Rings of Atlantis

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Rings of Atlantis Page 16

by Tammy Williams

  “I’m guessing this is your first time with legs,” Kerian said.

  “Yup, but there’s a first for everything,” the young Mer said, stepping into a Cave Opening with Prince Kerian, for the Craft waiting behind a Wall disguised as solid crystal rock.

  “We won’t use a Star Door until we’re further away. Sit back and enjoy the legs for a bit,” Kerian said laughing, “but I can make a pool for you if you want.”

  “That would be great, but I brought my own pouch of Water to fill it,” he said, revealing a tiny satchel that didn’t look big enough to carry much. “And my own food for me and Winsor, my Seal pup,” he said, “though I would like to try something different too. I like the faerie foods. What do you have? I’ll save some of it in my pouch for another Day.”

  “How are you able to save it?” asked Kerian, inspecting the pouch. “Let me guess. It’s enchanted!”

  “Yes and no,” said Wavren, who finally gave his name. Through all the excitement of going on a New Journey and with the possibility of seeing a King Triton Realm at the end, he simply forgot. The Pouch has its own memory. Anything I place near it can be sensed and it is replicated once approved.”

  “Approved?” asked Prince Kerian questioningly.

  “That is a precaution so that it never gets into the wrong hands or is misused. It also keeps me up on my fins and gives me a little Land Treat to share with my brothers and sisters when I Submerge again.”

  “So let me guess that this is your first Assignment, too,” Prince Kerian said, noticing Wavren’s enthusiasm once he said that the Merman could come. Before that, he showed little emotion.

  “Yup, this is my very first. I’m what some might consider twenty years of age but my Ocean Home Realm is only One of its years. My Kind are all considered young and we still show gills around our ears when on Land. It doesn’t Transition out. That’s why we all have long hair.”

  “Hmm. You’re right,” said Kerian, looking for the first time at Wavren’s ears and gills as he pulled back his hair.

  “We belong with the Sea and are tied to it like the Ancient Selkies, but we have our ways of coming on Land when allowed, but never for too long. My time is extended with you because of the Mission. When I go back, I can apply to become one of the Sea Gate Watchers of a small Door of our Waters of Siros. They lead to different Sea Store Houses and Communal Grottos. It’s a great way to train to work the bigger Gates and you get to know everyone.”

  “Siros?” Kerian asked.

  “Yes. It’s where I actually come from. A few of us were Chosen to help at specific Lifting Points. It’s a great time to move up if you show promise. I didn’t actually see Queen Sireanna but I was among a Group of Young Mers, along with our Water familiars that favor different sea creatures that were picked to begin our Sea Changes as we help with this Ascension.”

  “Sea Changes?”

  “Yes. It’s how some of us Transition with the Water and learn to Master it more but, of course, among different Waters, which is like visiting a different Planet. I think I’m ready to join another Water Level, so don’t be surprised if I show small changes but it won’t be anything drastic. We don’t mutate. We are beyond that type of evolvement, but we do Master Shifting. This is necessary if we want to Star Travel with a Sea Internship.”

  “Sea Internship?” asked Kerian again, feeling like his twin as he asked question after question.

  “Yes. Each Body of Water on Mer Planets is different, even if they sit side by side so Ones that Sea Travel become acquainted first through small Journeys and Visit to see how we really feel about moving around. The possibilities are actually endless among the Ocean Areas of Triton’s Chosen. Each Sea Body correlates differently to the stars also, so we become acquainted with the Cosmos from Below. We star gaze without ever having to come up.

  Then you have the different types of Mer and Sea Beings all over our Water Realms, not to mention the different Sea Gods and Goddesses. I might even relocate to different Ocean Waters and once I lift enough, I can help more with Lifting Siros’ Waters. It’s possible,” he said, looking at Winsor as if he would agree.

  “Well, that was a lot!” said Prince Kerian. “More than I expected. No one else has talked as much as you. I never gave too much thought about what Water People do Undersea except swim.”

  “No. We move a lot like your Kind does when our Sea Star Gates Open but Underwater is similar to the Cosmic Stars. Well, they are Cosmic but Watery for us too. There are some Mer Types that are born with the ability to produce legs without needing to go through a Transition period. We use them temporarily, but everyone beyond seems to forget. One only sees what is written in the Earth Star Books coming up, about Mers either no longer existing, or sitting on rocks combing their hair, as if that makes sense. We have comforts below and Pockets of Air. The Air is a bit different but its Air to a Mer. We have Semi-Dry Grottos, Vacation Tunnels, Meeting Points with other Mer, and a lot of things similar to the Faeries. Am I talking too much?” Wavren asked, a bit embarrassed, but he couldn’t wait for the Journey to truly begin in earnest.

  “No, not at all,” said Prince Kerian. “I truly never knew Mer Life consisted of so much. As Wavren spoke, Kerian got a flash of the Cosmos. He knew it meant something for the Wolf and his connection with the Sea.

  “And this Pouch is much more than it seems,” continued Wavren. “Don’t let the size fool you. It has memory, a few of the Queen’s gifts for a rainy day, no pun intended, and a Sea Mirror in case we need help. And look at Winsor. He’s quite happy with the small drop of Water I gave to him. It’s the only Water that Covers us and stays with us. It shields my Gills and I’m breathing fine. If we venture too far on dry land and I have to eat foods too far away from the Sea, then my Pouch changes it so that I can digest it. Otherwise, I would have to return to Water for small periods to eat.”

  “And Winsor is special to you?” asked Prince Kerian, thinking of his wolves.

  “My Seal Companion is similar to the familiars of the Sea Witches. He goes wherever I go, when he can, and you didn’t even notice that he’s moving quite comfortably with us.” As Prince Kerian looked down, he noticed the seal sliding along without any trouble, and without a sign of his flippers moving much. It was as if he traveled on a Snow Slide buffer.

  “Hmm. I have the Wolf and you have the Seal,” laughed Kerian. “Anything is possible,” he said, whistling as his wolves ran in, already glowing as a shift of their Light occurred at the Mouth of the Cave.

  “No One has ever seen their Fur?” Wavren asked, assessing the wolves.

  “You’re very observant. No. They are always light-linked with me except on my Home Planet.”

  “It’s different from your twin brother, Serian?”

  “Yes. We grew up together but then separated to continue or Kingship Training in other Dimensions of our Father’s Lands. It is the Custom with our Fae Kind to Spread the Kingdom Borders and divide it up equally between us and our Sisters’ Rule.”

  “So, essentially you all can Rule at the same time or very near in time.”

  “Yes. No fighting.”

  “We aren’t that much different, but we grow with our Oceans and sort of leave with them. That’s how we Ascend, really. The Ocean Evaporates when lifting while the Solid Body isn’t taken. The Lands can then be used again, depending on if a Trickle of Water is Left or if the Time of Zeus takes it. It’s a Division among Neptune and Zeus but it is divided more than you know and several times over as Lifted Lands.”

  “That’s why so many Dimensions can exist on one Planet. The Gods and Goddesses of many Names move and the ones that are meant to Incarnate under them move.”

  “With Water Lifts, some simply Materialize fully grown. Some are slated from Sea Starships to be born and believe me, they look very carefully before coming.”

  “There’s a Myriad of Places that we could go—”

  “And Michael’s Arc?”

  “He’s the first to Come, but there’s a d
ifferent reason that he is looking.”

  “This is the first time of Triton Opening a Level. It is endless. The Possibilities are higher for him. I’m moving with my Sea Level. Archangel Michael is an Ancient One beyond my Mer Home Years and He isn’t looking at the futures past. He is going to start a New Realm. Triton’s Sign always comes with something new for many Levels. I’ve been instructed to look for the Sky Doors of the Angels once we get to the Wolf Lands but I don’t know what the Angelic Doors will look like. Things are never what they seem.

  They gave me a briefing for your Journey. I have a Sea Message Pod in my Pouch for you from Queen Sireanna. It’s only a few drops in size and I do know that it will connect you with the Guards of Sea Level Ten Below.”

  “Sea Level Ten Below?” said Kerian, truly puzzled now.

  “I wasn’t meant to read the water molecule any further. They will blend and expand only for you once you release the water and allow it to flow onto a Reading Crystal. I hope I haven’t offended you. I have spoken so much but there is much for us to discuss still, once we board your Star Craft.”

  “I am getting a Fuller Picture and there is much on the Table—for all of us if the Alliance goes well and if Ascension Lifts smoothly.”

  “It will,” said Wavren, without a doubt.

  Prince Kerian Set His Mind and sent their conversation to Serian to ponder over as they entered His Star Codes. It was a Forcefield around His Craft that kept his coordinates separate from the Surroundings when he traveled and stealth. His Parents had taught him this because of the past times of war. They made sure that their children were always ready and could depart at any Time.

  “All is set,” said Wavren to Winsor his Seal, who swam around in the pool beside his chair upon the Craft. He looked longingly at Wavren as if he was waiting for more.

  “Perhaps we should modify a few things for Winsor,” said Prince Kerian.

  “He’ll love you forever,” said Wavren, as he added a few drops of the enchanted waters to the craft Board while Prince Kerian set the coordinates. The Water Droplets entered the Craft’s Crystal Board System, redirecting some of its patterns for a few of the compartments and rooms on Kerian’s Craft. They now, somehow, seemed a bit roomier.

  With one leap, Winsor submerged himself under and swam with the greatest joy through the channels that the pool led through and around the Craft, to Prince Kerian’s surprise.

  “I have my Faerie Enchantments and the Wolf Light, but exactly how much did the Pouch Change things?” asked Kerian.

  “Well, it may have Touched your fingers a bit and read what you would like, but not without Siana, the Guardian of the Pouch. She is seen more as our Sea Ethereal Kind, though I suspect that she is real somewhere. I’d love to meet her. She’s beautiful,” he said, Sea Dreaming.

  “There is truly much about Mermaid Life that I didn’t know,” said Kerian again. “Perhaps we should both look around before we take off,” said Prince Kerian, and sure enough a few things had been changed here and there.

  Some of the Panel Boards beside the inner Craft doors lit up a different color, including those in Prince Kerian’s bedchamber.

  “Hmm. I’m guessing this is your Room,” said Kerian as he peeked into one Compartment that was once empty.

  It was filled with Water that one would become drenched in, once they walked through Pillars Stationed within the room, stationed like a second set of doors just past the First Door.

  “Hey,” said Waven rushing in, as his legs immediately turned into fins. “I don’t even have to use my Pouch Droplets. They’re precious and rare. I won’t be able to get anymore once they run unless out unless Sianna refills it, so I have to use them wisely.”

  Winsor swam up through a tunnel connected with Wavren’s room, splashing lighter-colored water as he entered. “Our chemistry is different,” said Wavren, looking at Prince Kerian as he seemed to study the differences in the water. Hmm. I have my usual Seabed,” Wavren continued excitedly, “but this is better than the one I have at home. The bed posts were of Pink Sea Crystal and Blue Sea Stone, allowing his bed to seem as if partially physical yet wavy and moveable like sea foam. We don’t even have these crystals on my Planet. I even have a Sea Monitor. This is better than I thought it would be.”

  “How did we get so much?” said Wavren to himself.

  “I give you a small Gift of my Sign,” said Neptune’s Voice to Prince Kerian, privately, as Triton held the Thought.

  “I take it as a blessing,” Kerian said softly to Wavren.

  “Your Private Rooms are probably different too,” said Wavren as Prince Kerian entered them. Surprisingly, his furnishings were the same; matching what he enjoyed as the Wolf when no one else was around. Small Golden Fish Statues were now there and represented more than the eye could see. Droplets of Waters fell from them at intervals then stopped, as they appeared and disappeared in the ‘Pool of Nonexistence’. It looked like a small fountain only for decoration but it was so much more. Prince Kerian found out now that he had his own Channel to talk to Neptune. No other except Prince Serian could use it, as both their Names were written in the Old Faerie Star Language upon the fountain, a language that was not used anymore. It appeared for Prince Kerian to read alone.

  “I think we can take off now,” said Prince Kerian to Wavren.

  Journeys of the Mind and Cosmic Flights

  As Prince Kerian assessed the Energy and Frequency of Serian’s conversation with their Parents, for the first time he felt just how different and distinct the frequency of the Wolf Light was. It didn’t just Carry Sounds further; he could also pick up the Sounds of another Dimension. He knew it was a Wolf World. His twin could feel the Frequency too, but Kerian’s senses were stronger.

  Which dimension, he didn’t know, but he and Serian were Wolf Linked no matter what. He knew that what he felt, Serian did also, but never did his curiosity pique so much as it did now with the faerie Bond moving a bit more through His veins.

  We’re already twins. Now we feel even more alike, thought Kerian. He pulled through the Vision of a Star Library that Serian often read from, but that he hadn’t been interested in until now.

  Time worked a little differently when moving through Star Gates. The Craft could move unmanned until they reached the exact Star Point that they had to go through, then he would take over until the StarCraft reset itself again. It recalibrated and calculated exactly how much time passed and the difference of time from one Portal to the next. It could be twenty years. It could be thousands. The key was to meet where Ascension was possible, rather than at the time of a fall.

  It was crucial and Prince Kerian could feel it more than ever as he lie resting for a moment. He would take a half an hour faerie time but once on the other side, he felt for sure Thousands of years would be calculated. It was like the beating of his heart picked up as he moved closer, though his Full Form still did not show. But his fangs would not retract.

  I guess it’s more natural, he thought as a comfortable feeling settled in him, more than ever before, and he laid back to read.

  The Power of the Wolf

  As children, and twins at that, Serian and Kerian looked quite identical, all but their hair. It remained a Sign of the actual blood differences, as Kerian’s hair grew to be of a darker shade and Serian’s remained much lighter. Kerian showed a more adventurous nature, running all over the place, while Serian would run straight to the library to read and learn more about something they saw.

  He always had to have all the facts, while Kerian didn’t show any interest; just as the Wolf People themselves didn’t show much interest beyond the Borders of their Stars. It was proving very interesting, as Prince Kerian lounged on the closest chair in his bedroom, the doors slid soundlessly closed just by Kerian using the power of his Thoughts.

  Some things he set to move with the Crystals of the StarCraft, but some things he still did with his Mind, as he adjusted and made the Craft more organic.

  He truly felt like
he was Home, as it carried the Energy of his Dimension, but not that of his Fae Lineage interestingly enough. How many Planets and Werewolf stars were actually out there?

  “You are unique,” whispered Triton.

  He lay back deeply into his chair, melting into the cushions. It vibrated a bit as Water Droplets drifted from the fountain that set itself with Triton. Kerian felt rejuvenated and soothed for this next journey while he was still in the middle of the first one.

  Though the Energy of his Home Planet was Faery, the dimensional Door and Space that he was Given to begin his Chain of Rulership took on more of the Tone of the Wolf, which his Parents didn’t seem to expect but they weren’t bothered about either. Well, maybe not too much. In truth, they didn’t understand much about the Werewolves although ‘Books of the Wer’ were in their Library.

  But what type was Kerian? A Shapeshifter or did he carry more? Prince Kerian perused a few ideas as he thought about several things at once. His and his twin brother’s dimensions were close in proximity. His Wolf Realm, as it was turning out to be, held more of the Colors and Shades of Purple and Rich Blue as the Sky Turned, rather than the Faerie Orange and lighter Hues that seemed to dominate the rest of the kingdom, no matter which Barrier of the Fae World that One walked through.

  It was all a similar Energy and Serian was comfortable, but he wasn’t as curious about the Wolf as Kerian was.

  Prince Kerian’s eyes lit up with the Colors of His Star Dimension as if something clicked and he could feel the Sky Spinning. He loved his Realm and it was distant enough for the free roaming of his wolves. They carried a unique energy and different fur coat colors as they expressed differences in personality, size and playfulness. They Ran all over the Planet, lighting up a Brilliant White to jump through and run at a faster speed when Prince Kerian Called.


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