Rings of Atlantis

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Rings of Atlantis Page 11

by Tammy Williams

  “I don’t think we want to,” said Prince Kerian, as Michael’s Power Radiated through His Eyes without a blink. He wasn’t even Light Projecting it. He simply was Strength, as Love represented it; with the warmth of his Angel Light always pulsing and a groundedness that Spoke of His Ancient Years, not counted among the lesser Angels. He could Move under Mer Waters with a Sureness of his Own, but did not come unless He Spoke to Triton first. Some Mer Worlds simply weren’t Decreed Open by Triton yet, and some quietly moved, with Michael’s Wings Protecting the Outer Rim as Angelics Traveled these Spaces.

  All was settled for this day at least, and the Young Mermaid Sisters were ready to retire. Their Queen Sister, Sireanna, now allowed a Dimensional Door to be opened again for the Mermen to escort Prince Kerian and Prince Serian to their rooms Undersea. “The Queen gives you the choice of accommodations here among her Hidden Lands or within her Underwater Kingdom. A Gentle Mer Sea Light will surround you for the most comfortable rest if you choose to come back through.”

  The Twins noticed that pillows, music and chairs of Seashells, Coral and Gold were now brought through the Doorway by attendants for the Young Mermaid Sisters to lounge under the sea stars before taking back their fin forms.

  They seemed to breathe the Ocean, even while on Land. This was something that Serian and Kerian hadn’t noticed before. Tiny Sacred Patterns of Scales adorned their arms and switched in Color the more that the Royal Sisters Relaxed and chatted to each other.

  It was because of the natural openness and love that they shared among each other that swayed the ’Changes of Mer'. This allowed the Princes to see what was normally hidden once a young Mer stepped upon land. It was a natural shift encoded long ago by the Guardians of the Mer People that didn’t allow a Mer to remain Transformed upon and.

  They did not flap or slide across the sand like a fish out of water, nor drag themselves. Rather, they glided gently; standing up upon their Fins and Hovered slightly above hard surfaces. Gone were many Days of Mer that used to walk through Sea Gateways just for a visit to Earth. It wasn’t allowed anymore; no Mer remained Transformed above Waters of any Planet. Even the Royal Mer Shifted to show feet. It was Triton’s Edict and never to be broken.

  That is why many stories existed of Olde of the young Mermaids swiftly ducking underwater, not wanting to be seen even though partially submerged.

  Fear had set in because of the Days of Man, when Man aspired to dig up and open anything thought to hold treasure. All Realm Doorways had closed and Lifted; all but this one Faerie Door leading to the Outer Rim.

  The Twin Princes lingered a bit as they looked from the Sea Gate and waiting Escort, back over to the Mermaid Princesses already awaiting the title of Queen. The decision was made for them when a few of the Ancient Mer Guardians, who had been busy on Assignments, now stepped through to quietly Speak to the Princesses, and then personally escort the Twins to their Sea rooms.

  Prince Kerian’s face would have turned red if not for his Fae discipline. Was it that obvious? The Princesses were beautiful and still a bit young, though wise. They still held a playfulness of the Mermaids not inherent in Mermen. Triton laughed from His Sea Realm at this one. The Mermen were very particular about the Mermaids and watched closely any New Ones not of the Sea. They might watch the Twins more closely than even Archangel Michael had if the love of the Mermaids was involved. At any rate it was done and romantic Love was not on the table right now. At least, not while the issues of the Outer Rim still had to be looked at and the Faerie People needed an update about the Ascension Time.

  Until then, they needed to focus.

  The smiling Mermaid Princesses waved them goodbye as they, a bit reluctantly, stepped through the Watery Doorway leading back to the Queen’s Sea Court and their Chambers.

  Once through, they realized that they were no longer in the Queen’s Grotto. Instead, this Sea Door Opened directly into a hallway of the Queen’s Palace that perhaps the younger and lesser attendants weren’t granted to use.

  Several Mermen wearing Official Sea Crest chatted with each other as they walked with Prince Kerian and Prince Serian. They were well received, but watched closely as trust among the Mermen took more time to earn. All was well, but many times of battling Worlds were still remembered. Triton’s Mergers of Sea and Lifted Lands would bring about a new alliance among the Fae, Werewolves and Mer People, who had once experienced their own times of troubles. Not much of a trace remained, but memories were still fading as the People of the Fae, Werewolves, Mer, and even the Angels had once chosen sides.

  Angels were mostly thought of being aligned with peace, but they had closed the Scrolls of the Immortal Wars of Demi-Gods and Man. No one would allow that to occur again, as Ascension was lifting with Triton.

  “I hope the rooms are to your liking,” one of the Guardian Mermen said, as he opened the door with a Golden Key encrusted in Seashells. It seemed to pulse and radiate with a Gentle Light.

  “The Queen knows you need rest.” With that, he nodded and gently closed the door as they began chatting to themselves again about what they had witnessed of the Outer Realm’s Windows.

  Surprises of the Sea Unfold

  Prince Kerian and Prince Serian’s Sea Rooms adjoined each other. A door on an interior wall was kept open for them to view and close at their own discretion.

  “She sure did assess us well,” said Kerian. “Look at our rooms.”

  Prince Serian, given to more of the Fae Blood, was an avid reader and very laid back. He often assessed things and reflected on matters more than once, but he was a burst of energy when gathered among his people. Prince Kerian, his twin, was just the opposite. He revolved more around his Wolf Light, which was very energetic and upbeat; propelling him to Run as a separate Light coursed through his Blood. He preferred being in the background and in solitude rather than showing his Noble Birth; he often accomplished many tasks with only a few of the other Fae of the adjoining Dimensions even knowing what he looked like. He radiated the strength and dominance of the Wolf. As a child, this sometimes made him uncomfortable, but the mild manner of his Parents tempered it as he remained ever their Secret Moon child. When a young teenager, he was considered a bit more serious than his brother, who was still given to practical joking and taught quite the lessons about getting into mischief. Kerian’s laughter seemed to peek out when prodded by his twin only. He did warm up to the Royal Palace attendants, but it was simply too hard to understand him sometimes. It was as if he was always somewhere else, though this didn’t get in the way of him growing in the Faerie Ways to run a Kingdom one day. Both brothers showed promise, though Kerian didn’t show as much interest as young Serian. As both twins grew older, they were well-loved and respected by all in the Kingdoms. Those that Prince Kerian opened up to knew that he had a gentle heart, even if on first sight, one might be afraid.

  They both had their tender ways when very young as they followed behind their Mother, and their rambunctious ways as they chased their Father through the Castle even while he was on Official business. Serian had often urged Kerian to raise his Faery ears to listen to what he shouldn’t hear nor was he meant to, but they had grown into fine young men who could Command and Lead well in the absence of the King and Queen. The Twins were indeed ready to be ‘Willed their Time to Rule.’

  It was fast approaching but what would the Underwater Kingdom mean for that Day. Prince Serian pondered that thought as he looked over his room. It was spacious and lined with Fae Books of Times Past. Times he had heard of and times he hadn’t. He would love to read them under other circumstances, but his mind was preoccupied with what was on the Sea Scrolls given to him and Kerian to read through. He would start tonight before going to bed.

  His Sea Room lights flickered softly as Cascading Waters ran down the Walls, creating a gentle trickling sound. Brighter lights of nearby jellyfish shined on the cushioned seating near the bookcase that was ornately covered and inlaid in silver, gold, corals and another shiny material not
known on the Faerie surface, and the shapes of octopi could be made out.

  Prince Kerian’s room was a bit more lit up, with a Pulsing Sound coming from the Waters that adorned his Walls. The Pulsing was meant to invigorate and enliven rather than settle one down for comfortable resting or sleep. Kerian’s Room was also adorned with richer tones of the Surface World for his bedding and cushioned lounger that sat near a louder Ocean Sound; items not present in Serian’s Room.

  Prince Serian’s Room Wall Colors were of light pink Corals and muted, soft gold that weaved in and out of a Watery Pattern set upon the Walls. His walls were designed to make one think of rest, while Kerian’s Room’s Walls were Solid Dark Colors that seemed to allow his mind to comfortably wander to the Hidden Caverns of the Werewolf. But how did the Mer Queen know that such a place existed? Kerian felt at ease, rather than being as restless as his wolf companions needing to Run.

  Serian felt the same as he took small sips of the hot faery drink that was already waiting for him by the bookcase. He only needing to set his Mind once to begin reading the Sea Scrolls.

  Prince Kerian, whose appetite was that of the Wolf, began eating again of the selection of foods that seemed handpicked from his Wolf Realm. Truly, how could she know what he enjoyed eating? Enjoy he did, as he ate all that was there, then settled down to read in his Own Room. He grabbed up one of the Crystal Sea Scrolls and another drink.

  They both drifted off to sleep some time later after reading all of the Crystal Sea Scrolls that dimmed and hardened to appear as normal crystal once they finished. One would think that nothing had ever been there to be read. In the twilight of their Sleep, they channeled their Thoughts together as if they already Ruled a Joint Kingdom. It simply was their way, as Triton smiled from his Realm, again feeling their Connection with each other through the Sea.

  Brotherly Bonds

  Sea Queen’s Rest

  “All is settled for the night, my Queen,” said Garin as he slowly bowed to Queen Sireanna. The Mermaid Queen acknowledged him with a Mer Greeting not known Above Sea; of an Ancient Dialect, as much was done in secret. Only Ones of a certain Sea Level spoke this Ancient Sea Language that Queen Sireanna often used Officially. It was done to protect what wasn’t meant to be heard by all, as the Mer People possessed superior hearing.

  “That will be all for the day,” Queen Sireanna said.

  “Thank you, my Queen,” said the Attendant, bowing again as he left the Inner Throne.

  Queen Sireanna relaxed a bit as her attendant left, stretching her fin. As she pulled back the Bright Golden Color that surrounded her fin fringe, a softer blue emerged to emit a gentle soothing reflection that gave Sireanna comfort. It was like a massage for a Mer.

  The Blue Coloring was not displayed for Official Business, which meant that Queen Sireanna was about to retire. As her Mermaid-in-Waiting stepped forward from behind the ‘Curtain of the Mermaids’ to bring forward her Evening Robes to be draped about her shoulders, the Queen pulled back her Pearl Adornment. The Pearl Adornment worn by Queen Sireanna was very detailed and even more ornate than the hangings upon her Sea Grottos and Palace Walls.

  Queen Sireanna was like a Walking Statue, as many wondered if she could even be touched. Her skin seemed brilliantly lit up and smooth enough to be compared to the finest porcelain of Mer. A Coolness could be Cast forth from her to Transform the very Sea into a Lake of Snow and Ice, or she could send Warmth enough to melt the very Atlantis that some were made to search for.

  She was very powerful and dearly Sea-Loved by Neptune and Salacia, who Guarded the Secret of her Birth and that of her young sisters. The sisters could be quite carefree and funny as they peeked at others. They sometimes accompanied the Genies when a Bottle flew into the Sea with an important message. The Genies always found time to play no matter the urgency or the message written. The Mermen and Angelic Guardians were always near to avert any accidental Realm pop outs or mischief, and the little wee Ones of the Faeries came in handy. No one was necessarily looking for them to be spies, and loved them so for their childlike curiosity and playfulness.

  The Genies and Young Mermaids could be very playful and childlike, most likely due to the long amount of time that they remained in youth. There was no rush for them to grow up fast, sometimes to the impatience of their Mermen and Faerie Brothers, who played less as they worked along with the Angels of different Realms.

  It perhaps had to do with Status and Position, as Neptune was a bit gentler on the Mermaids. He gave quite generously to the ones working diligently for a Sea Name to be Heralded. It meant a lot. “But Always with Love Move,” Neptune would say.

  Time after Time, the Males of Neptune/Triton’s Line and those Lifted—Blends of Mer Werewolves, Mer Faeries, and even a few Mer Angelics—had to show restraint and patience with the playful young Mermaids, who were still discovering many Things out of the Sea. This could take quite a long time. Remember the length of a lifespan of an Incarnating Adult Angel and just imagine a child of the Parents of Light growing up without a real concept of Time until the Gods and Goddesses made it. Patience was a must.

  Today was Queen Sireanna’s Time at the Helm of Sea Rulership. Much was still growing and extending; the Twin Princes stood as Testament of a New Day, not without ones Ascended with the Mer who had left long ago.

  Queen Sireanna rose. A heated light spread all the way up to her shoulders from her fin, as every blue Pearl that lined the length of her bare arms Merged directly with her Sea Skin and embedded in the soft silk Material of her Robes. The Robe vibrated slightly as Sireanna filled the Pearls of her Clothing with a Mermaid Essence not the same as the Water Pearls lying about her Kingdom. This is one thing that many did not know about the Water’s Shells and Sea Jewels. They were not of the same type, nor even physically shaped as the Pearls and Seashells of Mer Waters.

  Home Waters were completely different, even as Mers inhabited many Waters all over the Galaxies. They brought their Own Pearls and Seashell Fragments with them; no one knew the True Sacred Divine Shapes of Neptune and Triton’s Sea Jewels and Natural Corals.

  They even Created Magical Incantations that they blew through the Largest of Pearls. Mermen had their Ways too; the Conch and Sacred Sea Belts of the Mermen held Powers that they did Imbue. No one knew where the Golden Sea light of Witches and Warlocks was hidden as they showed neither Gill nor Fins; but Feet and Hidden Wings to Walk with the Angels and Pop up from the Waters. In time, they all gained the Title of Witches and Warlocks.

  Until then, Neptune and Triton could be very silent and were thought to have gone.

  Queen Sireanna allowed the Pearls of her Arms to turn a soft light Coral Pink as they flattened out to become soft Scale Patterns. They lined parts of her Arm and Traveled down her Back, forming Wispy light-swaying fins. These fins wrapped around her softer skin, hiding it in places as she got ready for her bath.

  Her Mer Lady-in-Waiting pinned up her hair with Golden Seashells, as a Pool suddenly Rose up in her Bathing Chamber that otherwise looked empty. It was Circular, with Views of her Grotto in all directions, except for the Doorway. It was not visible to anyone Above or Below the Sea

  Her Bathing Sea Chamber had the most magnificent views of Floating Seashells, Glorious Kelp, and Seahorses of all sizes. The Seahorses could swim up to the Sea Windows but could not enter; a Clear Barrier was placed there for the Queen’s privacy. This Space was her Private Realm and no one rode the Seahorses here; no one but her.

  If she Gifted one, like the Winged Horse of Pegasus, the recipient knew he or she was indeed Special. These Creatures could Magically Transport One to a Forgotten Realm Undersea; a Mer Kingdom that allowed One to enter as the Queen only Calls.

  She set Decrees of her Realm and Laid Orders that would span the Rule of her Young Sisters when she moved on. Moving on for a Mer King or Queen at the level of God and Goddess meant the Lighting of a Merman or Mermaid. They became the very Oceans, Lakes, and streams, and could Rise up at Will; Creating a Face in any b
ody of Water to make Proclamations and Send Ocean Sprays out in large Proportions.

  It was, in fact, another Kingdom Granted and Extended as many waited for these Days and wished the King and Queen success on these Journeys. Eventually, it would mean the lift of many as the Sea Kingdom and Ocean were readied for life. The Sea was already Cosmic and waiting to be inhabited. The biggest lift would be that of the Dual Rulership of a God/Goddess King and Queen, Merged to Rule. The Sea Kingdom was larger and both Ruled equally in Love and Power, something lacking now. Much was seen as a God or Goddess Rule, but never both at once.

  For this, Queen Sireanna was highly sought, but took her time; as simple as it seemed, passionate, romantic Love was highly deemed and waited for. For this, a Mermaid would wait an Eternity, as Time was a mere whisper to them. A Merman would Rise among Rank to become first a Knighted One of the Seas; next, One controlling Land and Sky; and last but most importantly, One of Kindness of Heart. Kindness of Heart was paramount for a Mer Father, for a Mermaid always put her children first, even before birth.

  Queen Sireanna’s Evening Gown was so light that it almost appeared as Gossamer; it was as light as the Spider’s Unspun Silk. She slipped out of it and touched the edge of her fin to the Fountain Bath Waters. The Waters Sprung up from the center of the Pooled Floor, then settled down into a large lake-like dwelling that was inside. It held all the comforts of the outside Sea. Queen Sireanna ducked under what seemed like endless waves of gently moving waters of different hues of blues. After she swam a distance, Tall Kelp came into View that hid a Sea Cottage; a Cottage designed for Queen Sireanna, which no one entered but her. No one knew of its existence. The only other things that could be seen were the Giant Jelly Fish, whose Soft Movements acted as Lighting and Mirrors into her Palace Kingdom on the Otherside and the Surrounding Sea Lands.

  She came here alone to relax. As her fin Transitioned its size and Colors again, she pulled her hair down to fully enjoy this very private moment of lounging in the one Golden Chair. While adorned also with Seashells and Coral, it was not the same as the others; they adornments had the potential to come to life. This Chair was one of the Artifacts searched for by some now lost.


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