Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5)

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Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5) Page 7

by P. G. Allison

  Sally immediately jumped up, pretending she’d been coughing rather than laughing, and announced she needed to visit the ladies room. Without waiting for anyone else, she headed right out. Tracy then bounced up saying she’d go with her and raced off after her friend. Once they both rounded a corner, getting out of sight from the others, they stopped and began laughing together in earnest.

  Tracy said, “Oh, I can’t wait to tell Missy what Sharon said tonight. About Lee being big and it being really hard … and his problem trying to fit? I’m going to also have to tell John, of course.” More laughs.

  Sally giggled. “What did Sharon tell us back then? Something about nine and a half inches being perfectly normal? You know … for a man his size? All in proper proportion …” Both girls exploded in hilarious laughter once again.

  Ten minutes later, after finally regaining their composure, they managed returning to the group. They had to avoid looking at one another, however, as neither could risk having their naughty thoughts trigger more giggles and they knew it would only take a single glance, catching the other’s eye, to set them both off all over again.

  John knew something was going on but was content to hear about it later. Tracy shared everything with him as he did with her. He could tell she was restraining herself, trying not to laugh, and that it was requiring a great effort. Being so open allowed them each to be very tuned into what the other was feeling. He was indeed looking forward to hearing about whatever this might be. He continued to allow his thoughts to wander, tuning out the several different conversations going on all around him.

  Unlike his sister and Mike, who never argued or fought with one another about anything, John knew he and Tracy were both impulsive and very headstrong so they would often “get into it” and then words would be exchanged. Of course, they both loved the “make-up sex” afterwards. John’s thoughts of sex with Tracy really got him excited, but since that wouldn’t be possible until the next day when they visited the Fargarson’s, he now wistfully got control of himself and tuned back in.

  Tracy only had Walking Privileges for the weekend, so there would be no overnight fun … he’d be alone back at his hotel. But, Tracy’s fencing coach Mr. Fargarson was also her sponsor. Since he lived within the West Point boundaries, Tracy could sign out to go visit there. Fargarson and his wife had made it a habit of always giving them a couple hours of alone time whenever he and Tracy visited.

  Tracy noticed John tuning out and finally tuning back in again. She knew exactly where his mind had gone and smiled when he looked at her. She was very much looking forward to their visit over at the Fargarson’s but that would be tomorrow. For now, they both needed to focus on her friends.

  Tony and Marcus were having a conversation in Pashto, trying to impress their girlfriends, but Kelsey kept making them repeat certain words until they pronounced them exactly right. That, of course, was making everyone laugh. When Cassie and Chandra kept asking for a translation, the laughter only increased and Sharon warned them they really didn’t want to know. Naturally, that only made the girls insist on being told all the more.

  Kelly finally explained, “Marcus and Tony are discussing who their favorite female superhero is. Wonder Woman and Super Girl are being considered as much better than Bat Girl or any of the others, but the guys are unable to arrive at any final decision. And, the rationale for which attributes score highest is definitely getting a bit ridiculous.”

  Tony laughed and said, “We just wanted to practice our language skills. You know how Major Khan says we need to do that every day. Only … we haven’t really learned enough vocabulary yet for any thorough, in depth determination …”

  Kelsey giggled and said, “Riiiight. They don’t yet know how to say tits or ass. But, I’m sure all the guys will be fully up to speed and able to discuss those in either Farsi or Pashto by the end of next week.” She turned to Mitch and smiled. “Just so you know … us girls are waaaaay ahead of you guys. We’ve done all our homework.”

  Mitch groaned and said, “Hey … football practice every day … remember?”

  Sally said, “No excuses. Besides, no one has more extracurricular activities than Missy. Between her soccer and her shooting matches, she barely has time to attend class. Having roomed with her last semester, I can assure you she hardly ever has time for any homework. Once soccer season ends she does basketball and after that, softball. The shooting is all year, of course. I think she gets everything academically by osmosis or something.”

  John said, “She needs all those extracurricular activities in order to perform well academically. You should have seen when she came back home from the mountains and was being tutored, doing three years of school in one year. She still ran five miles every morning plus spent hours each day either at the gym or doing her karate or martial arts stuff.”

  Tracy gave him a dirty look and then said, “Not everyone here knows Missy was missing for two years, John.” She looked at Cassie and Chandra and added, “Most of us know about Missy so her brother forgets. Missy doesn’t like to discuss those years she was forced to live in the mountains. Please don’t ask her about that.”

  “What? Wait … you’re saying she was missing for two years? What happened?” Cassie looked at Tony and it was obvious she would be asking him for more details later.

  Tony sighed and said, “Don’t ask. It’s ancient history, and like Tracy says … Missy doesn’t talk about it. At least, not to any of us guys. I’m betting some of the girls might know a bit more.”

  Kelsey said, “Not really. When Sharon and I roomed with her, she wouldn’t say much about her time in the mountains. All she admitted was how some black bear mauled her shoulder and back, giving her all those scars. Oh, and then of course, there was also that big scar on her leg where some hunter supposedly shot her with his rifle. John? Surely you know more, right?”

  Tracy answered first, saying, “Yes, my boyfriend-with-foot-in-mouth knows more but he’s not saying more. Not if he knows what’s good for him and wants to ever have sex again with his wonderful girlfriend!”

  John laughed and said, “So glad that’s settled. Alrighty then! I was merely explaining how my sister shouldn’t be used for making any comparisons the way Sally was doing. Sorry!” He then purposely violated the academy’s rule about no public displays of affection or PDA’s by leaning over and giving Tracy a big kiss on the cheek.

  Mitch said, “Relax, John. Everyone here at the academy knows Missy isn’t normal and no one else can be compared with her.”

  Marcus and Tony both said, “Hear, hear!” and everyone laughed.

  When Mitch then followed John’s bad example and leaned over to kiss Kelsey, there were even more cheers and more laughter.

  Chapter Eight

  Oct 19, 2019

  Alessandra D’Amato was finally free. She and Maria had escaped from their exclusive boarding school, had eluded the guards which her over protective father always had following her around wherever she went, and were now on their way to have some real fun. Maria’s brother had picked them up, as pre-arranged, and they were off to what Maria had promised would be the best party ever. There would be boys there, of course, and Maria had assured her the ones her brother knew were all really hot.

  Although she and Maria were only high school sophomores while Maria’s brother Paul and his buddies were seniors, Maria had assured her she could easily pass for being a junior. She’d be sixteen in only a few more months and, having developed early with very nice breasts, she indeed was mature for her age and looked a lot older. Her lack of experience shouldn’t be a problem since Maria would be right there with her every minute and she certainly knew her way around.

  Sneaking away for one night of partying, rather than wasting her years at St. Ann’s, that stupid all-girls academy, had been a goal of hers ever since she and Maria had gotten to know one another and Maria had filled her in all about what things were like, out in the real world. She knew her face and figure were attractive but,
thanks to her father, she just wasn’t getting any opportunities to even meet boys. Maria had promised they’d be safely back in their rooms before anyone would notice and so she was determined to make her own opportunity.

  After they’d climbed into the back seat of the car, Maria had said, “Paul, this is Sandy. Sandy, this is Paul.” Now, as the car was pulling forward into traffic, Maria said, “Thanks for picking us up. We’ve been looking forward to this for sooooo long!”

  Paul said, “No problem, sis … there’s always room for girls at these parties, especially good looking ones. And, you and your friend here definitely qualify.” He glanced back at Alessandra with a very appreciative look at her boobs which made her flush with color and get all excited. Fortunately, he looked back at the road before he could see how red her face was getting.

  Maria turned to her and whispered, “See! What did I tell you? He thinks you look sexy and so will all his friends. You’re going to have a great time!”


  “Are you sure? She got in the car and it drove off without any of D’Amato’s goons going along with it? What’s the make, model and license number? And, who is this Maria she went off with?” After getting the information, which he wrote down, Vincent Cappiello hung up and handed the info to his assistant Stan Prudente. “Here, find out who owns that car and where they live. We’re in luck. All the money I’ve spent paying that broad to keep her eye on Sal’s kid has paid off. It looks like Alessandra has slipped away from her fancy school and none of Sal’s guys even know about it yet.”

  Prudente glanced down at the info and then said, “I’m sure we can have our crew pick her up. Having someone inside the place was smart, Vinnie.” They’d been planning this for weeks and had the place for holding her and the crew for grabbing her both ready. He turned to leave but stopped and turned back. “You’re sure about this, right? Once you grab this kid, there’s no going back. I know we’ve talked about it but you’re going up against Sal-Fucking-D’Amato.”

  “Yeah, only he’ll never know it was me. We’ll keep his little princess locked away for as long as this takes. After he’s done everything we ask him to, we can turn her loose. She won’t know who we are or where we were holding her or anything. Meanwhile, whenever we need to, we can send Sal a little video with more instructions. Since what we’re demanding doesn’t implicate us in any way, it’s all good, right?”

  Cappiello was one of the many bosses in Salvatore D’Amato’s vast criminal organization, which was arguably the biggest and strongest of the five New York families. And, Cappiello was confident once Sal declared war on those other families, Sal’s dominant position of leadership would prevail. But, where there was chaos, there was opportunity. Things had been far too quiet for too long, with little opportunity for someone like himself. And, Cappiello was determined to rise while others around him were scrambling, failing and coming up short.

  Sal was actually the youngest to be heading a New York family and, in Cappiello’s view, Sal had been reluctant to take advantage of the size and strength of his organization. Cappiello was sure he, as one of Sal’s loyal capos, would be one of those victors to whom the spoils of war would fall. It didn’t even matter if Sal would win or lose; Cappiello was ready to seize whatever opportunities might arise once Sal started attacking all those older bosses. He had discussed the situation with Stan for months, looking for some way to ignite the sort of inter-family wars which could push out all those complacent old bastards and make room at the top for him. Now, he’d found that spark.


  Oct 21, 2019

  Marcia Goodding walked over to the chair next to her husband’s desk and sat down. “Hey, you know how we’ve been keeping track of the D’Amato organization, even though Missy has pretty much neutralized any risk from Sal and his gang?” She and Les had monitored them all very closely for a while but after what Missy and Tracy had done almost a year earlier, demonstrating Missy’s power as a witch and forcing Sal to agree to all of Missy’s demands, things had been quiet.

  They were no longer checking the video feeds which Missy had placed to watch two of Sal’s hit men. And, with the surprising gains which Sal’s organization had ended up getting from the Roseanne Fund which Missy had insisted he create, there definitely had not been much to worry about. Missy’s friend Alice Mathews had been made Director of that Roseanne Fund and been encouraged to continue doing all the things she’d been doing. Alice was now called the crazy mob lady as a result and it was assumed she was doing everything under Sal’s direction rather than her own.

  There were a lot of girls employed in various ways in the lucrative sex trade business. Many of these girls had left home because they were being abused by relatives, stepfathers, boyfriends, etc., but, typically, they wanted to protect their sisters from the same fate. Alice and the Roseanne Fund took care of that and the word had gone out via social media. As a result, more and more girls had wanted to be part of Sal’s organization, perceiving the Roseanne Fund as a sort of employee benefit. Sal’s revenues had increased dramatically.

  Les looked at his wife and said, “Sure, what’s new?” Having full access to the FBI’s database and unlimited resources, it had been easy to continue following both the activities of the D’Amato organization as well as the government’s efforts to build a case against it. “P” Branch didn’t involve itself with criminals but having helped Missy deal with both the East Boston and New York mobs, it had been decided to continue watching them … just in case.

  “Well, last night there was an incident … one of the clubs in New Jersey run by the DeMarco family was hit. There was over five hundred thousand taken from back in their gambling room and two of their guys were hospitalized with gunshot wounds. It’s rumored it was one of D’Amato’s crews that did this only no one is willing to testify. So, the police have nothing. But, it looks like maybe another war has been started.”

  “Wow!” Les knew the families had been at peace for the last few years, largely due to the powerful influence Sal D’Amato had over them all. “If it was really one of D’Amato’s crews, what do you suppose Sal is up to? Was this some sort of preemptive strike?”

  Marcia said, “I have no idea and no one at the FBI’s Organized Crime Division does either, at this point. They’re checking with informants and waiting to see what will happen next. I’m letting Missy know since her friend Alice Mathews might possibly be a target now. Those other New York families have not been too happy with how so many girls have switched over to the D’Amato organization due to her Roseanne Fund activities. With this latest strike, it probably looks like Sal’s trying to take over more than just a few sex trade workers. Anyone associated with that Roseanne Fund might just end up in the line of fire.”


  Armando Sanchez promised Robert Ulrey he’d take care of it and asked him to tell Missy not to worry. Then he pushed the button, hanging up his speaker phone and ending the call. As head of the FBI’s Organized Crime Division in Boston, he was in a position to arrange around-the-clock protection, no problem. Alice and Mark Mathews, one a junior and the other a senior, both at the same college right there in Boston. Missy’s friends. He looked over at his assistant, Edward Collinsworth. “You got all that, right?”

  Edward said, “Hey, I’ve heard about that Alice Mathews. The crazy mob lady. She may only be a junior in college but she’s also the director for that Roseanne Fund which … oh! I get it now. That’s why she needs protection, since D’Amato maybe just started some sort of war down there amongst the families. But, why the hell would we agree to do this? And, who the hell is Missy?” He knew who Robert Ulrey was. Ulrey had been their top investigator in the Kidnapping Section, right there in the Boston office, and had just recently been named as head of the FBI’s new Psychic Division, nationwide. “Is she one of those psychics of his or something?”

  Armando laughed and shook his head. “No, she’s a cadet at West Point. Missy McCrea. I know you’ve only been here in Bo
ston for just over a year, but you had to have heard about her, right? How she gave us enough info three years ago that we were eventually able to put Frank McCarthy away, along with several of his friends?” Since that was actually a very well-guarded secret, to protect Missy, he could understand why Ed might not be fully aware of all the details.

  “I heard a little about that, but everyone’s been keeping things pretty hush-hush about her. Our secret source, the high school kid, right? After her info, which we couldn’t actually use in court, we were able to go and find all the evidence we needed. It took a few months but since we knew where to look, it was easy.”

  “Yep, that’s her. Robert introduced her to my team and she traded that info. I never could figure out why, but she wanted everything we could provide her about Salvatore D’Amato and his organization. Ironic, huh?”

  “Whoa! You’re blowing my mind here! What’s the connection? And, did you say this girl is at West Point? Sheezz!”

  Armando smiled broadly, raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders. “Like I said, I never could figure out why. I’m betting Robert knows more but he’s not telling.”

  Edward said, “Okay. Whatever. But, why would you be agreeing to this protection detail? That’s gonna cost a lot of money for our department to have guys watching around the clock for who knows how long.”


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