Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

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Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series) Page 14

by Jennifer Anderson

  Pulling me close, under his arm, “I will do my best to come back. I promise you that.”

  That wasn’t good enough. That wasn’t anywhere near good enough.

  “Listen Carma. I’m not very good with this whole telling my human feelings sort of thing.”

  Cutting him off, “Doesn’t angels have feelings?”

  “Yeah but we don’t have to tell anything. If we want someone to know some sort of feeling we just project it.”

  “Oh. Go on.” Lacing my fingers together, bringing my knees up.

  “I just hope you know that I don’t or never have made a habit of sleeping with humans.”

  Shaking my head, “How about angels?” I couldn’t help it, I had to ask.

  “No, never made a habit of that either.” Squeezing my shoulder, kissing me on the top of the head. “Since I have been so forthcoming, how about you?”

  “No, you’re the first angel I have slept with.” Looking up at him, smiling.

  “Very funny.”

  “Well when you can feel the emotions of another person and then be able to tell if they’re lying, that pretty much ruins the mood. So, no. Only a couple of sad notches on my bed post.”

  His body relaxed and although he wasn’t happy about those notches, he could deal with it. He wanted her, never to share her. To make her forget any others that she has laid down with because that was what she did for him. He fully planned on coming back. Everything within his power would get him through this battle. Looking down at her, he knew Alexander and the High Council would never let him have her. When his wings got taken away he thought he would never feel that sort of pain again. He now knew this pain would be far worse. Being pulled away from her someday. Being told never to see her again. Angels were not allowed to stay in touch with previous assignments. They are afraid the humans will be come to attached. Believing they turn their head on Rose all these years knowing that there was no love between them. They wouldn’t turn their head on this one. He knew that. He dreaded that day. He didn’t know exactly when he fell in love with her. The first moment he saw her in the dance club, his body was reacting differently than it ever has. Every moment in between has left him wanting more. The day has come that he figured hell would freeze over first. He is in love. He hated that fact. Now knowing he had to learn to live with that realization.

  “It’s probably time to iron out some of the details. You will be staying at the abandoned house with Rylan, Aiden and Gabriel.”

  “Why there? Why not here?” Asking curious.

  “Most of the demons know the location of my house now.” Saying matter of fact. Continuing, “After I take you to the house, I will be back for you as soon as I can. Do not leave under any circumstances with Rylan or Aiden. If they say they need to take you somewhere, you are not permitted to go.”

  “Why? I don’t understand.” Looking up into his face confused.

  “It’s not for you to understand. If you must leave, Gabriel has instructions. You go with him.”

  “I don’t get it. I thought you said Gabriel isn’t strong enough to protect me?”

  “He is the only one that I have a minimal amount of trust in.”

  “That’s reassuring.” Keeping myself from rolling my eyes from the anxiety of it all.

  “You’re so beautiful angel girl. I just want to keep that stunning face intact.”

  “Awe, that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Looking up into his dark eyes.

  Laughing, “Then that’s pretty sad.”

  Taking his hand and running it down my cheek, then down my arm, pressing his lips to mine. The remainder of the tension slipped away. Watching him stand up, he looked down at my briefly in thought. Lifting me up into his arms, he carried me inside. The doors slamming shut behind him, his clothes melted away and I was against his bare skin.

  “I’m going to be the last notch on that bed post of yours.” He swore to me.

  Laying me down on the bed, crawling up on top of me. Looking down at a solid chest of muscles, my clothes then disappeared. “You seem really sure of yourself.”

  “Do you deny me?”

  Shaking my head, “No.” I said barely above a whisper. Wishing that everything was that simple. Knowing, that every moment with him, could very well be my last. His lips came back down on mine with a fury, like he had something to prove. My resolve to try to keep my distance these next few days, slipping away. His hands were now all over my body, his lips following the path of his hands. Every spot he touched, warmed underneath him. For those few moments, he was wiping away all my worries. Making me forget everything but him and I. My mind floating away, my hands roaming up his back I was lost in the heat of the moment. I would have done anything for this man. Given anything to this man.

  The night was a blur, and we acted like two teenagers that couldn’t get enough of each other. My intention was not to wear him out so badly, that he fell asleep already. No, I wanted those two days with him desperately. However, it was now or never. I either grow a set and leave now, or possibly watch the man I love die. Either way, I knew the odds of both of us coming out of this situation alive was slim. My mind was telling me it was either him or I. That decision was easier than I ever thought it would be. Of course, it’s me. I would lay my life down for him, and not hesitate in the least. Sighing and looking over at his face, he looked so peaceful. His hair strewn everywhere, his skin still showing a twinge of red from the exertion of our love making. He was what every woman dreamed about. What I only imagined in my deepest fantasies. In my messed up life he was the only light I could see. Even though we had but the shortest time together, I wouldn’t change a thing.

  Gently, lifting his arm up from my stomach, I slid slowly to the side of the bed. Putting his arm back down softly, hoping I wouldn’t wake him up. Sliding out of bed onto my knees and stared across the bed at him I gently kissed his hand, a tear sliding down my cheek. “I love you.” I whispered looking away before I lost my nerve. Tiptoeing to the closet I fought the urge to look back at him. Pulling out a pair of black jeans, a black tank and a black sweater I piled them on the floor. Grabbing my black boots, I made my way across the floor pausing with each creak. Finally, making it to the bathroom I closed the door, letting out the breath I was holding in.

  Putting my clothing on, I didn’t look at myself in the mirror. Even though my heart was in the right place, the guilt and sadness was killing me. This wasn’t the most opportune time to sneak out, after a night of love making, but I had little other choice. Opening the bathroom door up slowly, peaking out to make sure he was still asleep. Satisfied, I made my way across the room to the door. Looking at the locks and cussing under my breath, I had forgotten one of the locks was a keypad lock. Turning around and looking at the double doors that led out onto the balcony, I had no choice. Slowly I made my way across the room again, relieved that in his haste to get inside with me he left them all unlocked. Opening one side up, I stepped outside and shut it letting out that breath I was holding again. The tears started streaming down my face again and I hesitated. A huge part of me wanted to go back in that room and lay back down next to him. How easy would that be? The bigger part of me wanted him safe. That side won. Turning I looked down from the balcony at the massive drop to the ground. If I fell, I probably wouldn’t survive. Not that my chances at this point were very good. Swinging my gaze to the side of the house, it had trellis working going down to the ground. Along side that was the gutter. Hell I hadn’t shimmied down a gutter since I was sixteen.

  Scared and not sure that it would hold, I swung my leg over the side of the balcony. Putting one leg on the gutter I put the other on the trellis work, hoping it wasn’t as rotten as it appeared. Saying a quick prayer, I let go of the balcony and put both hands on the gutter. One unsteady step at a time, I worked my way down close enough to the ground, and then jumping off onto the grass.

  Stepping out and taking one last look up at the window. My love was asleep in that bed,
hoping one day he would understand why I did it. Turning towards the woods, it was starting to get light out. Knowing I wouldn’t have much time before Blane was awake, I had no plan really. I couldn’t go back home to my apartment, my things. I didn’t really have any friends. No family at all to speak of. Right at that moment I felt as lonely as I have ever felt.

  Chapter Ten

  My throbbing head was sending me to my knees what seemed like every couple seconds. Doing my best to fight through the emotions that were slamming into me. The sun was now filtering through the forest, lighting my way. I didn’t really want to get on the road, afraid of being seen. Not sure what Blane would think or do, but I couldn’t take that risk. Sighing, I sat on the ground, leaning up against a tree. Trying to force myself to relax and breath through the pain. My muscles ached, and I felt like I had been walking for hours already. In reality, it probably had only been a half hour at most. Wishing that I had ate before I left, waking up Blane for food would have been counter-productive. Now my body was tired, and weary. My insides felt like they were vibrating. My hands were cold and clammy, cussing at myself once again as I brushed the dirt off my pants in aggravation. Now so far away from Blane, my empath abilities were becoming unbearable, more and more with each step I take. Usually, they hit me like a ton of bricks, luckily I was pretty far away from civilization and it hadn’t gotten that bad yet. Looking around I knew the closer I get to town, the worse it was going to get. Hoping that I could continue to fight my way through the pain.

  Leaning my head back onto the rough surface of the tree, rubbing my temples. I know I shouldn’t stop. Telling myself to get up and start walking again. Wondering, if Blane was still asleep or if he was already looking for me. Standing up on unsteady legs, I picked a direction and kept moving.

  . . . . . .

  Waking up, he was startled when he realized he had fallen asleep. Putting his hand out across the bed and finding it empty he sat up, concerned. In one leap his feet hit the floor, making his clothes materialize on his body as he walked to the bathroom. Knocking, with no response he opened the door. Looking in, his blood ran cold. Looking towards the door to the hallway the locks had not been bothered. Turning and walking to the balcony, one door was opened slightly.

  “Damn it!” Had I fallen asleep and not waken when someone took her? That seemed rather unlikely. Knowing her screams would have woke him up. Running onto the balcony and looking down, he jumped down to the ground. Looking around on the ground he spotted one set of tracks going off into the woods. Looking into the woods, wondering how this could be? His ego wounded, his mind not knowing what to think. Running, following the tracks into the woods. He wanted to teleport out, get to her faster. Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible. Not knowing how much of a head start she had he ran as quickly as he could. Dodging branches and brush, hoping a demon hadn’t gotten to her. At the same time, hoping that was the only explanation for her disappearance.

  Stumbling, I caught myself before I fell face first into a tree. Steadying myself against the hard, cold bark I rested again. I knew I couldn’t keep stopping, my body and my mind had other idea’s however. My headache was getting worse and I was starting to feel a lot of emotions that weren’t my own. This told me I was getting closer to either civilization, or just a house in general. Knowing I was out in the middle of nowhere, I guessed it was a house. Looking around the dense forest, I was actually surprised I hadn’t been attacked yet. Knowing this was the real reason why not having anywhere to go wasn’t top on my list. They will catch up with me sooner, rather than later. Just hoping they would kill me rather than torture me. I didn’t have a death wish, but I really didn’t want tortured either.

  I knew this tree wasn’t the best option to sit at, being out in the open but I was too tired to care. Sinking down and pulling the tie out of my hair I let the weight of it fall onto my shoulders. Hoping it would help my headache a little. A little was about all the relief I got. A twig snapped out in the distance, making me jump. Scanning the woods uncomfortably I came up empty handed. Reassuring myself that it was only an animal. To be on the safe side, I slumped down onto the ground out of sight. The only thing I could feel at that moment was my heart pounding in my chest. Now hearing rustling coming closer I stood quietly, turning to run.

  Running straight into a demon, I shrieked and stumbled back falling onto the ground.

  “Sssso nicccce to ssssee you alone. Where’ssss the little angel?” He slithered out.

  He was disgusting looking. Brown scaly skin, with a long forked tongue that stuck out when he spoke. Flame red eyes, that were small slits on his head, deformed nose. I could feel the bile rising up in my throat.

  “Don’t worry about him.” I said protectively, standing up and starting to run the opposite direction. When he reappeared in front of me again, I knew running was futile.

  “No usssse running little girl. You are going to my masssster.”

  Disappearing, he was now at my back his long scaly arm around my neck. Dragging me backwards while I kicked and screamed until he squeezed so hard the world went dark.

  . . . . . .

  Setting off into a sprint, he could hear her screaming. Finally teleporting to the spot he thought it came from in the forest, it was empty. Looking around at the ground he could now see two sets of foot prints, one not human. “Damn it.” He roared as the threw his head back, never admitting defeat. He wanted her back. It was now personal and he was going to kill anyone, or anything that got into his way.

  Just as he was plotting his revenge and how to get her back, that familiar voice sounded in his head.

  “Blane, you are needed at the chambers of the High Council immediately.”

  “I can’t now. My assignment. She is missing.” He said, trying to hide the fact that it was getting personal, that he was in love.

  “We have something that will help. Come immediately.”

  Resisting the urge to cuss, “As you wish.” Teleporting away from the forest and into the heavens.

  Walking up the familiar steps into the grand majestic building, usually he took his time. Admiring and missing the place he called home. Now, he was in a hurry and resented the interruption. Now when he thought of home, it was with Carma. Anywhere Carma was, that was his home now.

  Walking up to the table that rose high above him in a balcony, he looked up at the members. Bowing his head and bending on one knee. It killed him, each time he had to do it. That act was just not built into him. Being submissive to anyone was enough to piss him off. The only one to ever make him truly go to his knee’s was merely a female human. One that he was sick with worry for.

  The council member in the middle seat rose and looked down upon him. “What or who you are preparing to fight for your newest assignment, should not be fought by any earthbound angel.”

  “I will not back down from this assignment.” Blane said with as much respect in his voice that he could muster.

  “No one is asking you to.” Raising his hands in the air, and looking towards the sky he mumbled something under his breath.

  Blane fell to the ground in misery, his back was burning with a pain he hadn’t felt in hundreds of years. Sweat was piercing his skin, roaring in pain he could feel his bones crunching, reconstructing in his back. The skin breaking apart, allowing his wings to break free. Pushing himself onto his knees, his wings were allowed to take their full span. Looking back at them, they were the same white wings with hints of sliver and blue streaming through them. He didn’t know why he thought they might have changed color, but he was glad they hadn’t.

  “I don’t understand.” He would rather not have them at all, than to be given them only to have them taken away again.

  “You need to be at full strength to be able to fight this demon, and take back this female that they call Carma.”

  Now confused, they never interjected before. He had fought some pretty nasty demons in his past, almost killing him. Why is this one assignment so important? He
knew in his gut something didn’t add up.

  “If you succeed, you will get to keep your wings and return to heaven as soon as we deem the girl safe and the risk minimal.”

  There was a time not to long ago that he would have been happy to hear those words. Now, they cut him deep like a dagger. He did not want to return, not without her. Still happy to feel the weight of his wings on his back again he had to focus on the task at hand, and that was getting Carma back safely.

  “That will be all for now Blane. We will send Alexander for you when it is time for you to come back. We are done here.” The Council member said dismissing him.

  In other words, they knew with my powers back, that a simple call wouldn’t be enough to fetch me back into heaven. They would have to send brute force to insure my return.

  Bowing his head, this time he didn’t have to walk out before teleporting. Being to full powers again, was exhilarating. Teleporting outside of the building he spread his wings and dove into the clouds, enjoying the feel of the wind rushing through them again. He felt better. He thought he would feel whole again, but now someone took another piece of his soul. That someone he was determined to find. Plummeting to earth and into the woods he was at just mere minutes ago, the ground shook when he landed with force.

  Studying the tracks again, he recognized what species of demons it was. Three long toes that go to a point, and a thin heel. He knew who sent them for her. Those two days were cut short. It didn’t matter now, he would no longer have to prepare to say his goodbye’s just in case. Now, he knew he was coming back. Smiling, he was going to enjoy making this demon feel pain for taking her. This demon went by many names, many alias’s. The only name coming to his mind now was pain in the ass. Looking down at the ground, he mentally prepared himself, and disappeared into hell.


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