Crazy Fast Love

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Crazy Fast Love Page 1

by MF Isaacs

  Table of Contents

  Crazy Fast Love




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Chapter Forty-Nine



  About the Author

  Copyright © 2017 M.F. Isaacs

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1545287644

  ISBN-10: 1545287643

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places and events are the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Edited by Krystyn’s Editing and Proofreading

  Proofreading by Brandi Blair

  Cover Design by Cover Me Darling

  Cover Image Dreamstime Stock

  Formatting by Athena Interior Book Design

  For my work girls; past and present.

  Thank you for your love, support and forgiveness.

  My life wouldn’t be the same without each of you.

  Real life isn’t always fun, so thank you for contributing to the fairy tale.


  This is book two in the Crazy Love Series, it is advised that you read book one, Crazy Good Love before reading this.

  I honestly can’t believe Dad is going to follow through with this. He is actually going to let Hannah go to college! Not just any college, but one that is over three hours away from us. It’s crazy to think that I am the oldest, yet she is the first to leave home.

  She is the smartest person I know and my best friend. If it weren’t for her, I would probably have flunked out of high school. I know for sure that I wouldn’t be a junior in college working my way to a bachelor’s degree. Not that I need it, I will work for my dad at one of the seven dealerships he owns until the day he’s ready to sell them to me.

  Not only do I work for my dad, but I still live at home. There is no reason for me to move out, I have complete freedom to do what I want. And now that Hannah won’t be home, I can breathe a sigh of relief that she won’t find out about what I do in my free time. God forbid she gets any ideas based on what I do.

  I grew up with one rule: protect your sister. Seriously, we sheltered her from everything. Only two of my friends have ever been allowed to come over because my dad was convinced all the other guys would try and get in her pants. I couldn’t bring girls over either because my dad didn’t want Hannah to see the way girls behave towards me. Dad knows what’s up; he must know since I look just like him. Sure he swears up and down that my mom was his first, but I don’t believe him for a second.

  It started when I was fourteen years old. Thanks to good genes, I developed muscles long before my friends did. By fourteen, I was already 6’ and with my olive skin and blue eyes, the girls noticed me. I wasn’t complaining. I certainly didn’t complain when Corina Butler offered to suck my dick on the first day of ninth grade. And I didn’t complain when her best friend, Jennifer Hansen, offered the same a week later. And you better believe I didn’t complain when they offered to do it together at the same time! The two of them knew how to make a 14 year-old punk feel like a sex god. By the time I turned 16, I learned that girls were eager to please; all you have to do is pretend to listen to them and tell them they are pretty. I started working at the dealership when I was 17, at which point I had my first experience with an older woman. Can I just say, I felt even more like a sex god! I figured at some point I would want to get married and have kids, but I would sample as many as I can until that time comes. No rush. There are plenty of samples still out there.

  The relationship I have with Hannah is more than just brother and sister. She is the one person who makes me feel like I am more than just a good-looking guy. She doesn’t expect anything from me and I don’t expect anything from her. We hang out because we have fun together. I know she is excited to finally be out of the house; she has these crazy ideas that she will be able to do whatever she wants and we (Dad, Kyler, and I) won’t be able to do anything about it. I can tell you now, I will be putting some serious mileage on my brand-new Ford F-150 pick-up truck because I refuse to let her be subjected to guys who are just like me.

  I don’t know what I thought was going to happen but, for some reason, I thought by the time we got to this point my dad would have changed his mind about letting her go. We are currently less than a week away from her move. Mom just took her shopping for new clothes and school supplies. I know it isn’t normal for the whole family to help when someone goes off to college, but there is no way I won’t be there. I need to see for myself where she is going to be and who she is going to be living with. My dad may have the final say when it comes to Hannah, but I am a close second. If her roommate bats her eyes, reveals any cleavage, or flirts with me at all, Hannah will be returning home with me, period. She can just continue to take college classes online with me.

  There are so many things to worry about when it comes to her being that far away. She hasn’t been allowed to have any friends because my dad feared that they would misguide her. Now, when she finally gets to make friends on her own, we aren’t even there to ward off the bad ones. Realistically, Kyler and I are the only friends she has; I just hope we have taught her enough about being who she is without regard to what others think.

  Moving day has arrived. Kyler and I packed Mom’s SUV with most of her belongings. She already packed her new clothes from the other day in the dresser totes so that saved us a trip or two from the house. There were a few extra boxes that had to go in the back seat of my pick up. I asked Kyler to
ride with Mom and Dad so I could talk to Hannah alone. He agreed without having hurt feelings, even being two years younger than Hannah he understands exactly how much we have sheltered her from the real world.

  Once we were on the road, I made sure Hannah understood that just because she was going to be at school without Kyler and me, she wasn’t alone. Rather than talking every night at the house, we would talk nightly on the phone or Facetime. I made sure to let her know that she didn’t have to like it and it would be okay to come home if she really hated it. I didn’t want to acknowledge the possibility of my little sister finding a boyfriend or going to college parties, but I didn’t want her to be naive about those realities. So I sucked it up and put it all out there for her.

  “Hannah I know you are looking forward to being on your own. There will be lots of guys who would love to be with you. There will also be plenty of parties and what you see at them may shock you. I don’t want you to think you need to be with a guy simply because he expresses interest in you and we aren’t here to tell you no. I can’t tell you not to go to parties but I want you to be smart about them. Explore slowly, don’t drink at the very first party you go to. Go with someone you trust and stay sober so you can see what the drunk girls are missing. Never accept a drink at a party that you don’t open yourself.”

  She took hold of my hand and put me out of my misery. “I love you Calvin. You are my very best friend. I know why I have been sheltered my whole life. Just because I finally have the freedom to do what I want doesn’t mean I am going to go off and put myself at risk for all the things Dad and you have worried about. Do I want to have friends? Of course I do! But, it doesn’t mean I am going to jump into bed with the first guy who tells me I am pretty.”

  It was hard to let go of my role as older brother slash protector. I reminded myself yet again that she is the smartest person I know. If I can keep the lines of communication open with her, she will tell me what she is up to while she is here. I know she could see me struggling when she told me, “Seriously Calvin, you can come stay with me whenever you want. I will be missing you just as much as you will be missing me.”

  We pulled into the parking lot closest to her dorm and found more than two dozen other parents there helping their child go off to college. I am not going to lie, it was hard to turn off the typical guy reaction of checking out all the hot girls. My dad pulled me up short when I was too busy checking out a couple of chicks to see that my mom and sister were trying to carry a load of her stuff from the SUV. Dad directed Mom and Hannah to lead the way while us guys carried the boxes behind them. Hannah had studied a map of the campus and her dorm so she knew exactly where she was going. The five of us crammed into the elevator silently. You could feel the tension building the closer we got to her room.

  I hadn’t made it into her room yet when my dad reacted for the first time. “There is no way in hell you are living here Hannah, I don’t give a shit what I said or how much we’ve paid. Fuck that, you are coming back home with us.”

  Instantly I thought to myself thank god. We can quit pretending this is going to be okay! Hannah isn’t going to be staying which means I won’t have to worry from so far away. When I rounded the corner into Hannah’s dorm room, I saw exactly what had my dad freaking the fuck out. One hot chick, who I assume is her roommate, and two big guys. Now keep in mind, my dad isn’t a slouch by any means. He is 6’2 and 200 lbs., he is pretty solid for his age. I’m only an inch taller but have about 20lbs on him. Kyler is still growing, he just broke 6’ and is trying hard to build muscle. Both of these guys are clearly taller than I am, which means I would guess one to be 6’4” and the other 6’5”, both were built about the same as me.

  Hannah was smart enough to keep her mouth shut. There wasn’t anything she could say that would change this. Mom however, quickly jumped in and reminded my dad that they had agreed to let her try it. The taller of the two guys stood from the empty bed and quickly acknowledged all of us. As soon as he introduced the three of them as siblings I relaxed. I saw the shorter one move to block his sister from the rest of us and that is when I knew these guys treated their sister the same way I treat Hannah. Before my dad could make a bigger scene and embarrass Hannah, I tried to help the situation. “Wow, we are pretty lucky her roommate has two brothers bigger than us. And look at that, they are hanging out here to protect her.”

  Dad understood and Steve, the taller one, quickly confirmed that they are always hanging out to protect their sister and that adding a roommate to the protection detail would be a piece of cake. I liked the guys even more when they offered to help carry in the rest of Hannah’s boxes. On the way out for the next load, Steve gave Dad and me his phone number. We gave him ours as well, that way he could be our eyes and ears on Hannah.

  Once we got everything unloaded, we weren’t ready to leave her so Dad invited everyone to dinner. The roommate and brothers jumped into my truck with Hannah and me. At dinner, we found out that the brothers are actually fraternal twins and two years older than Sierra. The twins are starting their third year here and Sierra is brand new like Hannah. It was fun for me to watch the siblings interact. It was clear that Sierra and Hannah had a lot in common, both sheltered beauties. Listening to Steve, he is clearly the smart twin and Curtis is the more athletic one.

  As we made our way back to campus, both twins let me know I was welcome to come stay with them anytime. They were fraternity brothers and lived at the frat house. I shook both Steve’s and Curtis’ hands. I was shocked when Sierra reached out to do the same. My hand engulfed hers completely and as soon our hands connected, a jolt ran through my body and nearly dropped me to my knees. Her face instantly snapped up to look at mine. The shocked look in her eyes confirmed that she must have felt it too. She quickly dropped my hand and turned to shake hands with Kyler.

  Hannah didn’t waste any time wrapping me in her arms. She knew the good bye was going to be hard for me; just as I knew it was going to be hard on her. She knows I hate it when she cries which is another reason I think she opted to tell me goodbye first. We held on for an extra-long hug before I told her I would call her later. Without looking around, I jumped into my truck and took off. If I made good time on the road, I would arrive just in time for the party at the cliffs; where I am sure I could find someone to take my mind off missing Hannah.

  Life has been rough for me. It has been rough for my brothers too, but they got to spend the last two years here at Western State. It has been four years since we lost our parents and older sister. Life hasn’t been the same for any of us since then. We were lucky to have our grandparents, Buck and Rose, that were able to give up their retired lives and move into our house so we didn’t have to give up any other portion of our lives. That isn’t completely true, I had to give up a good portion of my life after they died: the social part. It proved to be too much for my grandma. She passed away almost exactly one year after Mom, Dad and Sophia. She learned early summertime that she had advanced stages of bone cancer which she opted not to treat. She passed away New Year’s Eve while resting at home. So now, the driveway to our home holds memories of where my parents and sister died and the master bedroom holds memories of where Grandma Rose died. Grandpa Buck did the best he could after that to keep the three of us moving forward. The boys did their best to keep me sheltered from any and all things social. Unfortunately, Grandpa let them make the rules for me; it finally got to the point where it wasn’t worth it to argue. When they graduated from High School, Steve tried to convince Grandpa to let him wait to go to college until after I graduated. Thankfully, Grandpa refused to allow either brother to stay home. He forced both out of the house and off to college. He even went so far as to refuse to let either of them have a car at school which prevented them from coming home every weekend to protect me.

  So, my junior and senior years in High School it was just Grandpa and me. I may have had freedom from my brothers’ protection but Grandpa needed me. He wasn’t doing so well without Grandma and
after a while, he wasn’t able to do the basics for himself. I spent a majority of my senior year worried that he was going to die in his sleep. He wouldn’t let me skip school to take care of him and he refused to go to the doctor so I never really knew what was wrong with him. He hung on until the week after I graduated High School. It was like he knew I needed him to stick around long enough to get me through High School. Thankfully both brothers were home for the summer when he died. I don’t know what I would have done had it happened when I was alone with him.

  Curtis took over all the physical labor that needed to be done at the house. Grandpa really hadn’t been able to do any of the maintenance that needed to be done. I wasn’t one to do much around the house either. The landscaping went to shit. The most I could do was mow the lawn but only if I had someone start the mower for me. I didn’t have the time or energy to do the flowerbeds. The gutters hadn’t been cleaned out in over two years and you could now see the weeds growing out of the end. On top of all that, the house needed to be power washed. Curtis was the perfect guy to do it all.

  Steve took over everything money related when Grandpa died. Despite the fact that we were all technically adults, it was hard for us to navigate our way through making the decisions that needed to be made. When we lost our parents, Grandma Rose took care of all the financial decisions that needed to be made. But now we are “adults” that have no clue what we had or didn’t have. In hind sight, we can continue to be extremely thankful that Grandma Rose was smart enough to know this situation was going to be more than we knew what to do with. She organized everything for not only her own death but Grandpa’s too. When Steve sat down at the desk to figure out the bills the first thing he found was a letter from Grandma Rose telling us to contact their attorney because he had everything for us.

  The three of us made arrangements to meet with the attorney two weeks after Grandpa Buck died. Before we met with him, we had all pretty much agreed that we would sell the house. None of us wanted to live there; it only reminded us of all our loved ones who had died. Plus, all three of us would be attending Western State starting in less than two months. We knew the house was paid for free and clear which meant anything we made selling it should be enough for all of us to go to college.


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