Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1) Page 21

by Rachael Tonks

  “Wait Cole, we haven't even said goodbye to the guys,” I gasp. He doesn’t listen, just continues to head out the door. I shout back to them, waving as we make our swift exit. And just like that we are gone, in the truck and on our way home. I feel like Cole may have an ulterior motive for wanting to get me home quickly.

  As I rest my head back into the seat, I feel my eyes closing with the rocking motion of the truck.

  The next thing I know, I'm being carried up the stairs and placed softly onto my bed. I feel Cole pull over the covers as he slips in beside me. His bulky forearm rests over my hip and his hand is lovingly touching my stomach; the caress of his thumb rubbing back and forth. I reach my hand over my shoulder to touch his face, no longer half asleep; I feel the need for him with every caressing touch. His rough palms work down into the band of my pants as he begins to work his skilled fingers into my panties, finding my clit.

  A small moan escapes my mouth as he works me gently but with such precision. I buck into the movements as he works his fingers between my folds and into me. I frantically clutch his hair with my hands as he continues to work, breathing deeper with each repetition. I have needed this for such a long time and my heart accelerates at his touch. I feel his hardness pressing into the back of me and I reach to take him in my hand, stroking and caressing him. His chest heaves against my back as he begins to pant.

  He suddenly moves, laying me flat on my back.

  Removing my bottoms, he gently moves down, kissing and nibbling my inside leg. Slowly pushing my legs apart, his kisses move lower until he reaches my sex.

  His mouth is moving constantly, kissing, nipping, and licking; causing my body to jerk, my hips bucking when he makes contact with my clit. Needing, wanting, more as the pressure builds inside.

  “I need you Cole, I need to feel you inside me… please,” I was practically begging for more. He makes his way upwards, cupping my cheek in his hand.

  “I need you too baby but you know we can't, this can't go any further,” his breathing is shallow and he has a doleful expression on his face.

  “The doctor said it was okay Cole, don't overthink this,” I try to reassure him but he just stares back at me with a pained look on his face. He pulls back before asking,

  “Are you sure? I mean really, really sure about this Ken?”

  “Please Cole, I need you, I need to feel you,” I plead with him. My need is growing.

  He looks away and I feel his weight shift as he grabs my ass, repositioning me on the bed. My legs wrap around him tightly as he takes his dick, pumping a few times before entering me gently. He groans as he takes me, entering me easily as my juices ease him in.

  His movements are soft and shallow, his expert fingers working my clit as he moves rhythmically.

  I let out a low moan as the build intensifies; his head drops to my neck as he kisses sweetly, nipping at my ear. I start thrusting back, encouraging him to take me deeper.

  We move together in time as I feel the sudden build and spontaneous throb as I explode around him. He continues to thrust over and over and I can feel him getting deeper with desperation. I hear a growl as he stills; his release obvious as I feel the throbbing of his cock inside me.

  His eyes meet mine as we both gather ourselves. “Are you okay?” His voice is full of worry and I sense his agitation.

  “I feel fine, I'm sure everything's good, stop worrying Cole.”

  “Please go check; I need to know that you are okay. Do you want me to come to the bathroom with you?” His words are rambling.

  “I'll go and clean up, you wait here.” I step off the bed, throw on my robe and head to the bathroom.

  I use the toilet, wiping hesitantly between my legs as my hands shake tremendously. I check the toilet paper and thankfully there is nothing. I stop for a second, taking in a deep breath.

  I clean myself with a wash cloth and head back over to the bedroom. As soon as I step in, Cole asks, “Well, are you okay?”

  “I'm fine Cole, all normal just as the doctor said,” I comfort. His solemn face lifts to a jaw dropping smile. He takes my hand, pulling me onto the bed, holding me tightly as we lay there in our post sex euphoria.

  Monday morning school blues have kicked in. We have had a fantastic weekend, and I know this week is going to be a killer at school. The pregnancy is causing me to feel really drained; I need to remember to ask the doctor about this at my next appointment.

  I finally remembered to bring my ultrasound picture to show Abbey and Ash, and as I put my bag into my locker, I slip it into my next text book so I can show them both. Cole kisses me goodbye and goes in the opposite direction to his first class. I wander down the hall in a world of my own, feeling as happy and dazed as I always do after Cole kisses me. I don't even realize I have walked straight into someone. Luckily I managed to hold my footing but my books go flying everywhere. I start to apologize profusely to the person I ran into until I realize who it is crouched down on the floor looking at something. Great, the day has just turned from good too bad in the space of 60 seconds. She has something in her hands and I feel my face go sheet white when I realize what it is.

  “Oh now this is interesting,” she snarls, tapping the picture in her hand. “You really are a little homewrecker aren't you? Cole said nothing was going on when we were together. He really is the biggest liar I have ever met. And you. Don't even get me started on you. You’re a…”

  I don't even let her finish before I snatch the picture out of her hand. I hate the way she is talking about Cole and I immediately jump to his defense.

  “Caitlin you don't know anything so why don't you mind your own business and keep your mouth shut! Cole isn't even the father so he is not the big liar you are making him out to be.”

  Shit! I can't believe I just blurted that out. Fuck, I didn’t want people to find out this way!

  “Jesus, I know I call you a slut but I never really thought you had the balls. You really are nothing but a stupid little whore,” she replies snidely.

  “I would suggest you keep that big mouth of yours shut and kindly move out my way. I’m not taking any more of your bullshit Caitlin. Now!” I roar, looking directly in her eyes so she knows I am being deadly serious.

  She curtsies at me and steps to the side. “With pleasure,” she mutters with a giant, sarcastic smile on her face. What a total bitch

  I know that smile and I know it means trouble. I need to find Cole and tell him as soon as the first class is over before the rumor mill begins. I feel my adrenaline pumping as panic takes over.

  I couldn't concentrate all through class, and when the bell rang, I ran towards to the door in search of Cole. I find him standing by my locker and the look on his face tells me he already knows. His face is red and his jaw is clenched.

  I slow down and walk towards him. Just as I am about to say something, Cole loosely grabs my arm and steers me towards the Gym.

  “We need to talk Kennedy. Now.”

  “Please don't be angry Cole, just let me explain.”

  “I think it would be better to have this conversation in private since you seem to have a habit of blurting out our business,” he snaps nastily. He really is mad and I know it’s all my fault.

  He lets go of my arm as we walk into the privacy of the Gym.

  “How could you Kennedy? And to Caitlin of all people. Do realize how much trouble she is going to cause? She has a habit of twisting things and manipulating them, you know this! How could you?”

  “I am so sorry Cole. She saw the picture and accused you of cheating on her. I was trying to defend you; I didn't really know what else to say to her. She was going to find out anyway I guess; I just don't understand why you are so angry at me. I'm sorry I made a mistake!”

  “Defend me Kennedy? Christ, I don’t need you to look after me, that's my job. I thought we discussed this and I thought I was going to be this child's father. Is this what it’s going to be like in the future?”

  His eyes are like dagger
s as he glares at me. I feel my body tremble under his harsh glare.

  “What do you mean Cole?” I’m holding back the tears trying to be strong.

  “Well if we ever disagree on anything, am I going to get it thrown in my face? Is this how it’s going to be, you blurting out that I am not her biological father?” He pauses, running his hand down and over his face, letting out a huge sigh. “This is not how I saw this panning out, I thought you understood that?”

  “But Cole…” I try to speak but he is so enraged he cuts me off. “I won’t have a say in this baby's life will I? Is that how it's going to be Ken?”

  “Why are you saying this Cole? Have your realized you just don’t you want me anymore and this is your way out? Are you just using this as an excuse to get out of this whole situation, because that’s certainly how it feels right now,” I spit back at him.

  “That’s not what I am saying Kennedy and you know it. Don't make this about me. This is about you and whether you want me to be in this with you as equals. Partners. I don't want to be a step daddy. I don't want you throwing it in my face every time we have an argument that I'm not her real dad. I want to have an equal say in her life.”

  I can't stop the tears that roll down my face. I want to be strong, but Cole's words are affecting me more than I want them too. I am stuck for words; I don't know what to say to him.

  “Maybe you need to think about what you want Kennedy? Maybe we need... oh hell I don't know, I just need some time to get my head around this, and work out what the fuck I'm going to say to people when they ask me!”

  He turns on his heels and storms out of the gym, leaving me standing there an emotional wreck.

  I stay standing there, not quite knowing what to do with myself. I have this eerie feeling that someone is in the gym with me. I switch from one angle of the room to the other, but I can't see anyone. As I walk to the door, I hear a loud bang and I turn to where the noise came from but still can't see anyone or anything. I break in to a light sprint, eager to get out of the gym.

  I try to catch my breath, placing my hand on my chest hoping to steady my breathing. I am a nervous wreck and my head is pounding. I set off down the hall in search of Abbey; I totally needed a shoulder to cry on and I know she will understand.

  I catch a glimpse of her red hair in the distance and call out her name

  “Abbey!” She sees me and offers a loose wave. I rush over and her face drops from joy to confusion as I get closer.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, are you ok? Is everything okay,” she gestures towards my tiny bump.

  “Not here, let’s go somewhere private.” I drag her towards the main entrance making our way outside. We walk further away from the school entrance, finding shelter at the side of the building. Abbey grabs my hand tightly but I pull her in for a hug, tears filling my eyes again at the thought of retelling the story.

  “What's wrong Ken, talk to me...”

  I try, but no words come.

  “Is it the baby?”

  I shake my head.

  “Okay, so it's something to do with Cole?” She gently pushes against my shoulders searching for the answer in my face.

  I turn and slump against the wall. “I've made such a mess of everything Ab's.” Sinking to the ground, I hold my head in my hands.

  “Come on girl, it can't be that bad,” she says, shoving a tissue between my knees. Taking it, I wipe my eyes and blow my now dripping nose.

  “I can't do this without him Ab's.”

  “I thought he said he was going to be with you with or without the baby? I'm confused.”

  “That was until that bitch Caitlin knocked the ultrasound picture onto the floor and started presuming shit! She was spouting that she knew we had been at it behind her back; I had to set her straight Abbey, what else could I say?”

  “Oh Ken, you don't have to tell that stuck up bitch a god damn thing, what exactly did you say to her?”

  “I told her the baby wasn't Cole's; now he thinks I don't want him to be the father. He said he's worried this is how it will be from now on! DAMMIT,” I shout, furious at my own words.

  Abbey puts her arm around me. “Shit girl, I see why you told her that, but I also see why Cole might be a little upset about this. You know what the gossips are like, especially as you blurted it out to gossip bitch number one!”

  I turn my head to search in the direction of a thudding sound which seems to be getting louder by the second.


  “You hear that Abbey?”

  “Yeah sounds like someone is coming, quick let’s make a run for it.” Grabbing my hand, she pulls me to my feet. As we round the wall, I look back seeing a vague figure of a male, but not making out who it was exactly.

  “Let's go grab a coffee, we are way too late to walk into Physics now and Mr. Thom will only be angry at us for being late. I don't want detention, do you?” she questions.

  “Uhh no thank you,” I puff out. These school days are tiring enough without us having to stay longer.

  We grab coffee, Abbey offering me advice on the whole situation.

  “Stay at my house tonight, give Cole some space tomorrow. Once he's calmed down and really thought about it, he'll be back sweetie.”

  “Really? Do you think we will be okay after this? I'm scared I've made Cole look like a fool, I'm not sure he'll forgive me for that!”

  “Girl that boy is madly, deeply and truly in love with you! He will be fine, just give it time!”

  I sip my coffee smiling at Abbey. “I hope so Ab's, I love him so much, I can't do this without him.”

  “So... you and me... some girly time tonight?”

  “Sounds great Ab's; can't promise I'll be much fun, I seem to be sleeping a lot these days.”

  “Am I going to get to see the ultrasound pic then?” She lays out her hand in front of me.

  “Oh yes, I totally forgot!” I dig in my bag and hand her the picture. She squeals, holding it to her chest then back out in front of her.

  “Awww! This is sooo amazing,” she coos exaggerating every word.

  “I know it's beautiful isn't it?”

  “I just can't believe the detail Ken. I can't wait to meet this little one. If she's anything like you, she will be the most beautiful baby anyone has ever laid eyes on!” Abbey's excitement is obvious as she reluctantly hands me back the picture.

  I drop my head as I remember I have another prenatal appointment soon. Abbey looks at me with a half-smile, “What's wrong now?”

  “Nothing... it's just... I have another hospital appointment coming up, I really wanted Cole there with me, but I'm not sure whether we will be in a good place before then.” She gasps.

  “Say no more! I will be your stand in, should Cole not be at your next appointment! Oh please say yes Ken, I really want to come with you!”

  “That'd be great Ab's. Thank you.” I lean into her arm as the room begins to fill with people coming in for break. The shrill of Caitlin's voice causes me to jump upright.

  “Well if it isn't the jumped up whore! Watch out Abbey, she'll try it with you next, she can't seem to keep her grubby hands to herself!”

  “Just fuck off bitch; go spread your poison somewhere else,” Abbey yells, jumping out of her seat.

  “Come on Ken let's go, there's suddenly a bad smell in here,” she says, darting an evil glare at Caitlin.

  As we head out of the door, I see Cole approaching. I look over at him, trying to catch his eye. He sees me but returns his head into the downward position. As he gets close I put my hand on his arm, stopping him in his tracks. He looks at me and his face is expressionless.

  “Cole please talk to me,” I plead. He brushes my hand away from his arm, “Not now Ken, I'm sorry I can't do this right now!” His eyes are dark and my heart beats erratically at my despair. I have no other choice but to turn and walk away.

  The rest of the day sucks ass. Funny looks, jibes, constant comments, even notes on my locker. People thin
k I'm a whore. I cannot wait to get out of here. I head out of school with Ash and Abbey; we are getting a ride with Mr. Johnson back to Abbey's house. I realize I have forgotten my English textbook so run back to the lockers. “I'll catch up with you guys; just give me a minute okay?”

  They both groan in response as I head back towards the right hall. As I open my locker door and search through looking for the book, I stop dead in my tracks. I sense someone standing behind me. I look over my shoulder but don’t see anyone. Suddenly, my locker door is slammed shut and I stammer back, looking to my right only to see Dennis looking up and down with a smug, evil look on his face.

  “Oh sorry my little kitten, did I make you jump?” He starts to run his finger down my bare arm. “What's wrong Kennedy? Don't you want me to touch you?”

  “Get your fucking hands off me Dennis,” I seethe through gritted teeth.

  “Oh and why should I do that… hey Ken? I hear that Cole doesn't want to be with you now that you’re knocked up. If you’re lonely and in need of companionship, I can help you out.” He leans in closer, almost pinning me against the lockers.

  “I know how much you enjoyed it last time Ken, we could always try the bathroom part two!” His head comes closer as though he is going to kiss me. I sink back into the locker and instinctively bring my knee up sharply, catching Dennis right between the legs. He crouches over, giving me enough time to slip out of his reach. He screams out, “Fucking bitch, you'll pay for this Kennedy, mark my words! You no longer have Cole protecting you!”

  I run as fast as my shaky legs will take me and as I reach the door, I lean over trying to catch my breath. I stop momentarily before walking over to the car.

  Abbey eye's me warily “What took you so long?”

  My hands continue to shake and all I can muster is, “I'll tell you later okay?”

  Abbey gawks at me in total disbelief as I spill the details about my near miss with Dennis.

  “Jesus Ken, what the fuck is that guy's problem?”


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