A Holiday Romance

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A Holiday Romance Page 3

by Bobbie Jordan

  Mrs. Blanchard called to her personal assistant and whispered quietly. With an hour, a young lady was sitting at Latisse’s feet performing a pedicure as her newly manicured nails were drying.

  Latisse wonder how she had gotten someone to come out on Christmas Eve. Just as her toes were finished, a very effeminate black man with shoulder length hair swished in. He took one look at Latisse and announced “Girl, we have got to do something with that nappy hair.” Latisse took minor offense, her hair wasn’t nappy, but it could use some help she thought. She liked being pampered and felt like a princess. She just couldn’t quite believe Guy’s mother was doing all of this.

  About halfway through the hair treatment, Ja’que, that was the stylist’s name, not Jacky, but said with a French accent “Ja’que” had applied some fruity smelling paste to her hair and covered her head in a foil wrap, there was a knock at the bedroom door.

  “Are you decent? A familiar male voice inquired.

  “Yes” she answered Guy.

  “Then I’ll come back later.” He joked.

  He entered with a young lady carrying two wrapped garments.

  “Mother wasn’t sure if you had brought anything to wear, so she had these sent over. I hope you’re not offended. If you don’t like either, you can wear blue jeans.”

  Latisse was far from offended, she was over-whelmed.

  The woman with the dresses came in and unwrapped two of the most beautiful and expensive formal gowns Latisse had ever seen.

  The woman said “Mrs. Blanchard guessed you to be a size zero, or a one at the most. She estimated your bust at about a 36.” It was spot one. “I can do some alterations if needed. She wasn’t sure about shoe size, so I bought along a couple of sizes in each.” For the second time in 24 hours Latisse was speechless.

  It was just before the party; Latisse could hear quests starting to arrive. She was dressed and ready in a pale yellow chiffon gown that exposed one shoulder and displayed Latisse’s almost perfect figure. With the help of extensions, her hair had been transformed into a chic French braid with a small sprig of miniature yellow rosebuds. She wore perfectly fitting matching yellow open toed peeps with a moderate heel. Mrs. B sent her assistant to ask if Latisse would join her for a moment in her private bedroom.

  As Latisse entered, she saw the woman standing alone, reflecting on her image in a large antique mirror. She was absolutely stunning as she turned to receive Latisse.

  Mrs. Blanchard gave a slight gasp as she saw Latisse standing there.

  “Oh my, you are beautiful” the woman commented. “I see why my son is attracted to you.”

  She crossed to Latisse and took her hand. She gazed directly into Latisse’s dark eyes with her own and said, “I’m going to ask you a very personal question my dear. Please take no offense, I have my reasons.”

  There was a pregnant pause before Guy’s mother directly asked “Has he bedded you yet dear.”

  Latisse didn’t know what to say, she felt her cheeks burn as she looked downwards and started to mumble a reply.

  Mrs. Blanchard waved her off and continued “I thought not.” The elder woman smiled broadly and continued. “He has had many “girlfriends,” but he has never brought a woman home unannounced to a family occasion. I have met several of his “girlfriends” and asked them the same question. They all answered discretely in the affirmative to let me know how important they were to him.

  But I had hoped that you were special, and by your answer, I now know how special you must be to him. You make me very happy, my dear. You are very beautiful and intelligent, a rare combination, you’ll match him. You will be very good together, I’m sure of it. I’m happy for him.”

  This admission from this majestic woman seemed too much and a single tear slipped down her the young girl’s cheek. It was formed as a result of the intense emotional roller coaster she had enjoyed over the last two days. Again, Latisse could find nothing to say.

  “Oh sweet girl, don’t ruin your make up, you look so perfect.” Mrs. Blanchard soothed as she dabbed the tear with a hand stitched tatted hanky pulled from her sleeve. “Come over here for a minute please.”

  She brought Latisse to her makeup table and presented her with a small box. From it she took a solid gold choker necklace with a single cameo depicting a black woman’s portrait. It was flanked by two diamonds.

  “This was my Mother’s dear; I’ve waited a long time to give it to the right person.”

  “Oh, Mrs. Blanchard, I couldn’t possibly—“Latisse started but then was crying in earnest. Tears were flowing down her high boned cheeks like a waterfall against a chiseled cliff.

  “Oh yes you can, and you will do this for an old lady. If I’m wrong about you, and young lady, I am seldom wrong where my son is concerned, you may return it. Until then, you would honor me to wear it.” She clasped the necklace around Latisse’s slender neck.

  The intimate family dinner party tuned out to be over fifty guests. Despite all of the opulence and beauty in the room, all eyes were on Latisse. She indeed felt like a princess and worked the room flawlessly, spending time on Guys arm and yet giving him space alone to reconnect with important people in his life.

  They met people, drank, danced, supped and opened presents in the grand Hall. Every now and then Latisse noticed Mrs. Blanchard looking at her, smiling.

  As the last guest left, Mrs. Blanchard bade her son and Latisse good night, making her promise she wouldn’t leave the next day until after they had spent some time together. In truth, Latisse had completely forgotten the Napa vacation.

  Latisse turned and quietly said to Guy, “What an awesome experience. It was perfect, wasn’t it? I know I should be tired but I feel great, energized, and alive.”

  Guy held Latisse and kissed her gently. “Thank you for tonight, I had a wonderful time. You made all of the guy’s crazy jealous of me.” With that he bent over and kissed her again, passionately.

  Without further words, he scooped her up and carried her up the huge spiral stairway to his room. There was no hesitation, no discussion at all as he slowly undressed her and then himself. They fell asleep entwined some several hours later, totally spent, and totally happy and fulfilled.

  He awoke her in the morning gently nuzzling her ear with gentle little kisses.

  “What time should I have the jet ready for California?” he asked.

  “About that,” she whispered, “will you come with me?”

  “I thought you’d never ask” he said. And they made love again.

  A Valentine’s Day Gift For Him

  “Hello Momma, Merry Christmas.”

  “Oh thank you Momma, Daddy all right?”

  “At the hospital?”

  “Of course.”

  “Yes, yes I know, he’s not changing now.”

  “Yes, just got here. Yes the Napa where they grow the grapes. They make wine too Momma.”

  “Yes Ma’am, I know you know.”

  “Well no, I didn’t actually have the business meeting with him. Oh Momma I got a lot to tell you.”

  “Well no, I don’t have to go back to see him, he’s here with me now.”

  “Yes here in Napa.”

  “No Momma, No, I’m not that kind of girl.”

  “Well, yes, it does look that way so maybe I am.”

  “No Momma, let me just tell you Momma, it’s unbelievable really.”

  “No Momma.”

  “No Momma it is not like that time in college.”

  “No Momma.”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  “I do want to tell you if you give me a chance.”

  “No Momma, I’m sorry Momma.”

  “Okay then, here’s what happened. My flight got delayed in Washington. Yes, Dulles. So this man sits next to me and Momma, he smelled so good.”

  “Yes a white guy, funny you should ask because his name is Guy. And he’s part black.”


  Yes, well anyway he sat next to me in Dulles an
d when the flight was delayed he invited me out for dinner. Oh Momma, it was a wonderful night. We went in a limo!”

  “Yes, a limo, and we saw all the lights and had an unbelievable dinner.”

  “Momma, there are just a few things I’d rather not discuss with you and no, I did not sleep with him in D.C.”

  “Uh, huh, yes Momma.”

  “So he asked me to go to this Christmas party, he lives in Chicago. And guess what Momma, we went in a private plane. Yes, and the plane flew us here, too.”

  “Yes Momma, I know men like that, no, wait, he’s not like that.”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “No, yes really.”

  Know what the weird thing is Momma? I’ve only known him for two days, but it feels like I’ve known him my whole life.”

  “No Momma, I don’t think it’s a silly schoolgirl crush, I’m 31 years old, remember?”

  “Yes Momma, I’m sorry. I know you know how old I am.”

  Yes, well kiss Daddy for me, will you? I know you will.”

  “I love you too Momma, good bye now. Yes, I’ll call before New Years.”

  “I love you too. Merry Christmas Momma.”

  “Yes, you too Momma. Bye.”

  Latisse barely had time to get comfortable in one place and she was off to yet another impromptu performance of her life. The flight from Chicago to San Francisco barely allowed a moments rest, much less recovery. It’s not as if either one of them had any rest last night after the party and all.

  Had she really even gotten to reflect on last night? It surely demanded some reflection, and reliving and replaying over and over. Every emotional upheaval, the fatigue, and even feeling a little out of control the past few days had been worth it. Last night he had felt safe and unique, and very special. Although it was a little unsettling not being sure what the next minute would bring, but so far trusting her instincts had been okay.

  It was Christmas day. After breakfast with Mrs. Blanchard, the two of them had packed and had been taken to the airport, where the “corporate jet” whisked them off to her long awaited vacation in Napa Valley.

  So much had happened in the last couple of days, she would have thought some of the anticipation for the California trip might have waned, but in reality, she was really looking forward to some time quietly alone with Guy to try to figure out what was happening, and where it might go.

  Latisse was actually fairly comfortable with what was happening, it was the where it might go that needed some time to sort out.

  Before Latisse could even get comfortable in the plane and even start to relax, they were making a descent. After touchdown in Sacramento, the limo took them directly to the Napa Inn.

  Guy met the concierge as if they were old friends. After a short, quiet conversation they were being shown to their room. Before they entered behind the bellhop, Guy pulled Latisse into his arms and whispered.

  “I took the liberty of arranging separate suites. I know what the past few days have been like for me, I can’t even imagine everything you’re going through. I just thought we could both use some privacy while we figure out who “we” are. Is that all right for you?”

  He had this bad habit of making her speechless. It was as he had read her mind.

  “And I figured we’d both need a place to work I know I can’t just take off completely.”

  The bell person opened the double stained glass doors with grapes and a vineyard scene into a foyer. There was a large open design central room with a full kitchen along one side with open seating to the main room. Two short doors opened into identical bedroom suites with private baths and Jacuzzi’s. There were two rooms, a bedroom and an office for each. There were double French doors leading out onto a covered porch outside with tables, chairs, a small bar with chilled glassware and a view of the vineyards.

  “You do know it would be okay to just talk to me first if you want, I wouldn’t mind, but this is beautiful and perfect.”

  Guy winked and said “well we don’t have to use all the rooms if we don’t want, do we?” Just then his cell rang. He glanced at the number and without any change in appearance, or mood, he just put it back in his pocket.

  “Let’s get settled a little and regroup,” looking at his watch, “a little “walk about” and drinks at four?” That was a couple of hours. “Sounds great,” said Latisse as she chose the bedroom area closest to the kitchen without thought. “Please wake me if I fall out, promise?”

  “I promise.” said Guy. Latisse smiled.

  She barely got off her traveling shoes when the overstuffed king sized four poster bed called out gently to her. “Just lay down here on my Eider down comforter for just a minute, just one minute.” And that was it. Latisse was out, sound asleep.

  She was walking through the house, maybe it was the Napa Inn, it looked or felt vaguely familiar, but not comfortable. There were too many rooms and hallway after hallway, she just kept walking. She thought she could hear people behind some of the doors, but she didn’t enter any of them. The hallway came out onto a small patio. It was cold and dreary on a broken cement slab. The snowy mountains of Sierra Nevada stood in clouds. A line of dead looking grapevines, no leaves or fruit, just brown vines tied onto wire strings, ran between the porch and the mountains.

  Latisse then realized she was dressed as a princess, or was wearing the beautiful yellow dress from the Christmas Eve party. And she wasn’t alone. Daryl was there standing with some cheerleader and seven or 8 little kids all in basketball or cheerleader costumes. Off to the side was Guy. Handsome, good smelling Guy dressed in a prince suit with a red sash and a long sword hanging from a belt at his side.

  Guy just stood there smiling. Daryl and his crew were also still. No one moved or spoke. It was if they were waiting for her to what? Say something, feel something, do something?

  As she turned to contemplate Daryl, she immediately felt a sense of relief. Relief because she was over and done with it both intellectually and emotionally. She wasn’t willing to give up one more iota of energy to the chaos that was Daryl. Even as she was realizing this in her own mind, the image of Daryl, the cheerleader and kids was fading away leaving only Guy.

  As she turned to face “prince” Guy, she was filled with a warm and hopeful feeling. “Hopeful?” Latisse questioned herself, “what am I hopeful for exactly? Guy just stood there smiling and smelling a little like gingerbread.

  Of all the feelings about this man she could be experiencing, she found “hopeful” to be an interesting one. When she appraised Guy out here, in the grey sparseness she realized she didn’t really know anything about this man. Everything she thought about him was a hope. She had barely just met him and she had no history upon which to base any thought except hope; and for herself as well.

  Hope that he was really as kind as he seemed. And hope that he wouldn’t ever lie or cheat. Hope that she was what he wanted too, she barely knew who she was herself at the moment, how could she define herself in relation to this man she didn’t even know?Had it really only been two days? Latisse thought with absolute clarity. “I’ve got a couple of questions for you, Sir.” She said to smiling prince Guy. He just kept on smiling. Latisse walked up to him and knocked on his head like she was knocking on a door and repeated “Hello, I have a couple of questions for you, sir.” Guy just stood there like a smiling prince statue. She was just about to knock prince Guy’s head again when she realized someone was knocking on the bedroom door.

  “Questions for you” Latisse mumbled to the door knocker as she awoke. “UM, hello? A few minutes please.” And she sat up on the four poster bed trying to clear her head. “What time is it?” Latisse yelled out.

  “Little after three.” replied Guy from inside the suite, “Just checking, I’m sorry.”

  “No, no really, I was out over an hour. Guess I needed it. Be right there.”

  Latisse got up and rinsed her mouth and checked the mirror, it could be worse. She lightly washed her face and pated it dry. On t
he way out she donned the Napa Inn complimentary slippers she had seen in the bedroom. She went out into the main room to see Guy pouring a glass of the Napa label Cab. He crossed to meet her halfway with the wine when he saw her enter.

  “So you think you can get me all liquored up and have your way with me.” Latisse took a glass and before taking a sip, kissed Guy gently on his lips.


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