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Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5)

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by P. G. Allison

  Missy Makes Mayhem

  P. G. Allison

  Cover Design 2015 by Cormar Covers

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Missy Makes Mayhem

  Copyright © 2015 by P. G. Allison

  All rights reserved. ISBN-13: 978-1516843817

  Also by P. G. Allison

  Missy the Werecat

  Missy Goes to West Point

  Missy’s First Mission

  Missy’s Misadventure

  Missy Makes Mayhem

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two


  From the Author


  Oct 5, 2019

  The promotion ceremony for General Blake was held concurrently with the CENTCOM change of command ceremony. Thus, it was a very big deal indeed with a lot of military brass in attendance as well as various politicians, government officials and high ranking cabinet members from the White House. For that reason, rather than going down to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida where CENTCOM was actually headquartered, the ceremony was being held right at the Pentagon to accommodate all of these distinguished guests.

  Missy and Tracy were wearing their West Point dress grey uniforms, per the general’s instructions. He wanted them both there, in uniform, representing the academy. They weren’t the only ones, of course. Captain Bonomo was along, as were a few others from the academy. And, the general was also taking advantage, since he was using this as a photo op for displaying Missy to the media.

  She had been assigned to CENTCOM during CAW and the general was the one credited for that campaign, even though he’d only been Deputy CENTCOM at the time. He had decided to make an example of her for women in combat, assigned to infantry and Special Forces units. While the so-called study by the Army about that subject had been devised to cover-up her role as a supernatural, it had gained a lot of traction and several articles had now already been written with other females as their subject.

  Per the general’s request, Captain Grimes from Team Twenty-Two and Colonel Chory had both flown back from Afghanistan. He wanted them in this photo op as well. While most of the operational details concerning CAW remained classified, there was a lot that could be made public about Missy’s service there with Team Twenty-Two. That, plus her record at West Point as a scholar, an athlete and a marksmanship expert, would all provide plenty of material to feed the media. This ceremony provided a great opportunity for photos and videos of everyone being with the general and he was taking full advantage of it. These could be published with various articles and stories and it would all be good.

  Once the ceremony was over, all the photos had been taken and the members from the press had finally departed, the general invited his special guests back for a private gathering at the Fort McNair officer’s club, just a couple of miles away. This numbered well over a hundred people and was a grand event as well. The general was footing the bill himself for everything: the drinks, the refreshments and the venue. The various food items available as refreshments were more than adequate to feed everyone and even Missy was able to get enough to eat.

  The general’s niece Candace was there, looking gorgeous. This was her first time really appearing in public since her rescue and there were a lot of well-wishers who took this opportunity to express their sympathy for the ordeal she’d been through and their happiness about her safe return. She introduced them all to Oliver who was now the man in her life. She explained how with his support and that of her friends and family, along with her busy life at college, she was fully back on track, leading a normal life and very happy. Having those guards watching over her which her uncle had arranged was also a great help. Oliver stayed close by her side the entire night and they made a very lovely couple.

  Robert Ulrey was there with Connie and they also made a lovely couple. No date had been set as yet for their wedding but they were living together once again and, like Candace and Oliver, they were very happy. Since Missy, Tracy and Candace would of course be at the wedding, only dates which worked with their availability were being considered.

  Drew was there with Les and Marsha. They had briefed the general earlier on how things were being handled, both for their “P” Branch prisoners and the aftermath in Mexico and Colombia. The general was satisfied, knowing neither Arbogast nor Rodriguez would ever be seen or heard from again. Not only were they responsible for horrific crimes but they now knew about supernaturals and thus could never be allowed to reveal what they’d learned.

  As for Carlos taking over the huge criminal organization left behind? Well, someone would have done so, no matter what. This way, with Pablo both assisting the transition and being closely watched by Carlos, so he would never reveal anything, things were probably working out about as well as they could. Carlos was a supnat and he’d made Missy some promises, which he probably would keep.

  Both the Defense Secretary and Charles Winword from the CIA were there. They were formally introduced to Missy and Tracy, plus of course to Mike and John. They expressed their gratitude and appreciation. They emphasized how that was for those special things which they happened to know all about. Missy had already told the others earlier how both of these high officials had been fully briefed by both Drew and the general. So, yeah … they’d seen her complete file and they knew all about Tracy’s burning down nearly half that village over near Kushk, Afghanistan. Special things indeed!

  Missy looked around the room at all the dignitaries and then she looked at Mike. We made a difference, Mike. All of us did, working together … I couldn’t have done this alone. Thanks for always understanding and for being my mate.

  Mike smiled at Missy after getting her mental message. Yes, he was mated to a mountain lion and bonded to a witch. He was also madly in love with this wonderful girl who had supernatural needs and passions and a heart much bigger than anyone else’s. He wondered what would be happening next. With Missy, life was one adventure after another. He was determined to always be there for
her, no matter what.

  Chapter One

  Oct 6, 2019

  When Missy woke up she realized a few things right away. It was much later than when she usually woke up and she was completely rested after having been in a much deeper sleep state than what she typically ever managed. She knew having Mike’s big body wrapped around hers was the reason for that. Then, she realized he was wide awake and still holding her the same way as when she’d fallen asleep. They were spooned together, her back up against his chest and her rear pressed against his lower abdomen. He had an arm wrapped completely around her with his hand cupping one of her breasts.

  As always, she was able to experience his feelings and emotions. And, at the moment, she knew he was filled with unconditional love for her which probably explained his willingness to simply lie there, letting her sleep. He wasn’t aroused, although he probably had been earlier; he was willing to merely embrace her, allowing her to thoroughly recharge all her energy sources. He didn’t know how or why she was able to do that from his just holding her but he understood it was true. Their moments when this was possible were rare and she really loved him for being so giving, satisfying her supernatural needs in spite of not really knowing that much about it.

  Stretching out slowly and turning around to face him, she began filling his mind with her mental messages. She did this every morning only usually he was hundreds of miles away. Being able to snuggle close, touching him and experiencing his physical presence was a rare opportunity and she was filled with happiness she could do so right now. Mmmmm … you make me want to resign from the academy all over again, just so I can stay with you forever!

  Mike chuckled and said, “Like that could ever happen. Once was enough. Besides, you know you’d be racing off to save someone somewhere, no matter what. It’s who you are and how you need to be. At least West Point is helping prepare you for whatever those fates have in store for you so when the time comes, you’ll be ready and able to cope. Besides, as much as you love me, I think you love all the extreme training even more.”

  “Oh, that’s so not true! I love you best!” Missy giggled and began wriggling up against him, determined to demonstrate just how much she loved him. Of course, the shrill ringing from the hotel phone suddenly intruded just then and destroyed the moment for her. Mike plucked the phone from its cradle and pushed it into her hand, holding it so whoever was calling could hear her voice. Missy sighed and said, “I believe you have the wrong number …”

  Tracy’s voice quickly cut her off, demanding she get her ass down to the cafeteria right away. In the background, she could hear her brother John laughing with Oliver. She looked at Mike and asked, “Did we promise we’d join the general and his niece for breakfast?” She knew, of course, that’s exactly what they’d promised and she sat up, stared at the clock, noted they only had twenty minutes to get down there, and said to Tracy, “Okay, we’ll be right down. Soooo glad you called! Can’t wait to return the favor!” Hanging up, she leapt out of bed and headed towards the bathroom.


  Tracy put away her cell phone and told the others, “I knew it! Both their cell phones went right to voicemail so they were still in bed. It’s a good thing we knew their room number.”

  John said, “Yeah … we can’t have Missy disappointing the general … what if he never arranges for any more special privileges ever again?” Weekend passes for cadets were few and far between but this weekend wasn’t counting since it was at the general’s request. Getting to spend an extra night with Tracy away from West Point was very much appreciated.

  Candace laughed and said, “I don’t think it’s possible for my uncle to ever get disappointed with Missy. But, don’t worry … if you ever need any help getting him to influence things, just let me know!”

  Tracy said, “Ignore him, Candy. The last thing Missy or I would ever ask for was any special treatment at the academy. We know he helped with getting us assigned as roommates this semester and that was special enough.” When Missy had returned to West Point after her participation in Campaign Angel’s Wing, the general had made some calls. Drew Martinson had suggested he do that, supposedly to help Missy in case of any PTSD after her combat experience during CAW with Team Twenty-Two, the Special Forces A-Team she’d been assigned to.

  The excuse had been legitimate and reasonable, since the two girls had roomed together for two months during Beast Training when first starting at the academy. Missy had resigned after completing her first year there in order to serve as a regular soldier in Afghanistan. The top U.S. government officials had knowingly placed her there, as a supernatural, but with instructions to keep all her supnat activities and abilities hidden.

  Oliver asked, “Will being roommates only be for one semester?”

  Missy and Tracy were both witches and were the only supnats at West Point. Recently, they had both helped General Blake by rescuing his niece Candace from Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan. The general had been a target due to his position, it having been announced he’d be the next CENTCOM commander.

  Oliver Bessom, a social worker from Washington D.C. who was also a finder witch, had helped them locate Candace. Now, weeks later, Oliver and Candace were in a committed relationship and Oliver was convinced he’d truly found his soulmate. Candace lived in D.C. also and was now in her second year at George Washington University. She had recently moved into her own apartment just off campus which made things convenient.

  “Yeah, roommate assignments change every semester. Since we’d been together during Beast, it’s not likely we’d ever have been paired up again had the general not made some calls.” Tracy giggled and added, “Of course, sharing a room with my boyfriend’s sister … with her having all those enhanced senses … let’s just say it’s not all sunshine and roses!”

  Oliver had gotten to know Missy and Tracy very well during the days they’d worked to rescue Candace. He was only now getting to know their boyfriends, Mike and John. Tracy could sometimes be quite hilarious and was indeed a perfect match for John, who Oliver was learning could often be even more hilarious.

  Before Oliver could comment any further, General Blake walked in and immediately came over to hug Candace. He had no children of his own and when his brother-in-law had been killed, he’d stepped up to be like a father for his niece. They were very close. The fact he approved of Candace’s now being in a relationship with Oliver, knowing Oliver was a witch, really meant a lot.

  Both Colonel Chory and Captain Grimes came in with the general. Then, Missy and Mike arrived and the greetings and hugs continued.

  Finally, they all proceeded to a reserved section in the hotel cafeteria where they took their seats for breakfast. Their location was far enough away so as long as they didn’t talk about anything sensitive when anyone from the wait staff was around, they could discuss things freely. The general had asked to have them all there without anyone from “P” Branch, who he knew monitored these supnats very closely.

  After they’d all placed their orders and been served with coffee and orange juice, the general said, “These last few weeks have been rather amazing, to say the least. I am so very proud of my niece and how she handled herself during her terrible ordeal, I get all choked up with emotion every time I think about that.” He stared at Candace and it was obvious he was once again getting emotional.

  Then he looked at the others and said, “But, in my position, I don’t get the luxury of having any emotions. Instead, I’m expected to be a leader, make decisions, set an example. Soldier on, as it were. And, I’m going to do that. But, I do want to acknowledge how important it is having supernaturals … I won’t forget what you’ve done and I can’t forget what I’ve learned you can do. Of course, I probably still don’t know even half of what all your powers and abilities might be.”

  Just then two waitresses arrived and passed out their orders. Missy of course had a huge steak, extra rare, along with her four eggs and hash brown potatoes.

  Once the waitresse
s had left, the general continued. “One of the things which I have learned about you witches is you can identify other supernaturals. Drew and his team at “P” Branch are doing a great job monitoring all of them but … in spite of that … I still feel our forces overseas are vulnerable.” He looked at each of them. “Further, there may come a day when my troops will need to face some enemy who has supernatural assets helping them. I want to be prepared for that day.”

  Tracy said, “My dad tells me there aren’t many witches over in the Mid-East. The religious extremists over there have pretty much eliminated all of them over the years.”

  “True. That’s pretty much what the folks at “P” Branch are telling me. Even so, there are some from other countries who may be willing to work for whoever will pay them, hiring themselves out to the highest bidder. After seeing just how quickly you and Missy were able to take action, saving my niece the way you did … I can’t sit back and simply wait, hoping “P” Branch can always provide me with enough of a heads up. I also need the ability to react, if and when I do get any heads up.”

  Colonel Chory said, “We’re designating Team Twenty-Two as our quick reaction force for dealing with any paranormal or supernatural elements. We’re keeping their unit designation the same, hiding them in plain sight, but we’re expanding their roster. And, we’re authorizing the rank of Major for their detachment commander. Captain Grimes has agreed to stay on as commander for at least the next two years. He has already been selected for promotion next month, so this works out nicely.”

  All eyes turned to Captain Grimes and there were several congratulatory comments, which he acknowledged with a smile and a nod.

  John was getting nervous about where all this was going. He knew his sister would be willing to volunteer for any crazy thing the general wanted, just as she had done that summer. Missy’s goal was to someday serve as a Special Forces officer. But Tracy wanted to go on to flight school after getting her commission and become a helicopter pilot. True, that was still pretty risky as she was hoping to fly AH-64 Apache aircraft or whatever the Army’s latest gunship might be, but that was all in the far off distant future.


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