Paige_Woman Empowered

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Paige_Woman Empowered Page 26

by Mj Fields


  We walked down the beach and Jase pulled out his one-hitter. “Want some?”

  “Hell yes.” I hit it. “You smoke this to make it all go away?”

  “Inhale good shit and exhale bullshit, X. We aren’t here for a long time, we’re here for a good time.” Jase took a hit and smiled.

  We kept walking and saw three girls standing a few yards away from the forty or fifty people hanging out further down the beach.

  “Ladies,” Jase winked.

  Two of them giggled as the other responded, “Boys.”

  I stopped dead in my tracks and took a step back. “Boys? You’re obviously mistaken.”

  The chick with the jet black hair and dark eye make-up laughed. “Until you prove me otherwise, I’m sticking with boys.”

  Jase snickered and walked back. “We got nothing to prove, X.”

  “Is that because you can’t?” She raised her eyebrow.

  “Sweetheart, unless you’ve got an hour to spend on your knees I got ...”

  “Dude,” I whispered.

  “Will it take me that long to find it?” She laughed.

  “How about you come over here and find out?” Jase grabbed his crotch.

  “Why not just drop your shorts and save me the hassle?”

  “Kat.” One of the other girls smacked her arm.

  “What? It’s pretty boys like this that you two need to stay away from.” The girl named Kat told her friends.

  “Sorry about him, he ...”

  “Oh my God!” The two friendlier brunettes gasped.

  I looked over and Jase’s shorts were pulled down and his dick was hanging out. “No boy here,” he said as he stood there.

  “Fuck, Jase, how much have you smoked?”

  He pulled up his shorts and laughed. “Not enough to fuck an angry bitch, but that one right there.” He pointed to the short brunette. “I can give you the ride of your life. I’ll even let you suck my dick.”

  “Angry bitch?” Kat snapped.

  “Sorry about that. Jase, what the fuck?” I grabbed his arm and started walking towards the crowd.

  He started laughing. “She called me a boy. I showed her otherwise.”

  “Great, you care to keep you dick in your pants until we at least get back to the house?”

  “Can’t promise anything man.”

  We walked up to a group of girls wearing shorts and bikini tops.

  “Isn’t it too cold out for that?” He threw his arm around one of them and took her drink and tossed it back.

  She smiled. “Maybe a bit. How about you give a girl your shirt?”

  He pulled it over his head and the put it over hers. “You and your girls got plans?”

  “I don’t know, you tell me.”

  “You do.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Sounds good.”

  “Feels even better.” He looked her up and down and then wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

  “What the fuck!”

  The chick jumped and Jase looked up just in time to catch a fist in the eye. He stumbled back and laughed. “That was a bitch move.”

  He started towards the guy and three other guys walked up in front of him.

  “Fuck that! He wanted a fight, let him have one.” I walked up and shoved the biggest guy of the group.

  He immediately swung at me, I ducked and jabbed him in the kidney.

  “Nice, X!” Jase turned his hat and pummeled one of the others.

  Two others started coming at us and Jase laughed. “Two down, two to go.”

  The first two were up and coming at us again.

  “Four against two. Yet another bitch move.” I swung and missed the first guy, but Jase cracked him in the nose. “Thanks bro.”

  “You broke my fucking nose!” The guy sunk down to his knees.

  The next one came at me strong, and I jabbed him in the face and watched as his ass fell back. “Get up and you’ll be crying next to your buddy.”

  I heard glass smash and one of them came at Jase with a broken bottle.

  “You better make it count fuck stick ‘cause if not, I’m gonna fuck you up and then fuck your girl.” Jase beckoned him with his hands.

  The first one I knocked down was back. “Hey there pretty boy, you better keep smiling while you still have teeth!”

  My fist collided with his nose. He stumbled back and then he lunged at me. I sidestepped and he fell. “You better keep your ass down or I’m gonna give you worse.”

  I looked behind me and Jase jumped back as the pussy with the broken bottle lunged. I heard a loud crack and the guy fell to the ground. Behind him was that chick, Kat.

  “I knew you liked me,” Jase laughed. “Thanks sweetheart.”

  “You don’t mean shit to me. My girls think you’re hot. They need to let off some steam.”

  “Two on one?” Jase raised his eyebrow.

  “Dibs,” I whispered.

  Jase looked at me and hissed. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Not you, your brother,” Kat nods at me.

  Jase nodded. “It’s their lucky night then.”

  I heard sirens and Kat snarled. “Shit.”

  “See the bonfire down the beach. It’s our place. Go, we’ll meet you there.”

  “You sure?”

  “Hell yes. Go.”


  I watched as she ran to her friends. Both girls looked up and waved before running down towards Cyrus’s.

  The cops were there way too damn quickly. Some people ran, others were obviously too drunk to function. Me? I didn’t give a fuck. I wasn’t doing shit wrong.

  “What seems to be the problem here?”

  “Not much,” Jase looked him in the eyes, almost taunting him.

  “We had a call about a fight.”

  “Wasn’t really a fight. Those four bitches really weren’t ...”

  “Watch the attitude, boy.”

  Jase looked around and pointed to himself. “Boy?”

  Aww fuck, here we go. “Sorry, Officer. Those four jumped us and we ...”

  “Let’s take you two to the station ...”

  “Dad,” I heard from the crowd and looked up. “He’s telling you the truth.”

  “You sure Nick?” the officer asked his son.

  “Sure am.”

  “Okay. You four get your asses up. You boys get your asses back to where you came from. But don’t fucking drive. Nick, could you just stay out of trouble for one night?” The officer walked away.

  “Thanks man.” I put out my hand, “Xavier.”

  He shook it. “Nick. That your place down there?”

  “Sure is,” Jase answered. “Thanks bro, for the help. Come on down and join us.”

  Jase walked up to the group of girls and whispered in the one’s ear.

  “We’d love to.”

  “Good, bring your friends.” He turned and looked at me. “Let’s get back.”

  Chapter Four


  “Lucky bastard,” I nudged X as we walked back towards Cyrus’s place.

  “Lucks got nothing to do with it, bro. I’m just prettier than you,” X winks. “I got Dad’s eyes.”

  “Great, a lot of good that’ll do you in bed,” I chuckled.

  “Never done two on one,” X smirked.

  “Just let them do the work man,” Nick, the cop’s son, laughed.

  The three of us walked up to the deck and Cyrus was laughing. He had his arm around the girl they called Kat. She was laughing too. “Hey, you made it back. What’s this shit I hear about a girl getting your asses out of a jam?”

  “She wants me,” I walked up to the other side of her and threw my arm around her too.

  “You have a better chance of seeing God there, Jase?” Kat laughed.

  “Yeah Jase.” I shake my head at Cyrus knowing he gave up our names. “You saw me earlier, and you’re here. That tells me you may want to get on your knees for a bit of worship time, Ki
tty Kat.”

  Everyone laughed and she elbowed me

  “Check out her ink, Jase,” Zandor pointed to Kat.

  “One question first.”

  “Only one and I may not answer it,” she rolled her eyes.

  “You seem to be wound real tight. Let’s have sex.” She started to talk and I put my finger over her mouth. “You’re gonna ruin this moment. Scowl for yes, lick your forehead for no.”

  Everyone busted up and so did she.

  She looked at Cyrus. “Yeah, I’m in.”

  “In what?” I wagged my eyebrows suggestively.

  “She did all her own ink. I think she should come work for us,” Cyrus answered.

  “No shit? That’s pretty damn cool.”

  “Which means, you stop hitting on me,” she gave me a snooty little look.

  “Hey, Kat, we’re about to become coworkers so let me give you some advice,” X chuckled. “If you act like you’re into him, he’ll run in the opposite direction.”

  “Thanks, Xavier, but I don’t need any advice on how to handle boys.”

  “You wearing your big girl panties?” We all laughed, including Kat, who now seemed to have a personality.

  “I don’t wear big girl panties, I wear thongs,” she winked at me.


  “It doubles as a slingshot; watch yourself there, Jase.”

  I yelled back at X, “Get me a beer bro?”

  No answer; I looked back and he was gone.

  “Where did X go?”

  “In the house,” Zandor winked.

  “I hope he can handle himself. Those two will tear him up.”

  “No fucking way. He’s gonna be just fine. You wanna drink, Kat?” I asked just to be polite.

  “You really think you need another one?” She raised her eyebrow.

  Zandor handed me a beer. “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, bitches ain’t sucking and beers a must.”

  Abe raised his glass. “Summertime boys. When skin is darker, nights are longer, water is warmer, and beer is colder.”

  “The air is warm, the grass is greener. Where is the lucky chick who’s gonna suck my wiener?” I winked at Kat.

  Everyone started laughing. Nick looked at me, “You’re fucked up.”

  “That’s what I was just telling myself, but I decided not to listen to that drunk bastard. I need more Jack.”

  I looked at all the ladies around me and decided. “After I take a piss, I wanna take you.”

  The blonde pointed at herself. “Me?”

  “You up for a summer fling that you’ll never forget?”

  “You think you can give it to me?” She smiled a sexy ass smile.

  “I think I can give it to you twice.”

  I walked in the house and found the bathroom.

  I brushed my teeth with my finger and then took a piss. I washed my hands and then walked out. I may not give a fuck about life right now, but Momma Joe didn’t raise a slob.

  The blonde was sitting on the kitchen island when I walked out. I was gonna ask her name, but why bother. I sat on a bar stool, reached over, grabbed her by the inner thighs, and pulled her to the very edge of the counter top.

  She giggled as I pulled her legs apart and I positioned myself in between them. I bent and nibbled on her inner thigh and then ran my tongue up.

  “Oh God, what is that?” I stuck my tongue out showing her my tongue piercing. “Fuck that feels good.”

  “And I haven’t even started.” I pushed her skirt up and ran my tongue across the silky material covering her pussy. “These tie at the side or am I going to have to snap them before I eat you up like the little treat you are?”

  I heard the door open behind us. I sat back, closed her knees, and winked at her. She bit her lower lip and winked back.

  “Jase, just a heads up, it’s raining bitches outside,” Abe warned me.

  “By bitches you mean ...”

  “Abe, get the fuck out of my way,” I heard Pam and turned around and looked at her. “What the fuck are you doing, Jase?”

  “Well, Pam, I was about to ...”

  “I know what you were about to do! What the fuck, Jase?”

  “Would you just go away? Fuck, Pam, this shit is fucking old.”

  “I wanna show you something!” she yelled.

  “Out Pam.” Cyrus walked in and took her elbow.

  Fuck! She was gonna ruin the whole night for everyone here.

  I stood up and walked out the door. She followed. “We need to talk!”

  “I hear what you’re saying, Pam, I just don’t fucking care.”

  “Maybe you forgot about what keeps us running back to each other.”

  “I wasn’t running, sweetheart, I was a little busy!” I grabbed the bottle of Jack and took a drink and walked off the deck and out to the beach.

  “Don’t walk away from me!”

  “I think he said to leave him alone,” I looked behind me and saw Kat.

  “Fuck you bitch!” Pam snapped at her.

  “No, honey, I don’t swing that way. That’s not true, I’ve dabbled, but you’re not my type. Jase, baby, did you get her primed for us?”

  It took me a second to figure out what the fuck she was talking about.

  “Who the hell is this?” Pam pointed at Kat.

  “Kat. My name is Kat. I’ll be working at Forever Steel with Jase and his brothers. Every. Single. Day,” Kat licked her red lips.

  “You better watch it!” Pam hissed at her.

  “Out, Pam.”

  “She isn’t even your type.”

  “Oh, honey, I’m everyone’s type. I love to suck cock and don’t mind sharing with the right girl.”

  I swear I chubbed up right there.

  “I’ll never talk to you again, Jase Steel.”

  “That’s kind of the point, Pam. This game is done. Wasn’t even supposed to fuckin’ happen!”

  “Jase,” Kat said seductively as she walked up, ran her hand up my shirt, leaned in, and kissed me.

  So what do I do? I kiss her back.

  I heard Nick and Falcon, who must have just arrived, talking Pam down and getting her the fuck out of there as Kat and I continued to kiss.

  When I heard tires peel down the road, I knew she was gone.

  I pulled back and smiled at Kat.

  “That’s twice today I saved your ass,” Kat rolled her eyes.

  “I suppose I owe you. Did you enjoy the kiss?”

  “You want the truth?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I nodded.

  “Did you?” she asked.

  We both started laughing and I handed her the bottle. “We should get fucked up and try to forget that shit happened.”

  She took a drink and nodded. “Yeah, we should.”

  I walked back in the house hoping the little piece of ass I’d left on the counter was still there and she was. She slid down, walked up to me, and took my hand. I lead her to the bedroom, opened the door, and shoved her on the bed.

  “It’s gonna be like that huh?” She giggled.

  I shut the door and dropped my pants.

  “You want it differently?” I asked as I walked up to her.

  “You have a lot going on down there.” She pointed to my cock.

  I reached down, stroked myself a few times, and watched as her knees clenched. I bent over her, pushed her back, and spread her legs.

  “You ready to have a lot going on in there?” I reached down and pulled her bikini bottoms off. “Damn girl, a hood jewel.” I bent over and pulled at the little ring.

  “Fuck. I’m so ready for that cock of yours.”

  I reached down, grabbed my shorts, pulled a condom out of my pocket, and rolled it on. I gave it a tug and then lifted her legs up as I knelt on the edge of the bed.

  I rubbed my cock up and down her soaked slit and she moaned.

  “How do you want it?” I asked as I rubbed her opening.

  “In my pussy. Deep. Hard.”

  That’s all
I needed. I slammed into her and she yelled out something between a cry from pain and pleasure.

  I was banging the hell out of her. She came, a few times. I wasn’t getting there though. Whiskey blocked. “Roll over there, sweetheart.”

  “I can’t move,” she whimpered.

  “Can you suck?” I asked as I pulled her up. She smiled and nodded. “Perfect.”

  I pulled off the condom and tossed it on the ground. “Open wide.” I rubbed my cock across her lips. “Wider.”

  She opened up, grabbed my hips, and deep throated my cock. “Fuck, that’s it girl.”

  Her head moved up and down my cock and my hips thrust into her mouth until I couldn’t take it anymore. I finally came. She swallowed and moaned.

  “More, give me more,” she begged as she licked my cock clean.

  “I’m all set,” I pulled her head back.

  She started to lay back and I wasn’t having it. “Your friends will wonder where you are.”


  Thank God!

  “That was great. You were great. You were actually ...”

  “You too. Now let’s get out of here.” I pulled my shorts up and looked for my shirt. I saw her putting it on. I had forgotten she was the chick from the beach. Oh well. She could keep it. She did just swallow a load.

  Chapter Five


  It was a good party. Just enough people to keep it interesting. Xavier and Jase were getting laid, Zandor had already gotten off, and Falcon was chatting it up with some hot brunette. I wondered if he was still with his high school sweetheart, Michelle.

  I sat down and leaned back just checking out the scenery. I wasn’t sure which flavor I wanted tonight.

  “Nice place you got,” the cop’s son sat next to me.

  “It’s cool. What’s your name again?”

  “Nick DeAngelo.” He stuck his hand out and I shook it.

  “Cyrus Steel. Thanks for helping out my brothers tonight.” I grabbed the two beers sitting next to me and handed him one.

  “Gotta look out for family man.” Nick held up his beer and I tapped it.

  “You got brothers?”

  “Had. My brother was killed in an accident a few years back. I have a half-sister. She’s a senior in high school.”

  “Sorry to hear about your brother.”

  “Thanks man.”

  “So what do you do?”

  “DJ and go to school part-time; you?”


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