Crazy Fast Love

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Crazy Fast Love Page 9

by MF Isaacs

  “I am just stepping out of my room, so I can talk to you in private. Hannah just got in bed, so I don’t want to keep her up. How are you? Are you okay?”

  “I am better now that I’ve heard your voice. Can I ask you something without pissing you off?” I honestly don’t know if I want to know the answer to my question, it could very well piss me off.

  “Yeah, Cal you can ask me anything you want.” She sounded apprehensive but it didn’t stop me from asking.

  “Is there are reason you didn’t answer my calls or messages earlier?” I was trying really hard to not sound like a pissed off, jealous boyfriend.

  “Oh my god, I knew I should have asked Hannah to use her phone. I dropped mine. It landed face down in a puddle. I have it in a bag of rice. I just decided to see if I could still use the sim card. I just put it in my old phone. I was planning on calling you but as soon as I powered the phone on, you were already calling me. I am sorry if I missed messages from you.”

  I am sure she could hear the release of the breath I had been holding as she explained why I hadn’t heard from her. “Sierra, right now I am about a half hour from where you are. I don’t even want to talk about the thoughts that have been running through my head. Please just get yourself a change of clothes and be ready to come with me when I get there. I have a room booked for the night. I need to hold you. I don’t have any expectations, I just need to hold you.”

  “Oh my god, Cal. Are you seriously almost here? You drove all the way here to check on me? I am so sorry you’ve been worried. Does your sister know you are coming?”

  “No Honey, she doesn’t know. I am not coming there for her. I am only coming to see you. I can’t stay long because I have to work tomorrow. If she is still awake when you go back in your room you can tell her. If she is sleeping just leave her a note on your bed, chances are, I’ll have you back in the morning before she wakes up.”

  “Okay. I’ll be ready. And Cal?”

  “Yeah Babe?”

  “I can’t wait to spend the night in your arms.”

  He groaned before warning me, “Watch yourself Sweetheart. Talking like that is going to have me forgetting my intentions for the night. I would love nothing more than to have your body again, to feel you surrounding my cock, to have your legs wrapped around me while I fuck you. But Sierra, that really isn’t why I came here.”

  “Okay Cal. I will go get ready and leave Hannah a note. I will see you soon. Just text me when you get here and I’ll meet you down stairs. I love you Calvin.”

  “I love you too Sierra.”

  He really drove three hours because I didn’t call him back? Who does that? The girlie princess part of me is giddy that he would drive three hours after working all day, just to check on me. It means he really does love me. Right?

  The other part of me, the little sister to Sophia part, is a little panicked at the thought that he just drove three hours to check on me. Is this the start of him trying to control me? Is this the beginning phase of stalking? Is this how it started for Sophia?

  Hannah was already snoring when I made my way back into our room. I quickly grabbed a change of clothes, pajamas, and my basic bathroom stuff. I know he said he just needed to hold me but I changed into a matching red bra and panty set, I had gotten while shopping with Hannah, just in case. I wrote her a quick note, letting her know I was with Calvin and left it on my bed in case she woke up while I was gone.

  I was already waiting down in the lobby when he text saying he had just pulled into the parking lot. I could see him walking towards me as I made my way outside. My mixed feelings about him coming were overshadowed by the instant physical pull I feel every time I see him. His long strides combined with my quick steps had us within touching distance faster than expected. I couldn’t stop myself from jumping into his arms, thank god he is big and strong. Even being taken by surprise like he was, he still caught me as I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. His hands naturally gravitated to my ass, giving each cheek a firm squeeze as our mouths connected in a frantic kiss. Lost in our kiss we forgot where we were until a group of guys walked by and yelled, “Get a room.”

  Cal pulled away from the kiss long enough to yell back, “We got one.” Thankfully it was too dark outside for them to see my embarrassment and hopefully they didn’t recognize me as my brother’s sister. He didn’t even put me down, he just kept me in his arms and carried me straight to his truck. He waited while I buckled myself in before shutting the door and making his way to the driver seat. After backing out of his parking spot, he took hold of my hand and didn’t let go as he drove to the downtown Hilton.

  With deliberate movements, he got us checked in and onto the elevator heading towards our room for the night. Despite the constant contact he kept with my body, neither of us spoke. If I had to guess, he was barely holding on to his intentions of just holding me tonight. Before I managed to express my desire for him to do more than just hold me, he was guiding me into our room for the night.

  He set our bags on the chair in the corner of the room before kicking off his shoes. I stayed on the opposite side of the room while I followed suit by taking off my shoes and ditching my hoodie. When I turned towards the bed, he was already sitting against the headboard, barefoot in just jeans and a tank top. I knew if I climbed onto the bed beside him any hope of talking would go out the window. So, instead, I sat beside him facing the headboard and ultimately him. I sat with my legs crossed and pulled a pillow into my lap, blocking myself from being a visual distraction for him.

  “I am sorry if I worried you today. I don’t have a lot of, actually, I don’t have any experience with guys. I had talked to you this morning so I thought, well, I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal to call you before bed. We haven’t been good at expressing our expectations, which now has turned into issues for both of us. At the rate we’re going, we are going to get all of these issues figured out before we even have a real date.” I tried to make light but the tension was still heavy.

  “Sierra, I know you think I have loads of experience when it comes to relationships. I hate telling you this, because it once again confirms that I have been a total douche bag, but I haven’t had a girlfriend that lasted more than three weeks. The reasons aren’t worth talking about. But, the truth of the matter is, I wasn’t willing to introduce any of the girls I’ve been with to Hannah, which most girls found offensive so we’d break up. That being said, I don’t know what my expectations are in this. I know today, after talking to you last night, I missed you. I worried about you. I wanted to know how it went, if you talked to your brothers. When I didn’t hear back from you at first, I figured you were busy. But as the day went on and I left messages that I thought you were ignoring, I was crushed. I thought you didn’t care enough about me to respond. While at the gym my hurt feelings turned to worrying that something happened to you. I knew I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t come see for myself. I don’t know how this is supposed to work, but today made it pretty clear that I need to hear your voice more than just morning and night.” He linked our fingers together while he was talking. I couldn’t help but squeeze his hand, supporting him as he confessed.

  “I need you to know I had mixed feelings about you coming tonight. Half of me is beyond ecstatic that you would drive three hours to check on me.” And just like that my tears started to fall, seriously I spent all last year silently wishing and praying that one of my brothers would show up to check on me. “But Cal, the other half of me is nervous that this is how controlling relationships start. I was still into brat dolls when Sophia and Cody first started dating so I don’t know what it was like. Since I don’t have any experience, I don’t know what it is supposed to be like. I know without a doubt that you wouldn’t hurt me physically but I don’t know what is normal.”

  I couldn’t control the tears, they just kept coming. I know with my logical mind that Cal would never want to be a controlling boyfriend. But I also know we are kind of l
ike the blind leading the blind here. He voiced it before I could, “I never want you to think of me as a controlling boyfriend. Sierra, look at me with your beautiful crying eyes. Just so we are clear, I am your boyfriend. I have never needed someone like I need you. After our conversation last night, I just needed to hear your voice; I needed to know you were okay. Even after I knew what happened with your phone, I couldn’t turn around. We needed to have this conversation face to face. We, me and you, get to determine what our normal is. I already know what I feel for you, it hit me fast and it hit me hard. I wasn’t just telling you what I thought you wanted to hear last night. I am willing to do anything to make our relationship successful, I want to show you every day that you are it for me.”

  I tried to keep my hands to myself, but I couldn’t. I know we weren’t done having this much-needed conversation, but I had to feel him. I dropped the pillow before lifting to my knees so I could stretch up and kiss his lips as one hand ran up his solid arm and shoulder meeting the other one around his neck. As I held his head firmly against mine in a deep emotional kiss, he lifted me by the hips shifting me around until I was straddling him. Neither of us made moves to progress our make out session, until I got lost in the sensation of him rapidly sucking my lower lip. I don’t know if my pussy matched his sucking or if his sucking matched my pussy; either way the combination of the pulsing quickly progressed our make out session to the next level.

  I was frantically trying to remove his tank top, I wanted my hands on his body. I wanted to touch him. I couldn’t get him naked fast enough. It took him a minute to get the picture, but he finally helped me remove his clothes. Before he would allow me to touch him, he was removing mine as well. Once we were both completely naked, side by side on the bed, he rolled me onto my back and rested between my legs.

  “We are not done talking Sierra. Being naked with you, it is extremely difficult to have a thoughtful conversation. That said, before we do anything else I need you to know a couple of things. Number one: you are the sexiest woman I have ever been with, you take my breath away. Number two: having your naked body against mine causes all the blood to head south so I am unable to think properly. Number three: there is nothing you could do while naked with me that I won’t fucking love, simply because it is with you; if I fail to tell you that it’s because of the blood flow. Number four: I want to explore your body, if you want to try something specific or don’t want me to do something you need to use words to tell me; I will try to read your body, to learn what gives you the most pleasure, but I will learn faster if you tell me. Last, but not least: I love you, I know it sounds crazy and I know it is fast but it doesn’t make it any less true.” His open mouth kiss is sensual but brief as he moves his kiss down my neck. Leading with his tongue as he traces it down my collarbone before pulling a mouthful into what I know will be a hickey.

  My small breasts are vibrating with need, the sucking he is doing on my neck and collarbone I want moved straight to my nipples. Instead he stays right where he is, switching from the left side to the right. It isn’t until he whispers in my ear, “Tell me what you want Sierra. Do you want my mouth somewhere else?” I moan in response trying to tell him that yes, I do want his mouth somewhere else. “Tell me where. I will do anything for you, you just have to ask me for it.”

  I was embarrassed, I didn’t know how to ask for it. What if I asked him for something he didn’t like or that made him think I was someone I wasn’t? “I want your mouth and tongue on me. I want you to lick and suck starting with my boobs and working down my my pussy.” A little nerve-wracking but I said it. The instant he took a mouthful of my left breast all those nerves dissipated. His fingers brushed against my wet opening, circling through the moisture causing my lips to swell further. I made eye contact with him as he released my nipple with a loud popping sound. We held eye contact as he slowly inserted one finger at a time.

  “You like that? You like when I use my finger to fuck you? You want my tongue to fuck you too? Then you want me to fuck you with my cock? Do you want me to fuck you fast or slow?”

  I wasn’t sure if he was expecting an answer, but I was going to give him one. “I love it. I love feeling your fingers fuck me. I can’t wait to feel your tongue fuck me. Then I want you to fuck me hard and fast with your cock. I want to feel you tomorrow when you’re gone. Please Cal, give it to me hard.”

  He growled while using the size of his upper body to spread my legs wide. He didn’t stop finger fucking me, he just added his mouth. He alternated between using his tongue and finger to penetrate me. He added a second finger to the first and circled my clit with his tongue until he could feel my orgasm coming. I lost control as it hit me, “Oh god, yes. Oh, don’t stop. Oh fuck. Oh god, Cal. Give me your cock. Please, oh god. Fuck.” At my request, he scrambled up my body and slammed into me with one hard thrust.

  He didn’t go slow. He buried his face in my neck as he jacked his hips back and forth; I rotated my hips in perfect sync to his thrusts. His words were whispered almost like prayers as he peppered my neck with kisses. “So fucking perfect.” kiss, “Oh god, it’s never been this good.” kiss. “You are mine.” kiss. “Never going to lose you.” kiss. “Please don’t stop.” kiss. “Oh fuck.” kiss. “I can’t stop, I’m going to cum.” kiss. “Oh god.” kiss. “Cum with me Baby. I can feel your pussy, give it to me.” kiss. “Oh fuck yeah.” His whole body froze as I felt him release inside me.

  After coming down from the high he just gave me, it dawned on me once again that he just released inside me. We still haven’t had that conversation. At least I already have a Dr. appointment scheduled so I will just request birth control when I go. He isn’t asleep, but he also isn’t moving off me. His face is still buried in my neck where he is still quietly giving me small kisses every few seconds. I love the closeness but it’s kind of hard to take a deep breath with him on top of me. Running my hand up and down his back I ask him, “You okay Cal?”

  “Oh god, I’m sorry. I am squishing you.” He slowly lifts his upper body off me, instantly I miss the comfort of his body. He doesn’t pull out and in this position, I can feel he hasn’t lost his erection either. I watch him as he looks down to where we are still connected. “You feel so fucking good. So, I, umm, I want to do it again.”

  I don’t have any objections. I slowly rotate my hips while contracting my pussy as his cock moves with my hips. He reaches for my ankles and pulls them up to rest on his shoulders, it completely changes the angle he slides in and out of me. He goes deeper, he hits that amazing spot inside of me. I can’t help but moan in pleasure and clench my pussy every time he hits it. I try to squeeze him so tight he can’t pull out, I want to keep him there; keeping him in constant contact with my spot. He is teasing me, staying there just long enough to get my pussy to twitch then pulls out. The fourth or fifth time he pulls out after getting me so close, I growl at him and narrow my eyes. I grab hold of his ass and attempt to hold him where I need him, only he’s stronger than me and once again pulls out at the last second. I give up and beg for what I want, “Please Cal, please stay deep inside. Oh fuck yea, like that. Oh god, I am going to cum. Oh god, I’m cumming.” As my orgasm pulses throughout my whole body, I force my eyes to stay open so I could watch his body twitch in release. Once he stopped twitching, he slowly lowers my numb legs to the bed, gently kissing my forehead before pulling away from my body. I would have reached out to hold him to my body if I could have moved any portion of my body. He chuckled as he rolled off the bed and headed to the bathroom.

  He returned with a warm washcloth that he uses to clean me up before climbing back in beside me. He pulled my body into his and held me with my back to his front, if it weren’t for the constant motion of his hands I would have thought he was asleep. Neither of us spoke for what felt like hours but was probably only minutes. He finally spoke first, “I know we have done this backward, but trust me when I say I will take you on a proper date; I promise.”

  In the darkness,
I know he couldn’t see my smile but I think he could feel the movement of my cheek as the smile took over my face. “I don’t need a date. I can’t tell you how happy I am right now. Cal, that was amazing, it was what I had hoped for last time. I know we have to get up early in the morning so you can get to work on time, but do you think we can go again before you leave?” I couldn’t help but rotate my hips as I pressed my ass into him.

  He quickly grabbed my hip and held it still as he told me, “Already planning on it Babe. Now let’s get some sleep. I know we didn’t finish our conversation from earlier and we will. I just want you to know, I need you. Since I don’t get to have you in my bed every night, I need to be able to talk to you multiple times throughout the day. I don’t need to control what you are doing. I just want to know what you are doing. Do you understand the difference? If I know what you are doing, I won’t worry. Or I won’t worry as much. Can you do that?”

  His whisper is calming, he could have asked me for the world and I would have given it to him. Letting him know what I was doing throughout the day was easy.

  With zero reservations, I answered, “Of course.”

  We didn’t wait until morning to go another round. I had the same dream, the one of us on the beach with all the kids. I woke up from the dream right as she stood up in her little tiny bikini. In the dream her tits were bigger and her ass was rounder, I couldn’t get enough of watching her. It was the sight of her brushing sand off her ass that made my cock twitch even in my sleep. The feel of my dick swelling must have woken Sierra, because her hips were moving and her ass was rubbing me in just the right way. What started out as slowly entering her from behind, while laying on our sides ended with her on all fours and me pounding into her until we both collapsed in a heaving mess.

  I couldn’t even gather enough strength to do anything but pass out. Thankfully she passed out with me, so there were no hurt feelings.


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