Forever PUCKED (Pucked #4)

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Forever PUCKED (Pucked #4) Page 13

by Helena Hunting

  I don’t have to ask twice. Alex sits up with a wince. He has to take a few shallow breaths before he can do anything else. I gently run my hands over his thick shoulders, careful to avoid the bruises on the right one. Alex is built. I’ve never really been into the alpha guy. Before him, I always dated guys who focused more on intellectual pursuits than physical fitness. Being with Alex means I get both.

  My boobs are right in his face, which was the whole point of getting in close. He only has the use of one hand, and his face is beat up, so he turns his head and presses his cheek against one boob while he kisses the swell of the other. He closes his eyes and sighs. I let him do the nuzzle thing for another minute, until his breathing is as regular as it’s going to get. He’s also started kneading my ass.

  “I’m ready to be your naked nurse, if you’re ready for bath time.”


  Sponge Baths


  I don’t care how much my shoulder aches, my balls ache more. I could probably take care of the situation on my own, but I don’t want to. I want Violet to take care of things for me. And she’s so naked. So perfectly, gorgeously naked.

  She holds out a hand, and I take it. It still hurts to move, but I shuffle along behind her, watching her ass jiggle. Except it’s not quite as jiggly as it used to be. I let go of her hand and grab her ass. It’s definitely firmed up in the past few months.

  She squeals and holds her bum. “What are you doing?”

  “You been working out?”

  “Sunny’s been making me do yoga when you guys are away. It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. It’s not all humming and saying Namaste and pretending to be a tree.”

  “Is that right?” My sister’s a yoga instructor, among other things. “Well, your ass is looking good.”

  “Don’t get any ideas about my ass.”

  “I was just noticing it looked good. That doesn’t mean I want to violate it.”

  “Liar.” She holds her bum cheeks.

  She’s right. I’m lying. I’ve never cared about ass sex until I started dating Violet and she made it clear it would be off-limits forever. She calls her ass Area 51. So now I’ve taken to joking about getting in there, except I’m not always joking anymore. I’m sure she can sense my infatuation.

  But it’s not like she has anything to worry about. I barely have the energy to get my ass to the bathroom, let alone try anything on hers. Especially anything like that.

  I sit down on the edge of the tub and lift one leg over, then the other. Not having use of one arm makes it tough to stay balanced, and I’m banged up enough as it is. I don’t need additional broken parts.

  Violet waits until I’m settled in the tub. It’s deep, so only the tip of my erection floats above the water. She sits on the edge, facing me, and lifts one leg over. I get an awesome view of her pussy. It’s too far away for me to touch, which is completely unacceptable.

  I’m so fucking mopey, I’m annoying myself.

  She dips a toe in, testing to see if it’s too hot. Violet has sensitive skin when it comes to hot things, and sometimes my jizz. We’ve decided suicide wings could be the culprit. She lowers a leg in.

  I crook a finger. “Come closer.”

  She scooches forward until I can reach her ankle. “Is this good?”

  I run my hand up the back of her leg to her knee. “Almost.”

  Her skin makes that wet, rubbery sound when she slides up a little more. I leave a wet trail as I ease my hand along the inside of her thigh.

  She watches my fingers move higher. “What’re you doing, Alex?”

  I lick my lips, focused on the place I haven’t been in several days. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  She covers herself with a palm. “I’m supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around.”

  “Have you had an orgasm in the past three days?”


  “So I should give you one.”

  “Or I could do it,” she suggests shyly.

  When Violet and I are getting it on, I’m usually the one taking care of things for her. I like being the one to give her orgasms, and she doesn’t seem to have a problem with me taking control in that department. She’s rather vocal about how much she enjoys what I can do for and to her. It’s great for my ego.

  But when it comes to touching herself, she gets stage fright. It’s cute. And sexy. Until she’s in the moment, she’s a little reserved about the whole thing, especially if I’m watching. We’re working on it. Well, I’m working on it.

  I figure I’m in a good bargaining position. I’ve had a shitty few days. So has she. I’m not sure I can manage actual sex. I’d like to, but every part of my body hurts. So I’m going to use all my leverage to help Violet get more comfortable with me watching her, and then I’m hoping she’ll want to give me a hand in making at least one ache go away.

  “Why don’t I get you started?” I offer, walking my fingers up the inside of her thigh.

  She scoots closer, like maybe she’s on board with that idea. When I get close to her pussy, she moves her hand aside. I would love to bury my face in there, but my jaw is killing me, so that’s out.

  I brush my fingers back and forth over her soft, smooth skin. Her clit is already peeking out, so she whimpers at the contact.

  “Does that feel good, baby?” I keep up the tender touch. It drives her crazy, and makes her insanely wet.

  “So good,” she whispers.

  “You miss me?”

  Her eyes lift from where I’m touching her. “So much.”

  There’s more in the weight of those words than need. There’s fear.

  I get it. I share it. But as far as Violet should be concerned, I’m on the road to recovery. My fears go deeper. There’s a lot more at stake now than bruises and a cracked rib.

  I push those thoughts aside, because they take me out of this moment, which I need more than anything else. This I can control: Violet’s response to me, what I do to her, how I make her feel. I circle her clit with a knuckle, slow, teasing. She doesn’t push me to go faster, just holds on to the edge of the tub to keep steady and spreads her legs farther apart.

  When she starts to shift her hips, I go lower and ease a single finger inside. Violet moans my name, and it echoes off the tile. She clamps a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound.

  It makes me feel like a teenager again. Except as a teenager I didn’t have to make girls be quiet, because I didn’t actually get much of an opportunity to date.

  “Did you lock the bedroom door?” I brush the pad of my thumb over her clit.

  She sucks in a breath. “I think so.”

  “Want me to stop so you can check?” I’m about to withdraw my fingers, but Violet covers my hand with hers.

  “Your mom’s washing dishes; she’ll be a while, right?”

  “Yeah, probably.”

  “I can be quiet.” Violet’s eyes roll up when I curl my finger, and her teeth press into her lip so hard she turns the skin white.

  “You sure about that?”

  She grips the edge of the tub and reaches out with her foot, her toe catching the door. It closes with a quiet click.

  “Okay, we should be good.” She skims my wrist with tentative fingertips, and moans softly when I add a second finger on the next slow thrust.

  I’m so hard. The head of my cock is visible, water lapping at it. If I had a free hand I’d stroke it. But that one isn’t working too well, so it’ll have to wait.

  The next finger flutter makes Violet cry out. I’m still rubbing her clit with my thumb, and it’s not the easiest thing to do.

  “You can help me out if you want.” My voice is all gravel.

  Violet’s eyes roll back down, and she gives me a demure smile. “I love helping you out.”

  The hand that’s been resting on the base of her throat starts the descent. She pauses at her right boob. Biting her lip, she glances at me, and then down at her perky nipple. It’s hard
, because she’s excited. She circles it with a manicured nail. It’s painted red, with a tiny little team logo, and my number is on the next one. A few chips mar the edges, she hasn’t had time to get them redone, because of me being in the hospital.

  She gives her boob a squeeze and pinches her nipple, glancing up at me and then away just as quickly. She continues over her stomach until she reaches the crest of her pelvis. Then she slides two fingers between her wet, swollen lips, capturing her clit. Watching Violet touch herself is the only thing I like better than doing it myself.

  She’s tentative at first, as expected, but as she gets more comfortable, she makes tight, aggressive circles, rubbing faster and harder than I do. I add a third finger, in case there’s a possibility I can provide another kind of relief after she comes. The hot water is easing some of my aches, as is getting Violet off on my fingers and hers.

  Her moans get louder and more frequent. Then the chanting starts; this time it’s a low fuck me on repeat. “Oh, shit, Alex.” Her mouth drops open as ecstasy crosses her perfectly stunning face. She comes all over my hand.

  I wait until her shoulders sag before I ease out. Then I lick my finger.

  “Oh, God.”

  “It’s as close as I’m getting to eating you until my jaw heals, so at least I get a taste.”

  “When you’re ready, I’m happy to sit on your face.”

  “I’ll be taking you up on that offer really damn soon.” Violet shivers, and I extend a hand. “Get in with me.”

  She glances at the head of my cock, bobbing under the water, and back up at me. “Where should I go?”

  “I’ll move over. You can straddle me.”

  “Your legs don’t hurt? You’ve got some bad bruises.” She runs her thumb back and forth over my knuckles.

  “Just be gentle with me.” I wink, even though I’m kind of serious.

  Violet holds on to the towel bar and sets her foot beside my hip. The slip guard isn’t in the tub, though, so she doesn’t have traction. I put my good hand out, afraid she’s going to topple over, but she manages to stay steady. We both breathe a sigh of relief. She’s extra careful as she settles her weight on my thighs. It doesn’t feel too bad, probably because she’s sitting close to my cock, and I know I’m going to be touched by some part of her soon.

  She leans forward, bracing a hand on either side of my head and kisses me. “Thank you for taking care of me. Can I take care of you now?”

  I cup her cheek and trace her bottom lip. “Please.”

  “Such good Canadian manners.” She kisses me again, slipping her tongue inside my mouth as she rubs up against my cock. Maybe I can deal with sex. I want it. Her. I want in her.

  She moans, and I know she can taste herself. Eventually she breaks the kiss and sits back. She doesn’t rest much of her weight on my legs, which is good, because she’s right, there are a shitload of bruises.

  Violet grips the base of my cock and runs her fingertip across the slit at the tip, over and over, around and around. I groan. The touch is too soft. My cock kicks in her palm. I wrap my good hand around hers and tighten her grip, guiding her strokes.

  “You need to come so bad, don’t you?” she whispers in the voice that makes me want to take her back to the locker room and repeat that entire event, minus us getting caught at the end.

  “I really fucking do.”

  “Do you want me to use my hand, or do you think it would be okay…” She trails off, uncertain.

  “If you take it easy, we can def—” I don’t even get to finish the sentence before she rises. She rubs my cock over her clit and goes lower until the head disappears inside her.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to last long.”

  I grip her thigh and close my eyes as she sinks down, hot water replaced by even hotter skin. “That’s good, because I won’t.”

  As soon as I’m inside her, I want to start thrusting, but that’s not a great plan, unless I want to hurt worse than I already do. Violet holds the edge of the tub with one hand and the towel bar with the other as she starts to roll her hips. It feels fucking amazing. I reach up and fondle her boob.

  She does all the work, because I really can’t help out much other than holding her tit. She doesn’t seem to mind. She keeps moving over me, slow and easy. Eventually she leans in and braces her weight behind me. Her nipples graze my chest.

  “I really needed you like this.” Her lips touch mine.

  “Me too, baby.”

  “I was afraid I was going to lose you,” she says softly, her voice cracking.

  I run my fingers through the hair at the nape of her neck, smoothing my thumb along the ridges of her spine. “I’m right here.”

  “Don’t scare me like that again.” She kisses me, not letting me answer, which is good, because that’s not a promise I can make or likely keep.

  Her kisses are as soft and slow as the way she’s loving me. I’m so close. I don’t think it’s even been three minutes. “Violet…”

  “I love you.” Her nose brushes mine.

  I tighten my grip on the back of her neck, kissing her as I groan her name. I try not to tense up, but it’s impossible with the way the orgasm punches me in the spine. It actually feels like it’s punching me in my cracked rib, but I block out the pain so I can focus, as least for a few seconds, on the pleasure.

  Violet doesn’t come again, which I don’t like, but I also don’t have the ability to control that right now. She doesn’t move when I’m done. Instead she smooths her fingers through my hair and kisses me with the same languor we made love with. Or that she made love to me with, because I sure didn’t do a whole hell of a lot. Still, even that exertion has wiped me out. I don’t particularly like that either.

  “I should probably wash you, eh?” she asks after a while.

  “I can do that myself.” I stroke up and down her side, intentionally grazing her boob with each pass.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” She doesn’t get off me. Instead she grabs her body poof, squirts my body wash on it, and starts at my neck, working her way down my arms and chest. While it sucks to feel like shit, and I’m not a fan of being incompetent, it’s nice to have her take care of me like this.

  When she’s done with my upper body, she lifts off. I’ve gone soft, but I’m still disappointed. Usually I’d be able to get hard again by now and go for round two, but my dick is slower to recover than usual, like the rest of me. At least the water is still warm, so there’s no cold shock.

  “Give me a sec.” She gets out of the tub and towels off. Grabbing the red robe with my number on the back from the hook, she puts it on and ties it loosely at the waist. Violet owns a lot of red clothes now. And she looks amazing in them.

  She kneels on the mat beside the tub. Her nose wrinkles, and then she smiles. “You do realize you’re bathing in your own jizz, right?”

  I laugh and then cough-groan at the sharp jab in my side. “Thanks for pointing that out.”

  “Apparently it’s a great moisturizer.” Violet takes care of the bottom half of my body, paying lots of attention to my dick, which eventually makes me hard all over again. It’s a relief that I haven’t lost the ability to do that, too. She takes care of it with her hands this time. When I warn her I’m about to come, she doesn’t grab the washcloth. Instead she covers the head with her mouth and swallows.

  I love her so fucking much. For so many reasons.



  Under Pressure


  The week following Alex’s accident is comprised mostly of doctor’s appointments, learning how to cook new things with Daisy, periodic short visits from friends, frequent appearances by Sunny, lots of fruit baskets and get well cards, and sadly infrequent and very gentle sex.

  I don’t go in to work, doing what I can from home when Alex is napping. Which is often. In the year we’ve been together, I’ve never seen him so drained of energy and motivation.
Not being able to do anything isn’t good for his psychological wellbeing.

  Surprisingly, Daisy’s presence in the house isn’t a total nightmare. Apart from the overwhelming smell of hairspray, she’s mostly pleasant to have around. Sure, it’s a challenge to have another woman encroaching on my territory, especially one who’s so good at the domesticated shit, but I’ve learned a few new things, so that’s a plus.

  My mom has never really been all that awesome at that part. She was always fun, but we ate a lot of fast food when I was young. It wasn’t until Sidney came into the picture that my mom took an active interest in eating things that didn’t come from the frozen section of the grocery store.

  As Alex starts to feel better, Daisy takes the opportunity to go out for lunch and manicures with my mom. Those two get along disturbingly well. What blows my mind entirely is the fact that neither of them has mentioned anything about the wedding, or lack-thereof.

  I’m just waiting for the right time to bring it up with Alex. I’ve almost mentioned it more than once, but I held off because I don’t want him to think it’s because of the accident. Because it isn’t. Not directly, anyway.

  At the end of the week, after a long conversation with Alex in which I express my guilt and he assures me he’s more than okay enough for me to leave him for a few hours, I decide to go to work on Friday. It’s been a week and a half since the accident. We rescheduled the Darcy presentation, and they offered to postpone it again, but I don’t want it hanging over my head, dividing my attention, which should be on Alex.

  Plus I need to get out of the house and Daisy can be overwhelming with how much fussing she does over Alex. He’s a grown-ass man, not a baby.

  I stop to get Charlene on the way. With her picking up my slack at work, me managing Alex, and Daisy being here, we haven’t had a lot of time to talk. We’ve mostly been reduced to brief conversations and texts in which I tell her I’m fine, even though I’m not.

  Charlene hops in and gives me a side-hug. “How are you? Can I tell you how much less exciting work has been without you there?”


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