Rings of Atlantis

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Rings of Atlantis Page 4

by Tammy Williams

  “What of Archangel Michael? Have you seen His Winged Ones near?”

  “No. No Word yet. But I can feel that he waits for something,” said Prince Serian, showing a bit of his Ancientness and Wisdom for the first time, rather than the youthfulness of his time.

  “What about our Wolf Blood? We may be able to Run a bit freer among Mer Waters. We could create a Separate Star Dimension with connecting gates for our Wolf Kindred to roam free, if there really are any, and Create an Inner Space for a Sanctuary or Temple Realm of the Wolf.”

  “Hmm. Even the Fabled Zeus might shine a Light upon us and we could Run with the Wolf for sure. With a New Star Light, we could Call Forth the Former Ways before Time.”

  “True. But what of mortal space? Are they still in war? I haven’t peered in a long time,” said Prince Kerian.

  “Well, that is in part the reason for the Mer Visit; I heard on the Winds near my Sea. We all must look now and decide what will be—“

  “—for us and for them,” added Prince Kerian, lost in Thought as the Waters now seemed to pull him in too. He turned in the direction of the Waters as Spinning Pools began to form and deepen. Many Pools of Spinning Water Form and seem to beckon the Twins Eyes in their direction.

  As the Waters Spin and the Pools Deepen, out emerge Prince Kerian’s wee little fairy folk, with all the messages of what they had seen and encountered under the water and they were not alone. Their cousins of the Sea are with them with much to share.

  Just what awaits we shall soon know.

  Fate of the Worlds

  The Daily Flutter Fairy Gatherers’ Newspaper

  What goes on in Fairy Households

  Father and Mother Gatherer Fairy sat stunned at the breakfast table.

  “Have you seen the bits of Earth News?” asked Father, looking up above the rim of his fluttering newspaper that darted swiftly across the table to perch itself in front of his wife’s eyes, just as soon as he mentioned reading to her.

  “The Daily Flutter—I see you have there and how’d you come by that ‘Outer News’?” said his wife. “Roaming about between the ‘forbidden walls’ I see—again.”

  He coughed a little. “Well, I, ah, may have bumped into a little news inadvertently on my Travels somewhere else not forbidden.”

  “Hmmm,” said his wife. “Okay. I’ll have a look. What did you see?”

  “Well, much of the same; but these are critical times. There must be a change coming or—” he sighed with a furrow of his brows.

  “What do you mean, critical?” said his wife.

  “Well, the wee little ones may have shared a thing or two with me.”

  “Hmm,” she sighed again, looking up from the Flutter. “—and where are the wee little ones? I haven’t seen them at this entire morn or in quite a few days perhaps.”

  “Oh, they’re probably roaming about with the Prince. I’ll have a talk with our Head Gatherers and straight to the Prince I’ll take this News.” With that, He jumped up and disappeared right before their kitchen walls.

  “One day, He’s gonna take the Gift from you!” his wife yells out. “Stop traveling in forbidden spaces!”

  “And where did you get those pomegranates you enjoy so much and trade quite often?” said he with a sparkle in his eyes as he quickly popped back in—as if time hadn’t moved at all and space was no object—to promptly kiss his wife before she could protest; and off again he was, disappearing between a wall.

  —fore every fine Fairy trained knew that there were Ways of slipping in and out without ever being seen or caught. It was a Fairy Rite and known by the King and Queen, who didn’t mind as long as no trouble brewed; because then, they would have to Stand before the Throne to State all Matters Seen and Known of the Outer World and indeed fix what they may have changed or broken in the small ripple of non-time.

  And so the story goes, that fairies—no matter how great or small, no matter how big or tall—were the best slippers in and out of any Time, Field or Great Grand Hall. Thus great stories were made and told without anyone knowing the True Source and the Above Worlds of Heavens and Realms quite far did indeed allow ones to slip in and Out from time to time.

  Barriers, Doors and Locks Unknown

  Fairy definitions: the "Forbidden Walls" are the Invisible Ancient Hidden Spaces of some of the Fairy Ancestors no longer in use. Some still hold keys to move with the Olde Ways and they know who they are and fast hold to the ‘Fairy Secrets and Lineage’.

  I am a Great Gatherer of Things and Facts

  What goes on in Fairy Households, continued

  “I am a Great Gatherer of Things and Facts,” recited the little Fairy Gatherer Boy, though quite young he still was. Mom’s ears didn’t even perk up this time, he thought to himself as he stared out his bedroom window, fairy dreaming.

  I think I heard enough. Yes, I heard a lot this time without even a side glance from my Father at the "in between space". “I’m even taller,” he said, as he aligned himself next to the marking on his wall. I’m now almost two whole feet. Father has to let me come.

  He spun on his heels, only making the slightest sound, than disappeared between his ‘Hidden Space’. Fore in fact, there were Specific Points and Spaces given as ‘a way of travel’. “Quite secret,” the fairy men would whisper, that only the Grand Elder Fairies of the Gatherers knew and Granted as a mode of Travel. These very Spaces were Specifically Designed and Given only to the Father and Son Gatherers of each House Owned; each Line Fairy Written, for this was the very Power of its Move.

  No one else could travel their invisible paths, as they lay hidden in magic and dust of the Faery Stars. “Expressly made by the Faery Lights Beyond,” each Elder Gather would say, and it was true, as it was Sealed by the Prince himself.

  The ‘wee fairy way’ since long gone—at least in the thoughts of Mortal Man—stilled twirled around inside pockets of the Tall Fae Stars as Royal Gifts. Wee secrets that lay with the King and Queen who Ruled this Day would indeed be passed down with the Prince, as he became King, but this young Gatherer Boy was still too young for all of the details.

  He held in his young heart what his Fairy Gatherer Father had given him, up to this very point:

  Travel my Lines and Invisible Doors, well Hidden, until you are Granted your Own Space of In-between. Each and every Gatherer Fairy had his own In-between Space and no two were alike or intersected. This way, each Gatherer Fairy could pick up his own unique Things, becoming expert at collecting his very facts and things meant.

  They never bumped into each other, as each Wall Space was separate. One would have to ‘Call Another’ to enter or achieve certain tasks, thus creating a joining together of gifts. One never became haughty over another, or fell and stumbled over One on the move, at least within his Wall. Jumping out was another matter. It was like a maze of the little wee Ones.

  It was actually quite efficient and the little boy was taught well, but there were safety measures taken; as everyone knew how curious a fairy could be. The youngest Ones of the fairies could often be seen running in fun between here and there of their fairy Lands as they were carefully watched by their Parents.

  Fairy School

  The only Spaces traveled together and by more than one or two without prior Arrangement were the sons of the Fairy Gatherers as they Teach their Heart True.

  As the little boy’s curiosity piqued and he jumped and popped near, but not too close to his Father, the Enchantment grew that he could not always control as his Space Opened. Pop in, he might; but right before his father, perhaps even knocking his father down in his haste.

  The little fairy boy Gatherer had grown quite skilled at a tender age and tried to maintain a safe Wall distance from his Father in order to hear and work on his stealth. He so wanted to make his Father Proud and gain his Own In-between Spaces, which was still far off; but it was in his heart to try.

  On the other side of the Wall, his father stood in whisper with his Gatherer Friend and Elder Fairy. They sp
oke in a hush as his little gatherer son saw and could make out a faint grunt and pause and sigh.

  Just what could it be? The little wee child wondered, as a rush of an enchanted sneeze began to develop inside. Ah ha! Sneezing powder but it was too late—Oh no, he thought, but before he could start his backwards jump, in front of his Gatherer Father he did fall and now did lie.

  “I thought I heard a faint sound,” his Fairy Gatherer Father said, with more of a smile than a scowl, fore he knew well of his own young days. He held his pouch of sneezing powder, sometimes used to teach a young son when to Gather In between and when to share what he gathered in his Wall Ways known.

  And Kings Shall Ponder My Very Ways: Forgotten Gods and Kings

  News has a way of Gathering and getting around. Why, even in the King and Queen’s Fairy Realm, the winds seemed to carry some of the whispers and parts of the Secrets of the Day’s News.

  No one held all of the information; so the Queen, upon the Other Star that she and her husband were visiting, Cast her Hand out and Blew a Thought Spell that none should move too quickly.

  “Perhaps I’ll buy a little Time until my Sons think of what shall be done next. They are very wise, dear,” said the King.

  Her Ancient Ways showed through her worry. “Yes, but still quite young,” she said, “and Running I suspect. Ah, the Wolf Moon. Perhaps it’s time to Call upon the Quest of long ago.

  We have been so very blessed with many young ones. They grow and thrive without pain, without the lives that we once knew long ago upon our own healing Star Worlds that once were.

  So much has changed, but how shall we continue? All of our children are near grown up and quite ready to carry on even without our Guidance and Ways.”

  “And the twins carry their unique Light,” said the King. “They are a blessing indeed. The Others are of our Faery Lineage, but the twins carry a Spark of Mystery— literally,” said the King, looking up at the distant stars; wondering about Empty Space.

  “Yes, I still remember the Star Light that passed by on the Day that they were conceived,” said the Queen. “We were still young and Dream Casting.”

  The King wandered a bit in star thought.

  “Our Dreams were no doubt heard and fulfilled, but what will it really mean?”

  “Yes,” said the King fondly. “We wished to leave a mark and change our World; that the warring times we once lived through would never occur again. Well, we survived well enough and have lived quite long; but all wasn’t so pleasant once, nor easy.”

  “But we did survive and do have more than we ever could have even dreamed for,” said the Queen, holding her Husband tight. “We have even more than we asked for, I believe. Dreams do come true, even for us.

  We only saw a Light on that special night and the only Twin Pair born to us did indeed enter in the World on that very day with a Crest. I knew I was pregnant the very Moment the Star Spoke,” said the Queen gently. The King smiled with mirth in his eyes and love in His Star Story.

  “Yes, the Image and Light of the Wolf did form upon the arm of both as they held fast to each other even in sleep, and then it faded away as if it were never there. They are still ours,” said King Norlin, cherishing the Faery Ways as he wondered what would become of the Royal Fae Bloodline within the twins.

  “They are a bit of us and a bit more finished,” Queen Faerleena replied, as she remembered the Words of the Light that only their eyes beheld before it faded away, taking with it the Mark of the Wolf mingled with a particular Fae Light not even thought of to be in existence anymore.

  The King’s chest puffed out with pride that touched his heart, rather than his ego. He would bring through a Dual Heir, perhaps even form a Link of something not seen for a long time.

  His boys, his Twins of the Wolf Light and Faery Form were well loved as their own and as something more.

  The Wee Little Fairies Return

  As each little wee Land fairy emerges from Undersea seeming to dance with their Light, the water, too, surrounds them and their little wee water fairy cousins on this very special Night!

  Prince Serian’s guardian wee fairies all emerge from the Sea, smiling and hugging their Sea Brethren with much laughter and glee. Rather than forming their Official Fairy Line that they loved to show the Prince, the little wee Ones seemed much more relaxed as they lingered over the Seas as if lounging, still embracing and talking quite jubilantly with their newfound fairy family members.

  The Prince sent a Flickering Light out that cast its glow in small dim pools over the fairies while they chatted, along with berries and tiny cakes for them to eat. They seemed happy enough to see him, but lingered over the Waters as if not ready to leave, as they feasted and talked.

  “What’s wrong?” asked the Prince, looking toward the approaching shy fairy.

  He was so hesitant to speak that three other wee fairy boys, hidden behind a bush, whizzed out; saying, “Speak up, speak up; He may Grant it!”

  The little wee ones were usually quite lively; with laughter, song and dance, and quite busy flying around on bees and jumping on grasshoppers or shimmer, whispering and peeking in his Castle Windows that Prince Kerian was very surprised. “What’s wrong? Don’t be afraid,” he said to all four little wee Ones.

  “Well, it’s just that we’ve had so much fun below, in the Water Kingdoms and we’ve only just met our kin, that—that—”

  “We aren’t ready to leave yet!” rushed out another hiding wee one, and quite a few more were peeking out from hiding spaces, nodding in agreement. The little wee One speaking began to blush, his face turning a bright red; a little bashful was he.

  “We have so much fun spying; I mean, guarding your windows and we don’t want to leave you,” he trailed off.

  “So we thought you might allow the Water Fairies to stay up—with us,” said another.

  “—above the Waters, so we can continue getting to know each other,” finished yet another.

  “How long have you known me?” the Prince asked his little wee fairies, who were all now staring at him in anticipation of his answer.

  “We’ve known you since before you were born,” said one of the Elder Mother Fairies, fondly remembering.

  “Why, we even Attended Queen Faerleena while she carried you,” said one of the Oldest among them. “You only left our sight for the briefest of moments when the Queen went away on Official Duty—with King Norlin,” she pondered with a furrow of her brows, now fairy curious again. “Now that I think about it, that was quite strange, she being heavy with child, with you at the very time; why, she shouldn’t have been traveling—and then there you were, already born—why, we didn’t even get to peek, not even a wee little bit!”

  “Stick to the subject, Mixie!” said her exasperated wee fairy husband.

  “Oh, all right. We know you always listen to us, even without petitions.”

  “Yesss, we’re special,” said another little wee fairy woman fluttering by.

  “Hold your wings,” said one of the Elder Fairy Fathers. “Let Him speak.”

  “You’re always kind and fair,” rushed another, before darting behind a bush.

  The Prince cleared his throat to prevent a laugh and asked them to tell him exactly what they wanted so that they could get on with the Official Underwater Business that He sent them on.

  “Well, come closer to the Waters and we’ll show you,” they said, as they Twinkled Off in the direction closer to the others, still hovering over the Waters in hushed conversations and eating.

  “Look,” said the little wee girl fairy to the Prince. “Her wings are too heavy to fly on Land.”

  The shy little wee water fairy lifted her wings, but with a great difficulty she moved when too far. As soon as she began to flutter them and move slightly away from the Waters and its spray, she would gasp with a heavy breath. The Sky Air made her wings too heavy to lift, so accustomed they were to the Waters as the fins of a fish would be. They were just too heavy for Air, but could smooth
ly glide and propel them forward when under Water; carrying them fast through the Water currents that were too strong for the Land Fairies.

  This was their difference and their uniqueness. The Land Fairies’ Wings were as light as the Butterflies’ Wings, as soft as Spiders’ Webbing, and of many shapes, colors and sizes; while the Water Fairies’ Wings were sturdier and stronger and carried the Shapes of Different Water Crystals with Patterns of Snow Flakes Woven in. They seemed all of the same size but each One carried a different pattern of the Sea tinged with a Light Blue Coloring that became bolder and darker on some of their Wings as it bordered the edges.

  They each could also make their particular Droplet of Water appear straight out of their Wings and with this "Gift" they could fly quite near the edge of the Water and Fly Upon Great Falls and the littlest of Springs, but not very far away from the Water could they travel, nor for too long. Each wee water fairies skin appeared as their Fairy Land Brethren and their tiny little feet were the same, only the Wings of their form and their Wing coloring differed, as they were useful for different reasons.

  “Okay,” said Prince Serian, “do you all wish to come upon Land?”

  “We do,” they said in a cheer, “but not too long from the Water; it is our love and our home.”

  “Hmm,” the Prince thought for a while. “I think I have a solution to your problem.”

  “Yay,” yelled all the little wee ones.

  “Now hold still,” He said to the wee Water fairies. The wee little Land fairies began to fly over the grass and sand, with their wings turning back to its original form; now, instead of the Light of their wings vanishing, a string of light created and merged itself, forming a path toward the Prince, whose eyes were now closed. With a wave of His Hands, He directed the String of Light to form around each wee water fairies’ wings, giving them a bit of the Essence of their Land Fairy Family. “With this light, your Wings are set still, to flutter no more; but through my sight and by the Light of this Rite you may hover and roam the Lands and Skies for an hour or so for sure.”


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