Fate of the Fallen

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Fate of the Fallen Page 38

by Darren Lewis

  I have no idea. This might be my version of death. We all have our time.

  Eleanor didn't answer and the orb noticed.

  Don't get sentimental on me now, Eleanor. Plenty for you left to do here.

  What about me? Isabelle asked. What's happened?

  I'll let the two Ellie's fill you in. You still have some power Isabelle, use it wisely, the darkness will always be a part of you, and you must remain vigilant. The world has become more dangerous than ever for all of you. And I have one more thing for you.

  The orange glow of the orb descended and settled on Isabelle for a few seconds before drifting upwards.

  “Ha!” Eleanor laughed as she saw her old friend as the girl she remembered, her youth restored.

  Isabelle studied her hands and stroked her cheeks.


  Because you had a choice, it just took you a while to make the right one. Remember that always. That was all the orb shared on the subject. Be well, all of you. The orb said, its voice quietening. And be careful. The orange glow dissipated into the sky and the green haze above them all.

  Goodbye. Both Eleanor and Ellie whispered.


  Though the barrier still pulsed with power its stopping ability only worked one way, to prevent access to Baiulus and all its buildings so Cole, with both Ellie's, a still puzzled but fresh-faced Isabelle and Anthony astride his back launched away from the street and out into the air beyond the green barrier. Anthony had not walked far from the Institute and the large, quiet man had grabbed Eleanor in a fierce bear-hug. The noises of mayhem reached them all as Cole sought altitude and safety from police and news helicopters.

  Baiulus is still online. Isabelle stated quietly. I remember that much. Hundreds of thousands of them.

  Yes. Ellie replied and Isabelle turned to see which Ellie had responded. The older Ellie, the Ellie she knew raised her hand. Confusing isn't it? She added sardonically before her expression growing serious. The orb was right, we're in great danger now.

  What are we going to do? Ellie asked.

  Get back to our family and disappear for a while. We need to find out what's going on and what to do about it.

  Are you ready? Cole interrupted.

  Whenever you are, my love. Eleanor responded, stroking her red dragon's back. Let's get those wounds seen to.


  “Why is there a woman floating in a bubble in here?”

  “The door's open!”


  “To the basement! The door!”

  Fern sprang up, Seren at the ready in front of a sleepy Flare, Ellie's family and two friends, Lily and Cerys. Footsteps sounded on the stairs and Fern readied a barrier spell in case the strange men and women had returned.

  “Fern!” Fern gasped at the sound of his name and dissolved the spell.

  “Ellie! Thank the White and Grey.” Fern rushed over and hugged the leg of his young friend. Ellie leaned down and lifted Fern to her chest.

  “Are you okay? Why was the door open?” Ellie asked him quickly.

  “That woman up the stairs, she used magic to force Flare to open the door so I stopped her.” Fern explained. By now Ellie had walked with Fern to her family and friends and laughed softly as they all snored in unison.

  “Is Rox okay?” Fern asked anxiously.

  “Of course. She and all the others are on their way here.”

  “What's been happening? I haven't seen anyone since the woods yesterday.” Ellie placed Fern down on the ground as Isabelle, Anthony and Eleanor came down the stairs. Fern tilted his head. “I assume it's going to be a long story.”

  “It's time to wake everyone up.” Eleanor announced. “Then we can leave.” The group fell silent, each trying to comprehend how much the world had changed in such a short space of time. Eleanor placed a hand on her younger version's shoulder. “Don't worry. I'm good at this. Changing identities, we'll be okay.” Ellie nodded as she studied her parents sleeping faces.

  “Then let's get on…”

  ELLIE! GET OUT HERE NOW! Cole bellowed. Without hesitation both Ellie's and Isabelle ran for the stairs.

  “Stay here!” Eleanor ordered Anthony and Fern.

  All three ran through the house and into the front garden where Cole had landed a few minutes earlier.

  What is it, Cole?

  The dragon didn't respond, he merely nodded towards the street. Lined up and down the street were hundreds of pale, skinny, barely dressed men, women and children.

  “What the hell?” Isabelle said.

  “It's you.” Eleanor said flatly.

  Isabelle's eyes went wide and she held onto her friend's arm for support.

  “I'm so sorry.” She whispered.

  “Time's up, Eleanor!” One of the figures called out. “You may have changed my original back to the girl she was but we still exist! And we still want you!”

  As one they crowd gestured towards the three women and dragon and released a torrent of fire. Ellie and Isabelle reacted immediately and constructed a barrier that deflected the flame into the bushes surrounding the garden, setting them ablaze.

  “Get my family out!” Ellie yelled with effort as she held the barrier in place. Eleanor turned and quickly disappeared inside the house. The fire intensified and Ellie began to feel the heat on her hands as she held them up in front of her.

  “How long can you do this for?” Isabelle asked between gritted teeth. Ellie shook her already sweating head.

  “Not much longer.”

  “Cole!” Eleanor shouted emerging from the house followed by Fern, Anthony and all the sleeping family and friends. “Fern's kept them asleep rather than wake them. We'll drop the girls off near their homes if we can. Damn side easier than explaining right now.” The red dragon lumbered over to his rider and placed each person and one rabbit on his back. Fern dashed over and added his magical weight to Isabelle and Ellie's barrier, it helped but they were hopelessly outnumbered.

  “Isabelle, Ellie. Get on Cole's back, you're leaving.” Eleanor told them both. “You too, Fern.”

  “What?” Isabelle said, her face registering shock and the struggle she was feeling.

  “You have to get away. Get to safety. I'll be alright I promise.” Both Ellie and Isabelle turned to face Eleanor.

  “We can't leave you behind.” Ellie said quietly, the words dying as she knew this was the only course of action, as it was a course that she herself would take. Her older version reached out and stroked her hair.

  “They may keep their word but as soon as you drop the barrier get out of here.” Eleanor said walking past them and close to the roaring wall of fire. “I agree. Stop the fire and we'll lower the barrier.” The fire went out immediately, the only proof of its existence being the now smouldering bushes. A woman strode forward from the street and stopped directly in front of Ellie.

  “Now lower the barrier.” She ordered. Eleanor turned and looked at her family and friends, her breath hitched slightly as she took one last look at her dragon.

  “I love you all.” She called out.

  Ellie and Isabelle dropped the barrier. Fern leapt into Ellie's arms and they raced for Cole's back. The red dragon studied each person on the street and the woman standing next to his rider with a murderous gaze. He bent low and placed his large head in the woman's face.

  “If you hurt her I will put you down.” The red dragon said with fierce intensity.

  Eleanor reached out and placed a hand on Cole's neck to calm him.

  I'll always be with you, Cole. Just call to me.

  I will. Cole sobbed in his mind, pulling away from the woman.

  Now get out of here please. Take them somewhere safe.

  Cole launched but kept his eyes on the ground.

  I love you, Ellie. I'll find you.

  I love you too, Cole and I know you will.

  Cole turned away with tears streaming from his eyes and opened a dragon thread and disappeared from Eleanor's sight. She looked back
down towards this brainwashed version of Isabelle. Eleanor thought of London four hundred years ago when she had refused to surrender and it had cost so many lives and she knew someday this reckoning would come.

  “I surrender.”


  Sloan groaned as he opened his heavy eyes. His back was warm and felt itchy and his front was freezing cold. His head bumped against something and he cried out in pain.

  “Ah you're awake. Very good.”

  Strong hands lifted him and Sloan managed to focus on the face in front of him. Dana.

  “You'll be pleased to know that Baiulus is now online. We're taking control of every major city and government in the world. The human race is ours now. Ellie, or Eleanor if you prefer, was to be the first lesson but I have other plans for her now so I guess it'll have to be you.”

  Sloan swallowed nervously and several figures moved from behind Dana towards him.

  “Who are you?” Sloan asked, his dry throat causing him to wince.

  “Isabelle.” Was the whisper. “Isabelle.” Again, louder now. “Isabelle.” Dana and the others began chanting, louder and louder. “Isabelle!” Sloan turned to find a possible escape and saw what Dana spoke of and he began to struggle but the strong hands held him fast.

  “Don't worry. It'll be just like falling asleep.” Sloan yelled in fear as he was manhandled into a holding tube. Despite the pain he felt throughout his whole body he slammed his fists and knees into the glass.

  “No, please no.” He pleaded.

  “This is the price for disobedience, Sloan.” And Dana snapped her fingers. Blue liquid filled the tank rapidly. Men, women and children surrounded the tube continuing the chant and Sloan screamed and then gurgled.


  “Where are we?” Plume asked.

  “We're not too far from the village, Plume.”

  Plume growled as the soldiers of the Terracotta Army came into view.

  “I'm not sure it's such a good idea having them along. It doesn't exactly make us conspicuous.” Plume complained and Rox snorted a laugh.

  “Only you could complain about having an army tag along to protect you.”

  Plume shrugged and stared into the blue sky.

  “What a strange day. I can't wait to see Flare.” Plume said excitedly. Rox smiled and nodded. The rest of the rabbits, a calmed Storm, soldiers and a heavily sweating Cassandra had caught up so the strange group could continue their journey when a painful hum surrounded the rabbits and terracotta soldiers. Each rabbit shrunk low to the ground and winced in pain.

  “What the bloody hell is that?” Plume shrieked. As Rox looked around with narrowed eyes the soldiers began exploding. Sharp shards filled the air along with the screams of rabbits, in fear and pain as some shards found a mark. A warrior near to Rox and Plume exploded with tremendous force and both rabbits were sent tumbling through the air. Plume cartwheeled as his back legs caught a tree branch but by good fortune landed on his paws unscathed.

  “Rox!” He screamed above the sharp retort and crack as the soldiers continued to explode. “Where are you?” Plume limped back to where he'd been standing and saw black fur near the tree he himself had hit. “Rox!” He cried with relief and pain forgotten rushed over. Rox lifted her head and smiled at her partner though Plume saw the incredible pain etched onto Rox's face. Plume dropped his staff and hovered over Rox, his paw stroking her ears. “Are you okay?”

  Rox closed her eyes and with a shake of her head pushed Plume away.

  “I can't move my back legs.” She sobbed. As the last of the soldiers cracked open Plume's world went quiet. All sound except for that of his partner dissolved. He shook his head and moved closer to lift Rox. “No!” She cried pushing him away. “Get the others to safety.” Plume clutched her head.

  “Don't be stupid! You're the leader and I'm your protector!” He growled. Rox looked deep into Plume's eyes and with a smile that released tears from her own eyes she stroked his face and whispered.

  “What about Flare? I can't run and we're under attack.” With the last word leaving her mouth a voice called from the trees, not far from where the rabbits lay in hiding.

  “You've escaped me once. Not twice.”

  Plume was shaking his head, his eyes rolling wildly as he tried to think of a solution. Rox swallowed back her tears.

  “I love you, Plume. Find our son.” she said nodding at her partner. Plume leaned back and retrieved his staff.

  “Every rabbit on me!” He called, the confidence in his voice betrayed by the anguished look on his face. The grass began to rustle as rabbits, some injured and bleeding formed on Plume's shoulder, each gasping and terrified at the state of their leader. Cassandra emerged unscathed from a tree too close to their attackers and was immediately felled from behind.

  “Poor little, Cassandra. Sloan may have wanted rid of you but I think not. Your mother would've been ashamed of you.”

  Rox thumped the ground helplessly as she watched the woman being dragged away.

  “Go with Plume now.” Rox ordered. “Find safety and please stay together. Go! Now!” Plume backed away, his tears now free, he turned as the sound of humans moving through the woods came to his ears.

  “If you hurt my Rox I will seek each of you out.” He called. A laugh came back to them.

  “Is that a threat, little rabbit?”

  “No.” Plume whispered. “A promise.” And with one long lasting look at his partner he mouthed the words 'I love you' and Plume dashed off into the woods with the rest of the warren on his back paws.

  Rox smiled. At least Plume, Flare and the warren would be safe. Rox tried to shift her weight but pain streaked excruciatingly down her back. Cracking noises indicated people moving closer as they stepped on the destroyed soldier remains. A man came into view, his eyes glowing with power and malice. He walked up to Rox and crouched down. Rox closed her eyes and prayed to The White and The Grey.


  The huge mound of earth had collapsed violently and quickly leaving the locals in no doubt that some great catastrophe would soon beset their country. Many shuffled around nervously not daring to speak lest reality become truth.

  One brave soul climbed a little way onto the depressed earth and kicked teasingly at the brown earth. He sighed and rolled his eyes at the superstitious nature of his kin. Yes the tomb was important because of its historic value but nothing more. Turning to leave the area with a small chuckle the man glimpsed a flash of silver. He gasped and quickly crouched down to survey the riches discovered. Clearing away a small area revealed more silver but it was fashioned in a way that puzzled him the further he dug, it seemed to be carved in the form of a giant leg and talons!

  Shaking his head he gripped the silver and was astonished to find it warm to touch. Still undaunted he placed both hands on the silver leg and pulled hard. The leg came away with effort and the man smiled but his joy was short lived as the silver leg was yanked from his grasp and a large area next to him erupted, showering him and those gathered with dirt. Flung to his back the man raised his arms to protect his face and only saw part of the great, terrifying, silver visage before him. It opened its mighty jaws and the man squealed, certain his disrespect was about to be punished. A voice issued forth from that most terrible maw.

  “Who the bloody hell are you? And where's Ellie?”


  “Where are we?” Ellie asked Cole.

  “A cave system near where Malachite originally hid the other dragons.”

  “Why here?”

  “Because we have friends here who can help us.”

  Ellie glanced over Cole's shoulder to her still sleeping family. Flare was awake and speaking quietly to Fern and Isabelle, his eyes filled with worry over his parents. Cole had been successful in returning Lily and Cerys to their respective homes. Ellie turned her head at the sound of faint rustling and she saw several small, dark figures running her way.

  “Don't be afraid.” One called out.

  A g
roup of rabbits came into view and sat close to Ellie and Cole. One came forward and bowed his head.

  “I'm Fortisan. My warren is at your disposal.” He stated simply. Ellie leaned back against Cole's chest and rubbed her face with a shaky hand.

  We'll be okay. I promise. Cole assured her.

  And what about Eleanor? Can you still hear her?

  Cole twisted his neck so Ellie could see his eyes were glittering, full of hope and love.


  The end of The Baiulus Series

  The battle for the world is just beginning

  Dear reader,

  Thank you for taking time to read Fate of the Fallen. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.




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