Camp Camel: The Heart of Texas

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Camp Camel: The Heart of Texas Page 7

by Eaton, Rosemary

  Bryan asked, “Peyote in the lemonade?” Jenny nodded yes.

  The Preacher came in with Dallas and looked at the buckskin, “Shit. Now how was this a matter of honor being saved?” The Preacher was waving his hand back and forth trying to clear the smoke and beads of sweat were rolling down his forehead.

  Dallas looked at him, “That is the late Captain Gage Travis’ sister rescued from the Indians. Doesn’t she deserve to have her honor redeemed?” Dallas wiped his own brow with his scarf.

  The Preacher said, “No, not that one. Better off dead than what awaits her if you ask me. Hell fire and brimstone for sure, just like this room.”

  Dallas said, “In that case, you services are not needed. I’m an officer. I’ll marry them.”

  The Preacher replied, “Suits me fine. I wouldn’t want to be the man who married off Chief Sparrow Hawk’s Knife, white or not.” The Preacher left still waving away the smoke with his handkerchief as he left.

  John came back without Lacy, “She wasn’t there. I brought some water from the well for you.” John handed the metal picture with cool water to Bryan. He put the picture aside on the stand and thanked John. It looked like it was going to be warm.

  Dallas sighed again, “Stubborn beyond belief. I’m sorry Bryan. How about we just do this simply?” Dallas reached over and poured some water from the picture into one of the glasses before Bryan could stop him and took a drink, “Hot in here. Couldn’t we put that fire out now?”

  Jenny looked at the paper Dallas was writing on and frowned. It had lots of words.

  Dallas filled it all out, dated it and looked at Bryan, “Last chance old man, do you take her or not?”

  Bryan was feeling about as rushed as Jenny. Dallas was in a huge hurry to get him married. Bryan replied, “I would, but I think we should wait. What is the harm in waiting and getting to know each other a little more Dallas? Jenny said we were drugged last night with peyote. We might not be thinking straight yet.” Bryan was trying to get a clear view of Dallas’ eyes. Bryan stated, “Yes, definitely dilated.” Bryan chucked, “Under the influence Major? Seeing colors yet?”

  Dallas continued on like it hadn’t registered what Bryan said and asked Jenny May, “What about you? Are you willing to get married? That would be a yes. There all done. You’re man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Jenny reached over and put her hand on the paper and tried to look at it and make any sense of the scribbles.

  Bryan took it from Jenny and tried to get his own eyes to focus and noticed that Dallas had written out May Sanders not Jenny May Travers.” Bryan frowned, “What made you do that?”

  Dallas frowned, “What made me do what?”

  Bryan sat the paper down in front of Dallas and replied, “I think you just married her. You gave her a new name. You took her didn’t you? Admit it Dallas. You had relations with her and you wrote out your name in guilt you horny toad frog!” Bryan was grabbing Dallas by the neck as Lacy showed up smiling.

  Lacy was jabbering like she had been there the entire time, “So Bryan, you’re really getting married? Jenny did you know your future husband likes men? I bet you didn’t. You might want to think on that and thank me later for saving you from a loveless marriage. He offered to take me to California as his wife once. Wouldn’t ever touch me, just let me be his nurse to get me away from this horny toad frog that kept lying to me about his rank and name and where he was from. A PIU agent both of them. That’s PEE UUU for sure.”

  Jenny shook her head to clear her mind from her own peyote dream state as John took her hand. She walked out with John as Paul drove up with a wagon. They hid her under the tarp and drove off quickly nodding to the guard as they headed toward San Antonio that the Major was sending them for something Private White forget to load up before returning.

  The Great Escape

  It took a good ten to fifteen minutes for the fighting and bickering to stop. Gradually the three of them slowed and wound down holding their heads like someone who had been hit in the head too many times. What had just happened? They had gone after each other like coyotes after the same piece of meat.

  Both Dallas and Bryan had taken punches at each other until they were too tired and sore to get up off the ground calling each other names and inferring the other had been way to intimate with either Jenny or Lacy depending on which man was mouthing off at the other. There were accusation of when the unfaithfulness started and who the other was fighting for, and what each had done that the other felt was traitorous or just down right despicable to ruin their fair loves or the other suitor’s honor. It went from the names they used, to the people they used, to who they fought for and finally down to who their fathers were or weren’t.

  Lacy had been content to just sit there and list the faults of each of the men in front of her. Be it the fact that both were PIU agents in the past, had lied to her on numerous occasions, had stolen her diamond to pay off Dallas former lover, spent one honeymoon as Mrs. Crockett getting stoned, by real stones by the locals town folk in Searcy as a traitor with the help of Dallas’ or Bryan’s testimony. She was banned from her own brother’s wedding as an undesirable element then her new future sister-in-law had kissed her and was about to try to go further. Never mind, Jenny had certainly made that little event look minor compared to what she had experienced last night.

  Then there was her other honeymoon at Crockett’s Bluff as Mrs. Sanders. She had been told in no uncertain terms she wouldn’t be in uniform. Then before the first day was over she had been both in uniform and demoted to a buck Private for trying to clean up their clothes from three days of puking and watching her Grandmother’s slave die right in front of her eyes. Dallas had accused her of being blind and put her in reading glasses which according Mrs. Crockett were too strong for her to see or walk straight. No wonder she missed what was clearly happening in front of her eyes. Then she had been chased up a tree by a bear before she and the mountain lion that occupied the tree with her killed it only to find herself in trouble for being off what her Sergeant considered their base without another soldier at her side. She was just trying to provide meat for the winter and lard to make soap.

  Lacy had found herself banned away from their cabin while Dallas made who knows what advances toward his old flame. Sergeant Callahan’s idea of punishment was a night standing watch in the light by the latrine with nothing but a bowie knife for defense. It stunk like her life stunk. Was it any wonder she found herself under attacked by Union troops with guns? Then Bryan nearly cut off her leg when Dallas ordered it and she thought she was being killed for sure.

  Lacy thought she was addressing Jenny as she pointed her finger toward Dallas. Lacy waved it wildly at Dallas and said, “He tricked me into adopting his bastard son and me with his child too.” Lacy blinked trying to rub the colors from her vision. Then continued on with list of complaints, “I know just how Sparrow Hawk’s new wife feels getting stuck with your sons Jenny. It’s not easy to raise someone else’s son. I look at JC and I think of her in his bed sometimes. But then he calls me Momma and I know he’s not hers. He’s mine.”

  If Jenny had been there and could have talked she might have told Lacy how that stung. She knew Sparrow Hawk had given her sons to his first wife and her youngest two sons to his new second wife. They were young enough that in several years, she would be forgotten. She would never be called Mother again. Even now Itsee and Paaka made sure they didn’t show their face to her. She was just a white woman that carried their father’s unborn son. It was the child they came for not her.

  Itsee and Paaka were congratulating themselves on how easy it had been to steal the woman that was now named Jenny back from the white men at the fort. Their grandfather Red Cedar would be proud and their father pleased when they brought their unborn brother back to his home. Maybe they would even get an eagle feather for their hair as a sign of the courage they’d shown. They wouldn’t stay on this road long. It was only a matter of time before one of the three woke
up from their peyote vision and noticed she wasn’t there.

  In the back of the wagon, Jenny lay on her back with her face covered by a foul smelling tarp. Since the treaty had been signed her days in Sparrow Hawk’s camp had been numbered. He didn’t try to explain why she had to leave, he just told her the day was coming soon. She would give him one last son to remember her buy, then she must give him back his clothes, weapons, and property and be his wife no more. She felt ashamed. How low must she be that he could tell her this? Was it not the woman’s place to decide when a man should be set aside? But she wasn’t Indian and the rules didn’t apply to her was what his first wife Tatsinuupi taunted as she counted down the days until Nahuu disappeared from her life. Shamed and unwanted except for the pleasures of men. Tatsinuupi pointed her finger at Nahuu, “He gave you to your brother and even he would not have you. If Wolf had not come to retrieve his wife, you would be dead from your own brother’s hands. Does the Knife not want one more prick? She carries his son. He will use you and your son as bate” Even the white chief used her as a gift to other braves or important men and apparently his first wife. Would she be beaten by Lacy as Tatsinuupi beat her if she returned?

  Jenny had learned what it was like to be a hostage early in life. Tatsinuupi and the other women showed her what was expected to please a buck or husband or visitor. Women were not expected to talk back, to make a scene, or act anyway like what Lacy had done. She would have been beaten raw by the first wife in her village. If the man who owned you gave you to others, you were expected to lie with him and pleasure him. Sometimes in his sleeping area, and sometimes in the same hut as the man who was her husband. Some men wanted much, others only wanted to be tickled, and with others it was over almost before it began. Some old men were content to just share body heat, but not most. In the dark there would be a hand and the smell of a man as he joined her under the buffalo hide. His grunting, his release. Never had she had a man pleasure her like Bryan did. Snow Bird once long ago when Sparrow Hawk took a young girl as this third wife, but never a man. Just as Snow Bird had shown her kindness and pleasure, Jenny had tried to do the same for Lacy. She wanted to be friends. Jenny’s thoughts were interrupted as Lacy face’s appeared in Jenny’s peyote induced dream state.

  Jenny saw Lacy telling her more complaints about Bryan trying to convince her he was not one she should consider, “And talk of stink and pee, Bryan once used his pee to keep my leg from getting infected. So see you weren’t the only one to feel used, abused, and unloved. If I had only thought to bring a good supply of Searcy spring water and molasses we could get even and make both of those sorry bastards shit through one hole like the crap that was coming out their mouths. Yes, Jenny you have all this and more to look forward to as Bryan’s wife.” Jenny had looked at Dallas and Bryan and wondered how they sent shit up through their mouth and grimaced like she never wanted to touch either of their faces again and then someone took her hand and led her away from the the room.

  Dallas and Bryan were staring at Lacy as her mouth rattle out more words. She seemed to be the last for the effect to wear off. The men were flat on their backs, watching colors fly by their eyes as more of the drug wore off. Lacy looked down at them, “Where is the bride? I thought I was talking to Jenny.”

  Bryan tried to turn over, “Jenny?”

  Dallas called out, “May?”

  Lacy leaned over and saw the marriage certificate, “Shoot I missed it. You already got married?” Then Lacy’s eyes tried to focus on the names, Dallas and May?” Lacy looked at Dallas, “What the heck Dallas. You married yourself to Jenny. That can’t be legal.”

  Bryan said, “See I told you so.”

  Dallas said, “Did I tell you the good news? There is measles on the Travis ranch. If he dies, well she might get the ranch.”

  Bryan said, “You were wanting a document with her name on it. That’s why you pushed us to get married?”

  Dallas said, “Easier than trying to prove the knife was always in her possession. If we could get access to any photographs, that might help, but I don’t know if there were any. That old man is going to let me on his ranch whether he likes it or not. She deserves better than what’s happened to her don’t you think?”

  Lacy asked, “He might live you know. Maybe you should tell Sparrow Hawk she’s at the ranch. You could finish off both of them at the same time. Sparrow Hawk could kill the bastard, and He could give Sparrow Hawk a good case of measles. Then you would have control of her and the ranch. Isn’t that what you really want Dallas? Light Feather, you think I don’t know what that feather was tickling? Are you leaving us for her, is that it? Prefer your women mute and willing?”

  Bryan frowned, “Now Lacy, that’s harsh even if he deserved it.” Bryan addressed Dallas, “Been a while since your last PIU assignment Major. Is there anything you want to tell us about the Travis ranch? What jewels or precious metals are hidden? Perhaps the Coronado gold mine or silver, or more lead. Maybe it’s black gold this time or are you just trying to find a cheap source of cattle for the army?”

  Dallas made an effort, “Bryan, you’re not helping matters. I have orders and I’m trying to keep Lacy out of it.” Dallas looked at the open door, “I’m going to skin me some boys if I catch those two. You don’t think they could be from Sparrow Hawk’s camp?”

  Bryan said, “Very fluent in English to be Comanche Dallas. Strange, I thought their eyes looked like Jenny’s.”

  Lacy commented while holding her head, “That boy on the wagon, his smile was just like Gage’s.”

  Dallas said, “What wagon?”

  Lacy said, “The one that pulled up as I came in. What was his name? The younger one?”

  Bryan said “Paul or Pablo Diaz?”

  Lacy said, “That’s him. One of the orphans. You don’t think Gage fooled around do you?”

  Dallas grinned, “Probably. He liked the Señoritas well enough. He told me to catch the measles so I could…” Dallas stopped before he said get in your bed.

  Bryan looked at Dallas, “So you could do what Dallas? Trick her. Get in her pantaloons?”

  Lacy blushed, “He didn’t. The tonic got him first, then he got the measles for kissing the wrong girl. I didn’t get in bed with him before we were married Bryan. Really.”

  Bryan thought about Dallas’ adopted son JC and said, “Maybe Gage has bastards too. Those boys might be in line for that ranch if the Friar has any information on their Mamacita.”

  Dallas scowled, “Was that aimed at JC or just me.”

  Bryan said, “JC had no say in it much like Jenny seems to have no say in what ever you’re trying to do to her Dallas.”

  Dallas said, “Damned, where is she?”

  Both Bryan and Dallas were on their feet stumbling out of the smoke filled room. Dallas looked around and found the guard, “Anyone leave?”

  Private Reynolds answered, “Yes Sir. John and Paul took a wagon to go retrieve what ever Private White forgot in his haste. They headed toward San Antonio Sir.”

  Dallas asked, “And our guest? Did they put her back in the pen before they left?”

  The Private looked at the pen, “I’m not certain Sir. I didn’t see anyone else, but the wagon was covered with a tarp. I wasn’t looking at the pen Sir, I was faced toward the open road.”

  Dallas ran over to the pen door, “Was our hostage returned to the pen?”

  Private White said, “What? No Sir, not while I was here. I thought Captain Travers had her.”

  Dallas growled, “Go check quickly.”

  Within another ten minutes Dallas was mounted along with Bryan, one of the trackers and a dozen soldier headed for San Antonio. What were the boys thinking? If they planned to trade her to Sparrow Hawk, he would probably kill them rather than risk them telling him where they found the Indians. He was cursing Gage’s hide. Lacy might have been right about Paul’s smile. It did remind him of Gage and he certainly had no morals that would have stopped him from visiting a Cantina or fathering a ba
stard or two. The man was well suited for PIU duty and Dallas knew it. He tried hard to remember any woman named Diaz, but half of southern Texas was full of people named Diaz. What about John? No, not like Gage, Thank Goodness only one bastard to worry about along with his Auntie Jenny.

  The tracker pointed over to the side, “They left the road here.” After spreading out, the men uncovered the wagon. They were on horse back now.

  The boys led the horses they had cut loose from the wagon down through the water of the creek trying to cover their tracks. They knew the soldiers would be on their trail soon. They used the banks and cover when possible then at the first opportunity gave a rancher three good army horses and took three Indian ponies back from his range that they had hidden there. They hit the rears of the army horses and made them run for their lives. It might give them more time if they were looking for their shoe prints. The boys scattered the dirt covering their trail and set off toward the west. They would try to get to the hills before the soldiers caught up.

  Bryan wasn’t much of a soldier, but he had been raised in Arkansas. He knew enough from what he had read about the tribes in Texas that what ever protection Jenny had from being considered Sparrow Hawk’s wife hadn’t been enough to keep her out of Dallas’ hands. Exactly how had he known where to get her the first time? Bryan rode up next to Dallas, “Major, if you don’t mind, can you tell me how you knew where Jenny was the day you stole her back?”

  Dallas said without thinking, “The Friar sent word that there was measles in one of the villages. Jenny had measles and can’t catch them. She was known to help treat the sick and he figured we might find her.”

  Bryan repeated, “Out of the goodness of the Friar’s heart he betrayed a trust or was he collecting a bounty for the Lord and justice for the Hardgrove family you think? She was nursing sick people and you stole her? So how many do you think died Dallas?”

  Dallas said, “Most. They have no immunity to our diseases, especially measles in the older men and women. They burned the village trying to contain it after we took the white hostages. Pretty sure either an elder or maybe a high ranked wife thought they were being cursed because they were holding on to her and gave her up.”


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