Fate of the Fallen

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Fate of the Fallen Page 18

by Darren Lewis


  To my dearest friend, Ellie.

  These last four years I have found myself in decline. I tire easily and walk with an unsightly gait. The doctors pester me like buzzing flies around rotten food and I fear their advice as it reminds me of my own mortality. Fear, though, does not make me envy all your long years and the ones to come. I know you have seen grief and witnessed the very worst that our kind offers another, but I know the goodness that springs forth from our race or you would not challenge the world to alter its behaviour unless you still believed in your cause.

  I have spilt blood and I have caused others to spill blood in my name. Although I am a firm believer in Our Lord God and have never wavered off that path, I go to his judgement unprepared for the question he will ask me.

  Why did I kill in his name?

  If a penance is due I would pay it gladly and pray for the forgiveness of those who fell under my sword and banners, and pray to my God that he forgive his misguided child.

  Do not give in to hopelessness. I have protected you as best I could from afar but nothing is written in permanence, not even the lights in heaven. The importance of your duty means you must be wary of those who seek your trust as they will seek what is yours. A position that is not enviable.

  I ask one boon of you. Everything in this life needs a title whether that be right or wrong. If you will permit me, I ask that you carry forward the name I have chosen for your crusade, your duty.


  In translation from Latin the word means 'bearer of a burden.'

  Of all the titles that exist in the world, I think this one suits you best.

  Live well and I hope to see you in the next life.

  Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.

  Your King and friend



  Ellie wept.


  The light knock on Ellie's door was enough to rouse her from sleep and the dream she'd had for so many years, it felt like an old friend in itself. The world being consumed by orange fire was the image sleep brought to her the first night Ellie, Cole and Malachite had spent in the empty land of the dragons all those years ago. Ellie quickly and deftly lit a candle in the dark of her chambers and opened the old wooden door. Isabelle greeted her with a small trembling smile and a pale complexion. Without a word Ellie left her room and followed her young friend across the monastery to Thomas' room. Isabelle sniffed and Ellie wrapped an arm about her waist as they entered the monk's cell.

  A single candle was standing vigil. A chair sat empty next to Thomas' bed, a chair recently occupied by Isabelle as she comforted the old man now wheezing for breath on the bed. Ellie gave Isabelle a comforting squeeze and released her, Ellie entered the cell while Isabelle stayed at the door. Ellie placed her candle down and perched gently on the edge of the bed. That small motion was enough to wake Thomas and he smiled at Ellie the milky whites of his eyes seemingly staring straight at her, though in reality blindness had come to Thomas a few years ago. He reached out a hand and Ellie grasped it, and held it tight against her chest.

  “Ah, Ellie. My time is done, my friend. I find no comfort in living anymore. This old body has given up on me.”

  Ellie nodded and brushed a tear away.

  “I understand, Thomas. I don't even know how to thank you for what you've done here. For all the people you've helped.”

  Thomas shook his head gently and he took a shuddering breath.

  “It was my duty but also my privilege.” The old man paused and Ellie swore in that moment her friend could see her once again his gaze was so direct. “I know your pain, Ellie and the long years you possess. Promise me you will always keep your pain, for when you don't mourn the death of a friend your time will be done.”

  Ellie reached out her free hand and stroked Thomas' cheek.

  “I promise, my friend.”

  Thomas smiled at Ellie.

  “It's been wonderful. The things I've seen, the people I've met. My life has been full of purpose and I thank you for that.”

  Thomas smiled once again, a smile full of contentment and love.

  “No, Thomas. Thank you.” She whispered, kissing the old man's forehead.

  “Listen to me now.” Thomas' voice was faint and Ellie bent her head close to the dying man. As he struggled for breath, he said “The darkness ever seeks you.” Thomas' chest became still and Ellie held her old friend's hand for a long time.

  In the night the dragons lifted their heads and howled in mourning.


  “Thomas dedicated his life to serving others. His sacrifice was not in vain nor an empty one. His love, comfort and compassion were a benefit and lesson to us all. He asked me to always mourn the death of a friend and I understand why. Compassion, empathy and respect for life itself should drive this race of ours to the heavens and beyond. To become what Thomas always believed. That each of us has the potential to be angels of the heavens.” Ellie paused as Isabelle and the current residents of the monastery laid Thomas' body into the ground. Thomas had requested a simple burial outside the walls of the building his life had been dedicated to and that Ellie speak for him. Thomas had passed a few hours after Isabelle waking Ellie and both shed tears for this most gentle man. The tears were gone now and though Ellie felt the dull ache of grief at the mourning of losing another companion she looked at Thomas' grave with an overwhelming feeling of pride and happiness that in her life she'd been given the opportunity to meet such a man. The grave was filled and a simple cross placed at the head of the burial mound. Ellie looked around her at the assembled company and smiled, the movement causing tears to race down her cheeks. Not one of them said a word, all feeling the bizarre mixture of grief and joy she was experiencing. After a few minutes of silence the residents of the monastery began to leave until Ellie was alone with Isabelle. Though her life with her mother and as Ellie's 'apprentice' had shown her much about the world this was the first time Isabelle had confronted the death of a close friend. She sniffed and Ellie placed an arm around her friend's shoulders.

  “How many?” Isabelle asked quietly. Ellie frowned and squeezed Isabelle's shoulder.

  “What, Izzy?”

  Isabelle sniffed again and looked at Ellie with red, puffy eyes.

  “How many friends have you lost?”

  Ellie looked towards Thomas' grave and shook her head slowly.

  “Honestly, I don't know. I stayed away from people for a long time. It was just me, Cole and Malachite. When we decided to re-enter the world, I kept a distance from people without thinking about it so it was never an issue.” Ellie paused and nodded towards Thomas' grave. “But Thomas was right. The grief of a friend passing may remind me of my long years spent here and the bitterness of another life lost. But, the grief shows I'm still…”Ellie waved her free hand in the air, temporarily at a lost. “Human.” She finished with a wry laugh. Isabelle gave Ellie an incredulous look.

  “But you're the most human human I know!”

  Ellie laughed and stroked Isabelle's hair. The young woman frowned and then sighed.

  “Do you think Thomas was right? That we can become angels of the heavens?”

  “You've seen the heavens, Isabelle. What do you think?”

  Isabelle turned to face her friend, she closed her eyes and grasped her hands. Ellie felt her mind lift and soar into the blue sky. She gasped as the blue faded into black. Faster they travelled, the two friends together into the emptiness of space. Faster still and Ellie saw the stars free of the atmosphere of the earth. A point of light appeared before Ellie and Isabelle. Though it shone with the light of its billion companion stars of the galaxy there was a warmth, a comforting feel to this light. Ellie was drawn towards it and Isabelle whispered into Ellie's stunned mind.

  Is this where he went?

  Where are we? Ellie asked. Ellie heard a voice whisper her name. A voice that wasn't Isabelle. She strained to hear though realised the act was ridiculous with
her body so far away.

  Ellie. Once again. It sounded familiar, like a song heard long ago now forgotten. Come home.

  I can't. Ellie cried. No. No! It's not time!

  Ellie gasped and pulled away from Isabelle. Sinking to her knees she felt tears streaming down her face once again. Isabelle reacted quickly and enfolded Ellie in her arms.

  “I'm sorry. I was curious.”

  Ellie regained her breath and looked with stunned eyes at her young friend.

  “How did you do that?”

  “I followed Thomas. I felt the trail of his mind leaving this world.”

  Ellie sobbed and then laughed at what she had seen. Maybe it was what Thomas had seen before finally passing. Maybe his mind took over when it felt the final breath approaching. Maybe Ellie just heard her own thoughts out there in the emptiness of space. Maybe. But Thomas' reference to the darkness disturbed Ellie. It wasn't the first time she'd heard a statement referencing some sort of evil in her life. Ellie squeezed Isabelle tightly before looking once more at Thomas' grave.

  “Be at peace.” She whispered. “Wherever you are.”

  Venatrix Redux

  Ellie tossed the foul-smelling concoction of herbs and rotten meat onto the pyre. She'd found the stench caused by the flames made for a great distraction for when either Cole or Malachite would pop out of thin air to rescue the subject of the execution. Ellie jumped down from the stack of wood and nodded to the guards to add the flame. As the fire licked and sparked towards the weeping woman held captive, she looked around the braying mob.

  After Charlemagne's death the monastery was kept safe by his descendants and members of the church but Ellie knew the time would come when they were all in danger. Charlemagne himself alluded to it in his last communication 'Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis' translated from Latin was 'Times change and we change with the times.'

  It was why Ellie begged Arianne, Isabelle's mother, on many occasions, sometimes without Isabelle's knowledge, to join her and her daughter at the monastery. The times were changing. Six hundred years had passed since Charlemagne's death and Ellie, the dragons, Isabelle and Arianne with the orb's assistance, the group of friends Charlemagne had named Baiulus, reinvented themselves. Alliances were formed again with the church and figures of state all with the intent that witchcraft must be punished, eradicated from the face of the earth. Ellie became a witch-hunter in the eyes of the outside world. Reviled and feared by the commoners and held in awe and appreciation by the church and state. Whatever Ellie appeared to be wasn't an issue with her, this charade allowed the group to carry on their work though it now demanded an appreciation for dramatics when the pyre was lit and Cole or Malachite would rescue the 'guilty' party.

  However she appeared to the world, the weight of her title and the guilt was almost unbearable. The Pope had requested of her a validation in the trial of the Templar Knights. Accusations of heresy were levelled at the knights by the then King of France, who coincidentally found himself in great debt to the Templars. It was all the Pope needed to eradicate every member of the order, an order who'd grown so powerful even the church feared them. Ellie was asked to condemn the knights and add weight to the baseless accusations and so she did and the entire order of knights were put to death. A few had been spared as the dragons were dispatched to bring them to safety but a great many men died and Ellie felt the world turn darker, the sun unable to brighten and give warmth to this cold planet.

  The flames curled and spat as they grew. Ellie in this personae watched dispassionately until a terrified Isabelle pushed two guards out of the way and clutched Ellie's arm.


  Isabelle stumbled to the edge of the small stream and sank to her knees. She felt her gorge rising and retched until there was nothing more in her stomach and retched further until she collapsed into the mud. She sobbed and with shaking hands scooped water from the icy stream and onto her face. Her thoughts would not settle or slow. Images flashed into her mind that she could not banish no matter what she tried. Her reflection on the surface of the slowly bubbling stream was warped apart from her eyes and they held pure horror.

  Stop! She screamed inside her head. She didn't want to see anymore but they would not leave her. She growled and beat her hands on the muddy ground, yelling her fury at each impact.


  Isabelle was oblivious to all around her. Her world consisted of her fists and the ground. She pummelled harder and harder. She brought her power to bear and channelled it down her arms and she felt her fists pound the mud with her very soul. Dirt flew and covered the young woman, her breathing ragged. She resembled a beast venting its fury upon the earth for its injustice.


  Find them! Make them pay! Bastards! Make them pay for what they did!

  “Isabelle please!”

  I'll kill them all.

  “Isabelle….oh, Isabelle.”

  Ellie rushed into the small clearing and saw her young friend lashing her fists into the ground. The mud caked Isabelle's hands but Ellie could see the blood flying as the woman smacked the ground as hard as she could without thought for herself.

  Ellie circled slowly so she was face to face with Isabelle, and knelt down. Isabelle's continued striking flung mud and blood towards Ellie, but Ellie did not move. Instead she stayed there and waited for her friend's anger to run its course, at least for now. Ellie was sure it would return and very quickly.

  When Isabelle had heard the first scream she assumed it was the woman crying in fear as Ellie tied her in place on the pyre. But when the woman slumped and looked to the heavens in supplication a scream rose above the cries of the crowd. The scream didn't originate from the woman or crowd but Isabelle's own mind. She frowned and closed her eyes. Her breathing slowed and she reached out tracking the source of the sound. Her mind rose high leaving the fiery light of the bonfire behind and into the darkness of the countryside. With a speed matched only by the two dragons, she arrived at a small village far to the west where night had just taken hold. Isabelle slowed her mind looking for details until a scream erupted and she instinctively followed. A woman, covered in blood and tied to a tree, was being beaten by almost the entire population of the village. Isabelle recoiled and though her body was located hundreds of miles away, she knew her face would show disgust and contempt. The blows to the woman stopped and Isabelle glided through the crowd. Is was obvious this was the source of the scream but how had Isabelle detected it so clearly? Isabelle was within one foot of the woman before she recognised the battered and bleeding face. It was her mother, Arianne. The shock whipped Isabelle's mind back into her body instantly and she ran to find Ellie and tell her what was happening.


  Cole. As soon as these flames conceal a small part of this woman come and get her! Malachite come and pick Isabelle up outside the back gates. Ellie ordered without hesitation and asked Isabelle, although painful, to contact Arianne and stay in contact using that connection as beacon for Malachite to home in on. Ellie held Isabelle briefly by the shoulders.

  “Go to the back gate, Malachite will be waiting. I'll follow when I can.” She touched Isabelle's cheek tenderly feeling terrible that she must send her young friend off alone but she had to stay in character to save the woman on the pyre.

  Please hurry. Isabelle cried into Ellie's mind. Ellie watched Isabelle race off into the crowd and she composed herself for Cole's rescue.


  The penetrating cold of the dragon tunnels was mercifully swift and Ellie and Cole re-entered the real world above a village alive with moving torches and a large bonfire at one end of the mud track running through it. Without the need for instruction Cole executed a rapid descent.

  Discreetly! Ellie ordered her dragon and Cole flared his enormous wings and set down at the dark end of the village. Ellie took one more look from her high vantage point on Cole's back. Something was strange. The movement of the torches was slow and ponderous and she coul
d hear loud voices mixed with laughter.

  Oh no. Ellie thought and she leapt from Cole's back. Cole's link with his rider allowed him to experience Ellie's anxiety and he growled.

  Cole, no. Get back in the air and find Malachite.

  The red dragon pawed the mud reluctantly but eventually left the ground.

  Ellie slogged through the deep mud toward the lights ahead trying to spot Isabelle in the semi-darkness. She didn't need to see her friend of many years though, instead she heard her scream with so much pain that it stopped Ellie from moving further forwards. When the scream ended the dragons took up the call of distress from high above startling the villagers and sending them scattering to their homes. Ellie watched the people running around her dispassionately, as she started to move once again. The walk was happening to someone else not Ellie, her mind had drifted away, some place far, some place safe. She saw Isabelle kneeling in front of a large tree beyond the bonfire her head bent to the ground. Ellie's eyes drifted up and saw the horrific scene. She could not look away. Isabelle's mother, Arianne, had been hanged. Isabelle turned and Ellie saw her friend's haunted expression. In one quick motion Isabelle jumped up and ran into the woods.

  With the dragon's help from the air Ellie found Isabelle quickly. After a short time or an incredibly long time, Ellie wasn't sure which it had been, Isabelle stopped her assault on the ground and she raised her battered and bleeding hands to her face. Ellie edged closer to Isabelle and took her hands in her own gently and regardless of the awful scene she'd witnessed earlier she cried at the state of Isabelle's bloody hands. Isabelle blinked rapidly to clear the tears away before staring unseeing at Ellie. At first Isabelle's eyes were unfocused and swam in a well of despair but now they became hard, cold, calculating. She wrenched her hands away.


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