Fate of the Fallen

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Fate of the Fallen Page 20

by Darren Lewis

“Are you okay?” The voice from behind Ellie made her jump and she knocked the back of her head against the floor. Ignoring aches and pains she levered herself up and on wobbly feet turned full circle, her memory reminding her of what had happened over the last few hours as she stared at Malachite, Storm, Flare and Rox in turn. Ellie finally turned to the owner of the voice. An attractive woman in her early thirties Ellie guessed with long brown hair and amazingly expressive eyes.

  “Are you okay?” The woman repeated gently. Ellie nodded gingerly and tensed her face in case her brain decided to make a run for it from her ears. “Those tranquillisers are pretty nasty, aren't they? They were developed for animals really not humans.”

  Ellie blinked and looked down at her sleeping friends.

  “I asked the orb to wake you first so we could have a chat.”

  Ellie blinked again and looked at what the woman was holding. It was easily recognisable.

  “That wasn't a dream?” Ellie asked. The woman shook her head. “You were showing me some of the past.” The woman nodded and Ellie took a deep breath. “And you're, well, you're me?” The woman smiled.

  Ellie. The orb interrupted. Say hello to Ellie.

  The White Room

  “This room is one of many.” Ellie explained. “They're stationed around this country and in many countries around the world. All for the purpose of containing what they call the magical threat. These tubes contain the elixir that keeps the subject in stasis. It's the same substance that Cole was placed in.”

  “But I thought Isabelle wanted those like her kept safe?”

  “Yes. I don't know what happened, the orb could never penetrate that part of Isabelle's memory. I'm guessing but maybe she was overthrown, pushed out and the Institute changed direction.” Ellie's older self explained.

  The younger Ellie. The Ellie who'd held Isabelle when she died, sighed.

  “She was sorry when she died. For what happened and what she did to me.” Older Ellie said nothing but her eyes were a picture of grief. “Why did you bring me here? To this room?”

  “This is where Rox's family will end up and once they find out this race of rabbits are everywhere, more teams will be sent out on capture missions.”

  “But the world! It'll stop and die!” Ellie exclaimed referring to the duty Rox's family must perform once a year to keep the world spinning and safe.

  “Yes, you see, five years ago a field agent sent me a report about the temple and the surrounding area. Spotters had identified a new type of magic which of course was the rabbits. I ordered the investigation shut down to protect you and Rox. Unfortunately the agent didn't give up and gathered his own evidence of how special Rox and her kind are.” Ellie sighed and rolled the orb from hand to hand. “My time at the Institute was up after that so I left gracefully and disappeared from view. If I couldn't protect you from the Institute then I decided to do it closer to home.”

  Younger Ellie stared for a while at this woman and she then snorted a laugh that made her head feel light which in turn made her laugh harder.

  “You're,” She gasped between laughs, “you're my next-door neighbour!” And they both laughed.


  “Your encounter with Isabelle. My living in the village at the same time as her.” Older Ellie shook her head. “I'd hate to have to work the odds out for that.”

  You don't want to know. The orb said dryly.

  “Can I ask you a question, well, a couple, before we wake the others?” Ellie asked somewhat shyly.

  “Of course.”

  “How much danger are we all in, and I'm including my, sorry, our family and the village?” The dark eyes penetrated the younger more innocent ones and Ellie felt she could spend a lifetime looking into them.

  “Before today the Institute would've infiltrated with a capture team and be out before the dust settled. They took an amazing chance today to carry on the operation and expose themselves to so many so I think we have to assume they're changing tactics or are just plain crazy! Either way the danger is incredible now and I think their boldness may increase.”

  Ellie nodded as she thought about Mum, Dad and little Jack.

  “How have you survived? I mean the effort to keep going all those years?”

  Ellie smiled at the question and placed an arm around the younger version of her.

  “You know, until I met the orb it wasn't an issue. Then it told me the year. The last two thousand years have been a real drag.”

  Thank you. The orb interjected.

  Both Ellie's laughed but then older Ellie's voice became deadly serious.

  “Compassion, Ellie. That's the key. The orb has helped me keep my memory and remind me of certain things otherwise I wouldn't be me anymore. The human brain is not designed to retain so many memories or so much knowledge. But I could lose all of that and still survive as long as I have my compassion. It's what's kept me going.” Ellie tailed off as she thought about all the friends she'd made over the long years. Apart from Cole and Malachite they were all dead, their bones turned to dust long ago.

  “Come on. Let's wake them up.”


  “After the fox hit me I passed out, so I didn't know that this green lump had rescued me!” Storm explained to Rox and the others. “It was quite a shock to wake up in a basement with that standing over me grinning.” Storm finished extending a paw at a bashful Malachite.

  “You should've seen the look on the fox's face!” Malachite laughed sending black clouds of smoke into the room.

  Storm reached out her paw gently to her daughter's cheek her eyes suddenly full of the fear that Rox may still reject her. Rox didn't move and Storm, for the first time in a long time, touched her daughter's fur.

  “Oh, my darling, Rox.” Storm whispered. “I was destined to die by that fox's teeth until Ellie and Malachite intervened and I wished so many times to return to you. But it was your fate to lead the warren and save the world.” Rox simply nodded.

  “I understand, I really do. The idea is going to take some getting used to though.” And then Rox grinned broadly and grabbed her mother in a fierce embrace. “You and me, mother, we're going to chase the sky together!”

  Both mother and daughter shed tears over the years they had lost. The emotion was felt around the room and everyone laughed and dried their eyes. Everyone but the older Ellie came together to discuss what they'd experienced via the orb so Ellie moved away for a private conversation with it.

  I didn't want to show them everything. I left out quite a lot. The orb said.

  Yes, and thank you. There are things which they don't need to know and information they don't need yet.

  You mean the First Emperor's tomb, the great fire of London, the Oracle at Delphi, the crystal source and so on? When Ellie didn't answer the orb continued. So you have a plan in place?

  For a long time. Though I didn't expect this much help when I played my hand. Or for Ellie and Rox to be in danger.

  Do you think they'll help?

  Rox will of course.

  And Ellie?

  She's not the girl that went back in time as I did. She's five years older now and a different person.

  Not so much. She escaped from Isabelle and you didn't see her charge down a hill to save Rox.

  There's more on the line this time. We have to get our family to safety first, if she agrees to help.

  Do you want to see them again? Your family?

  Ellie clutched the orb tight against her chest and thought it over.

  I've wondered about that over the years. I've watched Ellie grow up from a distance and walked past the house so many times for glimpses of Mum, Dad and Jack. I've had to stop myself every time from knocking on the door just for the chance to see them up close.

  But you won't?

  I told Ellie that compassion got me here and you've reminded me of that. I didn't lie. I don't want my parents hurt by thinking I've been alone all these years.

  But you haven't been alone. I may not have show
n them everything, what about your childr…

  Enough! Ellie ordered.

  Fair enough. The orb acquiesced. Then let's get this underway, being down here gives me the chills.


  You know what I mean.

  Plans and decisions

  “This is where Baiulus will bring the rabbits for what they call quarantine.” Ellie informed them while pointing at the large glass receptacles. “They'll be placed in the elixir, the same substance that keeps Cole alive. Storm and Rox, if you agree then you'll stay and break them out.” Both rabbits nodded their agreement however Rox was troubled.

  “How? This seems a big place and they'll be guarded.” She asked.

  “That's the second part of the plan but before that I will give myself and the orb up to the Institute.” The objections and arguments went on for a few minutes until everyone had said their piece and then Ellie continued. “It's a big risk I know but I need to get in their main building and show them I have the orb.” Objections started again but this time Ellie held up her hand for silence. “I decided on this course of action years ago and the orb makes it possible.” Though still troubled the small group gave each other looks that spoke volumes but they said no more on the subject. “Thank you.” Ellie acknowledged.

  “Now, Ellie and Malachite.” Ellie paused to look at her younger self. “Actually, I have a question to ask you first. Ellie, do you want to do this?”

  Ellie nibbled on a fingernail while she considered her answer.

  “Considering what's at stake then yes, of course, but what about Mum, Dad and Jack?”

  “That'll be your first port of call. My house has a bunker built into the basement now. It's where I went when Isabelle attacked the village. They should be safe in there.”

  “Should be safe?” Ellie queried.

  “There's no guarantees here, Ellie. Everything we now do puts us and those we love in the firing line.”

  Rox walked over to Ellie as she imagined her family in danger because of her and Baiulus.

  “Difficult isn't it?” Rox asked. “You've done so much for this world already, both of you. Whatever your decision is it will be respected.”

  Ellie blew out a breath. If she was being honest with her friends she couldn't make the decision when it involved the end of the world, not again. She wasn't a little girl anymore and things were more complicated now. Instead she thought about her family. If she helped they would be in danger. If she didn't help and older Ellie, Rox, Malachite and the others failed, she had doomed them to a long death anyway. She decided, she would not save the world. She would save her family.

  “I'm in.” To which Malachite chuckled and Storm raced over and hugged her leg.

  “Okay.” Older Ellie said clapping her hands and smiling. “Ellie and Malachite, take Flare and get them over to my house then I'll give you directions to a very special place and a very old friend who promised to help if I ever needed it. You're going to China.”

  “China!” Ellie exclaimed. “I don't think I have a passport.” To which Malachite coughed and rolled his eyes. “Oh yes, of course.” Ellie recovered. “But China? What's in China?”

  A lot of tea. The orb added.


  The small group huddled down on the white floor together. Rather than make the circle bigger with his bulk Malachite popped his head over their bodies and into the centre. Everyone knew their respective tasks and how much they were relying on each other for them to be successful. If anyone was experiencing doubts they were hiding them well.

  “I'm not going to lie. This is dangerous. Baiulus are dangerous. Whatever we've seen today and what the orb showed you merely scratches the surface of what they're capable of. If they take the gloves off, which they will when we start to interfere, they will swing hard and fast. We have to be harder and faster in what we do. If you encounter them run as fast as you can and keep running. The important thing is to get away to fight again.” Older Ellie looked at every single friend in the group her gaze finally settling on herself, herself at twelve years old anyway. “Are you sure?” She asked once more and Ellie nodded. “Okay. Rox and Storm will stay here, the rest of us will leave with Malachite before separating.”

  Flare immediately bounded over to his mother and hung onto her. Rox hugged her son hard and whispered into his ears.

  “I love you, Flare.”

  “I love you too.” He cried into her fur.

  Both Ellie's bent down and hugged Rox and Storm farewell. Storm smiled at Malachite who merely sniffed at the general overuse of emotion, he just wanted to get on with this. He wanted to get his friend back as soon as possible and hurt a few members of the Institute if he got the chance. Flare gave his mother one last brave smile before he was lifted by his young human friend. Rox and Storm moved away as the remaining friends climbed aboard Malachite and they watched as the green dragon jumped and vanished in one motion. Silence descended in the room and Rox gave her long lost mother a long look before smiling and rubbing her head on Storm's shoulder.


  The dark tunnel of the dragon thread didn't frighten Ellie as it did earlier when Malachite had snatched her from the street and landed in the rabbit's meeting cavern underground. It also led to an intriguing notion.

  Ellie? Malachite? Ellie whispered into the darkness of the tunnel and her mind.

  Yes? They both answered at once.

  How did you enter the rabbit warren and the white room, Malachite? No dragon could've made those journeys before! Ellie asked referring to a dragon's ability to travel on any dragon thread ever created, the only limitation being any dragon must've made that journey previously.

  Well, fortunately for us, Storm and Ellie have very good descriptive skills. Malachite replied. It worked quite well though I have to admit! He added.

  What? Ellie yelled, the cold in the tunnel suddenly disappeared as her face flushed in disbelief.

  Well, it's not as if it was my first time.

  The silence was penetrating as Ellie contemplated this skill and vivid images popped into her mind of emerging into solid rock. Would she become part of it, her atoms scattered within the earth itself? Or perhaps enter the rock whole and slowly suffocate? She grimaced and shook her head to dispel the morbid imaginings.

  True. The older Ellie added after a time. And it will definitely help out where you're going.


  “Are you crazy? I mean seriously have you actually flipped out?” Mum cried flapping her hands in the air, her face turning an interesting shade of red. “Should I be calling the hospital?” Dad sat heavily on the sofa and placed his head in his hands. Lily and Cerys stared at each other in that special way of children when adults are arguing around them and then decided to sit down as well.

  “Ellie rides dragons and speaks to rabbits!” Jack said excitedly jumping up and down in front of Mum.

  “No, Jack. Daddy's just being really silly!”

  “Yes, I'm being really silly and the video Lily took is just a bit of C.G.I that popped up on the street!” Dad retorted. Mum's face turned a shade redder and she opened her mouth to respond when the back door crashed open and they all turned to the sound of running feet.

  “Okay everyone, grab a bag, and a change of clothes! We need to leave now!” With the last syllable Ellie came through the living room door flustered and breathing heavily. She looked quickly around the room a bit shocked at finding her two friends in her home.

  “Oh hi, Lily. Hi, Cerys.” Ellie was glad to see them both safe and sound after their encounter with Isabelle. Ellie also noted that everyone was looking at her very strangely. “What?” She asked suspiciously while frowning at them all.

  “Ellie talks to rabbits!” Jack shouted, pointing at his big sister. Ellie's eyes darted to Dad who looked sheepish and then to Mum who was staring at her daughter with eyes clearly showing her complete shock.

  “Oh.” Ellie said, her shoulders slumping. “Damn.”

  The Institute
  While Anthony and Dana prepared Cassandra for questioning Sloan made for his office. The nagging thought that he'd encountered this girl before was becoming overwhelming and he concluded he must try and resolve this before choosing the next course of action. His office comprised a simple chair and desk upon which his workstation was built in. As he sat the workstation chimed, indicating an incoming message. He jabbed the screen and it came to life, the black screen resolving into the face of the woman overseeing the operations room in his absence.

  “Report.” He ordered.

  “We have the video files available for you and the identification routines are finished.”

  “Very good. Where are the teams now?”

  “All have left the area. Helicopters are en-route to the staging area with their cargo which will be transferred within the hour. Ground teams are clear of the area and are returning.” The woman looked expectantly at Sloan awaiting further instructions.

  “Please inform me when the transfer is complete and I want a full report on the success of our media infiltration within the hour.” Sloan instructed, referring to the kill command the Institute had inserted into the internet to eradicate any video or pictures taken during the operation of any team members and more importantly the appearance of the dragon.

  “Yes, sir.” She responded and the screen went dark as Sloan shut down the link. Another few taps on the screen opened the video file streamed via the helicopter and sniper that had failed to secure the girl. Sloan shook his head with a small smile as he watched time after time the action of the dragon appearing to save the girl and vanish with her. That particular skill was previously unknown to him, clearly the dragon held in quarantine had not been as forthcoming as he would've wished during interrogation. The girl though, Sloan froze the video and focused the screen on her face. He knew that face he was certain of it. Sliding the video to the side of the screen he opened the file on the identities of those who'd interacted with the girl. His eyes scanned the list and he then went back to analysing the video. Pulling the focus back he saw in the background a man standing with his son apparently shouting and gesturing. They could've merely been reacting to the unbelievable events unfolding in front of them but the man was shouting the same thing over and over. A name? Sloan wondered. Possibly his daughter's name? He scanned the list of people who lived in the area and saw one that seemed to match the family description he wanted. Mother, father, two children. The girl would be the correct age for the one who'd alluded them. Sloan nodded to himself. A team would need to be sent in to ascertain if this was the right family and what they knew and then maybe Sloan could deduce why he thought he knew this girl. His workstation chimed again and this time, revealed the face of Anthony.


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