Life's Next Chapter

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Life's Next Chapter Page 23

by Sarah Goodman

  I look up at him and smile as we dance to Blake Shelton’s God Gave Me You. I rest my head against his chest, as he places his cheek to my head and I listen to him sing the lyrics to this song. “Luke, thank you for this,” I look around at all the people and our beautiful reception, “for giving me the next chapter in my life.”

  “Sunshine, there’s nothing ‘next’ about this chapter. I’m giving you your happy ending in ‘your’ last book. From here on out we’re starting our own story. This is only the beginning of a very, very long book.”

  “Luke, you gave me my dream, and now I want to give you yours…well ours. It just took me a while to realize it.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That I do want another baby. I want us to have another baby, or more babies. I want a family with you. I want our family to be huge.”

  “Really? You want to try for a baby?” he asks as he kisses my forehead.

  “Yes, and we can try tonight. I’ve been off birth control for a couple weeks. Who knows, maybe I’m pregnant right now.” I say with a wink.

  “Damn, baby. Have I told you how beautiful you look today, and how fucking amazing you are?”

  “Yes, but you know I won’t get tired of hearing it.” I laugh into his chest.

  “I’m going to love loving your forever,” he mumbles to me.

  “Same here, babe, same here.”


  I LOOK OVER at my sleeping wife. She’s so tired and has been up most of the night. So, I decide I’m going to let her sleep in. I scribble a quick note of where to find the kids and me. I get out of bed before the girls come screaming into our room.

  As I am walking down the hall, the girls come barreling out of their room. “Good morning, Daddy,” they both squeal together as they run into the other bedroom. They immediately know to run to where I’m heading.

  “No, Daddy, I want to, you said I could today,” Julia whines to me.

  “Alright Julia, you can do it. Go get ready.” I watch her run across the room, sit down, and get situated.

  I bend over the crib and pick up my handsome son. John Luke Ashton is three weeks old and the spotlight on him isn’t fading. He’s completely adored by his big sisters. I hold John in my arms as I walk to the rocking chair where Julia is awaiting to hold her brother. I place him on the Boppy pillow and wrap her arms around him. “Gentle, Julia,” I remind her.

  A couple months back, Kate’s Granddaddy had a heart attack and he didn’t think he was going to make it. He begged Kate that if we had a boy to name the baby after him. The stubborn mule pulled through everything just fine. I think it was all a ploy to have a great-grandchild named after him. It didn’t bother me and it fits. John is a strong little guy. He’ll need to be, especially with these big sisters of his. After a few rocks, I take John from Julia’s arms and ask the girls to go get dressed, because we were going to go for a walk. “Shh, you have to be quiet. Momma is sleeping.”

  They both put their finger over their lip and tip toe out. I change John’s diaper and quickly run down stairs for a bottle. I grab a bag of breast milk and place it in the warm water to warm up. The girls are downstairs as soon as I’m done making John’s bottle.

  “Girls, grab a Pop tart and a juice box and get your shoes on,” I softly instruct. I’m in a hurry to get them out of the house before they wake up Kate. She’s such a light sleeper these days. They grab their breakfast and slide on their shoes, while I grab a blanket for John, and we walk. We walk towards the creek. It’s been a while since we’ve been to the creek. Since John was born, Luka has been on my mind a lot.

  I gave Kate everything I told her I would. I planted a garden box of beautiful flowers. And every now and then we see our yellow and black butterfly around the flowers. It gives us peace. I also built a wooden bench, so we have a place to sit. The girls run around ahead of me as I slowly take my time with John in my arms and a bottle in his mouth. We approach the creek and the four of us sit. The girls nibble away on their breakfast, and I enjoy having my children all around me.

  The girls’ being quiet doesn’t last long and they start throwing rocks in the creek. John has fallen back to sleep, and I’m totally content.

  I stare off and reminisce on how far we have come in two years. Finding out about Luka and then losing her; Kate and me broken then healed; our wedding and amazing honeymoon in Tahiti. Right after our wedding Keith was released from jail. He wrote a letter to Kate and his daughters, explaining he was sorry for everything he caused in their marriage, for hurting her while we were dating, and for the cause of Luka’s death. He doesn’t have a reason for doing it he just blamed the drugs. He wrote a letter to the girls telling them he loved them, but couldn’t live in Florida, and he was going to help his dad with his business in New York. He promised to visit and talk often. Kate read the letter to the girls, and it relieved us both to see them not bothered by his actions.

  One year after Luka’s death was hard. Kate had discovered a couple weeks before that she was pregnant with John. We spent the evening on a blanket next to Luka’s cross talking about the short time we had with her.

  Looking down at my son, I smile remembering his birth. After ten hours of labor and thirty minutes of pushing, the most miraculous moment transpired in front of me. Watching Kate push our son into this world nearly brought me to my knees. When I saw him take his first breath and then scream, I believe I exhaled and cried with him. Kate is my hero; I might have done some heroic things, but she brought life into this world, she brought my son into my life. I have an almost twenty year old, six-year-old daughters, a three-week-old son, and a beautiful wife, and I’m complete.

  I hear the grass crunch behind me and I know Kate is walking towards us. Once she is behind me, she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my cheek. “Thank you for letting me sleep,” she mummers against my cheek.

  “No problem, I thought I would bring John down here and introduce him to his other big sister.”

  “I think that is a great idea. What does he think of the place?”

  “Not sure, he’s been very quiet.” I laugh as I place the sleeping baby in Kate’s arms. Seeing her hold my son has got to be one of the best feelings. She’s a natural. It’s truly amazing to watch the two. The most intriguing bond to see is when she nurses him and his big green eyes are focused on her, just staring away, as if he can’t get enough of her beauty, like his old man. He’s definitely my son and knows a beautiful woman.

  “Luke, we need to come here more often. These last few weeks have been crazy,” she tells me.

  “I know, I know. We should make this a Sunday tradition: pop tarts, juice boxes, a bottle of milk, and Luka. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s a great idea. This tradition goes down in our book,” she says as she leans into me and kisses me hungrily.

  Read Ethan and Leah’s Story Next in

  Book 3 in the Life Series

  COMING late Spring 2014

  FIRST AND FOREMOST, I want to thank my husband and children. Thank you for being so patient with me, and giving me the time and space I needed to write. To my children, I am so sorry that summer 2013 was the “worst” summer ever because we did nothing fun but watch me write. I promise to make your next summer break more enjoyable. To my husband, thank you for your support and help through this journey. Know that I love you all so very much and I couldn’t be prouder to be your wife and mother of our children.

  Thank you to my family and friends. Thank you to my family for your support and encouragement through this journey. To my best friends Kristan and Erica, I cannot thank you enough. Girls, you truly are my heroes and my walls that keep me up. Kristan, for your support and cheerleader attitude to me. You pepped me up every time I felt like crashing down. To Erica, thank you for being my personal “Beth”, “Kate”, and “Ella” all in one. Your guidance, support, and listening ears helped me in ways you will never understand. I love you both to infinity and beyond. I hope
you two can see why I also dedicated this book to you. Thank you so very much!

  To my editor Raelene with word·play by 77peaches: You are my saving grace. Words will never be enough for saving this book and me. If it weren’t for you this book would have never happened. You are such a blessing. You have a true gift. You picked up this book, never knowing any story behind any of my characters, and you got them head on. You knew exactly where I wanted Kate’s personality to be. You just got it! Rae, you have a way with words that blows me away. I couldn’t believe how beautiful you made this book and I can’t thank you enough. I look forward to working with you more. Thank you so much, Rae!

  Thank you to Dee with Book Designs by Dee who captured exactly what I wanted in a book cover. You are extremely talented and you took my ideas and created a beautiful cover. I am so in love with it. I look forward to working with you again and seeing what you will create next. You are awesome and I love ya!

  To Julie with JT formatting, first off I have to thank you for your patience with me. I know formatting this book didn’t go planned to schedule. But you were so understanding and patient and I can’t thank you enough. Second, thank you so much for creating a beautiful book that my readers can read and fall in love with. Thank you for answering all my questions, for being there, and helping me write better as a writer. You are so talented and creative. I thank you so much!

  To Ricki with The Book Pimp, you are proof of what a small world we truly live in. The moment we talked, I knew fate brought us together. Thank You…Thank You for your help with these books. To think I was looking for a book pimp and I got a friend instead. Love you!

  To my street team, thank you so much ladies for helping me out. It’s the little things that mean the most and I can’t thank you all enough for what you’ve done.

  To my Beta readers…Chrissy R, you are amazing and I am so incredibly happy that you fell in love with Life’s Perfect Plan. Thrilled you enjoyed reading Life’s Next Chapter more. Your opinions matter and you helped me out when I was debating a certain scene. Thank you so much. To Corinne, Kerri and Jennifer, thank you for your advice, opinions, and feedback on Life’s Next Chapter. You all helped me out so much.

  To Lori M. with Dragonfly Dreams Horse Farm, thank you so very much for all your help with horses. Your knowledge and love for these beautiful animals is what helped me create beautiful scenes with Kate and her horses. Thank you for your patience with me and my never ending questions and scenarios. I know I threw you through some loops. I can only hope I made Kara…AKA: Sara, Mia, Angel, and Tiara proud. Thank you foremost for being such a great friend throughout so many years.

  To Amanda P…AKA, Dr. Pierce, thank you so much for all of the Veterinarian questions. Your advice, knowledge, and answers to all of my questions were such a huge help. Thank you for helping me in a certain scene that I struggled with. I greatly appreciate it.

  To Amanda E. and David M., you two rock and if it wasn’t for the help by you two, my character Luke wouldn’t be who he is. Thank you for your help with all of the Army, the war, PTSD, veterans and police questions and scenarios. I attacked you both so many times with different questions, and you replied back with them answered. I thank you for even filling in the blanks in a huge scene of this book. I thank you for answering my police officer questions and legal issues. Keith was never intended to come into the story, but somehow he pushed his way in. You helped me make this story better. Thank you so much.

  To my cousin Casey C., thank you so much for your help as well with all of the legal issues that developed in this story I can’t thank you enough.

  To Author Sawyer Bennett, I can’t thank you enough for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help a new author like me with lawyer questions. I learned so much from you, and with your help, actually made my characters know and perform their job right. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  To the wonderful, kind, and helping bloggers who helped me in so many ways from cover reveals, blog tours, reviews and helping me promote my book. Thank you so very much, I wouldn’t be where I am if it weren’t for you all helping me. You all hold a special place in my heart. Thank you. A big shout out to: A Girl Amongst Books, Desiree with A Love Affair With Books, Becca the Bibliophile, Booked on Romance, Bookish and Bushytailed, Crazy Chaotic Book Babes, Leslie with For the Love of Books, Tami with Into the Night Review, Amanda with Island Lovelies Book Blog, Ltmk Hooked Onbooks, Nerd Girl, Jude and Tawnya with One More Chapter, Rusty’s Reading, and Chris with Sweet Sassy Sexy Book Blog. Thank you ladies for all your help!

  Thank you to all the amazing authors that I have met along this crazy journey. To Felicia Lynn, I will never forget how you helped me out in so many ways. You are a talented and wonderful author and friend. Thank you for being by my side. To Heather Gunter, you are my separated twin. We met by chance and found so much in common, not only with writing but with motherhood as well. When we met I was looking for guidance by another inspiring author and I gained a true friend. Your friendship means the world to me and I can’t thank you enough for always being there! Love you!

  Finally, to my readers: THANK YOU!! When I started Life’s Perfect Plan in the spring of 2013 I never imagined in my wildest dreams that book one would be a series, let alone I would accomplish book two so fast. It is because of YOU. Your messages, comments and personal conversations are what pushed me to write more and fast. I can only hope you love Kate and Luke as much as you loved Beth and Jacob. I hope in some way Life’s Next Chapter touches you in the way it touched me. I loved writing this story. I’m honored and humbled that you gave me and my stories a chance. I hope you have enjoyed Life’s Next Chapter. Please leave a review, I greatly appreciate it. I love you all and thank you.

  SARAH IS A native to Central Florida where she lives with her husband and three sons. Besides being a wife and mom, she is also a teacher. During her spare time she loves to read, write, spend her time at the ball fields cheering on her boys and relaxing at the beach.

  Life’s Next Chapter is her second novel.

  Learn more about Sarah Goodman at:


  Email her at:

  [email protected]



  Life’s Perfect Plan

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: Kate

  Chapter 2: Kate

  Chapter 3: Luke

  Chapter 4: Kate

  Chapter 5: Kate

  Chapter 6: Luke

  Chapter 7: Kate

  Chapter 8: Kate

  Chapter 9: Luke

  Chapter 10: Kate

  Chapter 11: Kate

  Chapter 12: Kate

  Chapter 13: Kate

  Chapter 14: Kate

  Chapter 15: Luke

  Chapter 16: Kate

  Chapter 17: Kate

  Chapter 18: Kate

  Chapter 19: Kate

  Chapter 20: Kate

  Chapter 21: Luke

  Chapter 22: Kate

  Chapter 23: Luke

  Chapter 24: Kate

  Chapter 25: Luke

  Chapter 26: Luke

  Chapter 27: Kate

  Chapter 28: Kate

  Epilogue: Luke


  About the Author

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: Kate

  Chapter 2: Kate

  Chapter 3: Luke

  Chapter 4: Kate

  Chapter 5: Kate

  Chapter 6: Luke

  Chapter 7: Kate

  Chapter 8: Kate

  Chapter 9: Luke

  Chapter 10: Kate

  Chapter 11: Kate

  Chapter 12: Kate

  Chapter 13: Kate

  Chapter 14: Kate

  Chapter 15:

  Chapter 16: Kate

  Chapter 17: Kate

  Chapter 18: Kate

  Chapter 19: Kate

  Chapter 20: Kate

  Chapter 21: Luke

  Chapter 22: Kate

  Chapter 23: Luke

  Chapter 24: Kate

  Chapter 25: Luke

  Chapter 26: Luke

  Chapter 27: Kate

  Chapter 28: Kate

  Epilogue: Luke


  About the Author




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