Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5)

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Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5) Page 31

by P. G. Allison

  “I’m a witch. That’s why I’m able to help the FBI. I’m not psychic. I have supernatural powers and abilities which I can use to find people. Other stuff too, but that’s the main thing. I’m a finder witch. An air witch. I can sense a person’s energy and I can use that to locate where they’ve been and where they’ve gone.” He stopped and watched as she tried to process that.

  She said, “You’re a witch? What the hell does that mean? Do you have a broomstick and a black cat and … and … you need to explain all this to me! I see you’re being serious and this isn’t a joke. But …”

  “I will explain. I want to share everything with you, Sally. Only after I know you’re okay with my being a witch and with what that might mean for us … only then can I feel comfortable seeing where this goes, where we go. You can see that, right?”

  Wow! She was only beginning to see things. No, he wasn’t breaking up with her. Whatever this witch stuff was, he was serious about it. And yeah … if he really believed it, then he would need her to accept it before they took things to the next level. Which, of course, was exactly where she’d been hoping they’d go. That next level. Maybe several next levels. Definitely to whichever level meant having sex. Oh, yes!

  Sally suddenly had a thought which she tossed out there, just to see his reaction. “I suppose if we have kids someday, they might be little witches, right?” She was only half joking but also trying to understand things.

  “Exactly! There’s at least a fifty-fifty chance our children might inherit supernatural powers and abilities. So, you can see why I avoided getting involved with other girls, avoided commitments … that’s why I earned that reputation of mine. Until I met you, Sally, there was nobody I wanted to share my secret with. But, ever since meeting you, I’ve been wanting to share it. I knew right from the beginning I could never take advantage of you and we’d only be able to really have a relationship if you knew everything.”

  Somehow, hearing him actually talk about their having children someday was making her feel very aroused. He wasn’t just trying to get into her panties like her earlier boyfriends. No, he was serious about her. He wanted a relationship, if she did. If she could be okay with him being what he was. If she would be willing to continue, even after … She stopped herself since she realized she was overthinking this. She could keep his secret and she could see where this went. She knew where her heart wanted things to go. She knew in her gut she was all in. She was going wherever this was taking her, no matter what. “Tell me about this witch stuff, Troy. Tell me everything.”

  They went into the restaurant and sat in a secluded booth in back. They each ordered lava cake and ice cream along with coffee. And, he told her all about witches and the supernatural. He explained why witches needed to be so careful, why they needed to keep their secrets. And, he told her about his coven.

  Sally asked, “Your mother is in charge of this coven? And, someday … maybe you will be their leader?” She’d been trying to process all the information he’d shared but it was a lot to take in. A lot to accept.

  “She is and … yeah … when the time comes for her to step down, it will probably become my role. I really can’t wait for the two of you to meet, which is another reason I asked you to promise about keeping everything a secret.” He had already invited her to visit his home during the Christmas holidays, back when he’d first accepted her invitation to spend Thanksgiving at her house.

  They had been talking in the restaurant for more than an hour, twice getting refills on their coffee. She needed to go pee but before excusing herself for a trip to the ladies room, a nagging thought resurfaced. “Hey … earlier, you said something about needing Missy’s permission to share some of this. What did you mean by that, exactly?”

  He looked at her and smiled. “Missy knew I’d need to tell you all of this at some point. So, she agreed. She trusts you, Sally.’

  “Wait a minute! You’re saying she knows all this and …” Suddenly, it was as though a light bulb had just switched on inside her brain. “Oh, my God! Missy’s a witch, isn’t she? That explains soooo many things! Wow!” Now, she really needed to go pee. “Don’t answer that … I’ll be right back!”

  She hopped up and headed towards the rest rooms. Missy and her secrets! Missy and all her amazing abilities! Yeah, things were making sense, little mysteries were being solved, and as the whole previous semester when she’d been Missy’s roommate flashed through her mind, she wanted to laugh. Missy was the sister she’d always wished she’d had. Missy had protected her when those Caesar Club assholes had grabbed her. Missy was a witch!

  Upon returning to their booth and sitting back down, Troy confirmed it. He laughed and said, “Yes, she and your friend Tracy are both witches. They’re the only ones at West Point but Emily Robinson’s twin brother Scott is also a witch. He’s in my coven, actually. Emily is not a witch but she of course knows all our secrets.”

  “Wow! I’d say this was all blowing my mind only, having shared a room with Missy for several months, it actually makes sense. Tracy too? No wonder they’re so close.”

  “Yeah, Missy’s an earth witch and Tracy’s a fire witch. I only help find people but those two?” He laughed. “They’re warrior witches. Maybe that’s why they’re drawn to West Point. Of course, you seem every bit as feisty as those two, even though you’re not a supernatural.” They both laughed at that.

  “So, you’re saying you’re a lover and not a fighter?” Sally was definitely experiencing a warm glow after Troy had shared so much with her. Keeping secrets somehow made her feel they were sharing an intimacy with great depths. She wanted to explore those depths.

  “I’m saying I’m in love with a fighter. You. Let’s get out of here.”

  She felt as though she were floating on air, listening to him again express his feelings towards her. They got up and left the restaurant. She was ready to go anywhere he wanted.

  “I haven’t told you about this latest mission the FBI has asked me to help them with. I’d like to bring you out to meet the others and pick up some special items.” He started up the car and as he drove away, headed to Newark Airport, he explained about the bombing threat and how they were searching for two known members from a terrorist cell in Philadelphia who they suspected were now with the New York terrorists.

  “So, those terrorists in Philadelphia and Chicago weren’t the only ones preparing to bomb somewhere? There’s this group here in New York who might show up at our Thanksgiving Day parade tomorrow?” She had heard about the recent arrests on the news but nothing had been explained about any intended target locations. “The FBI had intel from the CIA that three parades would be getting attacked, all on the same day? And, because of the arrests, now only this New York group is still out there?”

  “Right, and they’re probably more determined than ever to pull this off. They’ll be coming back from wherever they’ve gone and once they’ve scattered themselves throughout the crowds, it will be too late. They’ll be wearing suicide vests with lots of explosives strapped on … maybe a couple dozen guys, all ready to die for their cause. Once those explosives are set off the damage will be very deadly, with hundreds hurt or killed. This is a real nightmare.”

  “That’s horrible! They have to be stopped before that happens! Sooo … you and Millie, this other finder witch … you’ll be trying to sense when either of the two guys you know about might come near here and, hopefully, that might lead you to the others? Then, the FBI can swoop in and arrest them all?”

  “That’s the plan. It’s only in case these terrorists aren’t found some other way but, yeah. If either Felix or Goofy get anywhere within a hundred miles, one of us should be able to sense them. We have a helicopter standing by, ready to go so we can search in whatever direction we’re sensing.”

  “Felix or Goofy?” asked Sally.

  He laughed. “We’re still using the cartoon character names Missy first assigned these guys even though we’ve now identified them and know their act
ual names.”

  “Whoa … what’s Missy’s involvement in this? I thought you said she’s an earth witch and not a finder witch.” There was just so much information! Just when she thought she was getting to know everything, he would say something else which needed yet more clarification.

  He laughed and said, “Oh, she’s not a finder witch; she can’t find people using energy the way Millie and I can. She’s an earth witch, just like my mother. Only, her telekinesis ability is maybe a gazillion times greater.” He looked over at her as they pulled into Newark Airport. “Missy is also a shapeshifter. There is just so much more you need to know about all the things your friend Missy can do. But, we’re almost there so I’ll let Millie explain all that.”

  An hour later, Troy and Sally got back in his car and were soon headed back out of the airport. Sally’s home was only fifteen minutes away but she was definitely not ready to go there yet. Her brain was exploding from all the things she’d been learning during the past few hours. Meeting Millie and the others … that had made everything change from being a fantasy to something very, very real. Her boyfriend was a witch. Her friend Missy was a witch-werecat who could also exist as an invisible spirit. Tracy could hurl lightning bolts. And, there were terrorists planning to attack the parade … could Troy, Millie, Missy and the FBI team they were working with possibly stop that?

  She had watched as Troy and Millie had set a circle and checked once again for energy signals. Still nothing for either Felix or Goofy. Millie was keeping all the Felix items with her and Troy had taken all the Goofy items. She glanced at the bag now sitting in the back seat which contained them. He would be using them all night long and right up to when the parade started the next day, checking for Goofy.

  “Troy, I really don’t think we should go to my house. I mean … we’ll be there tomorrow afternoon for dinner, of course. But … you have to do your finder spells or make your witch circles or whatever. I don’t want anything to interfere with that.”

  He chuckled and glanced at her. Then he pulled over at the next turnout and stopped the car. “I realize this is all somewhat overwhelming for you. And, this terrorist business … there was nothing I could do … I really couldn’t say no.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t have wanted that! No, this is really important and I’m proud of you for helping. I want to help. I’m glad you’re sharing all this with me. And, I want to be with you every minute, so don’t think I’m asking you to drop me off anywhere. I just don’t think it’s right for us to bring this to my house and have you meet my family until things are better resolved. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes, it does. I understand. We can check into one of the airport hotels if you’d like. Separate rooms, of course.”

  “No, no!” She couldn’t imagine being separated from him and simply blurted out her protest. Not after the hours they’d just spent together. Then, she blushed. But, she looked right into his eyes and simply told him what she really wanted. “Let’s only get one room, Troy. That’s what I’d like. I’m hoping it’s what you’d like.”

  As it turned out, it was indeed what he’d like and so that’s exactly what they did.

  Chapter Forty

  Nov 27, 2019

  Watching John’s car back out of the driveway and then quickly accelerate down the street, Mike said, “Gee, what’s the rush? They didn’t even come inside to say hello to my sister and Aaron.” He’d been awakened twenty minutes earlier by Missy. Then, he’d dressed and gone down to wait for her arrival.

  Missy giggled. “I’m betting they’re already stopping somewhere. Wheh! Their musky pheromones woke me up maybe half an hour ago but I pretended I was still asleep. Never again will I subject myself to those two like that! This whole trip back up here was all just constant foreplay for them … they’ll be bonking their brains out for quite a while now.”

  Mike laughed and pulled her into his arms. He knew she was turned on and it was getting him aroused. Then, as he started kissing her, he once again was overwhelmed by desire … it washed through him like a tidal wave and he knew she was causing that. He pulled her even closer and she began grinding her pelvis against his throbbing erection. Naughty girl! She knew they weren’t free to continue this and he would be aching badly before finally getting to make love to her later on.

  As though right on cue, Michelle came out, all excited to see Missy again. She and Aaron would be with Mike’s parents for Thanksgiving while Mike and Missy would be with the McCrea’s. “Hey, welcome home soldier girl! Come inside and tell us all about how academy life has been treating you! We have lots of ice cream in the freezer, ‘cuz we know how you love that!” She laughed and Aaron came out behind her.

  So, Missy went in and said hello to Mike’s parents while Mike brought her little suitcase up to his room. By the time he returned, she was sitting in the living room with a huge bowl of ice cream, laughing at one of Michelle’s comments. His parents and Aaron were also there and he went over and sat next to Missy.

  When she saw Mike had returned, Michelle said, “Okay, everyone! Now that you’re all here … Aaron and I have an announcement to make.” She then waved her left hand out in front of everyone and said, “We’re getting married!” She had rotated the big diamond around so it was now visible and she proudly displayed her engagement ring. Everyone immediately reacted with hearty congratulations and, for a few minutes, they all talked at once with no one getting a chance to really communicate anything.

  Finally, after they all settled down somewhat, Aaron said, “She accepted my proposal last night, making me a very happy man. I knew she’d want to share our excitement with everyone over the holiday so I didn’t wait any longer.” He was seated next to Michelle and as he wrapped one arm around her shoulder, she sat back and leaned into him. They obviously were very much in love and their excitement and enthusiasm were contagious.

  Dinner was served not long afterwards and Mike’s father poured out Champagne and led a congratulatory toast right at the beginning of the meal. Yes, he’d been saving that bottle for a few weeks now, knowing what Aaron had been planning. The evening continued on a high note long afterwards. Then, Mike’s parents said their good nights and retired, leaving the four young people still sitting around and talking in the living room.

  A little bit later, Aaron looked at Mike and then at Missy. “Okay, now that we’re all here …” He paused and smiled, knowing Michelle had used practically those same words for her announcement. Then he said, “Why don’t the two of you start explaining about Missy. Whatever it is, Michelle and I think you need to share your news. We’ve realized for quite a while that you both are hiding secrets from us.” Then, looking directly at Missy, he said, “Mike even admitted that during the soccer game we came to when you beat Northeastern. I was asking him how you could be out there, playing so well, after almost dying from serious wounds over in Afghanistan.”

  Missy sighed and said, “He told me about that conversation. It’s true. Mike and I are working for the government. So, you have to keep everything we tell you a secret. This is all top secret, actually, okay? Nobody else …” She paused as she could see they weren’t really getting it yet. “He told you how I’m a healer, right? That’s why I was able to help Michelle that time and why I came home all healed up from those bullet wounds I got. My abilities have actually increased quite a bit these past couple of years. I even helped a friend recently who had an inoperable tumor. She was stage four but now she’s cancer free. All healed up. Whatever ails you? Any injury or disease? I can fix it.”

  Mike watched the expressions on both their faces as Aaron and Michelle digested that news. “Missy has many abilities and that’s why we work for the government. She’s able to do things and she tells me about them and then I explain it all to the government. They’ve provided me with some special telecommunications equipment so I can call in from anywhere, tell them what Missy says and tell them what she’s doing.”

  “She’s able to do things and she tells
you about them?” asked Aaron. He was staring at Missy even though his question was to Mike. He realized there was a lot more to this.

  Missy said, “I have supernatural abilities. And, I can communicate with Mike by pushing my words into his mind. He’s my mate and we have this unique, special bond. I tell him stuff now constantly, all the time, even when we’re not helping the government. He says it actually helps him in school, experiencing all my thoughts the way I can share them like that. As long as we’re not separated by more than five hundred miles …”

  “Wait a minute! You’re saying you can do some sort of mental telepathy thing with my brother? From five hundred miles away? Michelle wasn’t at all clear what Missy’s reference to supernatural abilities meant or why she was calling Mike her mate, so she focused on getting this communication thing clarified.

  “I’m able to hear her words as though she were right there, saying them next to me,” explained Mike. “Only, she’s doing that with her ability, pushing them into my mind, even from far away. I experience some sort of energy from that. Missy can do amazing things with energy. That’s why we work for the government. Last Christmas? When we were both gone for those two weeks? We were in Afghanistan. Missy was doing recon. In the mountains.” Mike knew both Aaron and Michelle were well aware of Missy’s history, living mysteriously in the mountains while missing for two years.

  As expected, they both reacted to this by asking, “In the mountains?”

  Missy said, “I’m able to change forms. In addition to all the things I can do by controlling energy, I can also shapeshift. I can Shift forms and become a mountain lion. And, I can exist as a spirit, an energy form, in between my Shifts. That’s why the government has me helping them. And, that’s why it’s top secret since they don’t want the general public knowing they use supernaturals like me.”


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