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Rings of Atlantis

Page 5

by Tammy Williams

  As each wee little one began to shake and turn to assess their wings, they turned to one another.

  “Well, they seem the same. Try to move about,” said the wee fairy water mother.

  “I’ll try,” said the wee little water fairy boy, filled with surprise and excitement.

  “Look! He’s moving. He’s moving!” said the others, as he joined his brethren on Land and they hugged and cheered; sending out small orbs of multicolored lights and sprinkled showers of fairy glisten.

  “He is moving,” said one of the wee little water fathers.

  Well, what do you know, thought the most curious of them all, and then he noticed aloud, “but look at his wings. They don’t flutter.”

  “He seems to be, rather, walking about,” said another.

  “And his wings, are they okay?” asked a wee Water mother. “We do want to fly and flutter swim,” she chimed.

  The Prince smiled. “Yes, they are still functional underwater, but above, they are different. I have Granted you about an hour, with a little bit of ‘wiggle room’ if you’re ever in a pinch. You can stay above on my Lands and visit but after about an hour, your wings will change back so you can flutter swim again.”

  “But how does it work?” asked the curious one, as they all listened very carefully.

  “Well,” said the Prince, “when you walk and fly upon the Lands, your wings don’t actually move. Look at them.”

  “Ah,” said the wee water fairies. As each one looked back, a bit of Light stood at each point of their wings. When they moved, the light carried a bit of the breeze a little more swiftly, so that their wings might pick up the Air current as it did in the Sea; but lightly, that they might glide and walk, rather than trying to flutter them without help. So they were gently pushed, while the others flew. This light wind was of the Prince’s Enchantment and did not exist for His wee Land fairies that could flutter and fly about at great speeds and in all directions just like a hummingbird.

  Why, they loved their wings and their movements, and could often be seen fluttering around the larger fairies when in a haste to speak or when they desired to be seen.

  “Now,” said the Prince, “shall we speak of Official Business?”

  He smiled gently as all the little wee fairies of Land and Sea stepped aside and parted the way for the Grand Fairy Circle to be formed. In the middle stood the fairy Oldest of them all, forming a podium of sorts to speak Officially with the Prince.

  ...and the Wolf Waits

  As young Prince Serian sat in wait of what His wee little ones would say, His Twin listened not so far away, unknown to the very curious little wee ones, hidden in his Wolf Shadow Mist.

  The Mystery of the Wolf, set so long ago, was carried on by the King and Queen—as they even watched and wondered what would Emerge—Until the Parents could be certain the Twins would only be known to be of faery blood. Kerian, even as a small child, seemed to grow more like the Wolf Light that he carried and his Star Dimension, though “Gifted” by his Parents, seemed to Pulse on its own. For this reason, the very Lands were kept in the utmost Secret; fore who knew when a Wolf would burst through or when a Moon might Speak.

  Sea Fairy Details

  The Water Fairies are a beautiful Light Cast by Prince Serian himself.

  As he sometimes Day Dreamed with Creation during his private times alone, Prince Serian wondered as his mind wandered; among the stars and sea and even the mountains of His Home as he and his twin Kerian alone could Dream. He thought of what his Parents had taught him about the beauty of being alive and even able to Dream without moving anything. New Creations still seemed to jump as he Thought with the colors of the Faeries and with the Wolf Protecting his very Thoughts that this Mystery seemed to hold. He thought about the pulse of life’s Light and Creation already breathing.

  He wanted to share with his brothers and sisters the very things that he enjoyed. Why, the little wee folk were very much like Him and His curious ways as a child. His Pointy Ears Emerged and Perked up with His laugh.

  He thought of the Sea and of the Dolphins and Whales and even His little wee fairy friends of the Land. He thought of the Waves of the very Oceans and then His Mind began to Bend. He Rolled a bit of Sea Spray around with his mind and sent out a little small Light. From this Light, He Formed a large Cradle under the Sea, Housing His Thoughts of every kind of Sea Fairy that might be; then He left room for his Thoughts to grow and blew the Dream Closed.

  What came about after some time was the Birth of the Wee Water Fairies, the first of their Kind.

  Oh, they popped up everywhere: along the Oceans, Lakes, streams and Seas of his Chosen Spaces that were quite remote and hidden. It was in his Private Dimensions of this same Realm that he used when he wanted to truly get away, without hurting his little wee fairies’ feelings who seemed to be and follow him everywhere. They were never bothersome, but their curiosity kept him quite busy listening out for them and what they might accidently get into or find.

  The wee Sea fairies were a wondrous Light made of the very Waters and the Prince’s Special Way of Creating as a Faerie Prince with a hint of the Wolf. Their wings grew very large, quite beyond their backs and feet, and could tread Water as well as any fishes’ fin. Tinged with the very colors of the Ocean Blue, they flew through the Seas at a great speed that they themselves named ‘Flutter Swim’.

  Oh, how the Prince knew that he would enjoy their minds’ working just as the curious little wee folk of the Lands. Why, they could think as well as any normal-sized being, learned among schools and books; yet, childlike they were as they sat to learn too.

  It was their very nature and way of coexisting that could teach many; as with the flap of their wings was created as they stood together, a great Spinning Pool. So began the small Water Cottages and Tiny Tunnels under their Seas that they themselves constructed with their very wings, full of power, and the movements that friendships make that produced soft mists that flowed slowly like a small droplet of water. Similar, yet different from the normal waters’ flow and with a great fairy force, at least a force strong enough for a wee one of the Sea who used his or her Special Gift.

  What made the Sea Gift so special was its way of Crystallizing like an ice sculpture, which did indeed become their very buildings as they molded separately; yet remained intact under the Sea. These sculptures were made of Prince Serian’s very Creation Light, to dimly shine and remain of an Enchanted Essence that would never wither, melt nor fully blend with the Sea as long as they remained submerged. With a little added touch, room to grow the Prince Blew—and then, he made them ever so diligent. The Water fairies might work on their constructions and designs that did show a softening over time, so that they might always have work to do.

  They remolded buildings and sea cottages, and shared their stories with each other as they traded Sea Crystals of all sizes and varying degrees of softness. “To test Sea Quality and Care of the Making,” the Prince sometimes heard them say as he laughed.

  They played above their Waters very near to its edges, creating the most beautiful, tiny rainbows before submerging again.

  Some say that this is how the Outer World got their rainbows of the sky, from these very little playing ones showering their own Spaces, without much thought of what existed Outside. ‘Things’ had a way of being carried about and moved around, such that who could know and say for sure where this or that came from—who really knew?

  The hair of the wee little Water fairies was of a darker color even, as their wings matched their clothing of light blues. It was like a camouflage of sorts, making the Sea fairies appear as the very water and sea mist itself, when their wings created their special sea crystal light making them all but disappear.

  They would light up and even sea shimmer a bit when Gathered Together in great mass for Sea Ceremonies and Celebrations, but never looked at themselves except with the innocence of a child; as play and building were very important to them and the very special flutter swimming of the
ir kind.

  They embraced life as any Tall Person would and took utmost care with the largest of Sea Creatures not thinking as they could. Resourceful and intelligent they were, but with a touch of the Sea Gentleness that cradled them all during sleep and awakened them with a sea morning beauty. A Turning and Shift of the Seas occurred, the wee Sea fairies’ division of day and night. Though not always seen, Prince Serian’s Love and tender Thoughts always surrounded them.

  They were very energetic and always moving about; enthralled by the very Waters and the way they flowed and even with the way their Sea Crystals rose, as if the very Sky existed Undersea. Why, some even became known after some time as the special little makers of some of the tiny sea stars and luminaries Underwater. Indeed they were, as Prince Serian kept their Creations spinning and the Fabled Sea Sky of the little ones was Woven and indeed searched for.

  Legends as Grand as Gold

  Even a wee Sea Fairy baby too young to flap his or her wings could blow a thought, forming a sea crystal. Forming it without its wings moving; this enchanted all as they were still learning about their very selves.

  Undersea Crystal Life of the wee little Water Fairies

  When someone wanted something of a smooth surface to make, they would simply flatten the softest sea crystal and study which wee little Sea Fairy created the best one to be used.

  Some would splatter like a surface droplet of water and some would harden enough to bend and fashion a belt or cap, becoming their very clothing. As colored water, ice that was temperate with their skin, for they were who they were and wore what was near; along with the very flora of the Sea becoming part and parcel of their homes and clothing and things shared.

  Why, you might see the very petal of the blowing sea flora or kelp, carrying a little wee Sea One’s baby. They made everything imaginable to them and like little scientists, discovered and studied the meaning and make of the water crystals that were a part of them and much used by them. They even laughed when water did splatter, showing that there was still a time to grow.

  Their Sea Crystal Constructions were often hidden inside large Corals that the Prince made sure were exclusively for them. They Nestled themselves right beside the larger Sea Creatures in the small pockets along Undersea Cave Walls that formed hollows for them to Live and Thrive. Within wee little tunnels that they themselves dug out, they Created all types of crystal formations along their walls. Little tiny openings that only they could fit in formed somewhat of a door, many in fact leading in and out of the Caves rather than through the larger mouth opening.

  They were all but invisible unless they wanted to be seen. Even among their Coral Homes, the Sea Fairies and their Wings could quickly hide among the colorful flora and fauna swimming by. Even among the swaying kelp, as so tiny and fast they were, but possessing the most beautifully blue large wings that could be seen; they were often mistaken for the floating flora if they were out in the open. They were quite unique yet made for and from the very Sea with a Special Light Mix of the Faery Prince.

  The Prince didn’t peek often, as He wanted to give them time to grow and learn; but He helped here and there from his room, through His very special way of Visioning. No large Sea Creature disturbed their Domain, as they learned how to duck in and out and dart through the Sea as the Waves were gently moved and the creatures big and small thrived in peace.

  Prince Kerian’s Dimension, though not filled with the little wee ones, still had a filtering of their Creations such as rainbows and an Underwater glow. Not moving with Sea Fairy life, but still seeming to smoothly flow back and forth with their laughter and potential, their glee gently caressed his Wolf Lands and sparkled dimly through his Skies. The Wolf’s Mysterious Moon held Dominion with Kerian’s Thoughts, taking precedence as his mind was simply more on the Wolves.

  The Blue Winged Sea Fairies

  Lost Sounds

  The Sounds of the Spirit Wolf Moon could be heard

  No more,

  Why even the little fairies and Sea pixies

  Did not dare go out to explore.

  Doorways of long, long ago...

  The Fairy Daily Flutter is Captured Again

  “Hold still, Nelk; it’s just about here,” said the Grandfather Gatherer Fairy, who stood within the Threshold of His Invisible In-between Spaces Doorway, appearing ready to leap.

  “Okay. Okay,” said the younger Fairy Gatherer Nelk, who was standing quite close but not of the same In-between Spaces Doorway as His Grandpa. Why? He had just gained his Merit and Officially Held his own In-between Space.

  “Pop in. Pop out. Pop in. Pop out,” he said to himself, “with none nary the wiser.”

  “Wait for it. Wait for it—now!” yelled Fairy Grand. Out in a flash, Nelk shot his hand to grab something, and then Poof! They both disappeared.

  On the other side, his Gatherer Fairy Grandfather stood quite proud and tall as his little Gatherer one, Nelk, appeared very close beside him in a flash but did tumble as he appeared.

  “Oh, it’s alright. You just have to work on your Pop Outs,” said his Grandfather with a wink and a grin. “But, we have it again—”

  “—with none the wiser,” finished Nelk.

  “It’s still binding; hold still.”

  Right before their eyes, what first appeared as a crumbled-up old leaf began to mend and bind, with a little Fairy Gatherer support from the Women who formed the Fairy Gatherer Enchantments quite old. Why, not everyone could even chant it; not many knew the way, but those who did were quite held in esteem as the Gatherer Fairy Godmothers of Olde. They were the Ancient Gatherer Fairy Women who held the ‘Words of Fairy Incantation upon their Breath’. Not every Fairy could speak with the Breath.

  Every so often, ones among the Gatherer Fairies—along with the wee ones—would have a ‘Day of Requesting’. The Witchy Fairies, as they liked to call themselves, would pull together as ‘Three’ and chant a fairy spell, to pull together from the Outside World the very knowledge and news of the day, gathering it from the Wind.

  Yes, they were “very important and quite Olde,” they would say among the Gatherings of their family fairies, friends and peers. They would sit, eat, and drink; and share grand stories. On very special chosen days of each third Year of the Fae Gatherers—which is different from the wee ones’ Days—they would choose the next three ‘Chanters’; apprentices among the young Gatherer Fairy girls to be taught the ‘Olde Fairy Light Ways’, that they might never be lost nor fade. Only the Chosen would say each three as their House and Position was quite Official. Each would say as everyone had a duty of sorts and they would stretch their years by a few fairy days, just for the fun of debating how old they actually were or what time it actually was and what day.

  “Call the Time Keeper Fairies among the Gatherers! They’ll know what true day it is,” some would say, as the Three for mirth and merry would start great games of Finders for them all. This included the wee little Ones, who tallied up their Own Days and Accountings with them to sort of stay in accord and show that they were counting time too. That’s why no Human knew the true age of a fairy; as time itself, for many that had moved on long ago, became more unreal.

  Fairy Games: Baubles, Trinkets and Things that tell of the Days and Times made

  “I think it’s ready,” said Nelk.

  “Hmm. Quite good work,” said His Elder Grandfather. “It mended well. We can read all the words. Hmm,” he said with a smile. “Let’s gather the others.”

  “But don’t you want to take a peek first?” said Nelk.

  “No. No. Discipline, discipline, young one,” said Grandfather, as he held his secret pocket magnifying looking glass near. “You run in the front of me,” he said, but his fairy curiosity got the better—but no need to tell the younger—he’d just peek a smidge.

  The Leaf that first appeared withered, brown and even torn to pieces, vibrated just a bit with the Gatherer Fairy witch’s Breath of Words whispered and spun. It spun as it clung to the windows a
nd doors of the Human’s home, though nothing seemed to steer it. Just the tiniest of tidbits hit its fibers as the leaves then disappeared, seemingly in midair, as if simply crumpled by a strong wind or no wind at all. Things could seem quite still with just the smallest bits of energy moving.

  Fairy Winds

  Ahh!! Another trick of the Fae: What appeared as a wall could be something else entirely different on the other side, even for the Tall Fairy Guardians Watching over their little Ones.

  Gatherer Fairies

  “Great, great quality,” thought the Grandfather Fairy, as the Leaf Mended smooth and clear; turning from brown to a vibrant yellow with a bit of spider webbing fused within it as the words formed, set in a deep reddish brown. He’d just read the tiniest of hints.

  Fairy Lands

  Grumble. Grumble. Grumble. A bush did indeed shake.

  “What was that?” said the wee little one as he jumped upon the shoulder of his bigger Gatherer Fairy friend.

  “Oh don’t mind them. That’s just the Gnomes of the Bush. They’re a bit grumpy from time to time. Who knows why? They are stuck between Time and mighty upset at what they can feel.

  The land ‘Outside’ is disturbed and unbalanced. They don’t feel well all the time, but they manage; just send him a little twinkle but don’t tell and he’ll be fine. We soften them when they grumble and they carry on as long as we don’t bother them much. He’ll come around and peek out to say hi or wave hello when he wants to.”

  “Calm down, Arthur,” said the Gnome’s wife Pieta. “You nearly scared the wee little one.”

  “I know. I know.”

  “Watch your Energy,” she said, rubbing his back. “It’ll be okay. They did send you a little twinkle.”


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