Year One (Bloodshed Academy Book 1)

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Year One (Bloodshed Academy Book 1) Page 6

by Jen L. Grey

  “The closet is full.” I flipped on the light and took note of all the various button-down shirts, plaid skirts, a few pairs of jeans, and comfortable shirts.

  “Remember me telling you that we didn’t need to go by your house.” Cole stepped into the room and placed his hands in his jean pockets. “This is why.”

  I looked at the labels, and they were exactly my size. “But how is this possible?”

  “We have our ways.” He shrugged and glanced around. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it.” Even the jeans and shirts were name brands. “But it still blows my mind.”

  “Once the headmaster locates you, she knows certain things. She knows your favorite colors, and I was able to size you up when meeting you at the baseball game. It’s one of my party tricks.”

  “That’s not very comforting.” Even though I shouldn’t have been all that surprised at people’s abilities anymore.

  “Oh, come on.” Cole ran a hand over my comforter and smiled. “It’s not that bad.”

  “Says the creeper that sized me up.” It was strange that in such a short time, I’d become comfortable with Cole. I just hoped it didn’t change now that I was attending the school.

  “Stop.” Cole chuckled and pointed at me. “Now let’s go check out your bathroom and see if we can find your new roommate.”

  The bathroom part sounded fun, but I wasn’t excited about meeting my roommate after my last two encounters with students. That girl kissing Rage flashed through my head. My wolf growled at the sight, and I had no clue why.

  “Earth to Ravey.” Cole waved his hand in front of my face.

  “Sorry, I zoned out.” I had to get my act together and fast. I took a deep breath and forced a smile on my face. “Let’s do this.”

  “Okay, stop.” Cole laughed and rubbed a hand down his face. “Your face is kinda scary, so maybe you need a few more minutes before meeting her.”

  “Jackass.” I stuck my tongue out at him and then forced an even cheesier smile. “I’ll have you know this look works all the time.”

  “Probably because they’re too scared to move quickly and run.” He lifted both hands in surrender. “Just please, don’t hurt me.”

  My smile fell, and my mind went straight to the bear incident. “Did I hurt the bear?”

  “He’s fine.” Cole walked up to the door and opened it. “Let’s go meet your roommate. That should liven things up.”

  I wasn’t going to get anything out of him, so I decided I may as well suck it up and move on. “Alright.” I marched out the door and back toward the den.

  “Once you get settled in, you’ll feel a lot better.” Cole walked past me and stepped into the other hallway. “Jess, are you here?”

  “Cole?” A musical voice answered him. “Is she here?”

  A door opened, and Jess ran down the hallway. She skidded into the room, and her purple eyes landed on me. “You must be Raven.”

  “Yes.” I couldn’t help my short response. This girl was mesmerizing. Her long ash blonde hair cascaded down her back, and she wore a small teal tank top with yoga pants.

  “It is a little overwhelming, but don’t worry. You’ll get the hang of it in time.” Her pink lips spread into a smile, and light reflected off of her small diamond nose piercing.

  “She’s already run into Jordan and Madison.” Cole arched an eyebrow and shook his head.

  “I hate those bitches, but at least I didn’t date one of them.” She tilted her head and sauntered up to Cole.

  It wasn’t ’til then that I realized just how short she was. She only came up to Cole’s shoulders, and I was at least a head taller than her. “Really … You dated one of them?”

  “Dated is a strong word.” Cole cringed and glanced down at the ground. “It was more of a Netflix and chill sort of deal.”

  “Wow, look who found some manners while they were gone.” Jess giggled, which sounded like bells ringing.

  “What are you?” The words left my mouth before I could stop them.

  “I like her.” She tilted her head again and turned to face me. “First off, what do I smell like to you?”

  This must be some sort of trick, but what did I have to lose? “You smell like sunshine and rain.” It was an odd combination.

  “I always like knowing what I smell like to others.” She headed into the kitchen and called over her shoulder. “I’m fae.”

  “Oh, so you smell differently to everyone?” That very idea was beyond my comprehension. Everyone had their own unique smell, so that didn’t seem plausible.

  “No, but that confirmed what I thought.” She grabbed a bottle of water and twisted the lid off. “You don’t feel supernatural to me, so it’s odd.”

  “Well, I assure you I am.” Although at this point, I didn’t have a handle on my wolf. I wasn’t sure what it all meant. “I hate to do this, but I’ve gotta get some rest. I’m beat.”

  Cole came over and wrapped me in a big, warm hug, and his cotton candy scent was comforting. “Of course, I’m beat too. So, I’ll head on out.” He turned and saluted Jess. “Bye.”

  Both Jess and I watched Cole walk out the door. When the door clicked shut, she nodded in my direction. “Get some sleep. You’re going to need it for tomorrow.” She winked at me and headed back to her room.

  Was that some kind of warning, or was she just being kind? At this point, I wasn’t sure of anything.

  Chapter Eight

  A knock on the door jarred me awake. “Hey, you up?” Jess’s feminine voice called from behind the door.

  “No, but I am now.” I glanced around, getting my bearings straight.

  “Get your uniform on, and get your ass out here. We’re going to miss breakfast.” The door opened, and Jess came barreling into the room.

  This had to be some kind of weird dream. Would someone I barely know just invite herself into my room? I pinched myself, which made me flinch. Ouch. That hurt.

  She walked into my closet, and the sound of clothes hangers clanging against the metal shelving infiltrated my ears. “Are you needing to borrow something?”

  “Uh, no.” She stepped out of the closet with a white button-down shirt that tied at the bottom and a red plaid uniform. “You’ve got to wear something acceptable but still show a little skin.” She threw the items on my bed. “Here, put these on.”

  My blurry eyes seemed to focus and noticed that she had on a gray shirt with the same skirt. “Go put these on and get ready. I’m getting hangry, which is not good for either one of us.”

  For some reason, the thought of her angry scared me. The super nice ones were able to flip a whole one-eighty if the situation presented itself. “Yes, ma’am.” I grabbed the clothes and headed for the bathroom.

  It took me by surprise that everything I needed seemed to be there. My favorite jasmine shampoo was in the shower along with my usual makeup. I jumped into the shower, washing quickly and dried off. Within minutes, I was dressed and ready. I put on my favorite pink lipstick and fluffed my hair so it had a little volume. The humidity would make it limp within seconds otherwise.

  Jess was waiting for me in the den. “Thank God, I think I’m turning into Betty White. This may be a snickers type of emergency.”

  “Let’s go. We can’t have that.” I restrained myself from laughing … just barely.

  We hurried down the hallway, and she punched the elevator button. “So, you’re already going to be on Jordan’s bad side. Be ready for it. Vampire-wise, she’s the head bitch in control.”

  “Wait. Why would I be on her bad side?” Even though I figured as much, having it confirmed made my insides cold.

  “It’s all because of Cole and how he treats you.” Jess spelled it out for me just as the door opened.

  That didn’t make any sense. I followed behind her and leaned against the elevator wall. Somehow, we were the only two people inside. “How is that my fault?”

  “There are three men here that any girl would die to have.” She hel
d three fingers up and touched each one as she named them. “Cole, Rage, and Damien. They started the Academy at about the same time and have been here three years. They haven’t left this place yet because of how much value they bring Isadora. When another group comes along that can help in the way they can, they’ll head off to their own graduation.”

  “Okay.” Still, it didn’t make any sense to me, but at least I knew the guys were around twenty-one.

  “Rage has been in a relationship for a year, and the girl, Ashley, would cut any bitch that gets close to him. He’s only using her for one thing. I still don’t know why he picked her, but he didn’t ask my opinion.” She sighed dramatically and rolled her eyes. “So that really just leaves Cole and Damien up for grabs.”

  My wolf whimpered, and I forced my face to remain indifferent. “Well, fated mates are nonexistent these days.”

  “That’s not true. They are rare, but not impossible.” The elevator opened, and she stepped out before turning to me. “Are you okay? You kinda look like you might need to take a dump or something.”

  Great, right when I thought I was being smooth and unreadable, I look constipated. “No, sorry. Was thinking about something.”

  “Girl, we need to work on your thinking face.” She sighed and shook her head. “Anywho, all three guys are jackasses. Only makes them even more dreamy, and Isadora has taken to them.”

  “So, I’ve met Cole and Rage, but what’s Damien like?” I had to get my mind off of focusing on Rage and that girl.

  “Damien is kind of a loner, and he’ll only really associate with Rage and Cole.” A small smile spread across her face, and her cheeks turned rosy. “He’s a bear shifter so …”

  Jess was still talking, but I couldn’t focus on her words any longer. I attacked a bear last night. Could that have been him? Did I hurt Cole and Rage’s best friend?

  “We’ve got to work on your zoning out thing.” Jess opened the door and motioned for me to walk in.

  “I’m sorry. Everything is still a little weird for me.” I stepped outside, and the warm sun hit my skin. It rejuvenated me a little bit. I was determined to grab Cole and make him tell me everything.

  “I get that. It’s hard taking all this in.” We moved along the sidewalk that connected the dorms to the main building. “Hell, let’s be real. I’m still not acclimated, not really, and I’ve been here a year.”

  That was hard to believe. Jess was nice, gorgeous, and sweet. “Well, if you aren’t, then there is no telling if I’ll ever be.”

  “Not everyone is welcoming and accepting.” Her face dropped a little, but she shook it off and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Enough of me being a Debbie Downer.”

  We entered through the set of double doors that led us into a modern connection between the main building and the cafeteria. The connector was all glass, and I glanced through, noting there were several tables and chairs. Students were scattered throughout with open books.

  As soon as we made our way inside, the smell of bacon and eggs made my stomach grumble.

  “Come on, we’ll grab some food up here.” Jess motioned for me to follow her to the middle of the cafeteria. “Let’s get it before they start packing up.”

  My eyes were so focused on the food that I didn’t even see Jordan. She stuck out her foot right as I was taking a step, and I fell to the ground hard.

  “For a wolf shifter, you are pretty damn clumsy.” She giggled and glanced at Madison next to her. “And she did that right in front of Cole. Obviously, she has no class, and that’s why they stuck her with the pathetic excuse for a fae.”

  My wolf growled and began forcing herself forward. “I could see why you’d need to trip others and put them down. That’s the only way your fake ass will ever get somewhere.”

  The cafeteria became silent as Jordan’s chest heaved each time she took a breath. “You stupid bitch! Don’t make me show everyone how easy it would be to bring you to the brink of death.”

  I refused to give her any more ammo or even react to her words. However, I felt a pair of eyes burning into my backside.

  “Are you proud of yourself now?” Cole’s voice was cold with an edge to his words.

  At first, I thought he was talking to me until I saw his eyes were glued on Jordan.

  “It’s best she learns where she is in the pecking order.” Jordan smiled at Cole and licked her bottom lip.

  “Which pecking order would that be?” He tilted his head and crossed his arms. “Would it be the biggest bitch or the most manipulative heartless bitch?”

  “Are you being serious right now?” The normal golden hue of her eyes seemed to darken. “She’s a fucking newbie, who obviously has issues with her wolf.”

  How the hell did she know that? It seemed as if I had my issues plastered on my forehead. “If you want to pick on me, fine, but leave Jess out of it.”

  Something flickered in Cole’s eyes. “You best leave Ravey alone, or you’ll have to answer to me.”

  Jordan’s mouth dropped open, and she kind of looked like a fish out of water the way she was opening and closing it.

  “Come on, Jordan.” Madison grabbed her arm and tugged her toward the door to leave. “They aren’t worth it.”

  Both girls walked out the cafeteria door, slamming it in their wake.

  A big grin spread across Jess’s face. “You took her head-on and on your first day.”

  “Don’t encourage her.” Cole chuckled and grabbed my arm, pulling me in the direction of Rage and another guy.

  “Hey, I want breakfast.” Besides, I didn’t want to be around Rage, especially now that I knew he’s got a girlfriend.

  “Don’t worry about that.” He stopped at a random table and looked at the guy sitting there. “Go get her breakfast. Get her one of everything.”

  The guy nodded his head and stood.

  I glanced at him. “You don’t …”

  A hand reached around me and covered my mouth. “Ignore her, and bring it to us.”

  That bastard had some nerve cutting me off. I opened my mouth and bit down on two of his fingers.

  “Now, now.” Cole chuckled, and his breath hit my ear. “I’m all for that kind of foreplay. I just didn’t realize you were one for PDA.”

  A drop of his blood fell into my mouth. Somehow, the taste was sweeter than chocolate and even more delicious. Surprisingly, I wanted more.

  “Damnit.” He pulled his hand away and shook his head. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  Shit. I can’t believe that I did that. However, I wasn’t going to admit it was an accident in front of him. “Good. Don’t ever try to keep me quiet.”

  A devilish grin crossed his face. “Maybe I like it loud.”

  Oh, dear God. Did he turn everything into a dirty innuendo? I glanced around and realized that the guy was already putting food on plates for me.

  “Come on, Ravey.” He tugged on my arm and led me to the table. There was only one extra chair there, and it just had to be between Damien and Cole. Or at least I was assuming that he was the bear shifter.

  The guy had some gauze on his shoulders that peeked out from his white polo shirt, and his dark, gray eyes examined me. He was built similar to Rage but looked like an MMA fighter. He ran his fingers through his short auburn hair.

  “Hi, I’m Ra …”

  “I know who you are.” He held my gaze as he grabbed his orange juice and took a long sip.

  Okay, this was going great. I took my seat, which had me directly facing Rage. My body began to betray me, and I held my breath. The last thing I needed was his earthy scent causing me to be even more confused than I already was.

  “Do you know how to stay out of trouble?” Rage leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms.

  “No, I don’t.” There was no reason to lie to him. I gained nothing from his dislike.

  Cole reached over and put an arm around me, glancing at Damien. “See, she’s straight-up honest.”

  “Yeah, but
dangerous.” Damien snorted and shook his head. “She doesn’t have a hold on her wolf at all.”

  “You’re just pissed because she whooped your ass.” Cole pointed at Damien and placed an elbow on the table. “I mean, you really didn’t have a chance.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” Damien stood and growled. He grabbed his tray off the table and walked toward the exit. “I’ll meet you outside in fifteen. Don’t be late.”

  As he sauntered off, the guy who grabbed my food set down three plates in front of me. I couldn’t believe my eyes. He brought me an entire plate of bacon and sausage, another plate of French toast and pancakes, and the last plate had a mound of eggs with cheese. I wasn’t sure how I was going to eat one full plate, but there wasn’t any way I could let it all go to waste. “Thanks.”

  “Anytime.” The guy smiled and winked at me. “Enjoy.”

  He was cute with chestnut hair and almond eyes.

  “Now scram.” Rage waved the guy off, and his charcoal eyes held me in place. “You better eat.”

  As Jess peeled away from the buffet line, she glanced around for a place to sit.

  I figured she was coming to sit with us, but she passed by us, heading to an empty table.

  “We have an open seat here.” I pointed to the seat that Damien had vacated.

  “No, we don’t.” Rage lifted his feet and placed them in the chair. “Keep going.”

  That definitely wasn’t going to happen. “Yes, we do.” I reached over and grabbed the chair, pulling it closer to me and making his feet drop. “Come sit next to me.”

  “Uh …” Jess bit her bottom lip. She looked at me and then back at Rage. “I’m going to go over here instead.”

  “I’ll go with you.” I stood and reached down, lifting my overflowing tray.

  “No, you stay.” Rage’s jaw twitched as he watched. “You’re welcome here. She isn’t.”

  The girl from last night entered the cafeteria and headed in our direction. Her forehead was creased, and she scanned me up and down. “Hey, baby.”

  Rage ignored her as he kept his eyes locked on me. “I said sit.”


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