Fake Marriage to a Baller: A Wilder Brothers Romance

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Fake Marriage to a Baller: A Wilder Brothers Romance Page 12

by Aria Scott

  My insides were turning to jelly as his fingers glided up and down my back, this time promising so much more than a massage. Weeks of sexual tension that I had carefully contained all seemed to be bubbling up to the surface, so quickly that I couldn’t control myself. I wanted to devour him with a hunger I'd never felt before. I grappled at his shirt, wanting it off, wanting to feel his bare skin against my own.

  He tore his lips from mine and took a step back. The sudden loss of contact left me reeling and dizzy. “Chase?” I couldn’t read his features; they were shadowed by the glow of the moonlight. “Please.” My voice sounded small and shaky.

  His voice held a note of impatience to it. “What do you want, Aubrey?”

  Did he want me to beg? How much clearer could it be?

  He took a step toward me. He was so close that I could feel the heat radiating from his skin even though we weren’t touching. “You want me to guess? Read your mind?”

  His voice grew thick and sultry. “Do you want me to touch you?” His finger slowly traced a path from my shoulder to collar bone. “Or maybe like this?” His finger trailed lower, blazing a fiery path toward my breast where it circled sensually around my nipple.

  I inhaled sharply when his thumb began stroking my hardened nipple, but then gasped with pleasure when he bent his head and captured my other breast in his mouth. He rolled my nipple over his tongue and then sucked gently until I couldn’t contain my moans. An urgent need that only he could quench was burning me from the inside.

  He paused his delicious attack on my breasts. “Is this what you want, Aubrey?”

  “Yes!” I answered breathily, without a second thought.

  “Lay back on the table.”

  My heart skipped a beat as I laid full length on the table, momentarily catching a glimpse of the moon shining down from above.

  His mouth immediately found my breast again while his hand trailed slowly downward, caressing my body from breast to hip. His hands felt magical on my body. His every touch seemed to be stoking a fire, hotter and hotter, deep inside.

  I felt my pussy grow slick with desire as his mouth trailed from teasing my nipple to slowly working its way downward. Oh my God, yes! By the time he kissed and licked his way down the slow tortuous path, my hips were lifting of their own accord to greet his mouth.

  His fingers slipped under the thin strings that held my thong in place. Slowly, he began working them down my legs and off my body. By this time, my pussy was throbbing with desire.

  If I thought he would finally relieve my agony, I was wrong. Instead, he began gently kneading my calves and working his way slowly upwards. With each inch that he advanced, I felt my pussy throb with even more need. His maddeningly slow pace up my thighs was tortuous. Higher and higher he rubbed and massaged. The overwhelming desire I felt was like a drug clouding my brain. I needed to be relieved. I needed him to touch me. The raw need I felt had my fingers digging hard into the table. It was unbearable.

  He was so close to my white-hot core. Just another inch. My body was begging and pleading for it. And then his finger softly grazed my clit. The jolt was electric. My body twitched and I let out a whimper. He continued massaging, just at the top of my thighs. I needed more. So much more. My pussy was screaming for more attention. This maddening attention, so close and yet so far, was driving me insane. I moaned as another soft swipe directly on my clit had my hips thrusting upward to meet his fingers. I no longer had control of my actions. I felt desperate and exhilarated all at the same time.

  Chase’s voice sounded ragged, “Open your legs, darlin’.”

  Without conscious thought, my legs spread open for him, straddling the sides of the narrow table. I didn’t have time to think, because almost immediately, his mouth found the inside of my thigh. He worked at an excruciatingly slow pace up my leg, his lips blazing a trail of liquid fire. My breasts heaved with my panting as I waited for the feel of his tongue on my most private parts.

  The things Chase did to me with his tongue were indescribable. It seemed sacrilegious to feel such raw ecstasy. His fingers had parted my pussy so that his tongue could probe intimately, sliding up and down my sensitive slit and paying special attention to my engorged clit.

  My head was thrashing wildly about and I was moaning loudly--I no longer had any control. His tongue explored everywhere. While he licked around my clit in exotic circles, his fingers worked their way into me, first one and then two. They worked in and out of me slowly, while he continued to torture my clit, occasionally nipping at it with his teeth.

  A white-hot molten sensation of urgency was overtaking me. When his tongue started to dart into my throbbing pussy, with quick hard thrusts, I was lost. The heat and the ache burst into an explosion of sensation as I climaxed hard into his mouth.

  I writhed on the table as the spasms of the powerful orgasm overcame me. Chase held on tight, licking my juices and causing mini-spasms to launch new jolts of electric shock all over my body. I tried to close my legs and hide myself, but Chase remained firmly planted between my thighs.

  When my quivering muscles finally subsided, I felt a finger touch my clit again. The jolting shock of his touch had my hips lifting off the table as I groaned with pleasure.

  I heard him chuckle. “Easy, darlin’.”

  When I finally peeked open an eye, he was standing near the table, watching me. I reached out and grabbed him by the belt, dragging him close to me. I felt his hard length under his pants and grabbed for his zipper.

  His hand stopped me. His voice was gruff. “You better stop now. Too much longer and I won’t be able to control myself.”

  I started tugging at his belt buckle. “I want to see you.”

  “Aubrey…” His voice held a hint of warning.

  His buckle came unlatched. I quickly unbuttoned, then unzipped, his pants; purposefully grazing his cock with my knuckles, relishing in the resultant twitches my actions produced. He stood stoically with his jaw clenched while I worked on pulling his pants and boxer briefs down.

  I had instinctively known he would be well endowed and I was proven correct. The sight of his rock-hard cock had me shivering with anticipation.

  He groaned. “I want you, Aubrey.”

  I laid back down on the table. “You can have me.”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t have any condoms with me. And I don’t do unprotected sex.”

  “It’s okay. I’m on birth control. And I don’t have any…diseases.”

  He swallowed. “I’m clean too. I just got my football physical. Still…you’ve been drinking…”

  “I trust you. And I want this. I want you. Just give me tonight.” Feeling brave, I spread open my legs. “Please. Stop talking so much and come over here.”

  He closed the distance between us in a flash. He ripped off his shirt and kicked off his pants and within seconds the hot skin of his chest was pressed against my body. Lust filled his eyes, as his hands hungrily roamed my body, caressing every inch of my skin.

  The way my body immediately responded to him was astonishing. Even though I had felt fully sated only minutes before, I was quickly aroused to a fever pitch once more. Finally free to explore his impressive physique, my hands eagerly roamed over the planes and curves of his muscles.

  Before I could fully appreciate his assets, he put his muscled arms under my legs and behind my back and lifted me off the table. My foggy brain couldn’t even compute what was happening until he had spun me around and leaned me forward against the table.

  He positioned himself between my legs. From behind, he began rubbing the large head of his cock through my slickened pussy, from my clit to my opening. The rubbing sensation against my swollen sex left me weak in the knees and clinging to the massage table. I noted with surprise that I was writhing with need, so soon again. I needed his cock to ram inside of me. Wantonly, I pushed my ass back against him, silently begging his teasing cock.

  Instead, his arm curled around my hips and his fingers fel
t for my pussy. I whimpered as his fingers pushed into my sticky hot slit. His fingers were magic, pushing me to the precipice.

  When I thought the sweet intensity might overtake me, he pushed his cock into me in one hard stroke. A wave of electric tremors shot through my body. His skillful fingers gave my clitoris a few delicious strokes before he placed both of his hands on my hips and began pumping in a slow and steady rhythm. His thrusts were controlled, but I was so wet and slippery that we soon started grinding against each other faster and faster.

  I felt my breasts bouncing and jiggling as our bodies slapped rhythmically together. Each thrust was propelling me higher and higher to new heights at an incredible speed. I was about to have another explosive orgasm within mere minutes of the last one. Everything was frighteningly out of my control; the tension, coiled tight in my belly, mounted. I moaned with a wild panic as I rode the frantic feeling as best I could until suddenly I climaxed with an overwhelming force.

  Still, his rock hard cock pounded into me. My knees were threatening to buckle as tremors shook my body over and over. I dropped my head to the table I was leaning on trying to keep myself upright. The explosive orgasm rocked my body over and over.

  Even as my pussy muscles quivered with the powerful orgasm, I felt his body tense. He plunged into me one final time before I felt his own release exploding deep inside me.

  When my pussy finished milking his cock, he collapsed half on top of me. My body and mind slowly sank back to reality. He gently caressed my shoulder as I trembled in an astonished state of euphoria. I was bewildered by what just happened. I had never experienced such an explosive reaction.

  He gently turned me around and tucked me into his warm embrace. He wiped a piece of clinging, sweaty hair away from my face and kissed my forehead tenderly. "That was amazing."

  I just nodded, not trusting my voice to speak. My body pressed against his, in post-coital bliss, had never felt so sensuous. A wave of emotion overcame me. I couldn’t deny that I felt a profound connection to this man. I felt the stirrings of something deep. Something magical.

  I had set out to seduce Chase, but it seemed that he had been doing the seducing all along.

  He was languidly rubbing my arm with his fingertips. I snuggled closer into his arms and before long I was drifting into to sleep. I thought I heard him whisper, “This is where you belong. With me.”

  But I was already sobering up...and wondering if I’d made a drastic mistake, by putting our business deal aside and letting Chase set my world afire.

  Chapter 13


  I walked over to my penthouse window and looked out at the Atlantic Ocean beyond, but I wasn’t really seeing anything. Instead, I was trying to get control of the bitterness inside me, the disappointment, and most of all the understanding that my would-be wife deeply regretted having sex with me.

  “We can’t do that again,” she repeated, as she stared morosely into a bowl of cereal.

  I was holding a cup of coffee. I picked it up and took a gulp, then studied my reflection in the glass. Tall, with broad shoulders, muscular legs, and warm brown eyes--I wasn’t so bad looking. And yet, she so disliked the thought of me touching her that she erected a wall of pillows each night between us.

  “I’m sorry, Chase, but sex changes things,” she continued, her voice low. “It makes people feel attached to each other, in an irrational way--one that doesn’t match up with thoughts and feelings outside the bedroom. We made a mistake last night.”

  I said nothing. Instead, I stared at the waves. Oh, I understood what she was saying. She was warning me that just because I’d fucked her, that didn’t mean she loved me or even cared about me. It didn’t mean that I could now fuck her again, whenever I wanted. This was still a business deal and we both had better remember that.

  I almost shook my head with wonder and disgust. I’d asked the most stuck-up models to spread their thighs for me and gladly they’d obeyed, as if I was doing them the greatest favor in the world. And yet with this one woman, I was almost ready to grovel for permission to touch her again.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

  I heard a quiver in her voice and glanced toward her. Tears glittered in her eyes. My heart insisted I put my arms around her and wipe her tears away. That I kiss those soft-looking lips. But my head said no fucking way. This time, I listened to my head. “I promise, I’ll leave you alone.”

  She winced at the angst in my voice.

  I turned back to the window and glanced sideways down the beach. I saw condos, hotels, bars…and knew that within a block, many warm beds and sexy women waited for me. All at once, I felt my cock stiffen, but it wasn’t because of them out there. A memory had suddenly come to me, part memory and part dream actually, of last night. My heart squeezed painfully as I recalled how the moonlight gave her skin a pearlescent glow, as if magic had dusted her. She’d had such soft skin, skin hot with hunger for me, and her silky, curling hair flowing across pillows had begged for me to caress it. Those thoughts brought dreams to mind, of what it would feel like to have those warm, eager lips on mine again, of how she might curl her body into me and twine her hands around my neck to draw me down closer, in deeper…

  I spun away from the window and struck my fist into my palm with frustration, then quickly checked myself. I abruptly felt shocked at how low I’d fallen. This uppity little redhead tells me no and my soul crumbles. What that hell was wrong with me?


  “Are you okay?” she asked in a breathy little voice.

  No, I wanted to snarl. No, I’m not okay. What would make me okay is to get you into my bed and keep you there for a whole goddamn week.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” I replied calmly. “Although I’m not going to fuck you,” I added, “we still have a job to do. We need to appear like we’re a couple. Like we’re intimate.”

  She sighed heavily. “I know.”

  “And based on how things went last night at the party, I’d say we need some practice.”

  “Agreed. But what do we do?”

  I gave her a bitter smile. “My agent had a recommendation for us: Dr. Goswami. Unless you disagree, I’d like to go see this doctor first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “What kind of doctor is he?”

  “He’s a relationship coach,” I said, leaving out the sex therapist part. “He might be able to teach us some intimacy, without needing us to go all the way.”

  She sort of nodded. “Sounds reasonable.”

  “Good,” I agreed sharply. “We also have to do some shopping.”

  “For what?”

  “An engagement ring.”

  She gulped, then nodded. “I was thinking about that too.”

  “I’m taking you to a few designer stores as well,” I added flatly. “We have a couple of events coming up, and I want you dressed well.”

  She frowned. “I already did a lot of shopping.” She paused, thought some more, then continued, “I thought you said you liked the dress I had on last night. Delicious, you called it.”

  “I liked it, but you didn’t,” I reminded her. “You apparently want to look like all the other team wives, so let’s go out. I’ll dress you to look like them.”

  “You’re putting words in my mouth--”

  “Am I wrong?” I cut in.

  She abruptly stopped talking, and I knew a brief moment of satisfaction. “Get yourself ready. We leave in an hour.”

  The Design District was about five minutes south from downtown Miami. I drove Aubrey there in my Shelby, a custom Mustang that was a far cry from the one I almost ran her over with all of those weeks ago. We parked in a garage, and then began our trek through the district. Dior, Louboutin, Cartier, Armani--all of the major designers had shops here, and it wasn’t at all difficult to drop a hundred thousand without evening blinking an eye.

  Since Aubrey had done all of her shopping in Cocoa Beach, the Design District was new to her, and she walked around the high-end outdoor
mall with a look of wonder on her face, as we passed one luxury fashion house after another. Here, it was all mirrors, chrome, palm trees and contemporary art worthy of a museum, and I had to admit to being a bit impressed, too, even though I’d been here many times.

  “I don’t even know where to begin,” she admitted.

  “I made an appointment at a salon for you too,” I informed her.

  She quickly turned to look at me and ran a self-conscious hand through her hair.

  “You want a transformation from a duckling to a swan, right?” I asked.

  “Well, yes--”

  “Then we stop at the salon.” I was determined to spend money on her--as much as possible. That was what she wanted, after all. Money. I figured I might as well satisfy her on that end, and not give her anything to complain about.

  She didn’t say anything more as I led her into the one store I trusted most. Called Femme Couture, it had started out in the ‘40s as a French luxury house. Now it carried women’s designer clothing and had a friend of mine, Camille Cates, as its quarterback. We walked through the glass front door and were immediately surrounded by sales girls. Camille saw us out of the corner of her eye, joined us, and shooed the girls away.

  “Chase, how lovely to see you,” she said with a heavy French accent. With silky gray hair and sparkling blue eyes, she was a well-kept woman in her sixties and had often looked at me with more than a business eye. Out of kindness to her aging and susceptible heart, I’d often flirted with her in the past, but not today.

  “Camille, I’d like to introduce you to my fiancée, Aubrey O’Malley,” I replied.

  Her mouth dropped open, but she quickly spoke to hide her evident shock. “How nice to meet you, Aubrey. Chase has been a favorite customer of mine for a long time. He’s an expert on women, and he has excellent taste. You are very beautiful.”

  I frowned slightly. “Aubrey needs to be outfitted with a complete wardrobe, including a wedding dress. We’ll need it today.” I glanced at my watch. “By three in the afternoon, actually. We have an appointment at a salon at three-thirty.”


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