Fake Marriage to a Baller: A Wilder Brothers Romance

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Fake Marriage to a Baller: A Wilder Brothers Romance Page 5

by Aria Scott

  She sat back against her chair and announced rather loudly, “You need to get laid.”

  "Shhh!" I quickly glanced around the bar, making sure no one had overheard. After a moment of anxiety, we both broke out into giggles. "Jeez, Lisa. Why don’t you announce it over the loudspeaker?"

  “It’s true though. When was the last time you had sex?”

  I squirmed in my seat. “The last time was with Aaron.”

  “Aaron?” she looked surprised. “That guy you dated? Wasn’t that like two years ago?”

  A rush of heat flushed my face. “More like a year and a half.” As if that was much better.

  “It’s worse than I thought. You’ve got to stop living like a nun, girlfriend. We’ve got to find you a man.” Already, Lisa’s eyes were scanning the bar.

  Nervously, I picked up my beer and swigged down the remainder of its contents. As well intentioned as it was, the last thing I wanted right now was for Lisa to start throwing me at random men. “I’m not sure this is such a good idea.”

  “This is a great idea.”

  I tried to distract her. “How’s Doug doing? You two seem to be getting close.”

  She continued to scope the bar. “Doug is great. He should be here soon. I wonder if he has any friends…” There was no changing the subject with her.

  Where was that waiter? I needed another drink - especially with the single-minded focus Lisa was directing onto my non-existent sex life.

  “Really, Lisa. You don’t need to find a man for me. I’m just fine.”

  “Fine and celibate! A hot girl like you should have men falling all over you. That tells me that you’ve been locking yourself up like a nun.” She leveled me with an accusatory look and then went back to scanning the crowd. “I’ve seen more than a few guys flirting with you at the restaurant.”

  I sat back in resignation. “I’m not sure what you’re hoping to find. I’d love to find a man and have wild sex, but it has to be the right man. I’m not really a one-night-stand type of girl.”

  “That’s fine for the long term. But, in the meantime, hey…” She paused for a moment. “There’s a hot guy over there by the bar. He looks kinda familiar… I think he’s checking us out.”

  “Probably because you’ve been staring at him-”

  Just then, Lisa’s latest boyfriend, Doug, showed up at our table, saying hello to me and planting a kiss on Lisa’s lips. “C’mon, let’s go dance.”

  He started to pull her away, but Lisa resisted. “I don’t want to leave Aubrey here alone.”

  I brushed off her concerns. “Go dance. I’ll get us some more beer.”

  They left for the dance floor and I let out a sigh of relief. Another moment, and Lisa would have been indiscriminately dragging men over to our table making a fool of us both. I needed to think up a decent excuse to use so that I could duck out and head home as soon as they got back to the table. In fact, I could slip out and send her a text before she even returned. That way she couldn’t veto my plan to leave.

  Just as I reached for my cell phone, a man sat down in Lisa’s unoccupied chair and placed a beer on the table in front of me.

  I gasped as my eyes met his. “Chase!”

  His smile was breathtaking. He tipped his beer to me. “Aubrey.”

  My heart was suddenly beating a mile a minute. “You finally remember me?”

  “With a little help from my brother.” Chase admitted. “You’ve certainly have…uh, grown up since high school.”

  I flushed when I imagined what he’d recalled. I’d been just a sophomore when I’d tutored Chase. I had crazy red hair that I didn’t know how to tame, so I’d wear a ponytail just about every day. I had braces forever, so I was sure I still had them sophomore year. And, I had owned not one preppy outfit, like all the cheerleaders that Chase used to date wore, in my entire wardrobe.

  Chase had that cocky smile on his face. “Is that why you were brimming with such hostility back on the side of the road? Because I didn’t remember you at first?”

  “Actually, I was just remembering something about you: that homecoming game back in high school, the one where the entire game was depending on that final run at the goal line.” I gritted my teeth into a smile of my own.

  His smile faltered for a second. “Ah, man, the game in ‘08?”

  I grinned with genuine amusement this time, and some satisfaction, too. “The one where you dropped the ball on the one yard line in overtime and lost the game.”

  He hung his head, then laughed aloud. “So that’s why you’re so bitter.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous! I was bitter because you were acting like such a jerk!” This guy was so full of himself it was nuts. I was determined to show him that his celebrity status didn’t impress me at all.

  He lifted his bottle and held it toward me. “Why don’t we toast to new beginnings, then?”

  I eyed him distrustfully. Why was he suddenly being so nice to me? What did he want?

  Just then, I noticed Lisa on the dance floor. She had spun around so that she was facing me. Go for it, she silently mouthed, with an insistent nod.

  Hesitantly I picked up my bottle and clinked it against his.

  “To new beginnings,” he said.

  We each took a swig, then put our bottles back down.

  “So, you still live in Grove?” Chase asked casually.

  Aware that I was really starting to feel it, I took another deep swig of beer. I was reluctant to tell him that I had never left town. That I was a waitress. That I was a nobody. Why the hell did I care what Chase thought of me? “Yep, I’m still at my parent’s place.”

  “You live with your parents? Or with your boyfriend?”

  I tried not to clench my teeth. “My parents moved out. And I don’t have a boyfriend.” Why was everyone suddenly so interested in my lack of boyfriend? I turned the question on him. “How about you? Are you married? Have children?”

  “None of the above.” He gave me a warm, slow smile, the kind that would melt glaciers and make a nun renounce her vows. “But if I did have a wife, she’d definitely be a redhead.”

  My eyes narrowed. What was he up to? Didn’t he realize that his reputation preceded him? That just about everyone in America knew that he went through women faster than a knife went through hot butter? He obviously didn’t have the good sense to realize that I wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole--that I absolutely despised men like that.

  I reached for my car keys. “Well, Chase, it was nice to catch up with you, but I’ve had a long day. I was just about to head out...”

  His hand shot out and grabbed mine, stopping me cold.

  A flicker of hurt registered in his eyes. “Why are you running away from me?”

  It was hard to concentrate with his warm hand engulfing mine. I was surprised to note that just the touch of his hand was causing my stomach to flutter nervously.

  “I’m not running away. My leaving has nothing to do with you.” I fixed him with my iciest stare.

  There was that smile again, as if he knew no one could resist him. “Prove it. Dance with me. Just one dance.”

  “I don’t know any of the steps to this song…” My protest sounded weak. I wasn’t even certain why I was digging in my heels so much. What harm could one little dance be?

  Chase stood up. He knew he had won. “And I’ve got a bum ankle. We’ll make a great pair.”

  I took a deep breath and stood as well. “Fine. Just one dance. That’s it.”

  There was something about Chase that made me nervous, that left me breathless and shaky, and I definitely didn’t want to let him find that out. I knew if he sensed any weakness, he’d go in for the kill. And I was vaguely aware of the fleeting thought that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to resist him.

  Chase grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. I caught Lisa’s bemused eye from the other side of the packed floor just before he eased us into the crush of couples dancing in perfect sequence to the latest popular line dan

  The fast pace of the music had me momentarily panicked. I had to concentrate my full attention on the steps, but after repeating the sequence a few times, I became confident enough to glance next to me at Chase. I couldn't help but laugh. He was valiantly trying to match the steps, but he always seemed to be one move behind. Chase saw my laughter and grinned boyishly, shrugging his shoulders.

  The song seemed to last forever, but after watching Chase laughing at himself, I couldn’t help but relax and let myself have fun. I had always loved dancing. The combination of the drinks, the upbeat music and Chase surreptitiously checking me out had me feeling bubbly with excitement.

  He moved with a natural grace, that showcased his athleticism, even despite his ankle injury. I was completely winded when the song ended, but he seemed fine. The music started up again; this time it was a slower song. Before I could even react, he pulled me into his arms, against his strong body. "Now, this is more my speed."

  I was still fairly breathless from the lively dancing, but being in Chase's arms had my heart pounding even faster. Chase held me pinned full length against his solid frame, my nipples tightening against his broad chest as we swayed to the soulful twangs of the music.

  We moved slowly amongst the couples. Shivers ran down my spine as I felt Chase's warm breath near my ear, "Mmm. I like your perfume. You smell so nice."

  As we swayed to the music, I worked hard to keep up with his teasing banter, but kept getting distracted by his strong arms around my waist pulling me closer, by his steel muscles under my hands and by his heady masculine scent as I leaned closer into him. I fought the magnetic pull of his charm and pretended that he didn’t affect me one bit. I answered all of his questions with snippy retorts, but really I was barely paying attention to our conversation.

  How could I pay attention when his hand, casually caressing my waist, was sending quivers of excitement shooting through my belly? I imagined those fingers sliding up my skirt and working their way under my panties. The thought of Chase's fingers stroking my clit and his cock filling my pussy left a dull ache pulsing in my core. Without realizing it, I angled my hips closer to his leg.

  Shaking my head, I tried to clear it of the sexy thoughts. I looked up at Chase, trying desperately to deny the electric current sizzling between us. The intense gaze he leveled on me was one of heated lust. Butterflies danced in my stomach as a knot of throbbing need assaulted my pussy.

  Everything around us faded away. There was no crowd of people on the dance floor, no music blaring, nothing but Chase and me.

  I knew he was going to kiss me and I wouldn’t resist. I was hungry for him. I felt myself helplessly drowning in a sea of heady sensations.

  I was dizzy with need as I clung urgently to Chase. His head lowered slowly and I closed my eyes as I waited for his lips to descend onto mine.

  “I know I asked only for one dance, but maybe we should make it two.”

  My eyes snapped open. What?

  I blinked with confusion and clamped my lips, which were practically frozen in mid-pucker, shut tight. Suddenly, I realized the song had ended and I was embarrassingly clinging onto Chase like a drowning woman clinging to a life-preserver.

  And he looked like the cat who ate the canary.

  Oh my God. I had made a huge fool of myself, acting like a schoolgirl on her first date. Hell, I had been ready to throw down and get busy with him right then and there on the dance floor. I prayed that he hadn’t noticed.

  I could blame the alcohol for my ridiculous behavior, but who was I kidding? I had instinctively known all along that Chase was dangerous to me. As he relaxed his arms around me, I vowed to be extra careful. But before I could pull myself away from him, another song started...a slow, throbbing song about love gone wrong; and once again, I found myself crushed against his football player’s body. I tried to put a little space between us and stared up at him with a gaze that looked as forbidding as I could make it. There was no way I was going to wind up another notch on his belt.

  Chapter 7


  My ankle was feeling better after that appointment with the physical therapist down in Tulsa, but that didn’t mean I was ready to dance with the redhead who I later hoped to conduct some business with. Hell, I wasn’t ready for any of this. Even so, I had Aubrey on the dance floor, and I’d managed to coax a chuckle or two out of her. Between her frowns, of course.

  At the moment, she was looking at me with those big green eyes of hers. Angry eyes. I know I’d nearly run her over that morning, but did that mean she should try to kill me with her gaze? What the hell was eating at her? I decided to approach the situation the same way Gage would approach an unbroken mare: gently.

  “So you obviously like dancing,” I observed, as the lead singer crooned softly and slowly from behind me. The line dancing song which had nearly taken my ankle out all over again had morphed into a slow song, which I took full advantage of. I had my arms around her. The warmth of her skin seeped through the T-shirt she wore. She felt warm, silky, good.

  Like her other partners, she initially tried to keep me at arm’s length, too, but I wasn’t having any of it. I kept her right up against me.

  “With the right guy,” she agreed.

  “And what kind of guy is right for you? A fireman? A rancher?” I paused, let the moment hang, and then added, “A football player?”

  She let out a sigh. “I like the ones who don’t think they’re God’s gift to women.”

  I spun her briskly around, getting a little squeak out of her, then gave her my most charming smile. “I like women who know how to be nice.”

  “Are you saying I’m not being nice?”

  A spicy meatball, this one, I thought. Lucky for me, I liked spicy meatballs.

  I shrugged. “I’ve met nicer.”

  “You’ve paid for nicer, you mean,” she said, with a triumphant gleam in her eyes.

  I pushed her back a little to get a better look at her. She had her nose in the air, and a flush colored her cheeks pink. Her breasts were heaving with either exertion or anger, I couldn’t tell which. One curly strand of red hair had fallen over her shoulder, and I fought the urge to touch it with my fingers, to feel its texture.

  God, she was beautiful..

  She caught my gaze and quickly looked away. Her breasts heaved harder and the pulse in her neck throbbed. Suddenly, she stumbled, as if she’d lost her balance. I did my best to hide my own satisfaction, because I’d been with enough women to know what this meant. She might have been all high-and-mighty, but this little redhead wanted to be kissed...and kissed good.

  And I was in the mood to do some kissing.

  I pulled her close and held her there, even though I felt her trying to put some distance between us again. She smelled pretty—like honeysuckle—and I drew her scent in, enjoying it, and enjoying her. After a few refrains from the singer, she stopped resisting and repositioned her hand on my bicep. Her palm was so small, and my bicep so big, that she barely covered a quarter of it. I caught her looking at me from beneath her lashes, and I gave her a casual smile.

  Easy, girl.

  She took in a deep breath, then let it out slowly, relaxing as she did so. This time, the triumph was mine. But I also knew the song was about to end. I had to work fast to keep her at my side, especially now that I saw her girlfriend and her dance partner had returned to their table. As the song wound up, I nodded toward her table. “Introduce me to your friends?”

  She blinked once, twice, as though I’d yanked her from her thoughts--pleasant ones, if her parted lips were any indication. She glanced toward the couple at the table and started to shake her head no. But then, her girlfriend noticed us looking and motioned us over with her hands.

  Aubrey frowned.

  The girlfriend motioned again, more insistently this time.

  I smiled widely. I slid one of my hands down her arm, until I was holding her hand, and then pulled her in the direction of the table. She went along reluc
tantly. Obviously this redhead had a stubborn streak in her a mile wide. Good thing I appreciated stubborn in a woman.

  Her hand small and warm in mine, I stopped in front of the table.

  “This is, er, Chase Wilder,” Aubrey said, pulling her hand away.

  “Damn, man!” The guy sitting at the table stood up and bumped fists with me. “You play pro football down in Miami, right?”

  I nodded.

  “Great to meet you. I’m Doug.” He pumped my hand, then sat back down. “This here is Lisa.”

  “Hey, cowboy,” Lisa said.

  “Let me grab us some beers,” I said, and walked over to the bar.

  While I was waiting for the bartender to pour, I glanced back at the table and saw Lisa lecturing Aubrey with the kind of intensity that suggested hard-core persuasion. Aubrey was watching me, and when I caught her gaze, she smiled a bit. A shy smile.

  Thank you, Lisa.

  A girl sitting on the bar stool next to me started chatting me up, talking about the bar and the band and other shit I knew nothing about. As I chatted back, I focused on Aubrey again, and saw that she was watching me. Her smile had disappeared, like clouds covering the sun. She’d retreated back into her shell.

  I turned my back on the girl, grabbed the beers. Headed to the table. Noticed that Aubrey was looking hopeful again. I put the beers on the table and sat down, right next to her. So close that our thighs touched.

  She shifted her leg away and took a swig of beer. But I felt the tension between us. The pull.

  I wanted her. Badly. Flirting had brought a glow to her face. She seemed so...alive. All at once, I couldn’t look away. I locked gazes with her, dared her.

  She swallowed.

  I stared at her lips. Thought about kissing her. Doing other things to her, things that would make her blush. And beg for more.

  She touched them with the tips of her fingers.

  “What about that playoff game last year, the one where you caught the touchdown with only three seconds left in the quarter?” Doug asked loudly, breaking the spell.

  For the next half hour or so, we talked about everything and nothing: bull riding, the weather, waitressing at Lucy’s Grub Hut, football. As we talked, I saw a different Aubrey. Maybe the beers had relaxed her or, or maybe it was the company of friends. Whatever the reason, she opened up, smiled, laughed. Lisa gave me an approving smile at one point, and I started to get the idea that maybe I was the reason for it.


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