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Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5)

Page 29

by P. G. Allison

  Millie answered, “The major went to get the others when Mike announced your good news about finding Felix. We’ve all been taking turns, trying to get some sleep in four hour shifts while you’ve been out there. Oh, here they are now!”

  Missy had finished getting dressed and came around from behind the panels just as the others walked in. “Hey, we’re gonna get these guys! Drew, are you on the phone?”

  Les Goodding’s voice answered, saying, “He’s on his way back here as we speak. He’s been over at the Defense Secretary’s office, trying to come up with a Plan B. Looks like we can use Plan A, now. Great job, Missy!”

  Everyone was excited and the conversation continued for several minutes, all about how fortunate they were to now have a solid path forward. Missy learned there had been a huge effort by several agencies but that hadn’t gotten anywhere, even with all the information which had been learned after finding the terrorist cells in Philly and Chicago. The New York terrorist cell, which everyone believed was actively planning an attack, could simply not be found. With the Thanksgiving Day parade now only three days away and with no clue being discovered about these terrorists from any of the various high tech methods being used, many people were very worried.

  Wes said, “Chris and I will be ready to takeoff for Philly whenever you want.” They once again had borrowed a Black Hawk from the local National Guard.

  The plan now was for Robert to bring Millie and Oliver, his two psychics, back to Philly where they would first visit all those persons of interest who had been detained, in addition to the seventeen terrorists identified during the initial surveillance out at the warehouse. Next, and more important, were the missing persons of interest. They were being sought because of their association with either Parvis or Abdul-Washeed; their disappearance right when all the arrests were being made had gotten their names put on a very special want list. Visits would be made to wherever the individuals on this list had been living in hopes that Robert’s psychics might sense something.

  Since the local police and FBI working the case in Philly would of course be bringing Robert and his psychics around for all these visits, it had been decided that Missy would be there only in her spirit form. She was a West Point cadet, not a psychic, and there wasn’t really any good explanation for having her be there, in person.

  Thus, Missy stayed behind with Major Schermerhorn and Captain Bonomo while Robert, Millie and Oliver were flown down to Philly. She enjoyed a nice meal and rested up for just a bit, waiting until they’d need her down there. Mike also rested, as he’d only managed a few hours’ sleep the night before. He, of course, would be communicating Missy’s comments to the others once she teleported herself down to join the team in Philly.

  Two hours later, when Millie and Oliver entered the prison to confront those who’d been detained as persons of interest, they could sense Missy right there with them. It didn’t take long. Missy had Mike tell everyone that two of these persons were the ones she’d named Dumbo and Pluto. Thus, in addition to Felix, who they believed was now in New York, only Goofy was still missing. It was highly probable they both were on that very special want list. Visits out to the last known places of residence for these want list folks were next.

  Robert had been pleasantly surprised when one of the persons assigned to bring him and his psychics around for these visits was Edward Collinsworth from the FBI’s Boston office. Although they’d only met briefly a couple of times before, he knew Edward was supposedly working for Armando Sanchez up there. “Hey, Ed, small world! How did you manage getting assigned down here?”

  Edward laughed and said, “It’s only temporary. Armando had to volunteer someone for this task force in Philly and, with me being the new guy on his team? You know how that works.”

  Robert did know. He introduced Edward to Millie and Oliver.

  “Are these the psychics who found that warehouse for us?” asked Edward. “That really broke this whole terrorist case wide open, didn’t it?”

  “Yes, it certainly helped. And, yeah … these are the psychics who have been finding terrorists for us.” Robert smiled and then added, “They’re two of the best on that new team I’m now in charge of. They’re the ones who located that house where Candace Axtell had been held for several days down in Cancun.”

  Edward said, “I heard about that! You almost got killed when that house blew up, right?”

  “So did Millie. She and Oliver were both with me when that happened but, fortunately, Oliver wasn’t badly injured. Then, while Millie and I were recovering in the hospital, he actually went over to Afghanistan and helped locate Candace over there. That’s highly classified information, by the way, so please don’t repeat that to anyone.”

  “Wow!” Edward looked at Oliver and said, “Very impressive!”

  Millie laughed and said, “Well, what’s even more impressive is that Candace and Oliver are now engaged to be married. Sometimes good things can come from bad situations.”

  Their vehicle had pulled up and stopped in front of an apartment building while they’d been talking. Now, they all got out and Edward led the way inside. Missy quickly worked her way through the entire building but didn’t recognize any scents. She let Mike know and he advised the others.

  As they were being driven over to the next location, Edward said to Robert, “I was with Armando when you called a while back, asking him to arrange FBI protection for that crazy mob lady. Alice Mathews. I was the one he assigned to do that. We made sure she and her husband were never bothered by anyone or exposed in any way.”

  Robert said, “That was much appreciated, Ed. Alice and Mark are special friends …”

  “Oh, I know, I know. Armando told me all about Missy McCrea. He still wishes she’d agreed to join his team rather than go to West Point. He talks about her all the time.”

  “Well, she certainly made quite an impression on him. But, she’s very dedicated to being in the Army.”

  “Oh, I know that also. There were several articles about her serving in combat this past summer. Quite the hero, actually. She’s the real deal. I read she left West Point to go over there for some special study the Army was doing. But, now she’s back at the academy again, right?”

  Robert nodded and said, “Oh, yes. She’s doing extremely well there.”

  “And yet, she had you arrange protection for her friend during that little mob war they had in New York. What’s the connection, anyway? McCrea got to see our files on D’Amato, then her friend ends up actually working for D’Amato and McCrea has you call Armando … what’s going on?”

  “It’s complicated,” answered Robert. Then he laughed. “You don’t quite have all your facts exactly correct, though. Her friend doesn’t really work for D’Amato’s organization. They actually work for her friend, protecting all those Roseanne Fund girls. That also is information which I ask that you keep to yourself, okay?”

  Edward stared at Robert for several seconds. Then he too laughed. “Armando said you knew a lot more about all this. He also said you weren’t telling. Okay. Mum’s the word! I think I understand. Whatever the hell this Missy McCrea is doing, she’s clearly on the side of the angels. So, I guess I’m on her side. Anytime she wants help protecting any of her friends? Just let me know! No problem!”

  They had arrived at the next location, yet another apartment building. Missy had enjoyed listening in on Robert’s conversation with Edward. It was complicated all right. Alice had been telling her only recently how greatly influenced Alessandra D’Amato was now getting from the many sessions she’d had with her. While Robert’s statement about the D’Amato organization working for Alice was a bit of an exaggeration, there was no doubt about which direction D’Amato’s daughter would be making her father take as time went on.

  Missy left the group behind and quickly went through the apartment complex, checking for any scent of either Felix or Goofy. This time, she had some success. Both men had lived there and she had Mike alert the team as to which apar
tments they had lived in.

  When Millie and Oliver then declared they could “sense” which apartment units belonged to two of the individuals on the special want list, without Edward and his team having yet pointed them out, that earned them quite a bit of respect for their psychic abilities. They were allowed to take their time in each apartment, selecting whichever objects they wanted.

  Missy, meanwhile, teleported back to the State Forest in Connecticut where she spent the next few hours as a cat. Then, she returned to her room at the academy. Finding no one there, she Changed back to her human form and then went to bed. When Tracy later found her there, Missy was sound asleep and did not wake up. She slept soundly straight through the night until the following morning.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Nov 26, 2019

  Askar-Samar Karimi had been one of the WIJO leaders who’d rushed out to the Kushk village after that embarrassing rescue which the U.S. forces had somehow managed doing for Candace Axtell. He’d given the orders for Karam Abdul-Hasid’s execution after they’d completed their investigation out there and he had watched as those orders had been carried out.

  In the three months since then, he’d been very active. On September eleventh, he’d arranged for the bombing which had destroyed the exclusive condo on the top floor of one of Dubai’s high rise buildings. That had ended the lives of the man sometimes known as Sinbad along with his companion. Their suspected treachery for revealing Candace Axtell’s location had thus been rewarded and a message had been sent. Violent death awaited all those who contributed in any way towards embarrassing WIJO or obstructing any of WIJO’s goals.

  He had taken the initiative when his office in Herat had heard from their group in Turkey. There was a spy in Ankara who claimed he could provide information coming from an American traitor, a former Homeland Security executive. That information would enable entry into the U.S. for any number of volunteers, fresh from WIJO training camps; these men could then join existing teams already positioned at several key cities. Knowing all the latest surveillance techniques and equipment which the U.S. agencies might have and use, all their procedures and policies, and how best to avoid and circumvent these would indeed work with retaliation plans which WIJO was making. He had arranged for funneling the necessary payments and had obtained this valuable information.

  He had personally assisted at their training camp near Herat with the team of volunteers which had been sent to New York City. Bombings at three different parades during a major holiday in the U.S. would send yet another message and make a very clear statement. His role in this plan, having obtained the key information leaked by that Homeland Security traitor, would greatly advance his rise within WIJO’s leadership. The information had indeed proven valuable and they’d successfully infiltrated, getting their men into position in Philadelphia, Chicago and New York as well as getting all the explosive materials and equipment needed for carrying out the plan.

  Up until five days earlier, everything had been going so well. While there had been attacks by the Afghan military at some of their training camps, including the one near Herat, those had been too late. All the important operations at those camps had already been completed and none of their secrets had been compromised. As usual, the Afghan government had been ineffective.

  But, the U.S. government had now swept in and made arrests in Philadelphia and Chicago, capturing all their trained volunteers who had recently infiltrated into those locations along with most of their team members in those two cities who’d been getting things ready for the past few years. What had gone wrong? How had their operations been compromised? There were reports these actions were because of psychics providing assistance to the FBI; this was obviously false propaganda to hide whatever the U.S. government may have actually done and whatever top secret capability they must now have developed.

  He had been quick to send word to their New York team which, like in Chicago, had immediately taken action to evacuate all facilities and move all personnel. Fortunately, they had managed to escape so his instructions for them to relocate out to their remote site, west of Allentown, Pennsylvania, had been followed without incident. And, so far that had proven to be a wise decision. It had been his recommendation two years earlier to establish that fallback location, which could be used by either Philadelphia or New York since it was only a few hours away for vehicles travelling over the roads from either city.

  He was pleased with how well his contingency planning had succeeded. He was not pleased, however, with how things had gone in Philadelphia and Chicago. While the other leaders were praising his foresight for New York, they were questioning the information he’d purchased from that spy in Ankara. Had he been misled? Why hadn’t this latest U.S. capability been included?

  So, he now had come to Istanbul. He would meet with this spy. He would obtain some answers to these questions. And, he would also listen to what the man was now claiming to offer. According to their group in Turkey, Arvind Pancholi had always provided reliable information in the past. And, this time? This time Pancholi was insisting what he had for sale was more important than all the information he’d ever sold them before. With this information, WIJO might neutralize a secret U.S. advantage which they had been using and which WIJO was completely unaware even existed.


  Missy got off the phone with Drew and looked over at Tracy. “Millie and Oliver are not getting any signals they can follow. They’ve been at it all day but wherever Felix has gone, there’s not enough. While they can definitely experience energy from where he’s been, there’s nothing they can do. According to Millie, the man must have left the city and is now more than a hundred miles away. That’s about their limit, especially since the objects they found at his apartment aren’t exactly overflowing with his energy the way that music box of Candy’s was.”

  “What about Goofy?” asked Tracy. In spite of knowing the real names for these two individuals, it was easier to continue using the names Missy had assigned them.

  “Nothing at all for him. They don’t think he went to New York at all.”

  “Would it help if you and I joined them? You know, with us in their circle, they’d have lots more power.”

  Missy sadly shook her head. “No, Millie thought of that but says she can tell. Felix has left the area and until he comes back within range again, they’re simply not going to get anywhere. It’s not just how much power they have. It’s power and ability. But, they already have more than enough ability. She says Oliver’s ability has become really good now. He may even have more than she does.”

  Tracy giggled and said, “Yeah, once we witches find our soulmates and start enjoying all that really great sex? I’ll bet he and Candy …”

  “Will you please not go there? Sheeezzz!” Missy laughed, however. They had discussed on numerous occasions just how important it was for a witch to find their soulmate, especially while their powers and abilities were still developing. That began at puberty and continued until they reached the age of twenty-five.

  “Just sayin’! By the way … isn’t Oliver leaving with Candy tomorrow to fly overseas to tour some embassies?”

  “Yes, they’re going to Islamabad for their first stop. You do know “P” Branch will have their aircraft sitting at Logan Airport all during this Thanksgiving tour, in case Mike and I are needed?” Missy looked at her friend and raised one eyebrow. “Les and Marsha will be there. So will Sergeant Town; he really misses being back there with the rest of Team Twenty-Two, so you can guess what he’s hoping for.”

  Tracy nodded and said, “Oh, yes! I asked Drew a few weeks ago what might happen if Oliver finds any witches over there. Your brother got really pissed at me for doing that but … well … you know.”

  Missy laughed. Yeah, she knew.

  “You do realize he only starts those fights with me so we can enjoy all the really great make-up sex afterwards, right?”

  Missy sighed and gave Tracy an exasperated look. Yeah, she knew t
hat also.

  Tracy giggled and, when Missy didn’t say anything, she added, “Don’t pretend that’s TMI.” Missy continued ignoring her, even though Tracy now had put one of her most innocent expressions on her face. Finally, Tracy said, “At any rate, Drew didn’t want me doing any of my fire and brimstone stuff. He said they’d thought about asking me but they figured you could probably handle any crisis which might come up.”

  Missy was enjoying how Tracy was trying to yank her chain. It actually was helping, as she really had been disappointed about Millie and Oliver not having any luck. She’d been busy all day, catching up and taking a couple make-up exams, waiting for the call to go back and help. She really had hoped they could finish things and eliminate the threat of any bombings. Now? Now they were in limbo. Plan A wasn’t working and it was back to Plan B, which didn’t include any supnat assistance.


  Arvind Pancholi exclaimed, “Sir, this girl is not a porn star! As I explained, she is in the U.S. military, a cadet at one of their academies. And, she has special abilities.”

  He had tried to explain what the files would reveal without actually giving away too much information; full disclosure would only be provided after the twenty-five million dollar payment he’d asked for had been made. In particular, he had talked about this special girl having a key role in not only the Candace Axtell rescue but earlier, in Campaign Angel’s Wing. Then, hoping to convince Askar-Samar Karimi of just how amazing she truly was, he’d played one of her Cancun Cancan Girl videos.

  Karimi said, “What sort of dangerous game are you playing? Do you believe I am a fool? This is a terrible insult!”

  Pancholi was getting frustrated. If Karimi wouldn’t allow himself to watch the scantily clad girl as she danced and performed at that nightclub, how could he be made to understand and appreciate that many of her actions were far beyond what any normal human was capable of doing?


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