Sir Baby: "Great ass. Want to see those cheeks"
You give a little and people seem to get a little demanding. I needed to let them down gently and get control of this conversation.
Leatherman25: “Come on boys be nice to the newbie”
Well I guess I have to, thanks Leatherman25. It was nice to know that someone had my back. Now if I could just meet a person like that in real life.
PartyBlond: “Love your body”
SpankyBtm: "Thanx"
Roberto112: “Hey sexy”
Slowly but surely, I was getting more people here, so it was time to encourage some more tipping.
SpankyBtm: “At 250 I'll take off my tank top”
Sir Baby: “Junior I don't pay for porn so why should I pay here?”
That was harsh, but true. The tip bell went off, and I saw that Letherman25 had tipped another 150, bringing the total to 250, so I guess it was time to take off the shirt.
SpankyBtm: “Thanx Leatherman”
Leatherman25: “You're welcome”
So now was the time to take off my shirt. Every body-conscious thought I had ever had came flooding back into my head. Am I too skinny? Am I too fat? Am I too pale? It was time to throw caution to the wind as I sat up and slowly pulled the tank top over my head. I felt like I had a thousand eyes staring at me. I sat there for a minute for people to see before I lied back down and stared into the camera again.
PartyBlond: “Hot motherfucker”
Sir Baby: “Damn baby”
Kilgore: “Do you ever rub your nipples?”
Leatherman25: “Very nice. You have a beautiful soul”
That was an interesting post. What did he mean by that? I've never had anybody say anything about my soul except for my mother when she got on her religious soap box.
SpankyBtm: “Thanx boys”
Sir Baby: “Now let’s get that underwear off”
Roberto112: “Show that hot ass”
Leatherman25: “Do you want to make it a short night?”
PartyBlond: “Who said it was short have you seen it before?”
SpankyBtm: “It isn't short and no one here has seen it yet”
Sir Baby: “Want to rub them both”
Kilgore: “And run my finger between the crack”
Leatherman25: “That's it”
I heard the tip bell, and I was now at four hundred. Time to remove the underwear. I never said I would show my dick, so I needed to do this very carefully. I turned my back to the camera and slowly slid my underwear down my legs. I tried to do it with some drama to give the viewers what they wanted. As they came off, I turned my head to the camera, brought my underwear up to my face, and smelled them. I knew they were clean so I wasn't too worried about it. I quickly cupped my dick and balls with my hand and rolled back over onto my stomach.
PartyBlond: "I'm gonna cum"
Kilgore: "Very hot"
Roberto112: "Run your hands over your ass"
SpankyBtm: "Thanks for making my first night a pleasant one"
I didn't say how long I would stay on once I hit my goal, but I figured two minutes was plenty so that everyone could get a good look.
Leatherman25: "I would love it if you private messaged me your email"
I was surprised by the request since I wanted to keep everything here as anonymous as possible. Leatherman was the only person who genuinely seemed interested in me and not just for the skin show. I threw caution to the wind and private messaged him my email. It could go either way. And I might never hear from him anyway.
SpanyBtm: "Have a good night everyone"
And with that, I disconnected my broadcast. I was a little turned on because it was kind of thrilling having people look at you. Isn't it horrible that we get our sense of self worth from what people think about us? And I forgot to thank Leatherman25 for the final tips to get to my goal. It made the night less painful. Why did he mention my soul? Now that is hot.
I heard a knock at the door.
"Me and “The Package” are going for ice cream. Do you want to come along?” Marjorie asked.
"Let me put some clothes on and I'll be ready."
There was one month before our "Smash" show was set to debut, and today was costume fittings. Germaine rolled into the club with a huge rolling rack of outfits. "These should help. I've had them in storage, and you should be able to use a good bunch of them."
I was extremely glad to see Germaine. He understood what we were trying to accomplish, and I felt like we were kindred spirits having gone through some of the same prejudice against the beautiful people. "You are a sight for sore eyes." I went over and hugged him. "We are just waiting on Miss Gigi's friends from the community playhouse to get here with their costumes and their players who are generous enough to be doing the show for free. From my understanding, some of them are just doing it for more experience. Crossing my fingers on this one."
"Hello darlings!" Miss Gigi announced as she came strutting into the room, looking all bubbly and perky. I think she had found her true calling with the play, and I think she was keeping off the pills.
"Are the players with you?" I asked.
"Yes, they are unloading the van right now. Who is your sexy friend?” She said as she extended her hand to Germaine.
"This is my good friend Germaine. We work together at the hotel."
"Isn't that convenient? You don't have to go very far to find a place to have sex, do you?" she said.
"It is a great pleasure to meet you. Tyler has told me so much about you," Germaine said.
"He didn't tell me anything about you at all. Meow is all I can say," Miss Gigi said as she made a cat paw swipe in the air. "I love your rings. Is any one a wedding ring?"
"Those are all at home. I haven't had the pleasure of proposing to anyone yet, but this might be my lucky day," Germaine said.
The rest of her crew rolled in the door with another rack of clothes. The players were all so friendly and eager to get everything up and running. They seemed to have a real camaraderie amongst themselves, which was truly lacking in our group of contestants. Miss Gigi stepped up and took charge.
"Alright everyone, as you can see, our staging is going to very minimal, so our blocking should go pretty quickly, and the dance numbers will be really easy. Marjorie will walk you through everything. You've all had the book of the show, so we are going to start at the beginning and just go. I'm going to introduce you all so that you know who you are working with. Tyler is our Marilyn, Edgar is Joe DiMaggio, Sid is Mr. Zanuck, Billy is President Kennedy, Beatrice is Mama Gladys. We also have several of the club performers here filling the background roles. This will be fabulous, and we can't thank you enough for helping us pull this off."
I pulled Marjorie to the side. "I can't thank you enough for putting up with all the crap surrounding the contest and for helping out choreographing the show. You really don't know how much that means to me."
"Sweetie, you are welcome. I am more than glad to help you out," Marjorie said as she hugged me.
The run-through was a little rough at first as everyone was feeling out each other's character, but after the first hour things got much better and everything was running on all cylinders. Germaine was grabbing each person every chance he got and kept trying costumes on them. He could size someone up and find the right costume for them, and if it didn't fit exactly, he pulled out his sewing kit and made a dart here and there to make it work. I could see why he did so well in the past. I wished I had his sewing skills because he just made it look so easy.
We finally took a break and everyone headed to the main bar to grab a drink. Of course, Athena was there snooping around. She was like the bad penny that kept turning up, and all she wanted to do was cause trouble. I guess I could take the high road, since all these people helping were guests and I didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.
"So are you putting on another tired show?" Athena fired off.
e never put on a tired show and this one will be no exception. I've got all these great people helping me out, so it has been lovely having a support network. And speaking of support, I think I saw your underwire support bra back in the dressing room at your station."
"Baby, I don't need any support wire in my bras. I know how to make it look natural, and unfortunately there are several of you who have tits that look like you have loaves of bread shoved under your dress. I'm watching your tired ass as you do your tired boy girl drag. They should give out a prize in this contest for the person with the biggest 5 o'clock shadow. You would win for sure. Ta ta," she said.
The encounter was short and sorta like I thought it would be.
"What did miss thing want?" Miss Gigi asked.
"Nothing. Just the same ole same ole out of her mouth," I said.
"Is Albert still not talking to you?" Gigi asked.
"No. He is really holding a grudge on this. Everyone keeps telling me he will get over it, but he hasn't yet."
"I tried apologizing to him, but he didn't want to hear anything from me. I made the effort, and if he doesn’t want to accept it, then he can go fuck himself. I'm a much more positive person now all because of you, and I'm moving forward with my life. It's the first time in many years that I have a positive attitude towards things. I got tired of being a drag, no pun intended," she said.
"You really know what you're doing. You should think about doing theater for real after this," I said.
"Well, to tell you the truth, I've been taking some acting lessons on the side. I think I found my calling, and I'm happy doing it. If it weren't for you pushing me I wouldn't have gotten up the courage. Here's to a great show," she said and raised her glass in a toast. We clinked glasses.
Time to get back to work.
It was time to work the street for some easy cash, which I planned on keeping no matter what happened on my second beggar's day.
I remembered what everyone kept telling me was I needed to stand out more while working the street and truly be a beautiful person. So I wore black thigh-high boots, a long, red, flat-ironed wig, and a short black, sequined dress, all accented by the pink safety vest. This time there was no being road kill as I made sure that everyone noticed me. I strutted between the cars, chatting up as many people through their open windows as possible.
"Hey baby, you got some change for a working girl," became my mantra for the day. I liked the fact that it had the slutty side behind it, and it made everyone laugh, especially after they read the sign on my bucket about collecting money for Atlanta Street Rescue. It made it a lot easier getting people to pry some coins from their pockets and put it in my bucket. It was amazing how people responded this time.
A very sexy, hot, blond pulled up to the red light in his BMW convertible with the top down. I did my best slow strut right up to him. "Baby, you need to hold your head still so I can check my lips in your sunglasses." His glasses were a reflective mirror and I stared deeply into them as I pushed my lips together and then bit my lip very slowly. I felt like I could see his baby blues through the lenses.
He tilted his head as he reached into his counsel and pulled out a couple dollar bills. "I always enjoy helping a lady in distress," he said as he dropped the bills into the bucket. The light turned green and he was off.
This was much more fun this time as people would actually chat me up and wanted to hear about my charity. After an hour, Stephanie from Bonk came out and brought me a coke with a very long straw so I didn't mess up my lips.
"I thought you could use some refreshments. Fabulous look," she said and handed me ten dollars. "Good luck, Desiree."
People did like me no matter what some of the bitchy contestants thought.
I kept busy working the corner and working every pose I could possibly do without showing off my business when I noticed a familiar BMW convertible come creeping back up the street. It looked like he was driving slowly just so he could catch the red light. It was the hot, blond and this time the dollar bills were sitting on his crotch.
"Baby, I sure hope you got sticky fingers," he said.
I sucked on two of my fingers as I bent over, leaned into the convertible, and kicked up my heels. "Honey, I'm a pro at this." And with that, I took my hand and rubbed the bills all over his crotch. I could feel his bulge start to grow. "I'm off now if you would like to get off."
"My name is Robert. I live in Vaseline Valley," he said.
“Vaseline Valley” was the pet name for the apartment complex just up the block. It was shabby chic, and mostly inhabited by people in the restaurant and bar industry. It tended to be very rowdy around their pool all summer.
"Hop in," he said.
My feet were killing me in these boots, and I had already made a good haul for the day. I threw caution to the wind and opened the passenger door and slid into the passenger seat.
"You won't be disappointed," he said.
"I better not be," I responded. This was a little more demanding than I ever thought I could be, but it was the power of drag that was coming through me. Germaine had always said it would rear its ugly head, and it was just beginning.
Robert floored it up the block as we pulled into the complex. His apartment was on the top floor overlooking the pool. There was a lot of eye candy out sunning themselves with very little clothing on. I could see why Robert had chosen this apartment, and I could feel the strain against the duct tape in my panties.
Robert's place was nothing like I expected it to be. It was a touch on the feminine side for someone so butch. He must have read my mind. "My mom helped decorate. I can never say no to her," he said. "Would you like a glass of wine?"
Robert went to the kitchen. I could hear him pull the cork out of the bottle as it popped, and he was back shortly with two glasses of white wine. "Baby, you need to relax," he said as he handed me the glass. "Let me help you get those boots off so I can massage your beautiful calves for you." He grabbed the zipper on the left boot and pulled it down with his teeth. He tossed the boot and grabbed the zipper of the right boot with his teeth and pulled it down. He tossed the boot across the room.
He started rubbing my feet, working out the day’s boot pain. He followed that by kneading the muscles in my claves like they were fresh dough. His hands kept working their way up my thighs, and I let out a moan as the tension was released. The strain on the duct tape was getting to be too much. "Baby, do you want me to remove the tape?"
"Yes please, you filthy pig," I said.
He proceeded to gently slide my panties down caressing my legs as he removed them. "This might hurt a bit," he said as he started pulling off the tape, which hid all my candy. It is not a glamorous thing, but if you need to hide your dick between your ass crack, duct tape is the way to go.
He flipped me over to pull the tape out of my ass crack. It pulled off gently, as I had moisturized my crack before I put the tape on. He began to rub my ass cheeks in a circular motion. The tension in the muscles was gone, but the tension in my asshole was on high alert. After the tape came of my candy, my dick stood at attention. He slowly worked his fingers around the rim of my asshole, but not penetrating my tight hole. He rubbed some more, and I could feel the heat generated from my asshole. My pussy was tight and ready to receive anything at this point. Robert took his tongue and slowly applied pressure to my rim as he pushed his tongue into my hole. He started moving his wet tongue so that I could feel the full flat part slide up and down the rim. My body was at full attention with every nerve tingling. I couldn't take this anymore. I began to strip off all my clothes so that he could ravage me.
"Baby, what are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm trying to get a little more comfortable.”
"Leave your clothes on. I've always had the fantasy of fucking a drag queen, and I want to see your dick bounce up and down as I'm fucking your tight ass," he said.
That was a first for me. I had heard about this sit
uation from some of the other girls, but I didn't expect it to happen to me. As long as he was gonna stick that dick in me, I guess I really didn't care. "Let's head to the bedroom. This lady wants you to rock my world with me grabbing your headboard," I said. I could already see the tent in his pants and momma liked what she saw.
He took my hand and led me to the bedroom. Again, it was a little on the feminine side, but it was a beautiful king-size bed with a goose down comforter. I fell onto it and I felt like a fluffy cloud had swallowed me up.
Robert quickly stripped off his clothes. His body was beautiful. The hair that I first saw sticking out of his shirt was covering his entire chest, stomach, legs, and bush. His penis looked like it had a golden glow to it.
He reached into his nightstand and pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube. I was glad he played it safe. He stroked some lube onto his dick and rolled the condom down, covering his mushroom head and shaft.
I was lying on my back and he lay on top of me, working his tongue in and out of my mouth. He slid his tongue down my neck as he took his hand and caressed my breasts. I wish I could have felt this on my nipples, but the bags of bird seed were blocking that. Next, he started lifting up my skirt and put the weight of his arms to raise my legs to the heavens. He took the lube and spritzed my dick and rubbed some onto my hole and his dick. I was waiting for that moment of ecstasy as his dick would push its way into my tight hole.
Suddenly, the bedroom door flew open, and standing there was a very exasperated woman.
"Again! Can't you keep your dick in your pants, you fucked up butt pirate?”
"Mary Anne! I can explain!"
"Explain. Explain what? That you have never been faithful for our entire marriage and that you are really gay?" she said.
"Baby, you know I love you, and I think you are the most beautiful woman in the world," he said.
"Then who is that skank?"
"This skank didn't get the full story from your husband," I said in my defense.
Mary Anne picked up a vase off the dresser and threw it at her husband's head, but instead, it hit the headboard, where it shattered.
The Crown Is Mine Page 13