The Complete Hammer's Slammers: Volume 3

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The Complete Hammer's Slammers: Volume 3 Page 42

by David Drake

  Not everybody wanted to calm down. An artillery lieutenant shouted, “Look, are you going to stop being a dickheaded pissant and get my bloody hog out of the marsh you had us land in?”

  Huber shouted back, “Look, redleg, when my platoon drove out of the ship there was a kill-team from Harris’s Commando waiting for us. We managed. If you fools can’t avoid a hole in the ground, then don’t expect a lot of sympathy here! Now, I say again—there’s a maintenance and recovery platoon due in Youngblood’s Vale tomorrow and I’ll vector the recovery vehicle to you people in Henessey ASAP. If you’d prefer to keep saying you want me to drag heavy equipment out of my ass because your driver’s blind, you can talk to an open line!”

  There was a pause, then, “Roger, we’ll wait. Two-Ay-Six out.”

  One thing a soldier learns by surviving any length of time in a war zone is that you use whatever you’ve got available. Huber smiled grimly.

  In between the work of the Log Section, he played with the data he was gathering on his other job. Huber didn’t have the sort of mind that leaped instantly to the right answer to complex questions. He worked things over mentally, turning the bits and fitting them first this way, then another. It was a lot like doing jigsaw puzzles. At the end of the process there was an answer, and he guessed he’d be working on it till he found what the answer was.

  Hera left for lunch. She invited Huber but didn’t argue when he turned her down, and she didn’t argue either when he insisted she go on as she’d planned instead of staying in the office because he was staying. Huber knew as well as the next guy how important it was to get some time away from the place you were working; otherwise you could lock yourself down tighter than happened to most prisoners.

  It didn’t apply to him, of course. He was too busy to worry about where his butt happened to be located at the moment.

  The Regiment already employed more than three hundred UC citizens. There’d be over a thousand by the time the deployment was complete, and that was without counting the number of recreation personnel hired to deal with the off-duty requirements of the combat troopers. On a place like Plattner’s World most of that last group would be freelance, but the Colonel would set up and staff official brothels if the free market didn’t appear to him to be up to the job.

  Central Repair was one of the larger employers of local personnel. CR was where heavily damaged vehicles were brought: for repair if possible, for stripping and scrapping if they weren’t. Line maintenance was mostly done at company level, but at battalion in the case of major drive-train components; Central Repair dealt with more serious or complex problems.

  Fencing Master was thus far the Regiment’s only serious battle damage on Plattner’s World, but there were plenty of things that could go wrong with complex vehicles transiting between star systems. Furthermore, there were a dozen blowers deadlined from the previous contract. They’d been shipped to Plattner’s World for repair instead of being held behind and repaired in place.

  Late in the day, Huber got around to checking addresses. There were many groupings of employees who gave the same home address. That didn’t concern him. Besides members of the same family all working in the booming new industry, war, many of the personnel came into Benjamin from outlying locations. Those transients lived in apartments or rooming houses here in the city.

  Three of the mechanics in Central Repair lived at what the voter registration records—forwarded to Huber by Doll Basime; he didn’t go through Hera to get them—listed as the address of Senator Patroklos Graciano. That was a matter for concern.

  Huber looked around the office. Hera was out of the room; off to the latrine, he supposed. That made things a little simpler. Kelso, the local who’d driven the rescue vehicle the night before, looked up and caught his eye. Huber gestured him over, into the area of the privacy screen.

  “Sir?” Kelso said brightly. His thin blond hair made him look younger than he probably was; close up Huber guessed the fellow was thirty standard years old. Kelso dressed a little more formally than most of the staff and he seemed to want very much to please. Looking for a permanent billet with the Regiment, Huber guessed; which was all right with Huber, and just might work out.

  “I’ve got three names and lists of former employers here,” Huber said, running hardcopy of the employment applications as he spoke. “I want you to check these out—just go around to the listed employers and ask about the people. I’m not looking for anything formal. If the boss isn’t in—”

  He handed the three flimsies to Kelso.

  “—but the desk clerk remembers them, that’s fine. Take one of the section jeeps, and I’d rather have the information sooner than later.”

  “Sir, it’s pretty late . . .” Kelso said with a concerned expression. “Should I chase people down at their homes if the business is closed, or—”

  Huber thought for a moment, then laughed. “No, nothing like that,” he said. “But if you can get me the data before tomorrow midday, I’d appreciate it.”

  “You can count on me, sir!” the fellow said. Holding the hardcopy in his hand, he trotted past the consoles—some of them empty; it was getting late—and out the door just as Hera returned.

  They passed; she glanced questioningly from the disappearing local and then to Huber. Huber waved cheerfully and immediately bent to his console, calling up information on the Officer in Charge of Central Repair. Hera might have asked what was going on with Kelso if Huber hadn’t made it pointedly clear that he was busy.

  Which he was, of course, but it bothered him to treat her this way. Well, it’d bother her worse if he told her what he was doing; and there was also the risk that . . .

  Say it: the risk that this bright, competent woman, attractive in all respects—would be loyal to her brother if push came to shove, instead of being loyal to the regiment of off-planet killers she happened to be working for at the moment. Surviving in a combat environment meant taking as few risks as possible, because the ones you couldn’t avoid were plenty bad enough.

  CR was at present under the command of Senior Warrant Leader Edlinger; Buck Edlinger to his friends, and Huber knew him well enough from previous deployments to be in that number. Instead of doing a data transmission through the console, Huber made a voice call. It took a moment for Edlinger to answer; he didn’t sound pleased as he snarled, “Edlinger, and who couldn’t bloody wait for me to call back, tell me!”

  “Arne Huber, Buck,” Huber replied calmly. He’d been shouted at before—and worse. Edlinger’d been squeezed into a place too tight for him to wear his commo helmet, and he wasn’t best pleased to be dragged out of there to take a voice call slugged Urgent. “I’ve got a problem that may turn out to be your problem too. Are your people working round the clock right now?”

  “Via!” Edlinger said. “No, not by a long ways. You’re in Log Section now, Huber? What’re you about to drop on us? Did a ship-load of blowers come down hard?”

  “Nothing like that, Buck,” Huber said. Edlinger must have checked Huber’s status when Fencing Master came in for repair. “I want to check what three of your locals’ve been working on, and I want to check it when the locals and their friends aren’t around.”

  “What d’ye know about maintenance oversight, Huber?” Edlinger said; not exactly hostile, but not as friendly as he’d have been if it hadn’t seemed an outsider was moving in on his territory.

  “I know squat,” Huber said, “but I’ve got a tech here, Sergeant Tranter, who you gave curst good fitness reports to back when, when he worked for you. And you can help, Buck—I’d just as soon you did. But this isn’t a joke.”

  That was the Lord’s truth. This could be much worse than a company of armored vehicles getting bent in a starship crash.

  “You got Tranter?” Edlinger said. “Oh, that’s okay, then. Look, Huber, I can have everybody out of here by twenty hundred hours if that suits you. Okay?”

  “That’s great, Buck,” Huber said, nodding in an enthusiasm that Edli
nger couldn’t see over a standard regimental voice-only transmission. “We’ll be there at twenty hundred hours.”

  “Hey Huber?” Edlinger added as he started to break the connection.


  “Can you tell me who you’re worried about, or do I have to guess?”

  That was a fair question. “Their names are Galieni, Osorio, and Triulski,” Huber said, reading them off the display in front of him. “Do they ring a bell?”

  Edlinger snorted something between disgust and real concern. “Ring a bell?” he said. “You bet they do. They’re the best wrenches I’ve been able to find. I’d recommend them all for permanent status in the Regiment if they wanted to join.”

  Huber grimaced. “Yeah, I thought it might be like that,” he said.

  “And Huber?” Edlinger added. “One more thing. You wanted to know what they’re working on? That’s easy. They’re putting your old blower, Fencing Master, back together. She’ll go out late tomorrow the way things are getting on.”

  When Tranter came in with Bayes, the sergeant laughing as the trooper gestured in the air, Huber cued his helmet intercom and said, “Sarge? Come talk to me in my little garden of silence, will you?”

  A console with regimental programming like Hera Graciano’s could eavesdrop on intercom transmissions unless Huber went to more effort on encryption than he wanted to. It was simpler and less obtrusive to use voice and the privacy screen that was already in place around his area of the office.

  Tranter patted Bayes on the shoulder and sauntered over to the lieutenant as though the idea was his alone rather than a response to a summons. Huber was becoming more and more impressed with the way Tranter picked up on things without need for them to be said. Sometimes Huber wasn’t sure exactly what he’d say if he did have to explain.

  “Do we have a problem, El-Tee?” Tranter asked as he bent over the console, resting his knuckles on the flat surface beside the holographic display.

  Huber noticed the “we.” He grinned. “We’re going maybe to solve one before it crops up, Sarge,” he said. “Are you up to poking around in a combat car tonight?”

  “I guess,” Tranter said, unexpectedly guarded. “Ah—what would it be we’re looking for, El-Tee? Booze? Drugs?”

  Huber burst out laughing when he understood Tranter’s concern. “Via, Sarge!” he said. “You’ve been on field deployments, haven’t you? All that stuff belongs, and so does anything else that helps a trooper get through the nights he’s not going to get through any other way. No, I’m looking for stuff that our people didn’t put there. I don’t know what it’ll be; but I do know that if something’s there, I want to know what it is. Okay?”

  Tranter beamed as he straightened up. “Hey, a chance to be a wrench again instead of pushing electrons? You got it, boss!”

  “Pick me up at the front of the building at a quarter of eight, then,” Huber said. “We need to be at Central Repair on the hour— I’ve cleared it with the chief. Oh, and Tranter?”

  “Sir?” The sergeant looked . . . not worried exactly, but wary. He wasn’t going to ask what was going on; but something was and though he seemed to trust Huber, a veteran non-com knows just how disastrously wrong officers’ bright ideas are capable of going.

  “Don’t talk about it,” Huber said. “And you know that gun you were holding last night? Think you could look one up for me?”

  “Roger that, sir!” Tranter said, perfectly cheerful again. “Or if you’d rather have a sub-machine gun?”

  Huber shook his head. “I want something with authority,” he explained. “I don’t think there’s a chance in a million we’ll have somebody try to pull something while we’re flying between here and Central Repair tonight . . . but I do think that if it happens, I’m going to make sure we’re the car still in the air at the end of it.”

  Chuckling in bright good humor, the sergeant returned to his console. The other clerks looked at him, but Hera was watching Huber instead.

  Huber cued his intercom and said, “What’s the latest on the ground transport situation, Hera? Did your father come through?”

  The best way to conceal the rest of what was going on was to bury it in the work of Log Section; and the fact that quite a lot of work was getting done that way was a nice bonus.


  Central Repair was a block of six warehouses in the north-central district of Benjamin. Engineer Section had thrown up a wall of plasticized earth around the complex as a basic precaution, but the location was neither secure nor really defensible despite the infantry company and platoon of combat cars stationed there.

  Tranter brought the four-place aircar down at CR’s entrance gate. They were tracked all the way by a tribarrel of the combat car there—Flesh Hook, another F Company vehicle—and, for as long as the aircar was above the horizon, by the guns of two more cars within the compound. Huber would’ve been just as happy to ride to Repair in a regimental-standard air-cushion jeep, but Tranter was proud of being able to drive an aircar. There were plenty of them in Log Section’s inventory since they were the normal means of civilian transportation on Plattner’s World.

  Tranter wasn’t a good aircar driver—he was too heavy-handed, trying to outguess the AI—and there was always the chance that a trooper on guard would decide the car wobbling toward the compound was hostile despite Huber’s extreme care to check in with detachment control. Still, Tranter was investing his time and maybe more to satisfy his section leader’s whim; the least the section leader could do was let him show off what he fondly imagined were his talents.

  The car bumped hard on the gravel apron in front of Central Repair. The gate was open, but Flesh Hook had parked to block the entrance. Huber raised his faceshield and said, “Lieutenant Huber, Log Section, to see Chief Edlinger. He’s expecting me.”

  “Good to see you, El-Tee,” called the trooper behind the front tribarrel. The driver watched from his hatch, but the two wing guns were unmanned; they continued to search the sky in air defense mode under detachment control. “You guys earned your pay at Rhodesville, didn’t you? Curst glad it was you and not us in F-2.”

  “I don’t know that I feel the same way,” Huber said; but even if he’d shouted, he couldn’t have been heard over the rising howl of drive fans as the combat car shifted sideways to open the passage. Tranter drove through the gate in surface effect.

  Central Repair would’ve been much safer against external attack if it had been located within Base Alpha. It remained separate because of the greater risk of having so many local personnel—well over a hundred if combat operations persisted for any length of time—inside the Regimental HQ. Losing Central Repair would be a serious blow to the Regiment; the sort of damage a saboteur could do within Base Alpha wouldn’t be survivable.

  The warehouses had been placed following the curve of the land instead of being aligned on a grid pattern. Tranter followed the access road meandering past the front of the buildings. Three of them were empty, held against future need. The sliding doors of the fourth from the gate were closed, but light streamed out of the pedestrian entrance set beside them.

  Three troopers looked down from the warehouse roof as Tranter pulled the aircar over. Huber waved at them with his left hand; he held the 2-cm powergun in his right.

  Chief Edlinger met them at the door. “Good to see you again, Huber,” he said. “Tranter, you need a hand?”

  “I haven’t forgotten how to carry a toolchest, Chief,” the sergeant said, lifting his equipment out of the back of the car with a grunt. And of course he hadn’t, but his mechanical leg didn’t bend the way the one he’d been born with had; balance was tricky with such a heavy weight.

  Huber had offered help when they got into the car. If Tranter wanted to prove he could move a toolchest or do any other curst thing he wanted without help, then more power to him.

  “I appreciate this, Buck,” Huber said as he entered the warehouse. The air within was chilly and had overtones of lubricant an
d ozone; it was a place which only tolerated human beings. “I’d like there not to be a problem, but—”

  “But you think there is,” Edlinger completed grimly. He was a wiry little man whose sandy hair was more gray than not; he’d rolled his sleeves up, showing the tattoos covering both arms. Time and ingrained grease had blurred their patterns. If even the chief could identify the designs, he’d have to do it from memory.

  Huber laughed wryly. “I think so enough that if we don’t find something, I’ll worry more,” he admitted. “I won’t believe it isn’t there, just that we didn’t find it.”

  “That looks like the lady,” Tranter said, striding purposefully across the cracked concrete floor. There were two other combat cars in the workshop, but Fencing Master wore like a flag across her bow slope the marks of the buzzbomb and the welding repairs. Iridium was named for Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, because of the range of beautiful colors that heat spread across the metal.

  Tranter and the chief spent the next two hours taking off panels, running diagnostics, and sending fiber optic filaments up passages that Huber hadn’t known were parts of a combat car’s structure. He stayed clear, sitting mostly on an empty forty-liter lubricant container. The techs worked with the natural rhythm of men who’d worked together often in the past; they spoke in a verbal shorthand, and they never got in one another’s way.

  It struck Huber that the chief must really have regretted losing Tranter from his section. Huber hadn’t known the sergeant very long, and he’d bloody well miss him if something happened.

  “Hel-lo, what have we here?” Tranter called, his voice echoing out of the iridium cavern into which he’d crawled. He’d removed a hull access plate beneath the driver’s compartment; only his feet showed outside the opening. “Chief, what d’ye make of this? I’m sending it on channel seven.”


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