Year One (Bloodshed Academy Book 1)

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Year One (Bloodshed Academy Book 1) Page 4

by Jen L. Grey

  “Come on, Raven.” Dad’s voice tensed, and he grabbed my hand, pulling me apart from Greg. “It’s time to go.”

  “Actually, that’s not possible.” Cole appeared in front of my Dad, blocking his path. He looked at me and winked. “See, I told you I’d see you again.”

  “You’ve met him before?” Greg’s mouth dropped, and his face turned a red shade.

  This was the moment I’d been dreading and praying it wouldn’t happen. “At your game.”

  “But you’ve listened to me for the past week complaining about him never showing up.” His breathing increased, and he looked past me to Cole.

  “I bet she convinced him of picking her over you.” Ian glared at me, and his nose wrinkled.

  “You think I’d be so easily persuaded by a pretty face?” Cole’s demeanor became rigid, and his face was a stone of indifference.

  “What? No.” Ian shook his head no and raised both hands. “I just meant …”

  “Well, she’s not going with you.” Mom stepped in front of me, shielding me from the vampire. She lifted her chin in challenge.

  “I agree with Ms. Wright.” Greg spread his shoulders and glared. “If I can’t go, no one can. I’m the next alpha. Tell them, Dad.”

  The muscular guy faced Mom down. “If we leave without her, there will be severe repercussions.”

  “Of course, she’ll go with you.” Jerry clapped his son on the back.

  “Are you being serious?” Greg’s mouth dropped, and he jerked back as if he had been slapped. “Dad, you can’t be agreeing to this.”

  “Greg, remember your place.” Jerry’s eyes glowed as he commanded his son to be silent. “If Bloodshed wants Raven, then so be it.”

  “What? No.” Mom turned to face him with her mouth gaping open.

  “Liz, she has to go.” Dad’s voice was strong, but I heard the rare tremble in it.

  This whole situation was strange. I knew it wouldn’t be great, but I didn’t expect this. My wolf side was brimming with excitement.

  “So, there we have it.” Cole grabbed my hand and tugged.

  His hand was warm and smooth. I’d expected it to be cold, but hell, what did I know. The last time he touched me, I had coke spilled over my hands. I’d only ever been around others like me.

  “Hey, is everything okay over here?” The principal walked over and glanced at each one of us.

  “I’m sorry. We must’ve been making a scene.” Cole stepped in front of me and placed a hand on his chest. “It’s just we’re so super excited that our girl has finally graduated. We were just on our way out anyway.”

  Our girl? Why did that have a nice ring to it?

  Why didn’t you tell us about this? Mom’s words were curt.

  I’m sorry. I really didn’t think this would happen. The wolf half of me had been excited and anticipating while my human side had been in complete denial.

  “Yes, please do.” The principal pulled at the neckline of his button-down shirt. “You’re making others that are trying to leave out this door feel uncomfortable. They are walking around the whole gym, exiting the other side.”

  “Let’s go outside.” Jerry motioned to the door, and Greg grumbled, following along behind him.

  As we stepped outside, the parking lot was at a gridlock. Everyone was leaving at the same time, probably meeting family for lunch to celebrate further. Our group marched outside and disappeared into the small wooded area by the school.

  I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. Greg’s grasp was firm and rigid. You knew I wanted to go there.

  It’s not my fault. His attitude was pissing me off. It wasn’t like I asked to be the one going there instead of him.

  “Now, let’s get to the point.” Jerry turned around to face Cole and his friend. “She can go on one condition.”

  “Is that so?” Cole chuckled and leaned back a little while crossing his arms.

  “Yes.” Jerry pointed at his son. “She can go if you take him as well.”

  “Did you hear that, Rage?” Cole turned and looked at his friend. “It’s a buy one, get one free deal.”

  Rage’s eyes were glued on my and Greg’s interlocked hands. “The free one isn’t appealing at all.”

  “That’s kinda funny.” Cole grinned and tapped his fingers on his lip. “You see, he and I never agree, but I guess today changes that.”

  “What’s wrong with my son?” Jerry grew rigid, and his face turned the color of a tomato.

  “He’s mostly bark and no bite.” Rage’s voice was raspy and dead sexy.

  “And what, she isn’t?” Greg dropped my hand and took a step toward them.

  I wanted this to all be over, but who knew what was going to happen next.

  “It doesn’t matter. We were told to come get her,” Cole said as he pointed at me. “So that’s what we’re going to do.”

  Mom and Dad walked over and gave me a group hug. Dad’s comforting voice filled my head. If you need us, we’re only a phone call away.

  I hadn’t even thought of that. I wouldn’t be able to mind link with them from that far away. I love you.

  Listen to me. Mom’s voice turned urgent. Don’t trust anyone. Make them earn it. There was an edge to her tone that I’d never heard before.

  Dragging this out wasn’t going to prevent the inevitable. I took a deep breath and pulled back. I’ll be careful.

  “Well, uh …” Greg refused to look at me and focused on the ground. “See ya later.” He turned and stalked off, not even bothering to give me a hug goodbye.

  You should be ashamed. Ian shook his head and took a few steps back. I knew you were opportunistic.

  The last thing I wanted to do was deal with Ian, so I ignored him. He soon huffed and turned around to follow Greg.

  “I’m sorry about my son.” Jerry’s lips spread into a tight smile. “It’s just he had his hopes set on it.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not like I asked for this.” Even though the thought was becoming more and more appealing, I never dreamed this would happen.

  “We need to get going.” Cole glanced at his watch and sighed. “If we aren’t back to the Academy by ten, it’ll get chaotic.”

  If this wasn’t what he considered chaotic, I was afraid to see his definition. I glanced at my parents one last time before turning to follow Rage and Cole.

  As we approached the Audi, Rage stepped over and opened the front passenger door.

  Now the question was which guy did I want to sit behind? I paused for a moment.

  Rage motioned to the door. “I’m not holding this open for my health.”

  That was not something I had expected. “Oh, I thought you were sitting there.”

  “The correct response is to sit and tell him ‘thank you.’” Cole arched an eyebrow with a smug smile on his face.

  My heart hammered against my chest as I headed to the open door and slid past him to sit. Rage was intense, strong, and freaking hot. “Thank you.” I took a deep breath, and his earthy scent filled my nose. He smelled like home.

  He shut the door, cutting me off from my strange emotion. As he slid behind me, the sense of comfort came back. “Okay, I need to go grab my clothes.” I had refused to pack, assuming Cole was messing with me.

  “No, you won’t need them.” Cole started the car and glanced back at his friend. “Can you at least hunker down so I can see backing up?”

  “Use the fucking back up camera, moron.” Rage crossed his arms and straightened his back so he could sit even higher.

  “Backup cameras are for losers who can’t drive.” Cole leaned over the center console, trying to glance out the back window.

  “Well, at least you know why I suggested it to you.” Rage quirked an eyebrow and looked down his nose.

  A giggle escaped before I could hold it back.

  “You are one lucky wolf.” Cole reversed quickly. He quickly placed an arm in front of me, holding me against the seat, and slammed on the brakes.

  Two large hands
gripped my seat. “Did you really think that would work? We have fast reflexes just like your kind.”

  “It was only a warning.” Cole chuckled then opened his mouth. Two long incisors protruded, and the ends looked wickedly sharp.

  Any sense of comfort I’d had vanished just like that. It had never fully registered that he was a vampire, at least not until now.

  “If you know what’s in your best interest, fear isn’t something you want others to smell.” Cole licked his lips and stared right at my neck. “It makes the predator in a vampire come out.”

  Yeah, like that was going to make me feel better. I counted to ten and let my wolf surface a little more. I always felt stronger in that form.

  “There you go.” Cole focused back on the road, and soon we were pulling out of the parking lot.

  “Where exactly are we going?” Probably a stupid question, but I wanted to know.

  “You haven’t even researched to find out the university’s location?” Rage’s voice was filled with disbelief.

  “Honestly, no.” I glanced out the window, watching as my city passed by. “I never even considered Bloodshed an option.”

  “This has to be a mistake.” Rage groaned from the backseat. “Tell me this is a joke and we aren’t taking her there.”

  What happened to Mr. Nice guy? I shouldn’t have been surprised. Normally in my experience, muscular hot guys were always douches.

  “No, it’s not.” Cole tapped his fingers along the wheel and glanced back at Rage. “I saw a glimmer of it, but nothing more than that.”

  “You do realize I’m right here.” I despised when people did this sort of shit. Greg and Ian did this to me all the freaking time.

  “Have you done any research about the school?” Rage leaned forward, and his dark short hair was now in complete disarray.

  No, I hadn’t at all, but I’d be damned if I were to admit it to him. “Yeah, it’s where all the alphas go.” One point for me.

  “Gods, is that all you know?” Rage leaned back and threw his hands in the air. “She’s going to get herself killed. Let’s take her back right now.”

  “Stop it.” Cole rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You’re being a drama queen.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Rage huffed and crossed his arms. “Who found her?”

  I clenched my hands together, trying to prevent myself from punching the guy. He had some nerve.

  “What is wrong with you?” Cole’s forehead wrinkled as he messed with the air conditioning knob. “Here, let’s cool you off. It was Isadora who found her.”

  “Shit. Okay.” Rage dropped his arms to his sides and sighed. “Then we need to school her before we get there.”

  “Oh, how you’ve changed into such a caring recruiter all of a sudden.” Cole chuckled and glanced over his shoulder. “But yea, let’s help her out. I’d hate for her to get eaten on the first day.”

  “Eaten?” Seriously. Please tell me he’s kidding.”

  “Pretty much, especially if you can’t handle yourself.” Rage pulled out his phone and began typing.

  “This school is so much more than what you think.” Cole pulled onto the interstate, heading South toward Chattanooga. “It’s about who is the strongest and smartest.”

  “Yeah, like I said, alpha.” The description for the school was what an alpha was supposed to encompass.

  “No, you can have a stupid leader.” Cole glanced at Rage. “I mean, look at him.”

  “Bloodshed is a university like no other.” Rage leaned forward, turning his back to Cole and his face to me. “There isn’t a set date for your graduation. It’s a series of trials and tribulations. You either graduate or fail.”

  “And in some cases, die.” Cole leaned over so he could see me and winked. “Let’s hope it’s not the latter for you.”

  “What do you mean by trials?” No one had ever mentioned this before. I was beginning to think I shouldn’t have come.

  “That, my dear, is something we aren’t allowed to tell you.” Cole reached over and shoved Rage back in his seat.

  “Dude, not cool.” Rage grumbled and crossed his arms. “We can’t tell you what you’ll go through. Each student has their individual needs, and no one student is the same.”

  “Think about it. Do you think vampires have the same strengths and weaknesses as any other shifter?” Cole placed his hands on the steering wheel and focused. “Now then, take it a step further. Do you think Rage has the same temperament, strength, and personality as you?”

  When he put it that way, it made sense. I guessed there wasn’t a cookie-cutter way to each person’s development. “Still, we would have a few things in common.”

  “Right.” Cole glanced at me and grinned. “But not everything.”

  The farther away I got from home, the more uncertain I became. I wasn’t sure what to expect anymore.

  Chapter Six

  The entire ride to Bloodshed went by both painfully slow and too fast for me. We continued to travel in silence except for when Rage grumbled that he was hungry and we had to run through a McDonald’s drive-thru for his sustenance. He had wanted me to eat some of the food too, but I couldn’t. My stomach revolted at the mere idea of food.

  When we cruised through New Orleans, I wasn’t surprised. Even if I hadn’t looked into this university, it would make sense that it would be in a paranormal hot spot. What I wasn’t prepared for though was Cole pulling into Tulane University.

  Even though it was dark, with my wolf’s eyesight, I could see clearly. It contained well maintained older buildings, a lot of trees, and an outside feeling all around. Was this some kind of joke? “I thought we were going to Bloodshed Academy.”

  “You do realize there are humans that live here too, right?” Rage quirked an eyebrow at me, and humor-filled his eyes.

  “Yeah, but …” I still wasn’t following what that had to do with supernaturals.

  “Rage, she’s onto something.” Cole’s blue eyes lit, and a predatory grin crossed his face. “Why stay hidden when we could creep everyone out? Maybe we could put a statue of me out here and have blood dripping down my face.”

  “Instead of acting like an asshole, you could just explain it to her.” Rage leaned over and punched Cole in the arm.

  Despite Cole being smaller than Rage, he didn’t budge an inch. “Aw, did I hurt yours or her feelings? Right now, I’m having a hard time telling the difference.”

  “I kind of agree with him.” I pointed to Rage and crossed my hands over my chest.

  “Of course, you would.” Cole stuck his tongue out at me. “Shifters before misters.”

  “That doesn’t even make sense.” Rage’s forehead creased, and he shook his head.

  “You both are shifters and,” Cole said as he pointed between him and Rage, “we’re boys, so misters.”

  “Oh, dear God.” Rage rubbed the bridge of his nose. “When was the last time you fed?”

  “Not too long ago, but I wouldn’t mind feeding off someone here.” His blue eyes landed on me.

  “Don’t even think about it.” A low growl vibrated deep in Rage’s chest.

  “Can we get back to the university?” Cole was too high energy. I thought vampires were supposed to be all moody and depressed.

  “Bloodshed is hidden by this school.” Rage leaned forward in his seat again, focusing solely on me.

  Having his undivided attention was unnerving. It sort of felt like there were butterflies in my belly. “Where?”

  “The school is known for its exclusivity, which means most of the applicants are supernaturals. Tulane is the name that humans know it as, and even a few of them attend. But the back section is spelled to repel humans, and that’s where Bloodshed is hidden.” Rage pointed out the window.

  We came upon a gray stoned building that had an imposing fence. A gold emblem with Bloodshed Academy was attached to the gates.

  “I thought you said this place was a secret from humans.” There was a huge as
s sign that stated it all right there.

  Cole stopped in front of the gates and pulled out his phone. He pressed a button, and the doors began to swing open. “They wouldn’t have ever made it this far.”

  Within moments, we were driving through the gate and took a left toward a full parking lot. The gray stone building was huge, and there were two smaller buildings behind it.

  The main thing that comforted me was all the trees surrounding the whole campus. At least there was ample space for me to run.

  “Welcome to your new home.” Cole pulled into a reserved spot and lifted both hands up.

  Yeah, I wasn’t sure it was quite home yet.

  Rage swung open his door and gracefully exited.

  That’s really nice. He didn’t even say goodbye. So, when my door opened for me, I was surprised to see Rage standing there.

  “Oh … uh … thanks.” Yeah, real smooth, Raven. I clambered out, trying not to feel awkward.

  Cole leaned on the hood of the car and used his arms to prop his head up. “I could watch this all day.”

  I glared at him and leaned on my back leg. “Watch what?”

  “Oh, no.” He stood and waved both hands in front of himself. “Please, ignore me, and both of you continue this tragic excuse for flirting.”

  “Cole, shut the fuck up.” Rage gave him a warning look.

  “Aw.” Cole grinned while wiggling his eyebrows. “Did I hit a nerve?”

  Between Rage’s earthy smell filling my nose and the testosterone match these two were in, I had to get away. I took several steps in the direction of the school when the sound of crashing footsteps in the woods to our left caught my attention. It didn’t sound like a wolf. The feet landed too hard and so loud it had to be a much larger shifter like a bear or dragon.

  My wolf surged forward, asking for control, but I shouldn’t be worried. Surely Cole and Rage would alert me if something was off.

  However, the creature was getting closer and closer.

  My heart began to race, and I glanced back to see Cole and Rage still bickering.

  A loud roar filled my ears as one of the largest bears I’d ever seen came barreling out of the trees straight toward me.

  My wolf forced its way to the front, and then blackness engulfed me.


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