t afford to get in any more trouble at school; I’m on my last warning after the fight with Dennis. I turn and continue our practice, ignoring his relentless taunts.

  After practice we head to get changed. Within seconds, Dennis is at the door shooting off his mouth again.

  “So Cole, how’s that weirdo piece of ass working out for you? She’s a sure thing isn’t she? I can vouch for that.”

  I feel the anger rise volcanically inside of me. I snap and lurch for him. Before my fist can make contact, Pete and our quarterback Cage hold me back and coach jumps between us. Coach is a real big guy, with a scary ass face. He roars scathingly, “If you don’t get out of here, I will be dragging your sorry ass to the principal’s office. Don’t you come to my practices trying to wind my players up! Do not return until you get your shit together. You are out of line Dennis, and asking for an ass kicking!” Coach’s face is red and he’s clearly pissed.

  Dennis storms out, shouting, “Fuck this!” over his shoulder.

  “And you Cole, sort this out with you and Dennis. I'm not having my two best men at each other’s throats,” he roars.

  I hold my hands up in surrender. “This isn’t anything to do with me coach; Dennis is the one with the chip on his shoulder.”


  This has been a long, difficult week at school and I am so happy it’s finally the weekend. I know it’s been hard for Cole, especially since Dennis showed up again. I heard about his taunts during practice and I’m surprised Cole didn't jump him. I know he feels very protective over me.

  I’ve been sleeping better since Cole and I have been together. Each ni
ght when the Peterson’s are in bed he sneaks in and lies with me. I love how his strong arms feel when he is spooning me; cocooning me in his warm embrace. Cole has made a few comments about me sleep talking, but I have no recollection of the outbursts. I do remember some of the dreams and I know they are bad. Images and thoughts of the past still haunt me; I shudder, remembering the horrors of the life I left behind.

  Abbey is coming over tonight. We are going out to a party the boys have been constantly talking about all week. It’s being held at an underground club; apparently they put on these nights a few times a year, but it is very hush hush due to the underage drinking. The parties are arranged by some of the older College guys, specifically for the High School kids. I can tell Cole is really pumped about it; apparently these nights are legendary, and he’s ready to have a total blow out after this week at school. Dennis and Caitlin seem to be so focused on making things shitty for us both, but we won’t let them drag us down.

  Abbey arrives with bags of clothes in hand. She brought some beautiful dresses and I choose a stunning, figure hugging black number. Abbey is wearing a really short assed dress in the hopes of seducing Jake; apparently tonight’s the night!

  We pull up to the old warehouse and it is literally in the middle of nowhere, down a creepy dirt road. As we approach, we can hear the music pounding. Abbey looks at me and starts bouncing in her seat, clapping her hands together in excitement. “Are you just a little bit excited Ab’s?” My tone is sarcastic.

  “Oh Kennedy, I’m so freaking happy right now, I’ve heard so much about these parties but I’ve never been cool enough to get invited. Thanks to you, baby girl, I am now totally cool enough.” She leans in linking arms. I laugh at her comments as I look through the window towards the building. I see Cole, Ash, Jake and Pete standing outside, drinks in hand. My heart starts to beat rapidly as I make eye contact with Cole. He looks so fine; his biceps tensing as he lifts the cup to his mouth, the dark grey top showing every one of his rippled muscles. I can feel my excitement building just by staring at him.


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