“You both have Access to the Water Kingdoms of the Mermaids below, but no other of your Clans shall know your secret until it is Appointed. Only a few of the Mer People know your secret. The Mermaids, the Ancient Guardians of the Sea will show you what awaits. It has actually been a long time in the making, as we have always existed but were not unified, moving above and below the Sea.
Much changed during the times of war and many Ancient Ones left, but a Returning has occurred. All of this Planet are Lifted except those of the Lower Outer Realms. A breaking away is going to occur as Rings, such as those of Atlantis will rise again. You are the two Leaders of that Time that does still exist. In your Memories, you have already Ruled. All will be Given in Time.
As the Mermaids Siren, Great Waters shall Rise, causing a splitting of the Planet in several places of the Inner and Outer core. These Golden Ocean Waters offer new life and new lands, even new Mergers for your parents, the Ruling King and Queen of the Fae.”
“But I saw a Mer Man’s face also,” said Prince Serian, puzzled.
“That remains a Secret for now,” said Triton. “Patience will give you all that you need.”
“What appears as Lands and Oceans,” continued Sea God Triton,” will give way to the most beautiful Star Systems that you have ever seen. Archangel Michael is with you and will assist you just as I do Triton, Sea God and your Eldest Brother of the distant stars.
You are in the midst of this Cosmic Season’s Dimensional Travel to know that One Planet can house many, many more as it becomes a Sun. The Stars that burst forth from it become New Planets that you as kings will Rule and sometimes Inhabit. Fear not for the Body of the Planet, because all is taken care of, but all is not well, as the Mermaids shall show you.
We have averted much disaster as the Unseen Voices of Neptune’s Time but He has called forth Ascension. The Scrolls of all that was lost will now Rise, just as His Ancient Writings will. They are buried within the Seas of Neptune, the very homes of the Mermaids who protect His Written Scrolls of Light and Life.
The Mermaids are now here; just as you were born for this day and on this particular Planet, because Neptune’s Scrolls were buried here long ago and meant to rise one day. It has been long awaited, but what was hoped for was an Accounting of all things reset to Rise, as much time within time was given.
The Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus will no longer wait, because Neptune has Risen to Titan. The End and Beginning occur as One, but what isn’t deemed high enough will crumble.
The very Kingdoms and Lands of your Fae Parents will Rise again upon these New Star Lands and many new ones you shall both meet and Rule over. The Outer World is being Called Forth and the things that lay hidden are rising. Even the very Powers of their Day are being Called Forth.
Neptune already knows and is angry. He doesn’t allow a Rising or Ascension of Lower Energy, but thoughts become Matter as so many Planets lay as desolate waste. Realms so low were not intended. He will not allow any more Creation Light to go wasted.
This is the last Space to be separated and pulled up, representing a Created Realm for this Time. You were both born to rise this Planet up with Neptune’s Ascension as his Sons. When you don’t see the Sea, we are there. We quietly and patiently move on as Mer Beings, helping those from the largest to the smallest of Thoughts to be born, along with Zeus, as Hades Watches what will not Rise. He is aware also, so much is at stake.
What do you think of the heart of Man? Viewing Windows are waiting below that the Mermaids will show you. You cannot step through them but you can View the goings on of the Outer World as the Mermaids do without opening up a split in time. They cannot follow a trail of energy back to you, so it isn’t recorded as a Star Visit. They don’t actually step out but they are sending out Thoughts that are fast spreading, as wars and pain continue to move instead of love. Disrespect and disregard have become rampant. Neptune is not pleased and has shaken the very stars even in his time of quiet. We are the first Level, acting before the entire Dimension is moved. A favorable Light shined long ago on your Given Parents and Neptune honors their hearts, but it is not so with the Outer World. Straighten out all for the Departure.”
With that, Triton’s Watery Image faded away. Prince Serian and Prince Kerian were now ushered toward a Sea Door that led to the waiting Royal Mermaid Realm.
The Door was encased in a Circle of Light with a type of Sea Lettering surrounding it that appeared foamy and lit up along with the Sign of Lighting, so Zeus too was near. As the Enchanted Mer Goddess Door became more permanent, Prince Serian and Prince Kerian could see that it was not clearly divided, as it seemed separate and a part of the Sea. It glistened with the most brilliant blue waters that fell all around and through it, along with interwoven silvery crystals cascading down and shining like the stars themselves. As they moved, they turned into dolphin that lit up as they rode the waves of watery lights; then disappeared back through the Door Borders. It was a Dream; yet real, as it led to Hidden Chambers under the Sea only meant for the two Prince Brothers. They were already expected and would have support in moving their Realm, as the Outer World was shifted in frequency for what would come.
As the Doors Closed, Rocky Waters rose up and flashes of light shot out from the Sea Door, headed toward Cosmic Space that Triton now looked at. Signs of the Dolphins were given for what would not enter.
What’s Below the Waters
The Inner Waters of the Mermaids cast a soft and dim glow as Prince Serian and Prince Kerian walked through, entering into the Watery Realm escorted by a few Mermen. These were Goddess Mermaid Waters, and led by a Mermaid, as a Queen Ruled this Ocean of Neptune and Triton rather than a Sea King.
This was Sea Queen Sireanna’s Water Reign. The Queen Mermaid sat upon the Sea Throne alone as she was attended by lesser Mermaids and Mermen.
“I thought these were our Waters,” whispered Prince Serian to his brother.
A finned Merman swiftly turned around, smiling as he said, “They are. If you look closely, our Waters are not truly merged. We actually exist and breathe in different Water Molecular Structures not compatible with your Planet. Our Ocean Waters were brought through and buffer our Skin as we swim and even Sea-Walk.”
“We have secretly been above Waters just to assess things, but all seems to be going well here.”
“Hmm. Look at your Own Sea Skin. You are not fully like us, but our Queen Mermaid did surround you with our unique Skin Protection even as you have your own, I see,” said one of the Mermen Guides who seemed a bit more studious than the others, perhaps more into a sort of Sea Science. “Your Sea Aura is moving with you a bit differently than it usually does with guests. What is your True Chemistry?”
“Chemistry?” asked Prince Kerian, a bit protective as his own Wolf Light read the Merman’s. His wolves above the Sea instinctively stood up and moved to the edge of the waters. The Moon of Prince Kerian’s own Dimension reacted, sending out a signal of light that entered through the Moon of Prince Serian’s Dimension, heading directly into the Mer Waters as it cloaked itself to make descent. In a matter of seconds, Prince Kerian felt his Own Wolf Light Coil around him more firmly blocking out the Mer Recorder’s way of sensing his thoughts.
“Interesting,” said the Mer Guide, Recording the last note telepathically as he felt the closing. He was very respectful of the change but did make a mental note of the closing itself. Prince Kerian nodded his response. His Brother’s Aura didn’t at first react the same, but their closeness formed the Bond for him. It was as if Kerian could sense the needs of his brother and support him without asking. They had always been that way as children. When a little Prince Kerian didn’t immediately respond to some of the Faerie Ways, King Norlin and Queen Faerleena were initially concerned and thought to hide the Wolf attributes more. Somehow the twins managed; they both seemed to give to the other what seemed to be lacking automatically. None of their other children could match their intuition even at very tender ages. Surprisingly, they we
re not the oldest but they were born when it was meant and remained forever close, even when training in different Dimensions to carry the Faerie Banner further.
Just as Prince Kerian was wondering about the Guide’s own background, the Merman looked with a knowing. As Prince Kerian allowed the interchange, a peculiar Sea-language seemed to pass between the Merman and the Water within his Auric Light. Prince Kerian’s ability meant something special. The Guide, too, was interesting, because what he picked up he didn’t allow to be read by the others. Prince Kerian still felt the urge to bear his fangs, because he naturally didn’t like intrusion, but he felt that there was something more about this particular Guide—as if he knew him somehow, but it was unclear.
“Hmm. Sea Recorder. Good to know,” said Prince Serian telepathically to his twin as the Merman gently smiled. A few different types of Mer were sent as Guides and Guardians. That was smart, thought the Prince, but where would the Recording go?
“Not here,” said the Mer Guide, smiling again. He swiftly moved away as the Waters bubbled up then abated with his fin-walk. He moved up a Sea Level that wasn’t even apparent to the Twin Princes; his feet all of a sudden appeared before his Ascent disappeared through a shift in the Waters, making it possible for the Mer Guide to be anywhere. The only thing visible was dark wavy water with no sign of a surface. No one else could be seen, but the Princes were sure that the Mer Record Keeper was talking with others. A Sea Book somewhere did now include some of Day’s information, with Prince Serian and Prince Kerian written in it as being Under. This would later be important to smaller lifting Realms helped by the Princes, as Ascension could take much time and was spread out between a large expanse of stars.
Archangel Gabriel stood in Council with Archangel Raphael now by his side. The very powerful Merman was much more than a Recorder, but Queen Sireanna thought it best if he were present for the Princes’ arrival without initially revealing who he was. His Height and Light was shrouded to conceal his true Power but the Recorder did move into the minds of the Twins.
“It won’t be long,” said Ki, Recorder and part of the Mer-Angelic Council to Archangel Gabriel. “They gain their Light fast and can hide certain thoughts from us.” Gabriel smiled as the wolf crest on his Sword lit up than dimmed.
“Stop projecting!” laughed Archangel Raphael, as his wings shot out and he Ascended in flight, only appearing as a streak of Light. “I’ll ready a level,” he called back.
Back Below.
Not knowing the full truth of their Visit, only that it was of the utmost importance and that they were the Fae Royals, one of the younger Merman Guides looked at them a bit perplexed, then Swam-Walked on as it was the custom for them. The other Mer Guide Recording the event seemed to assess certain thoughts a bit more easily than this younger Guide. The Princes thought it was connected with the very molecules of the water changing with their telepathic thoughts; this they would adjust as soon as they knew how. Mer, as a People, worked with water in a way that no one else could. They were quite intelligent; the younger Guide seemed to be assessing already what he was limited in. Perhaps it had to do with the station and assignments one was given. It actually wasn’t much different from duty and station assigned on the Surface.
“When do you actually swim?” asked Prince Kerian.
“When we are playing or swimming without a purpose,” said one of the Merman Guides. “It is our Nature but we walk like any other.” They did not swim as most thought, but rather glided upright through the Waters but quite swiftly. More swiftly than the Prince Twins, who were still getting their footing. Though blessed by Neptune and Triton and indeed very strong, they weren’t accustomed to the Sea. They were still tempered enough so as not to become haughty or lose their way and Neptune was quite proud of how they were growing so far with a tenderness that not many attributed to Neptune, a Mighty God, but also a loving Father and this he Read.
Neptune, in fact, had never stopped looking at any of His children with love; including the twins, quite the rambunctious Mer boys who even now rested and grew in the bosom of his Sea Wife, Salacia in their own Dimension. The Seas did Shower down signs with their love that touched the Waters of Triton’s Star Realm. This was how the Mer People were alerted to new births of the Royals, through their own stars and astral signs.
Prince Serian and Prince Kerian had not yet been revealed in Triton’s Realm as the Wolf light still settled. As Gabriel Soared in different places adding to his Wingspan, the Sign of the Wolf to be sent out for a Special Purpose aligned with the Faeries of whom Neptune was so fond from so long ago. One day, the Twins would know their other Names.
The Faeries were indeed quite Ancient, and as Promised, carried by Neptune even as he showed favor to his Sea Kind. He was who he was, but many forgot the Foot that he once Ruled with. Many, except Archangel Michael, who waited as he Scanned his Level of the Heavens for any sign of an Early Mer Rising beyond the Ones that he knew of. Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Raphael flew to his Court high above any Planets and stars ever made. What Ki had recorded would be of interest as Michael’s Arc Light set the Angels.
Smaller Mer Transitions could be tricky and One of Mer lineage, even when assisting Archangel Michael’s Angelic Court, could Awaken to their other purposes while fitted with Wings. They could act as lesser Angels, but when Awakened, they automatically aligned in Mer Formations that were differently grouped. There were many as powerful as the Archangels under Michael’s Command and for this reason an Awakened Group—or even just One—was always watched and recorded by Michael Himself.
Some Realms had been closed many Moons and Suns ago, but had not been destroyed or lost. They simply left.
Now was a Grand Time and Raphael, the Healing Archangel, along with Gabriel, who interestingly didn’t say much about His Sword, worked in stealth even among the Angels quite Grand. This Mission of Land and Sea, if One looked closely, involved the very Stars as this is how Planets were birthed first. Much later the Wolf would Speak, as revelations about Archangel Gabriel’s birth would come to Light.
Gabriel’s Sword carried a Special Mark not upon any of the other Archangel’s Swords, but it only lit Up when Gabriel lit Up. It wasn’t Archangel Michael that set the pace nor was it an Angelic Light. It was an Invisible Mark Set long ago and not one that Gabriel Spoke of much except when on Special Assignment quite linked with the Mer Realms. He was the Personal Guardian of Prince Kerian, his younger self and still Prince Kerian didn’t know.
Many of the Sons of Man thought that in order for something to become physical and livable such as the Planets, that it would have to sit eons of Time before compatible and ready for the birth of Life at the very basic levels, or through evolution, but this wasn’t so.
Some of Mortal Man even said that life started in the Seas and very Oceans of the Planets, but not so. The youngest of the Angelic Children did indeed inhabit the very stars and what filtered down when it could were the Thoughts of the Angels, to be lived out as blessings to Humans who Dreamed. All felt the Pulse of Life as it Soared through the Universe but so many Dreams had died as the Thoughts of war took over, replacing the Angelic Light. Many, many Realms closed their Doors and their Views to the True Cosmos as faeries, werewolves, mermaids, mermen and even the heights of Man were forgotten.
Even the Gentle Giants that lived and built in the Mountains no longer wondered about the Outer World, as they quietly moved about in the Faerie Realms with the neighboring Gnomes waiting for a New Day to rejoice about. This was indeed Neptune’s Time and a New Inquisitiveness had settled within many of Triton’s Waters. The Mer themselves wondered about who was lifting and to where, even as the little wee Fairies caught whispers on the Winds.
Will it be Triton’s Waters or Nereus’?
Are they as blue as my Fin or Rainbow?
Are the Oceanids singing again or Sirening for us of Ouranos’ Sign of Favorable Seas?
It was truly an exciting and waited for Sea Time of growth. No one knew that som
e of the Fae were coming aligned and that New Oceans were being created in the Lesser Mer Kingdoms. This hadn’t occurred in so long and many of the Mermen and Mermaids were numbered in the thousands of years as their Seas were calculated. It did mean something, because Sea Life and Birth was a bit different from that of Faeries and Humans, and no one even knew where the Werewolf Realms were since the lower wars and closing of their Star Gates. They weren’t open to visitors but Archangel Michael waited patiently for a return if meant.
The Sea Births of the Mermaids went along with the Age of the Oceans, Lakes and Streams and Ascended in the same manner. Their star births happened further apart but they carried their young within the womb for less time and they lived to be quite old. Many births occurred close together, giving the thought of a Pod, and then ceased for long periods as the Oceans grew with the life already with it.
The Newly Born Mer Babies that the wee little ones had seen were already quite ancient, but Ancientness had its way of Turning. A child was still a child, whether that of the Gods or Man. The babies, though quite intelligent and inquisitive about the things of the Gods, were still no older than three or five, at least the ones seen that day. No one could truly calculate the ages of the Mer People or their Waters unless One was born as a Mer. The Twin Princes themselves held this Sea Fact as they were older than the Angelic Cosmic Revolving Eye could see.
As Prince Serian and Prince Kerian walked along with the Mermen toward the waiting Mermaid Queen, they did feel as if a Soothing Sea Light carried them forward a bit. It didn’t rush them along or pull them as they walked Undersea at their own pace. It was a unique feeling as some spots that they walked over had settled into soft fairy ground and some spots were like walking in cushiony air as Voids of only water could be seen. Where Land was needed for the comfort of the Princes, Giant Kelp was enchantingly moved to serve as a surface and then swayed back removing the temporary Sea-Walk Way.
Rings of Atlantis Page 8