Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series) Page 13

by Eden Redd

  “We are here to feed you. Taste me and please me.” Aznara said with a lustful glare.

  “Master?” Kira managed between moans.

  “Taste her.” Trystan commanded.

  Kira’s pointed tongue snaked out and ran along the demon’s wet line. Aznara closed her eyes and leaned her head back, hands holding onto Kira’s head, keeping her in place. Mana glowed brightly and the dragon familiar found she was hungry. Moments later another orgasm exploded from between Aznara’s legs. Invisible strands of magical energy spilled out. The dragon sipped and soon drank down the intoxicating energy. Another orgasm exploded and Kira lapped at more mana. Through the haze of lust, Trystan could see the flood of mana from between Aznara’s thighs. The groans and moans grew in tempo. The mage could no longer hold back. His spear thickened and a soul-crushing groan filled the cabin. Driving himself as deep as he could go, spurts of molten come splashed in Kira’s tight opening. The mana from her master filled the familiar’s magical womb.

  The beast urging Trystan on grew weaker and the mage could feel some semblance of his normal self. The only thing that did not lessen was his need to continue. The mage did not lose his hardness as he continued to invade Kira from behind. The urges to come again stayed and the mage didn’t slow down.

  “You will be like this for hours.” Aznara said and her mouth made another prefect O.

  “Kira?” Trystan asked while keeping his rhythm even.

  The dragon familiar pulled her mouth an inch from Aznara’s line. “Please master, don’t stop. So hungry, I need more.”

  All three went on and on, filling the familiar with more and more mana. After forty minutes, Aznara gently pushed the familiar away. Trystan slipped from Kira as she rolled onto her back, eyes rolled up and licking her lips.

  The succubus eyed Trystan as he stay on his knees across from her. “I want you too. Take me my friend.” Aznara said breathlessly.

  The young mage crawled forward, the madness gone but a lustful hunger driving him. The succubus reached down and spread herself open with her fingers, inviting him in. Trystan obliged, sinking into her with every inch. The mood shifted and tenderness blanketed the mage and demon. Both wrapped their arms around each other. Aznara’s legs closed around Trystan’s waist, holding him close. Trystan kissed her neck. The moans stopped and a comforting peace filled the cabin. Aznara let her lust subside and gently held onto her friend. Together they moved and writhed, connected as one being.

  “You don’t have to say it but I want to say it. I love you.” Aznara said in the barest of whispers.

  Warmth and heat charged the very air around man and demon. Trystan did not say the words but his body could not hold back the reaction. The mage’s cock stiffened and jets of come spurted into the demoness. Aznara bit his shoulder, stifling her own cries as orgasm after orgasm stormed through her trembling frame. Time stopped and the mage pulled back, eyes connecting with the succubus. Unspoken thoughts passed between them before time flowed once again.

  “One more time and then back to work. We still have the rest of the night and this is a pretty long break.” Aznara said matter of fact.

  “This is a break?” Trystan said out of breath.

  The succubus nodded. “We haven’t even pulled out the chains yet. I have plans for all three of us. Now back to it.”

  The two friends smiled and continued. The afternoon turned to evening and the evening turned to night. Mage, succubus and familiar pushed their bodies to the limit and beyond. In early morning, two hours before sunrise, all three passed out into the deepest sleep they have ever known. Satisfied grins with arms and legs entangled with each other.


  Trystan stared over the railing at another island covered in thick jungle like trees. It was the fifth one they had passed. The young man was starting to see them all looking alike. If it were not for the pull, he would have surely thought they were lost.

  Aside from the activities from yesterday until last night, nothing much had happened. Kutter checked with the mage occasionally, making sure, they were on their correct course. Jenny had remained a statue, eyes white and silent as a tomb. Nia and Sunara had come up onto deck a number of times. Nia glanced at him a number of times with a lost expression. The mage did wonder if she heard what was going on in his cabin. They certainly didn’t keep themselves quiet but there was no malice in it. The mage wanted to walk over and talk to her but something held him back every time. Instead, he would turn to the water and look on. Nia did not attempt to close the chasm between them and they remained distant.

  Reeko had overcome his seasickness. He was on deck peering at the islands beyond as they passed. The goblin bubbled with energy and was eager to be on land and continue their quest. Aznara would come up and gaze out at the sea, keeping to herself. The energy between the mage and succubus was still there but they kept their distance, agreeing that last night was two mages helping each other with a task and nothing more.

  The evening sun touched the western horizon, an orange and yellow light painting the sky. Uneasy thoughts filtered through the mage’s mind. They would reach their destination tomorrow morning, the day of the full moon. Trystan memorized spells and incantations, spending many moments rehearsing them in his head. Whatever happened tomorrow, their main goal was to disrupt the ritual and escape intact. The mage felt they could do it but that didn’t stop the lingering doubt in his heart.

  Thoughts turned to Sylk and the mage let out a yearning sigh. He missed the siren terribly. This had been the longest they have been apart and he was feeling it. Silently he sent well wishes to her and asked to whoever was listening, a speedy return. The spot on his arm where she would be itched occasionally, Trystan hoped it was just her reaching out and letting him know she was okay.

  “Trystan.” Kutter called out.

  The mage turned and walked over to the stairs leading to the command deck. Kutter lazily turned the wheel as the ship floated on. When Trystan reached the ex-magistrate, he stood straighter despite the soreness in his muscles.

  “Yes Kutter?”

  “We should be at this secret location of yours by tomorrow morning. I suggest you get some rest tonight before we scout it out.” Kutter said while never taking his eyes off the horizon.

  “You are coming with us? I thought you were just getting us here. I don’t want to chance….”

  “If you think I’m going to let all of you go out and get killed then you have another thing coming. Jenny and I will be protecting all of you from this Damon Wick. I have heard of him and if the rumors are true then he is powerful and intelligent. Jenny and I have more than enough power to take him on and send him packing.” Kutter sneered.

  “I’m sorry Kutter. I can be a bit over protective sometimes. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  Kutter glanced at the mage and his expression softened. “Trystan, you and your friends are very brave. I commend you for trying but the only way we will get through this is if we work together. You are not alone on this quest. Jenny told me the details about what Damon has done to you. Do not carry this burden on your shoulders.”

  Trystan smiled. “Thank you Kutter. I have a feeling we will come out of this okay.”

  Kutter let the edge of his mouth barely smirk. “We will. Now go watch the sunset and get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day.”

  The mage nodded and moved to the stairs. On the main deck, he moved to the railing and stared at the horizon. The sun was halfway down and the sky glowed like dim embers. Night was approaching with her ever-flowing shroud. A few stars blinked in the darkening sky and a gentle calm covered the ocean.

  Trystan gazed out, watching the sun sink lower and lower. Seeing the islands pass made him want to explore each one. He thought how exciting would it be to have an expedition to the Broken Islands and come back with ancient artifacts. The young man daydreamed as the final rays of the sun disappeared behind the horizon. A burst of light lit up the sky before fading into the darken back
ground. A nearly full moon rose up, slowly taking her place in the heavens.

  The mage let his eyes wander to the water and his thoughts turned to Sylk again. Shoulder’s relaxing, the young man stood up and the water rippled below him. The mage’s eyes adjusted to the evening light when another tiny ripple made him peer over the side. Eyes widening, spells immediately came to mind. Black slick bodies silently moved up the side of the ship by the dozens. Slittled eyes glared upward at the mage, swords and spears tied to their backs. Reptilian snouts turned to the surprised mage but didn’t slow their climbing crawl.

  “We are under attack!” Trystan managed as one of the lizard men leaped into the air.

  The world moved in slow motion as the reptilian humanoid was airborne, drawing it’s sword over its shoulder and murderous intent in its eyes. The mage made a hand signal. The water on the creature’s skin pushed away from the mage, sending the lizard man sailing into the air and splashing into the water a hundred feet away. Trystan backed up from the railing as dozens of slick bodies crawled over the railing a second later. The mage lost count as he prepared another spell.

  Reeko backed up as he too saw more scaled bodies rise over the railing. Mist flowed off his body and Wendy appeared with a big club in her hands. The ogre wasted no time as she bashed outward. Thin muscular bodies dove out of the way except for one. He went flying as the club struck him in the chest. Wendy growled a battled cry as she swung repeatedly. Lizard men made it onto the deck and moved with blinding agility. Bodies flipped or dodged the ogre as she swung her club back and forth. A lone lizard man rushed passed the big familiar with a spear pointed at Reeko. The goblin whispered a word. The metal spear point shattered into several pieces. Those metal pieces zipped through the air and right back at the attacking lizard man. The attacker lifted up and twirled his spear now turned staff. Sharp metal imbedded into the wood with amazing skill.

  Trystan turned to see Wendy and Reeko keeping some of the lizard folk away. Above them, white light blazed. The mage could barely make out Kutter’s form as he was airborne, white mana shaping into ancient handguns from Lurth’s distant past. Weapons drawn, the attackers surged forward. Kutter spun midair, white guns firing mana bolts in all directions. Trystan turned to a group of lizard men, feet from him. White bolts struck each one dead on, sending them off the ship or dropping to the wet deck. Horror gripped the mage as he thought they were all dead. A second later, he saw a chest heave from a fallen lizard man, taking in a breath.

  All lizard folk on deck were immediately struck down. Kutter landed on his booted feet, turning and taking aim at anything that moved. Claws took hold of the railing and two dozen lizard bodies climbed over. Trystan moved back until he was at Kutter’s right. Reeko and Wendy moved back until they were at Kutter’s left. The group stared out, as the enemy unsheathed their weapons.

  “There is no way they could have found us unless someone is directing them.” Kutter said calmly.

  “How do we stop them?” Reeko said through clenched teeth.

  “They are superstitious creatures. A display of power will send them back to the water unless they are controlled. Either way, I will handle it. Get below deck and bar that door. Don’t open it unless I give the all clear.” Kutter said as the lizard men took a menacing step closer.

  “Are you going to kill them?” Trystan asked with an edge of fear.

  “We are not here to create a bloodbath. Get below deck, now!” Kutter commanded.

  Scaly tails whipped behind the invading force as they closed in. Kutter cleared his mind and stilled his heart. Mana surged and the ex-magistrate’s guns glowed brightly. The lizard men hissed and gripped their weapons tighter. The leather-clad ex-magistrate’s eyes focused and the world burst into blinding flashes of light.

  Trystan could barely keep his eyes on Kutter as he moved like a force of nature. White guns shoved into scaled chests, bursting with light. Lizard men were thrown in the air from each explosion of light. The invaders could barely keep up as a blur of motion zipped through their ranks. The attack was devastating, sending bodies in the air almost simultaneously. Mist flowed from the blur. Tyler the gargoyle took to the air, grabbing two lizard men and tossing them over the side. Turning sideways in mid flight, clawed hands reached out and grabbed a few more attackers, sending them over the side.

  Trystan, Reeko and Wendy backed up as Kutter appeared frozen for a sliver of a moment, blasting a lizard man and blurring to the next one. In five seconds, the invading force was landing to the deck unconscious or careening over the side. Trystan felt a stab of relief until more clawed scaly hands gripped the side and lizard bodies pulled themselves up.

  The three reached the door when it burst open. Nia, Sunara and Aznara spilled out into the group, eyes wide as lizard men climbed up the side. An explosion rocked the ship, causing everyone to slid and stumble to one of the side railings. Kutter turned and kept up his relentless assault. A column of smoke rose from the rear into the night sky.

  Jenny closed her eyes and opened them again, color returning. The librarian stood up and stumbled as the ship moved underfoot. Several lizard folk were already on the command deck and rushed the blonde-haired woman. Jenny spoke a word. All the air in the attacker’s lungs vacated. Choking and gasping, they fell to the wooden deck and passed out. Jenny released the spell and all the fallen attackers took an involuntary inhale. The busty librarian looked over the side and spread her senses. Scenes played out before her eyes. The explosion in the back opened part of the ship and they were taking on water. Lizard men were entering through the broken hull and ripping open doors. Her friends were all on deck, surrounded on all sides. Kutter moved like a maelstrom, taking down the enemy almost as fast as they tried to board. The librarian was about to act when dark mana surged in their direction.

  “Trystan!” Jenny shouted over the side.

  Shadows opened up and arms reached out. Sunara raised an arm as fingers closed down on her. She let out a grunt before being dragged into the darkness and disappearing. Trystan looked for a target, spells at the ready. Another shadow rose from the deck, hands reaching for Nia. The young man made a hand signal, water bolting from around them and striking the outstretched arms hard. The shadow screamed in pain. Nia called up a fireball when another shadow rose up from behind her. Black tentacles wrapped around her, causing the fireball spell to fizzle. Nia screamed as her body was pulled into the darkness. Reeko took hold of her ankle before she disappeared completely. He held fast as Wendy took hold of him. Muscles bulged as the ogre pulled her master and Nia from the inky darkness. A tentacle shot out, striking the goblin’s hand like a whip. Reeko grunted as his wrist broke and released his hold on Nia. The fire mage was sucked in and the shadows melted back to its former spot against the hull.

  Jenny leaped over the side and landed on the deck. A shadow rose up next to Trystan and the mage slashed his hand upward with hand signals. Water turned to ice in an instant and stabbed deep into the shadow. It continued to move, unaffected by the mage’s attack. Jenny stepped toward it, hand raised and lighting streaking forth. Blue lightning struck it and dispersed the inky black shadow. Three more shadows rose up, tentacles and hands reaching out. Trystan called up spouts of water from the ocean behind him and commanded them like a symphony, lashing out in all directions. Water surged into a shadow, knocking hands and tentacles away. Another surge blasted a shadow like a canon, forcing the shadow to bend like a tree in the wind before dispersing into nothingness. Jenny continued to step toward Trystan, eyes focused on the last shadow and lightning pouring from her delicate hand. The energy rippled as electricity caused the shadow to scream before melting away.

  Chaos reigned as the ship rocked back and forth. Aznara poured fire from her hands, chasing lizard men off deck and back into the water. A shadow opened up behind her and tentacles lashed out. The succubus growled as they whipped around her arms and legs, pulling her toward the darkness. The demoness sent fire blazing at one tentacle, melting it from exist
ence but the other tentacles pulled harder. Clawed fingers gripped the sides of the open shadow, muscles straining.

  “You fuckers aren’t taking me!” Aznara shouted with jagged menace.

  Several more tentacles wrapped around the succubus’s waist, arms and legs. The demoness mage tried to call up another spell but the strain was too much. A leg slipped off the edge and then another. Her upper body was holding on, growling and straining. Tentacles wrapped around her head and mouth. The succubus bit down as they pulled.

  Trystan caught sight of Aznara struggling to stay out of a raised shadow. He called up a water bolt spell when something moved underneath him. The spell fizzled as hands and tentacles wrapped and gripped his legs. Jenny was nearly too him as his body sank into the darkness. Hands out, Trystan and Jenny clamped onto each other. Aznara angrily screeched as more tentacles wrapped around her and pulled her into the black shadow.

  “I….have…you……don’t…let…go…” Jenny managed as she held onto Trystan.

  The young mage looked to her with wide eyes, shadows and hands pulling him into the darkness. “Jenny….find us!” Trystan said with wild fear in his eyes.

  “Don’t let go!” The librarian half shouted, half pleaded.

  Trystan knew this was Damon’s plan all along. He wanted him to come here and bear witness. This was a losing battle and the mage knew in order to win, he himself had to be defeated. Jenny could see the look in the young man’s eyes as he resigned himself to his decision. Before she could say anything, Trystan let go, fear turning into acceptance.

  “NO!” Jenny screamed.

  Darkness closed in all around the mage. The final image he saw was Jenny screaming for him before the abyss closed in and blanked out the world.


  The dark world was still and silent as a tomb. Trystan floated with patient indifference. Half awake and half asleep, he kept his mind rehearsing his spells as his muscles rested. He knew he was asleep but could not bring himself to wake up. The warm darkness spread on, a void with the only point of reference was his mind and sanity.


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